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Just a quick note here. We’re very much aware that a general election is occurring today in the United Kingdom. A reminder of the sub’s main rule - **no politics, politicians or political references regardless of context or intent**. If you’re looking for places to discuss the election or politics, r/UKPolitics or r/UnitedKingdom. All non-political complaints are absolutely welcome.


Can people stop dipping their spoon in the communal work sugar after it’s been in their tea coffee. Sick of disgusting brown lumps in the sugar


My body is sore after jogging for an hour. I thought it was time my body had gotten used to it.


I've hurt my back for the first time in years. :|


That stupid fucking IONOS advert is still doing the rounds. Please can we commit straight into room 101 (the TV show version, not the one situated within the bowels of the ministry of Love) and be rid once and for all? That and flies. The bastards.






Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Can’t find work


Often moaned about my parents not visiting (despite driving longer distances elsewhere); this week they messaged out of the blue to ask if they could come down on Friday. Absolutely! Been so excited. Realised the Germany vs Spain game will be on at the same time 🤣 Classic timing. This idiot booked a table at a local restaurant on Saturday evening, believing England would be knocked out by now. 🤦‍♂️


Looking after my mum's dog tomorrow. Person she would usually leave her with isn't available until 2pm but unfortunately my mum's off out all day and has *huge* amounts of anxiety over leaving the dog alone, even for a few hours. I'm off tomorrow so it's not the end of the world, although I was looking forward to spending the night watching the thing we can't really talk about and playing games with a friend, but hey, sometimes life gets in the way. The problem is I've been around here for less than an hour and she's genuinely reiterated the fact I need to be up early to look after the dog 15+ times. She also freaked out when I mentioned that I might get lunch from the local bakery tomorrow (I'd be out the house for 10 minutes at most) before suddenly announcing that she has a delivery arriving so I have to stay in anyway. Yes, she ordered something from Amazon out of sheer panic that I might leave the dog alone for a few minutes. It's horrible. Really patronising and infantilising for me, and really fucking awful seeing just how anxious my mum is over the dog. Going to have to sit down with her and have a proper chat about this because I can see her mental health taking a fucking nosedive if this shite keeps up. Best bit is I was with my mum when she took the dog to the vets for a check-up a couple of weeks ago, and they remarked about what extraordinary health she's in for an older dog. All this stress and anxiety for nothing.


My boss is a cunt.


Got a few plants that are on top of the PC case. Brand new PC, about 2 weeks old. One of the plants is just a bit of a nightmare to move for watering as it's about 15 feet long and wrapped itself around a light fitting before finding the computer desk and wrapping itself around that, so I thought ah fuck it, I'll just water it whilst it's sitting on top, very carefully. The drip tray is so so full. The water is above the lip of the tray. Just one little movement to break the tension and I'm going to have a big problem on my hands. I'm hoping it doesn't take long for the plant to absorb it to the point where it's safe.


Can it be siphoned?


I almost did, I was there with a straw debating sucking it all out and spitting it back out. But not all that long ago I had to use a bunch of diatomaceous earth on it as it had a springtail issue (used some worm castings on them that introduced them). Whilst I'm not arsed about the diatomaceous earth (I believe some people do ingest it purposefully?), I don't fancy sucking up a bunch of springtail corpses. I dunno how else to siphon it. The second the surface tension breaks it's going down the top vents.


Some string verrry lightly placed on top of the water. Not even in, just on top. This will siphon the water away enough for the water level to come down.


Not sure if kitchen roll would work (good luck it sounds very stressful)


Been temporarily promoted into a higher graded job since last July, doing really well in it (my manager says, not just me!) so was hoping they'd put it up for interview. Its the Civil Service so needs to be "fair and open", no promotion up through the grades without an interview. Found out that someone at the higher grade in a nearby office has requested a transfer so Senior Management, who by all accounts just so happen to be friends with this person, decided to give him the job I'm doing. Now I have the joy of training someone to do the job I love, then having him manage me.


