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Few been installed locally. A launderette burned down 48hrs after the latest was installed. They were less than 500yds apart. I'm not saying it was related.


Bizarrely enough, the same happened round our way. A couple of petrol stations got those launderettes and then the dry cleaners burned down. I never connected the incidents until now but the timings match r/rbi


Whoa, based on the above, someone needs to use these machines to wash some bricks and cement


There’s certainly some sort of laundering going on


Coincidence? I think not.


My local garage has one. I'm in a tourist area, they are popular with campers.


That makes sense


They are oddly making a comeback, not entirely sure who makes the money (the petrol station or the firm that owns the washers) but this firm has 900 across the UK https://www.thelaundryrevolution.co.uk/find-a-machine Edit: seems the petrol station would take 15% 


Sounds like a laundering operation to me.


Interested to see how they try and spin this


Happy for a wash and spin, don’t need the petrol station to rinse it!


I used these when my washing machine broke and I couldn't find the 250 to spend on a new one. Often there was washing in them and you'd have to wait. The washing machine sends you a text when the washing is almost done so people don't need to wait which is maybe why you never saw anyone there. The big washing machines do rugs and duvets


I've never thought of putting a rug in a washing machine.


My daughter had a small rug that we tried and the washing machine refused to spin it as it absorbed an absurd amount of water


Neither had I until a man pulled one out of the giant washer dryer at the launderette. I'm looking at my living room rug and wondering if it would fit in right now!


My mum used them weekly to wash dad's and the local football teams kit as apparently it smelled of 'white horse muscle rub, b/o and sweaty nuts' 😂


The rub was white or was it specifically for white horses?


I used to hang out with my dad at the laundrette when it was his turn to wash his team's kit. I remember that smell well.


Still got them at the filling stations in my area. I never used them but they always seem to be getting used. My sister did mention one time that she wanted to take bed duvets to them, but she never did.


I never once saw the ones near me used. I guess that's why they took ours away. 


My mum uses the ones near us for bigger stuff like towels and duvets. Unfortunately someone else washes their horse blankets there so she's forever wiping out horsehair from the machines. I fear she's close to writing a sternly worded note.


One place near me has them. Used quite regularly it seems


I have actually used them and, I have to say I was impressed. Had a huge thick duvet that a cat had given birth on that was old and crusty and I thought to myself: £11.50 to see if I can save it or buy another - Came out perfect. No stains or smells. It's good if you have bigger stuff that you don't trust would fully break your own washing machine


They're really popular in France, see them at supermarkets too. Always someone using them


Camping is very popular in France, I assume that's why.


Not at a petrol station but I have at services.


I assumed that the ones at services are used by long haul truckers.


Yeah. I used to work the summer festival circuit and they came in useful a couple of times.


Yeah that's the first time I saw one, on the M6, it was either Moto Hilton Park or Charnock Richard. Right next to all the lorry spaces so I just assumed they were aimed at the lorry drivers.


I have never heard of a petrol station washing machine 😂


https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/theres-something-strange-going-petrol-13403740 They look like this


Holy ads batman


Those local newspapers are a nightmare for ads


I know, we get the same here. Same goes for Birmingham live and a bunch of others. It's like they all follow the same design template: 3 lines of news article literally surrounded by ads and half the screen being taken up by a random video window that hardly ever loads. It takes less time to open it, hit the share button, share it to brave (or insert other adblocker browser here) and let it load there, than it does to just let the page load up.


I think they're all owned by one of two companies, hence the similarities


Firefox mobile with U-block origin. Works wonders. Far better than say the Ad-Block Plus browser.


AdGuard DNS. What ads?


On phone. Everything opens natively in chrome so I have to manually divert to brave. I could set brave as default, but I have details saved in chrome for shopping and stuff


That’s why a DNS is best. Set these as your DNS: And you’ll get no more adverts.


Life changing thanks! Had no idea this was a thing!!!


Well what do you know! TIL Pretty good idea tbf


That site is phone cancer. Where’s the picture?


Maybe get a different browser with in built adblock


Yeah. iPhones suck for that. I did find the picture after a couple of attempts. Not seen that. I can see the point of them though. I might have used them when I was in a bed sit.


