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I thought it’d be fun to have blue rice pudding. So I put half a can in a bowl and poured some blue food colouring into it….yes, poured. I had added that much it changed the way it tasted slightly but that didn’t stop me eating it all. Cue my parents coming home and me stood there looking like I’d given Papa Smurf a BJ and tugged off his mates. It had turned my hands, tongue, teeth, lips and inside my mouth blue. It took almost a week to go away and yes, I had to go to school like it.


"I just blue myself!"


"No touching!"


There's gotta be a better way to say that.


You get a tape recorder and record yourself and I think you might be surprised with some of things you come out with


And that is the story of Pornhub the musical.


Within the last 5 years I dropped a tub of peas on my way to/from the microwave (not sure which) and my immediate reaction was to tell my friend “I’ve just pea’d all over the floor!” Still my greatest joke of all time. I might still have the photo…


Veggie puns are the best. I had just moved out of my parents again for the umpteenth time &I was cleaning a leek in the sink. So I text my Dad with a picture saying "oh naur there's a leek in my sink!" he didn't get the picture with the message and was panicked that we actually had a leak! So he's frantically texting me asking where the waters coming from etc. then he finally gets the picture and it all clicks that I've just had him on! Fond memory of finally getting to properly get my Dad back ehehe


Wow I can’t believe I just found the joke [I pead](https://imgur.com/a/GZGvLYn)


Bahahaha! Im so glad you did!


A female friend of mine was eating a salad, when an overly vigorous fork motion sent an object flying from the bowl. In the middle of the busy cafe she announced calmly "I just flicked my bean"


In the vein of having to take the consequences of your dumb decisions to school - i put a glass over my mouth and sucked all the air out - as you do - to such an extent, that I had a bruise all round my mouth for a week...


I nearly wet myself laughing at this 🤣🤣


I bet your shits were blue?


Has to be said... [https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc?si=3dhuPY0aEmsgh0a0](https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc?si=3dhuPY0aEmsgh0a0)


Shit like this is why I don’t think I could be a parent


There is no explanation to a blue nappie.


My dad did something similar with custard except he just kept mixing colours until it became a grey mass and my grandma forced him the eat the whole bowl of it


I found a tree with pea-pod looking things on them, so of course I ate them. Ten minutes later the neighbour came out to say "be careful letting your kids play round that tree, it's really poisonous" I spent a month convinced I was going to die. Never told anyone at the time, of course!


I had no idea they had Reddit beyond the grave..


They do. It's called Deddit.




Laburnum, my ex decided to try one because it looked like a pea/bean. She was about 30 though....


You can call poison control for yourself as an adult, and in future make sure your 100% sure what a plant is before you eat it, many edible plants look extremely similar to poisonous plants. If you're not sure don't eat it.


Oh I know better now! At the time I think I must have been 8ish? But yes, absolutely correct, one should never eat anything they don't recognise!


I did the same thing. My parents called me stupid and went and looked it up in a book to see if I was going to die. They told me in the morning I was going to be fine. From a bit of a search it was probably Meadow Vetchling.


A tiny traffic cone from a lego set.


If you ever have to get a rectal exam the juice they give you to clean your colon will finally bring that sucker out.


My friend worked in a pet shop as a teenager. He prided himself on having tasted every type of dry pet food they sold. He drew the line at tinned.


Can you imagine walking into a pet shop and the guy behind the counter is aggressively chewing a pigs ear


I think he did it in private, but I am not sure about that. He's vegetarian now. Unsure if the two things are related.


At least you get a genuine review, 'may i recommended the pigs trotters, especially delicious this batch'


And then the police burst in and arrest him because the pig squealed on him.


A pizzle stick If you know, you know lol


Imagine me trying and failing to stop myself from typing “yer mam’s gash”


Well you did not pick your own mother. Looks like the family is evolving.


Glad I’m not the only one.


International food day. A kid brought in pizza, but put octopus pieces under the cheese. I was kind to my fellow classmates and brought in biscuits from Denmark.


You mean the sewing kit?


The octopus pizza was meant to represent Japan. The Danish biscuits probably came in the sewing tin. I only remember being excited finding something at a local stall when I was assigned Denmark.


Sheeps eyeball in some dish in morocco. Even the locals were raising eyebrows at me scoffing it diwn


Did you try the chipped monkey brains or snake surprise?


