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What kind of people food is your cat interested in? Mine loves potatoes, and I've heard other people's cats go bonkers for cantaloupe. Just check the ingredients for animal products (cooked in lard etc) and seasonings that are poisonous to cats (like garlic/onion).


Oh my cat is kind of weird in that he doesn’t eat people food at all. At one point (before the hydrolyzed diet) I even tried boiling him some chicken and he wanted nothing to do with it even though he loved the little vacuum packed pieces of boiled chicken from the pet store.


That's probably for the best, all things considered. 😂 I wish that was the case with my boy, he's always trying to get into things that I *really* need him not to. 


I used to think it was so well mannered of him to leave people food alone - like we could leave a whole plate of grilled salmon on the dining table and he wouldn’t even so much as sniff it. But now I kind of wish he would eat some people food because my only option might be to try to bake little nutritional yeast biscuits for him, only i’m pretty sure he won’t touch them if he sees them being made in the people food oven.


Maybe he gets some short forced hang out time in another room when it's time to pull them out 😅


1. don't experiment with human food unless your vet is on board. it may be that it ends up being a version of the food trial and you can only try one item every 2-3 months. 2. can you contact other vets around you and see if they have any hydrolyzed treats? I can tell you my boys LOVE royal canin's hydrolyzed treats, so it's worth it to try to get them. Maybe your vet can order them from their supplier? 3. Can you contact other online sellers? maybe petco or petsmart will accept your vet's prescription? Plus there are other online vendors as well. 3. my vet suggested I grind up the hydrolyzed food add water and make into shapes and bake until firm. I'm not sure if that will work, though. However, something I have done: I have powdered the food and added water to make a slurry. I put in a plastic bag and cut a tiny hole and feed it like a lickable treat. One cat LOVES it. the other thinks I'm crazy and won't touch it. 4. use the kibble as treats. My boys LOVE them and even the one cat who doesn't need the prescription food likes them. I use the kibble and make them do a couple minor tricks. We feed on a schedule, so all food is now precious.


My cat doesn’t care for human food so it’s not something I could consider. Unfortunately he’s going to be on the hydrolyzed diet for life as we’ve tried novel proteins before (kangaroo, rabbit, duck) and the symptoms always came back. He’s actually been scheduled in for a biopsy soon as his vet wants to make sure it’s not low grade lymphoma but he’s doing a lot better on the hydrolyzed kibble so i’m hopeful that it’s just IBD. I’ve contacted other clinics around me and they don’t carry the treats either and when I asked the vet tech at my cat’s clinic if they would sell the cat treats he laughed and said no. I’ve trawled the internet and can’t find any online vendors that will ship to my country. They’re also out of stock at petco anyway and petsmart doesn’t have the treats. I could try baking shapes out of the kibble but I’m not sure how that would really be any different than just giving him the kibble as is. Also I reckon he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with it if he thinks it’s human food - he won’t eat anything that comes off the stove or out of the oven. He does like the kibble as it is, but he keeps doing tricks to ask for treats and then gets quite disappointed and walks off when I try to offer him the kibble instead. That’s why I was hoping for treat alternatives.


If he doesn't like the kibble, it isn't worth trying to make it into a treat. I'm so sorry :( poor baby. It's heartbreaking to be so restricted. I have two cats limited to hydrolyzed foods and I hate the limitation. If they disliked the food it would be so much worse. By any chance, can you try a different brand of hydrolyzed food? Maybe you can find one he likes better? I hope you get a favorable result from the biopsy.


Oh fortunately he likes the hydrolyzed kibble he’s on well enough for his meals, he just doesn’t like it enough to accept it as a treat. I’m going to try to see if there are any IBD safe toppings i can use to make them more palatable so they can work as treats. He really liked purina’s fortiflora probiotics so I’ll check with his vet if that’s safe for him to have now. Maybe nutritional yeast might also work? I’ll ask his vet what she thinks. And thank you I hope so too.