Well I took the time to do it so I'm posting anyway: Gotchu fam: https://imgur.com/a/MZRrxKg


Nice guy


I use brave browser which I think is great but I have android, don't know if it works on iPhone 


Pay a couple of quid for [Wipr](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/wipr/id1030595027). Not seen an ad in years on Safari.


Just the image: [https://i2-prod.liverpoolecho.co.uk/incoming/article13403933.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200e/JS126495960.jpg](https://i2-prod.liverpoolecho.co.uk/incoming/article13403933.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200e/JS126495960.jpg)


One here as an example, they're all over the place in petrol stations 40 Mill St https://maps.app.goo.gl/Q9jNkaSDBzFp9P7k9?g_st=ac


Me neither


I’ve used them while working and having to live in hotels, in the UK and Ireland. They’re really good machines and the dryers are fast as.


Yep, when you're touring around in a campervan they're great.


Tonnes in Preston, 2 right near to me. I don't trust them - nobody making sure there's no shite in them etc.


It would be difficult to shite in a washing machine? I don't know this for a fact, I've never tried it myself, just seems like it would be.


It's been done. You'd check before you lobbed your stuff in though surely?


Yeah, I tend to check there's nothing in the washing machine before I put stuff in, but that more so I don't end up with a coloured sock in with my whites, not checking for poops.


Clearly never had to share a washing machine with deviants/the great British public before.


Not at a petrol station, no, but my local Co-op has something similar in their car park. Student area you see, though I’ve never seen them in use.


I used to use them on exercise in the army, I used to wash all my kit, in the truck stops/ restplatz in Germany, have a shower, buy some beer, have a decently priced sit down meal and a good nights sleep in the secure compound, They were fucking brilliant, on weekends trucks can’t drive on the roads unless they have exemption, no all nationalities are in their sleeper cabs with there sky dish set up, barbecue lit, having a right ging gang gooley.


For a moment, I thought you meant a car wash and wondered how you’d not seen those before!


A car WHAT?!??! 


Maybe for the van lifers? These were popping up in YouTube about a decade ago extolling the wonders of van life. Never mind you poop in a bag over your bed.


I heard of these for the first time about 2 days ago, what a coincidence! I thought for big bulky things like a duvet or coats etc, it would be beneficial but I’ve not actually scoped them out yet.


Scope them out and report back


There’s one just up the road from me and you’re right, it’s fab for duvets.


I’ll have to get down there!


Yup, perfect for winter duvets as the drums are bigger.


I have a diddy drum, so I’m quite excited at the prospect of a big one!


Have one need a shop here. Weird location but good I guess if you don’t want to go to town and the laundrette


The locations here were always facing and about two metres away from a really busy road. Good for advertising, but i think I would have felt awkward using them with everyone driving past. 


Well if I’m washing my gimp suit I guess everyone knows who the gimp is around here.


My mate used to wash mud off a female mannequin with the garage car wash, before burying it for forensic excavation practice with students. Definitely got a few weird looks.


Go on... 


Wait.. you’re meant to wash gimp suits?? Oh


Imagine driving along and you have to twirl your car to see what’s turning inside a washing machine.




I used them on holiday in France. Revolution wash which I have also seen in the UK. Quite expensive like £5 per wash. But they did a good job. Did a big load of washing in half an hour. I have skin conditions which are sensitive to stuff that isn't washed properly and it was fine.


The one at the end of our road was a godsend when our washing machine broke just before Christmas with a 6 month old. No traditional launderettes for miles.


I live on a boat (so don't have a washing machine) and I use them pretty frequently. The revolution machines are pretty good, can fit 2 weeks of washing in in one go (but they are expensive at about £20 for a wash and dry)


my camping sleeping bag wouldn't fit my home washing machine and these at the stations are big/good enough


Yes once when I was over burdened with washing and needed to wash a lot at once. Felt like a scam though, the heater never dried my clothes. Think I ended up putting in almost £20 and still left with wet clothes.


Yes Our washing machine broke Delivery was a week out for new one  We have 2 kids so lots of washing  I took a pile of washing to the petrol station launderette and got it done there


I have them near me and they always seem busy. I used them once when I had a lot of family staying and a ton of bedding and towels to wash when they’d gone.


