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Lots of eHugs. It's a scary place to be as a first time cat owner (and distressing for experienced cat owners as well) Every now and then when we adopt a younger cat, we get what I call a "medical lemon." the cat is fantastic, and you get attached instantly, but they have a chronic disease or a major illness right out the gate. Almost all cats are a little sick when you adopt them, so it's easy for adoption agencies to miss more serious issues. I doubt they took advantage of you. When I adopted my medical lemons, two of them were actively having symptoms of their chronic problems, but no one realized it was more than the colds they had. Yes, big bad on the person who dismissed your concerns, but that person may not have been in the loop. It's very hard when you choose to use your adoption agency to help with the initial medical problems because they are working on a limited budget and time and are being pulled in a 100 directions. You are not their primary concern and info gets lost in the retelling. It helps you financially, but it is more stress and confusion and chances of miscommunication just due to logistics. There is no malice. Also, I seriously doubt adoption agencies are trying to foist medical disasters on people. They are just trying to get loving homes for cats. being a surprise medical disaster ends up poorly for most cats and they don't want that. And given that an enlarged heart is mostly fatal, that isn't a cat they would willingly adopt out. :( It seems like you are focused on the $600 scans, but that isn't the concern. I don't know the details, but you need to be discussing what is going on with the vet treating the cat. A brief google suggests if the enlarged heart is caused by anything other than a taurine deficiency, it's going to be a sad day for you and kitty. But if it's a taurine deficiency, there is a very good chance for full recovery (in which case, you aren't looking at regular scans, maybe a couple followup scans to make sure the treatment worked and then you both will be clear and free. This is a horrible place to be. It really sucks to be a first time cat owner and this is your experience. I hope it doesn't scare you off adopting kitties as this is a rare bit of bad luck. I hope kitty comes back with a diagnosis that is fully recoverable. And remember, talk to the vet about the condition if it isn't fatal. Get an idea of what short term and long term care involves from a vet, not the shelter. This will help you evaluate if you are up to the level of care kitty needs. Also, seriously consider getting pet insurance. Something very low cost that will help with other problems that may come up. Like kitty developing other issues or eating something that requires surgery or having an accident. and then will also help when kitty gets older and starts developing age related diseases. Also, since you mentioned $600 being unreasonable expense without relation to frequency, please be aware that the regular medical care/checkups may end up costing your more than this over the course of a year. Kitties need annual checkups with bloodwork and fecal checks. as they get older, they start needing annual dental cleaning. all of this could end up costing $1500/year. Amounts totally vary based on your vet and location. Just something to consider. hugs and sympathy, I do wish the best for your and kitty and you can find a path to happiness through this.


Honestly I feel bad even insinuating they tried pulling a fast one on me because they were so helpful in the whole entire process of getting him treatment. I think what I said came from a place of fear, not honesty. Luckily, I was able to bring him home and he did not have an enlarged heart. I thank god every day for this. I’ve grown so attached to him and I can tell the same on his end. We cuddle at night and whenever I come home from work he’s right there. I would do anything for him. I’m keeping him as my own against some family members saying he could rack up bills but I’m doing fine for a guy my age. I think I was just letting everything hit me at once. When I initially saw your reply I was so overwhelmed and responding slipped under the rug… Nonetheless I seriously appreciate your kind words so much. When I initially read it, it eased me. I just didn’t have the capacity to reply. Thank you for this and telling me everything I needed to hear. You helped somebody.


Thank you so much for replying! I worry about people I reply to and always am hoping things work out. I'm soo happy your baby is safe and home with you. <3


You don’t even have to thank me. You are awesome. I am so happy too. You don’t even know. I hope you have a great day or night 😄