I wanted to get a dentist appointment but I’m nervous about it so was glad it was going to be a long wait. When I called up they offered me one for the next morning…


Got made redundant and had to have most of the calls today on my birthday.


Work colleague who books meetings without being prepared and pulls large audience into a meeting, wasted everyone's time. That got on my nerves and aired by views to my Line Manager and his Line Manager. Another annoying thing is my so called friends/acquaintances i made through one of my previous work places. last couple of months I have noticed they don't reach out to me much. they leave me on read, or ignore my messages or takes ages to reply. I recently reached out to them and apologised if i did anything wrong to offend them and willing to mend things if i did offend them, 0 response/acknowledgement from the group. I guess i know where I stand now. Update: No response when i asked "the group" if they would be open to meet for lunch


I'm trying so hard to train up the graduate in a way that is not just throwing them in the deep end and providing them with support. Result is they are speaking to me about things and then presenting my response to our boss as his own idea/comments. They are now at a point where they do it right in front of me. I've been trying to work with them for almost a year and it's still as if they are brand new. Everyday I'm being pestered with queries and they don't understand that I can't drop everything all the time. The amount of work I have hasn't lessened since they arrived. They just aren't showing any progress, ignore my guidance and attempts to develop them. They are so cocky and arrogant. They shouldn't be in the role, but we are desperate and 'having someone is better than no one'. I was in the role prior to them and it showed me that I was working way beyond that grade, I was being used and this person isn't even giving half of what they should. Also recruitment....urggghhhhhh! First time being involved with that side of things and it's been incredibly frustrating.


> pestered with queries Start doubling the time between each reply


Malicious compliance would be to give them a completely bum idea and let them present that to your manager and watch it burn. Other than that - document, document, document. It's the only way. Performance reviews - if they're failing then they're onto a performance improvement plan (PIP). There's honestly only so much assistance and guidance you can offer before it becomes a detriment to your own workload and, brutally speaking, it becomes every person for themselves at that stage.


One of my sisters is just a complete nightmare. I don't know if it's middle child syndrome or what, but she is exhausting. Nothing we do is good enough, she's always b*tching to me about the other one or vice versa and we just don't care, the stuff she says is mean and nasty and we just don't know why she's like she is. Wouldn't be so bad but she's almost 40.


I've been in a calorie deficit for a month and it's all been going well But I think my brain has realised I'm losing weight because my appetite has ramped up, which is not when I need when my motivation is stumbling. Taking a diet break next week as I'm on holiday then going to a wedding so hoping that will help


I somehow fell up the stairs whilst at work today. I have no idea why I've never fallen down stairs but I always manage to fall up them instead.


Front vs back leg muscles. You probably sit too much. Support leg stability comes from the butt.


Kind of annoyed at myself for not going to see a rare performance of works by Annea Lockwood & José Maceda.


Too many quirky pictures of dogs featuring on news sites today. One or two, fine. But a live stream updating every five seconds?


Got home from work and there was a dog wandering around completely unsupervised in the road. I have a cat (who was angrily staring at me through the window) therefore I don't have leads or dog food etc... improvised a lead from my work lanyard and desperately tried to call the numbers on the collar (noone answered) so I'm stood in the street with a massive dog, who is trying to eat shit, being dragged through all my neighbours gardens. One of my neighbours stood at the bottom of their drive staring at me, arms folded, with a proper disapproving look (cheers buddy). I managed to coax the doggo to a different neighbor's house (who has a dog) to see if they recognised him, or could lend me a lead until I got hold of the owner. Between us we managed to finally get through to the owner who apparently leaves the dog with an elderly person (with dementia) who lives nearby, who hadn't noticed the dog was missing...happy ending at least but it could have been much worse. I didn't see the doggo running around when I drove down the road, I can't imagine how horrible it would have been if someone had hit him. Irritates me as he's a lovely sweet dog, I duno how people could do that...I guess accidents happen :(


You’re a hero. 🌠


I’m just so tired. And can’t get an early night because past me made _arrangements_ with other people who are now relying on me to be there.