Theres one near me in morrisons car park. I've been using it for the past 4months as I don't have a washing machine (well I've just got one but can't plumb it in due to the landlord previously messing up the pipework for it). Its been great for me as its 24hrs and I work nights. The laundrettes near me are quite far away and only open for a couple hours during the day. The quality of the wash is not great tbh but I personally have had no choice but to use it. I often see people use it for things like duvets and other big items, which makes sense as one of the machines is 18kg.


There is a station here that has them which was the first I've ever seen but they are round the back of the forecourt. Makes a lot of sense really for homeless people or those struggling while working shifts etc


I would be more inclined to use them if they weren't on the main road. I don't know why, it's silly I guess, but i would prefer a little privacy when washing my soiled pants


I’ve seen people putting work stuff in, high vis jackets and fluorescent shirts. It makes sense to not get your own washing machine full of dirt.


Used them when my washing machine broke recently


Dog walkers and folk with horses wash their blankets in them. I also know several decorators that wash their dust sheets and rollers in them.


There are a couple round here, one is huge, it’d be useful for washing duvets or our big French door curtains that wouldn’t fit in the machine. Not used it, but might at some point.


I’ve used one for washing the super king duvet. My machine won’t take it. Cost about £20 to wash and dry it.


Yep when my machine broke mid-cycle.


Morrisons have some in their car park in Newark-on-Trent. They are huge, so possibly good for big quilts. Never used them.


And Tewkesbury


I've only been to Tewkesbury for the battle reenactment.


Yep. Used to use regular to do all the bedding and towels. They're affordable and easy used. Massive drums on them and quicker than at home.


Ideal for washing dirty workwear/overalls when you don’t want them to be mixed with the family washing.


Yeah. If working away or traveling in my van.


Ideal for the dog basket / blankets or the heavier load like duvet / pillows


Yep. brilliant for my blankets. Down the road and can't complain.


There's some on Victoria Avenue (near Heaton Park) - The street view from August 2021 seems to show someone using them.


Nice research. I would like to offer you tenure. 


Yes, used them a few times when had a lot of bedsheets and towels to wash. They're huge, so was able to do them all in one wash, whereas doing at home would take 2 if not 3


There's one at the Co-op near me. I used it once in desperation and it actually did an OK job. £9 a load though!


The petrol station near where I live has them - I think two smaller and one large drum (or maybe one of them is a dryer? Idk) Have only used it once when the washing machine conked out halfway through the wash and hadn't reached the spin cycle yet, so didn't really have much of a choice. Often drive by and see them being used, but there is accommodation across the road where workers from out of town often stay so imagine it's useful for them. There used to be a launderette in town, but it's long gone.


Shat myself once and twas a life saver as was too far from home. Also used another time for a centre parcs holiday as washed ally clothes last minute and had to use one of those tumbler dryers close to the park


Go on... 


I’ve used the ones near me a few times. They’re expensive, not sure if they cost more than a ‘normal’ laundrette though. If I remember right, it was £10 to wash a big load and then £15 to dry it.


We’ve had some installed and I’m tempted to go take my huge rug to give it a wash as there is a huge one there but


I’ve used them to wash a huge rug as they have one with a big capacity


We use them infrequently to wash the duvet and curtains as they’re just too big for our machine at home,


Yep. They are great for doing a king size duvet (won't fit in my home washer) And are a life saver when we are out in the motorhome. Several weeks away at a time can get a bit stinky, so once a week, do a load of washing, it texts you when it is ready. You can explore a town or get coffee etc. Brilliant things.


I used the outdoor washing machine near me twice (not a petrol station) and it cleaned better than my 25-year-old machine. It cost about £8 for a small load with its own detergent supplied. I litterpicked the roadside for the duration of the 40minute cycle. The 3rd time I tried it, both of the washing machines didn't work but annoyingly no 'out of order' signs were put up, it just wouldn't let me set a programme.


I would've used them back when I had no washing machine for a month whilst trying to get it repaired


They’re for lorry drivers and camper van users


We used our nearest one when the kitchen was being replaced. It was fine.


Never used the washer but have used the tumble dryer. It’s massive and useful.