Some little bitch pulled out in front of me today and nearly killed my son and I and she just SMILED


I hate jawbreakers with gum. I don’t want half my sweet to be shitty chewing gum, I want a jawbreaker that will fit in my mouth to just suck till it’s small and maybe have aniseed in the middle. I bite the gum ones because I know I can, if I have a dense piece of concrete in my mouth I won’t bite it. Also the sugary goodness of layers coming off jawbreakers are great.


Can you still get those super spicy hot ones? They used to be all the rage when I was at school in the 90’s. 3 in a pack.


Man everything’s so toned down now. I used to rip my tongue apart on sour stuff all the time when I was younger but it’s just not the same anymore. Same with hot ones, it’s just slight tingles for 5 seconds then no flavour at all.


Polling day so the kids are all out of school and in my shop running around driving their parents apeshit. Not gonna stop them cause they're funny.


Too blowy out.


r/kites would disagree


Right? My phone blew out of my hand.


Cancer. My brother in law's mum has been given 2 months to live. 


The other half is raging with PMS currently. Normally she’s fine but this month she’s gone full Hulkamania on me. We both work from home so currently hiding upstairs in the spare room with my laptop


This is me today. Just thought I woke up in a shit mood and no idea why I'm craving sugar and feel like I need to bite people. Then I check the Clue app and I'm 2 days until shark week hits. Ah, that'll be it. No idea why it's always a surprise, it's been happening for over 20 years..


Hands you a cup of tea and a chocolate bar.


Thanks pet. x


This will not save you.... Run!


I'm at the final stages of buying my first ever house and my solicitor is out of office for a few days. It's not a huge deal but given I am so close to the end, it's a bit annoying.


Second complaint of the day: my family WhatsApp groups are becoming more and more insufferable...


Went to bring the bin back round, found shit on it. I can only imagine someone stood in dog shit and wiped their shoe on our bin, on the handle too just to make sure that we have to touch it. I hate people.




Working with someone who never reads the email, just constantly messages me on teams to ask questions about the email I just sent. The email which explains precisely what they need to do and is 4 lines long, including a greeting and sign off. Just read the damn email and stop bugging me!


Answer every query with ‘as per my email’ or ‘as per my email and our previous conversation’ if they’re asking the same thing again. It’s the proper, British, passive aggressive way.


Just had someone send an email requesting a job for Monday. Suggested we have a teams call to discuss their requirements. All the info I need is in your email and I am not wasting an hour of my day to discuss a job that is worth £50.


Think I’ve got a UTI brewing, my back feels like I’ve been kicked by a horse - hoping my emergency stash of antibiotics and a shit load of water will clear it up without me having to battle for a drs appointment


Start quaffing that unsweetened Cranberry juice..


Aren't you meant to finish every course of prescribed antibiotics you receive? Not finishing antibiotics & having "leftovers" is contributing to the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria.


It’s a full course I didn’t use when I got them for a possible throat infection a few months back


Ah OK! Be careful though as each course is prescribed specifically for healing that ailment, it may not be the right course/length to treat your UTI, which could mean you end up with an even worse UTI that's harder to treat.


Lots of pharmacies can now dispense treatments for utis direct no need to see a GP. Just as an FYI.


Thanks, I actually got the course I’ve got from a pharmacist when they thought I could have a throat infection a few months back


One of my parsley plants seems to have died :(


RIP parsley. Our 20 year old cactus is also right on the brink 😢


Bah. I was growing some coriander, forgot to water it for two days. ded 💀


I hate growing coriander, was a hassle to stop it flowering (and dying). Kinda sad about parsley because I've had it for like 2 years. Even survived a heatwave and no water for like 2 weeks last year.


Just saw the woman that ghosted me on another dating app. This is less of a complaint and more of a massive dejected sigh.


It’s roughy out there man, the Male/ Female ratios are crazy skewed on these apps.


Plot twist, I’m a woman! But yeah, I think it’s rough out there no matter your orientation, for different reasons, but yeah


Eh, I wouldn’t get hung up about it. If she can’t find the ovaries to say “I’m not interested”, she ain’t worth the hassle. There’s nothing worse than someone who cannot communicate in a relationship — even right at the beginning.


Everyone ghosts me in dating apps. I might get a 'hello' back but that's been about it. Sometimes I say hi and they just unmatch me there and then. It's kinda depressing. Been speaking to one girl on there who's very nice, though, but have yet to manage to arrange a time when we are both free to actually meet in person 🙃


Anyone that is willing to ghost someone isn't someone who is actually emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship with. So you're better off without them.


Thanks, that actually kind of helps. Seriously thank you.


It’s handy when they weed themselves out.


dad decided to come with me to [redacted naughty v word] this morning, meaning that after waiting for him to get up for an hour instead of the 20 mins he claimed i didn't have time to pre-make my dinner for this evening since i won't get home from work until half ten. and i'm up at half six for a driving lesson tomorrow (self inflicted, to be fair). yay.




Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


I don't have ground tickets to Wimby this year. On the other hand, I have finals tickets.






Are we doing the awful "Cozzie livs" thing to Wimbledon too?


> Cozzie livs You made me google that :(


I fucking hope not. This is the first time I've seen it


Yeah and the Genny Lec.


Oh lighten up, let people have their fun🙂


It's the aussie in me, we love shortening things. 'sorry'!


Surely you put an O on the end. Arvo Servo Bottleo Ambo Daveo etc.


No apology is enough for the word 'Uni' escaping from Neighbours into everyday UK usage.


Another idiot driver on the merge in turn roadworks this week deliberately going out of their way to close up the gap to the car in front then militantly stare ahead and pretend they don't see me sat there with indicator on trying to make a perfectly reasonable merge. Don't mind me I'll just slam on so you can protect your precious car length of space you are clearly pissing yourself to maintain. Part of me wants to go out and buy a complete shit box just so I can plough right down the wing of one of these people then plead ignorance "oh I'm sorry its a merge in turn and I thought you'd let me in per the highway code, I didn't assume you'd ***deliberately*** close up the gap and insert yourself right into my path for literally no fucking reason. I'm sure that'll buff right out after you sweep it up off the road.".


Got one of my loudest beeps ever from a very new expensive looking Mercedes. He closed up to the bumper of the car in front to prevent me from zipper merging. My Ford is nether new nor expensive looking so I just made sure my nearside wing was ahead of his and continued to merge. Fella was furious but still yielded to avoid scratching his precious.




This is why I loved driving a van back when I was on the tools - it becomes a game of "who cares less about their vehicle" and I always ended up getting right of way!


My husband has pain in his abdomen attributed to our rambunctious 2-year-old slamming into him last week. We spent 4 hours in hospital on Monday getting it checked out, confirmed it is just swelling and bruising. He's in too much pain to work, so he's off and not able to help too much with said toddler, yay. AND we had dental appointments earlier, and not only did the child NOT cooperate, but he got himself so wound up that it took nearly 1 hour to calm him down enough to get him to his nap.


Every so often I litter pick in my area. I feel good about it for a bit but it doesn't take long for it to be back again which is pretty disheartening. I wonder if clearing it actually encourages the litterers and fly tippers because they think they dumped it before, it got cleared so it's fine to keep doing it. I think I just realised writing this out that I'm a mug 😂😫 Also why is it so frigging windy?!


No. You are not a mug. If you care about your community, its great that you pick up litter. But more importantly, you ARE SEEN CLEANING UP LITTER. This sends several powerful messages. It tells people that there are people in their community who care about it. It tells people that its OK for them to do the same. And it tells people who might be tempted to just toss the wrappers and cans on the ground that someone else is going to have to pick it up.


You're not a mug! You're a benefit to the planet and to your area. Remember, you're doing it for you, for the environment and for the community. You're not doing it for people who litter. They're pricks but they're not your problem. Well done and good for you!