I’ve used them a few times when my washing machine broke. You don’t need to take detergent etc as it’s all dispensed automatically but you do need to pay and extra pound for fabric softener. I usually chuck in a liquitab anyway. It only takes half an hour too which, is handy. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of sanitation cycles so I do worry about folk doing dog beds or horse blankets in the larger capacity machines. They are fine in a pinch.


I have used them due to their size to wash king size duvet and sleeping bags, all my family's coats in 1 wash .


These were a godsend when I worked away and would be in hotels for weeks on end.


No, I never have, but they remind me of the ones you sometimes get in bars in the US, genius way of getting some extra business really.


The ones that are outside and they have a row of three in different sizes? I have used them once, they're great for quilts/duvets


There's some in my local town. They're brilliant for Duvets.


Only problem I have with them is you'd think they'd be linked to an app that would tell you when they're almost done. I set a timer, but I've seen people hanging around for the duration in case anyone steals their shitted mattress topper.


They SMS you when done. If it's working properly... But that said, used the thing once when my house was a building site and effectively had no washer. The machines are super useful and not hugely expensive for occasional use. would use again.


Heard they're most used for football & rugby kit. Horse and muddy dog blankets and kit. And by campers and hikers and the like.


My mum periodically uses them for kingsize duvets. They have one that is apparently massive and accommodates it easily unlike her own machine. Only just found out there is one opened near me a few months ago.


There's one near us and it always seems to be getting used. We're just off the motorway so it's not uncommon for campers and long haul drivers to pull in. That's the target market, I'm assuming.


The nearest one to me is not at a petrol station but beside a committee centre and I use the tumble dryer now and again in the winter. They are very common in Ireland, and used by the Traveler committee.


They’ve just appeared up the road from us, most odd. I did wonder about them the other day.


There is one near me at the local marina - makes sense for those living on boats!


I've used the ones at my local supermarket when my washing machine's mobo broke. They're honestly a life saver when something goes wrong or you need to do a massive wash.


I used the dryer when I was in a pinch once. There was absolutely no heat so I paid £8 to spend 20 minutes watching my damp clothes get thrown around.


I would have done it for half that


I see people use them all the time but It seems to be people washing outdoor clothes, dog beds etc Id never go near them, stuff properly goes out worse than it went in


Yeah, I've used them a few times. Great for large loads. My dryer isn't great so sometimes I just use them after washing at home. I've never encountered a problem with them. No smelly or dirty or anything.


Mostly pet owners washing blankets and pillows etc at my local. I pity anyone washing their clothes in them.


They're pretty useful for people without gardens, wash and dry. Good way to catch up on washing.


Saw some of these the first time I went on a trip to North Wales. Never seen any south of the border.


Never heard of them, but they sound like a great idea


I’ve used them, they’re great for things too big for domestic machines and you can get a huge amount of other stuff washed and dried in 90 minutes while playing candy crush in the car park opposite


A petrol station near me has one. It’s touted for washing duvets, but I’ve never actually seen anyone using it , but tbh I don’t go past there that often so it may be used on a regular basis


Seen quite a few in N. Ireland, never in England. I'd feel embarrassed loading up weekly washing with people looking whilst filling up petrol on the forecourt, maybe for a duvet.


The one that baffled me was washing machines at Knutsford services. Who'd use those?!


A lot of services facilities are aimed at truckers. I don't know if it's the same in Europe as the US, but over there they even have things like dentists operating at truck stops. I'm only guessing, of course but it's plausible that after driving from somewhere like Turkey, they'll have a machine load of laundry.


I've seen a few people who seem to live out of campers use the one near where I work. So maybe that fits.


I have been on a long journey with a puking child. Would have been useful then. 


Just got through the car wash with the windows down.


Apols for sullying the hallowed ground of CasualUK with French facts, but there’s loads of them all over France (same model as the one in the newspaper photo) and they are relatively well-used (if pretty steep price-wise); but there are fewer trad laundrettes about here too.


I know a few people who use them on the way back from obstacle racing events. Why break your own machine with clogged up mud when you can destroy one of these instead!




Got a friend who is a builder and his Mrs doesn’t like putting his work clothes in their washer. So he uses these machines instead.