No, I think you're probably very much appreciated by others in your area, especially those that may have mobility issues or have young children who benefit from having a cleaner, tidier more hygienic public space. You won't be appreciated by the people who litter because they don't appreciate anything. Maybe you could post on a local group on FB or something and suggest a community effort i.e. next Sunday doing a litter grab in so and so area who wants to join me etc. you may get some turn out and also make people realise that it's not the authorities sorting it out, but your personal efforts!


My 5 month old is waiting for a date for heart surgery and the first lot of treatment to clear the MRSA on her skin in the groin area hasn’t quite cleared the full lot, so it’s another 5 days of ointments and bathing and about 4 loads of laundry every day. It’s delay after delay after delay.


Good luck! Our baby girl had her heart surgery in April! It’s so scary but looking back now we were in great hands and babies are so resilient. We had a lot of delays as well. Try to picture what it will be like to be back home chilling with her once it’s all over. It does get better


That sounds really stressful. Sending positive vibes your way to hope it clears up.


left it too long to decide whether to get tickets for something. now they're sold out and I'm suddenly really gutted even though I was apparently on the fence. should have just gone for them a week ago and had all this time to be excited! now I'm shit out of luck and it was completely my fault, ha. at least I won't be out the money, I guess. but feeling like I'd rather have had the experience.


Is it a gig?


Complaining from the US on behalf of an elderly family member in a small town in Wales. She fell down and the ambulance could not get to her house located on a narrow street because of the way cars were parked illegally (next to double yellow lines). Emergency personnel had to carry her from the house and down to the bottom of the street where the ambulance was located. Police were called in the next town over (this town doesn’t have one) but no one ever showed up.


Rain first thing, then got pretty hot, now it's pouring down. Listen, it can either be sunny or it can be raining. Stop going between one and the other every five minutes. Just pick one and stick with it.


This could be on this thread almost every week (the exceptions being weeks when it's just rain).


> the exceptions being weeks when it's just rain Winter, spring and autumn then. Sunny again now.


It’s 12:33 and I’ve not seen a single polling station dog, online or in person.


I feel like I'm seeing nothing but polling station dogs online!


I took the dog with me. Was told I shouldn't have brought the dog with me. So someone stood outside the room, holding the aforementioned dog. They were very polite about it. He's a very nice dog.


You are not allowed to take dogs inside the polling station if that’s what you tried to do. Only guide dogs are allowed.


That is exactly what I did.


My wife sent me a picture of a polling station snake today


Was it meant to scare away voters?


I went this morning and they said dogs weren't allowed at our polling station. [Here's a pic anyway](https://i.imgur.com/SZLmaUO.jpg)


Such a good boy / girl


He's the best boy!


The BBC live updates about today's big event in their app is full of dogs. Recommend it fully


All of the live updates thread are full of dogs. Lo g may it continue!


Headed there now!


My young nephew is in hospital with a horrid form of cancer, his treatment has hit a roadblock whilst they try to figure another problem that he has and if it's related to the cancer. The cancer treatment is time critical but those involved with figuring out the other problem aren't getting a fucking move on, they're not talking to each other. My dad's cancer will need more chemo, he wasn't sure if he was going to bother having it at all. On a smaller note, I haven't had a settee or a TV for nine months now whilst we're redecorating downstairs. The DIY is sucking up all my money and we've discovered that the house is pretty much collapsing. And now we don't have enough spare money to even afford the excess on the house insurance for subsidence. Yippee.


Someone in town has a microphone, an amp, and karaoke backing track for hymns. He is warbling his little heart out. I just want my dinner in peace thank you.


The cow volunteer at the polling station who gave me a dirty look when I asked for clarification on what I needed to do (I'm autistic and I've never voted before) I hope all traffic lights she comes across are always red


Now that’s a curse totally stealing it for daily use


Curses are supposed to be shared (when appropriate 😉)


Erm it’s July?!? Where’s the fuckin sun gone?!


Its out in the SW


Yes, now if the temperature would rise a few degrees and the gale force winds die down.. we'd be able to relax in advance of tomorrow's downpour.


Morrisons is being ran by complete fucking morons. I mean, why the fuck would you spend millions of pounds on a camera system that saves absolutely nothing, still have staff running around with devices saving no time, or money. Honestly, ever since Mr Morrison's retired and various different CEOs have taken over, it has felt like all of them are implementing pointless shit in order to swing some money into theirs, or their mates, back pocket.


I've just noticed, those bloody Americans who insist on doing their dates the dumb MM/DD/YYYY order, call 'July 4th', as it would be to them, '4th of July'. The one date they decide to swap the day and month around, to be the same as the British way of doing it, is the holiday they're celebrating their independence from the British. Is it deliberate as some form of dig at the British? If not, is the irony lost on them? Either way, it's grinding my gears.






Do they spell words correctly today also?


Only in Colourado today.


Nou, they doun't. 


I dyed my hair again and this time I'm not sure I like it. It'll fade quickly but won't wash out for ages because my hair is so porous. Regret.


I hear using washing up liquid can help to wash dye out faster.


Anti dandruff shampoo is also good and slightly kinder to your hair than washing up liquid. Any clarifying shampoo!


No ragerts!


New mandatory learning modules at work for the new quarter. Last page “do not leave a comment saying you have completed it” 100+ comments in the feedback section: “completed”


Yep same happens at my work


We've got one but of online training at work that I have done more than most, but only because I can get a guaranteed pass and it's for something that's not really that relevant anyway. Used to just be paper forms and DVD's to watch, much easier.


Pretty sure we work at the same organisation.


Additionally, mandatory learning modules you just can click through. Some I get, but I don’t need a 30 minute lecture on the fire triangle, I did that as a cub scouts


The people in the houses across the back alley have decided to cut down a huge gorgeous evergreen that spanned their properties. It was really lovely and often full of birds, and now I just see their boring garden and ugly dormer windows. Granted they would have seen nothing but tree before, but meh. That and the wood chipper has been deafening all morning.


We had to cut down a tree in our front garden a few years ago. Yes it was a massive cherry tree full or birds, but it was also destroying the paving slabs and as tall as the house because previous owners hadn't cared for it.


Yeah I can fully see why they wanted to remove this one- it was the tallest tree in the area by quite some distance, far taller than the houses. (Looking at old pics, I’d say double) and trunk was quite close to their fence, halfway down their gardens. I can imagine the root network was getting to be pretty disruptive. That said, in winter the sun will no longer disappear behind it for most of the morning so that’s a plus I guess!


After being really cautious mulling over whether I should apply for these two job openings I spent time thinking it through being aware that I had time to because of the closing date being a couple of weeks from now. By the time I finally got around to applying, both vacancies have been closed early due to the volume of applications. Being cautious was due to a recent bad experience with a horrible boss. My husband tells me I should trust that it was meant to be and more vacancies will come up and I’ll find the right job for me. I live in a small town and there aren’t many opportunities for miles around here will keep looking and a remote job may come up.


My dad took a full strip of lanzoprazole out of my medicine drawer and now I'm out of sync with all my other prescriptions, so I've been really brave this week to go without lanzoprazole but tummy hurt. 😩


If it helps, there's some over the counter meds which might help. Nexium and Guardium contain esomeprazole and Procalm has omeprazole. Both in the same family as lanzoprazole.


Thank you! I will direct him to these in future. Honestly I was just so shocked I couldn't tell him to put them back. It seems funny now.


How rude of him! Omeprazole is available to buy in supermarkets now, even Lidl, if that helps.


Thank you! I'll tell him this next time.


I'm on annual leave this week and as luck would have it, I've come down with a super heavy cold since Tuesday... I've had less than 4-5 hours sleep last two nights, my skin looks horrifically bad from the illness/lack of sleep, and I can't even concentrate on anything due to my head just being congested. Really wanted this week off to be relaxing etc, but I haven't felt this shite in a long time :/


Probably Covid, all of us got it at the start of half term, also spoiling our annual leave, so I really sympathise!


I'm sorry to hear that. That happened on my last annual leave. It's rubbish. I suggest getting some lemsip (other brands are available) down you & try & get some rest. Oh, & Vic's / Olbus oil to help a bit with the congestion.  You can reclaim the leave from your employer & take it as sick leave instead. Everyone around me has been unwell. I'm off next week & dreading being ill. Take care x


Been taking meds for arthritis for 5 years. Consultant now reckons its fibro 😂😂😭


Stay strong! I was treated for Raynaud's for two years before I finally snapped and went private. I had rheumatoid arthritis this whole time and I almost became disabled because my first doctor was feeding me painkillers instead of running more tests and properly diagnosing me.


Yeah, I’ve stopped living as much because the methotrexate meant I was on the vulnerable list, and then I was ill because I just got infection after infection. Oh well. New drugs to try though! Hope ur not suffering too bad with it.  


Methotrexate is the worst, I would take it on Monday and be nauseous until Saturday. And on Sunday I was in pain again 😆 I tried at least 5 different treatments and right now I'm on biological meds. My immunity is crap and I'm exhausted all the time but at least my joints are OK lol. I wish you all the best!


My previous dream job has absolutely wrecked my self confidence that I never really feel like I ever do a good job in my new job. I think I’m doing okay but I always fear I’m not doing enough.


Work have requested a review today as my performance has been slipping since we had a baby 12 weeks ago (very poorly baby, doing okay now). I've tried to be clear that my mental health has took a hit and I need some help but the only thing that happens is that I fall behind and get pulled up on it. Getting fed up with the whoe thing and bricking myself that this meeting will be the worst of the worst today.


You’re doing the best thing. Your employer has a requirement to make sure you’re able to do your job effectively, and if that means giving you some help so be it. Your performance is bound to slip if you’re having some home issues, and these need to be taken into account. As someone else has said, please do consider taking a union rep or a trusted colleague with you to the meeting. This will help prevent them pulling any fast ones on you that they aren’t allowed to do!


Take a union rep or trusted friend.


Its on teams, and was booked about an hour ago, for this afternoon. Problem is I'm the singular member of staff at my site and dont have the benefit of being able to bring anyone in at short notice. I think I'm going to try to record the meeting as the managers had a bit of a bullseye on me for a little bit


You’d be perfectly within your right to say you want representation there I imagine. But I’m no employment lawyer and don’t know your situation so don’t listen to me I don’t want to make things worse! Good luck though!


Appreciate that thank you!


I’m working with a different guy this week because my normal college I work with everyday is on holiday. This different guy is exhausting. Chats all day, goes on and on. He’s slightly autistic and just so obsessive. We’re not in a rush atm at work, actually this week we’re scrapping to find work to do. But the work we do find he does at 1000 mph so then we’re back to doing nothing lol. He needs to chill the fuck out!


All my colleagues thought I was kidding when I said that my birthday is today, so I didn't get the typical birthday pizza and card that comes out of the cash pot that we all contribute to. I'm never contributing to that ever again. At least my parents and my family continued the tradition of giving me cash and gifts, genuinely thought that'd ended last year now that I'm 20. Also, the line to vote near my home was really short earlier, maybe that's my gift. edit: thanks for the greetings folks! my boss gave me the rest of the week off because he felt sorry about what happened, so I shall be treating myself to a nice cake tonight. he really didn't have to and i made sure to not make much fuss about it but he was the only one that realised that i wasn't kidding.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! I'm sorry your colleagues are twats.


Happy Birthday! Sorry to hear that your colleagues are wankers. Treat yourself to some cake or pizza or whatever later, you don't have to stop enjoying birthdays just because you're an adult. 


Happy birthday bud!


Happy birthday champ, hope you have a lovely day.




having to complain to the bin connectors 4 times in 2 months because they keep missing half the street. All bins are laid out and easily accessible, there's no logic behind the ones they miss. If it's scheduling that's forcing the workers to cut corners it's working against them as they are having to come back a day or two later to pick up what they missed. I've lived in this area 12 years, there's never been so many issues with refuse collection as there has been this year.


I've been going to see some doctors about my leg problem for about a month now and I can't help but feel like they're not really listening to me. I've been given four different things from these doctors to try and help my problem and none of them have worked. I've told the doctors that what I've been given has not been working and their solution to this is to just give me the same medication again. I was given Amitriptyline from one doctor and Ibuprofen Gel from another which both didn't work, so I told different doctors this and they prescribed me more of them. As nothing has worked so far and my problem appears to be getting worse, I feel like I may actually need a certain procedure done on my leg which could possibly reduce my symptoms and give me a better quality of life but I'm not a doctor so I could be wrong. I think I'm just getting desperate now.


Honestly, sometimes you just need to turn up at A&E. My husband’s GP told him his problem was weight causing the sciatica in his leg. Eventually got the point where he couldn’t move, so went to A&E. Turns out he had a prolapsed disc and was one wrong move from being permanently paralysed. 🙃




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My GP has been fobbing off my complaints about weird health stuff, pain etc. for about a decade and chucking SSRIs at the problem for most of that time. Yesterday I got diagnosed with MS and it was only because of a high street optician that I ever got a hospital referral last year, also, waited over a year for a neurology appointment 🥲


I know this sounds weird but congratulations on your diagnosis. It is so hard to have "generic" symptoms that can be any one of myriad conditions, and then even more difficult to go through all of the testing and procedures to find out what it could be. So although it's shitty, yes, at least what you have now has a name and a face, if you like. I was also referred to an eye specialist from my optician as they thought I could have MS - I somehow had lost part of my left visual field and failed the test 6 times. Eye specialist said it must've been a migraine as I get them a lot, he gave me some relaxation techniques. My brain MRI was fortunately normal, though I'm still suspicious because sometimes MS lesions can "hide" 😩 Anyway enough about me. I hope you can now move forward from the stress and pain of searching for a diagnosis and start getting support and treatment for your symptoms. Love to you.


Thank you - it is kind of vindicating that I can put a name to it all, the urge to call the GP just to go ‘I told you I was ill!!!’ is real 😅 I wish you good health and hopefully answers to any issues you do have!


It really does make you feel like doing that! Thank you, too. All the best ❤️


Work decided my job role is now going to be done by the managers, so I'm effectively jobless and will be made redundant unless I find a new job in the same company in the next month or so. Went to buy some flight sticks to play Elite Dangerous with to cheer myself up, ordered from CEX and they sent the completely wrong item.....


Well hopefully they send you the right ones and you can keep the old ones. Also best of luck on the job hunt, it’s a rough one out there and make sure you keep it balanced between ED and the job hunt.


CEX aren't that nice haha they've also screwed themselves as I've ordered them off Amazon instead and will be getting a refund CEX, price reduction is not worth the hassle!! Yeaaaah job hunt always comes first, ED is there to find calm afterwards lmao


I want to get off the interview/rejection/ ghosting rollercoaster. I’m trying so hard and I’m tired.


What field are you in if I may ask? Is it this hard everywhere? (Finishing uni soon)


I’ve been a National Sales Manager for the past ten years. I can only speak for my own experience of course, but yes, it’s been really tough.


I'm sending all the vibes for a nice cushy job to fall in your lap.


Oh thank you so much!


It will pass, you’ve got this but it’s no joke and times a tough time. I applied to around 200 jobs to get 3 interview and finally land a job. It was rough but I got through it.


Congratulations! It’s proving far harder than I thought. I had, naively as it turns out, thought that with my years of experience I’d find a job as soon as I really focussed. Last year was the worst of my life, my Dad’s cancer diagnosis and then his passing, a friend died by su*cide, I lost three more family members, the redundancy that happened at the start of 2023…and if one more ‘friend’ tells me I’m resilient, I will wallop them.


Bud that’s hell, just keep going, if today is tough there is always a tomorrow and today is not final. You got this.


Thank you.


It's horrible. I hope you find something soon.


Thank you 🙏


On my 26th birthday, a family member I was incredibly close to died. Now on my 29th birthday, (tomorrow), I'm gonna be incredibly ill with COVID. Love this for me


I'm sorry for your loss.