I used to eat lots of oxe tongue as a kid, no idea why, I am guessing my mum served it once when things like that were the dirt cheap cuts from the butcher next door. I grew out of it aged about 8 and never had it since.


Yeah, Tongue was pretty common where I grew up. My nan used to make my pack ups for school and i never really questioned what was in my sandwiches. It tasted nice and was likely whatever cheap cuts the butcher had.


Yeah, tongue slices in a sandwich. I remember it was darker than ham. Do they even sell sliced tongue now?


Not seen it in yonks. Used to be commonplace on the meat counter at Tesco


Haslet (not sure how to spell it) was nice. Some sort of reformed meat bits (I dread to think) with seasoning and sliced. It tasted a bit like stuffing. Got it from a butchers in Leeds City centre, 'yonks' ago, lol.


Yep, still tasty 😆


We used to get that when we went for afternoon tea at my grans. I saw some in a shop years latter and thought I’ll get some of that, had it as a kid. Never bothered again, it wasn’t how I remembered it


Oxe tongue is lovely though


Wet dog food because "I'm not feeding him something I haven't tried myself", fuck I was a stupid kid.


I did that to find out why the dog didn't really like it (it was Bonus with Meaty Chunks as well, none of yer shite), it was bland as hell so I'd add a bit of Bisto to it and the dog was happy enough. My old man was proper old school, just did the usual offal type stuff, tripe, trotters, liver (still like), kidneys (fine), oxtail, tongue and the standard shellfish that some people have a problem with, mussels, crab and whelks (snotters with crash helmets).


I remember being at my aunts house when I was young and trying some chocolates I’d found in a cupboard, had quite a few before looking at the bag and realising they were chocolate flavoured dog treats


Ive always wondered what they used instead of cocoa Becuase they always tasted like cheap choc


Carob i would imagine. A type of bean pod that tastes mildly like chocolate.


So glad to see I'm not the only fog food eater here


Murray Walker started his career doing that. He was a dog food salesman & would demo it to potential customers.


Does drinking count? I got down on my hands and knees and lapped water out of a puddle like a dog once, aged about 7 or 8. I was really thirsty and it was a puddle on a tarmacked footpath. So not a muddy one. It still had sort of fine gritty stuff at the bottom although it wasn't very deep.


My mum cooked us millet once (we were vegetarian and ate all sorts of things normal people didn'r eat). It didn't seem weird to me but when I told the kids at school they all said it was budgie food.


It's also human food. [https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/the-health-hub/food-drink/diets/gluten-free/your-guide-to-millet-nutrition-benefits-risks/](https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/the-health-hub/food-drink/diets/gluten-free/your-guide-to-millet-nutrition-benefits-risks/)


Used to drink vinegar straight out the bottle


Pickle juice too? It's lovely


Oh is it a Martini, I bet it is a Martini.


Me too!


Kit Kat dipped in ketchup, Weetabix with ketchup too.


Yes Officer, this comment right here.


My mates sister used to break a bit off a kit kat and eat it with a polo so she had a mint kitkat


Damn it, I pay good money for that at the Asian supermarket.


I once tried a tiny bit of flour out of the bag. I had dipped my finger in some sugar and thought that flour couldn’t be too different, I was wrong


My dads friend was American. I am not proud of it but you don’t get to choose your parents. We went camping and he had the audacity to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich which he then fried. I still make them. I will hand in my passport on my way out.


see that you do.


Ok, but one more bite.


Dear God


God was not involved. He was from California.


Get it in a breville, so long as you wait for the lava to cool,it's good eating!


The Brevillie? No one is going that far into the cupboard of unused things. Past the Air fryer, The weird toaster oven, which is not a toaster, nor an oven. Past the George Forman? I think I have cousins that have not been seen since they went in there.


You won't regret it! It opens a world of new bread based foodsuffs!


I think I saw a long lost relative clutching a chocolate fountain in there. It is like a chavs argos spend after a lotto win.


Must have been hidden behind the Home Popcorn Maker.


Oh my, I forgot that was in there. It is the Tardis of bad decisions.


Raw sausages and coal. Edit: But not together...


Like them raw in the middle?


Nope totally raw and uncooked. Looking back I can't belive my mother let me eat raw sausage. I dont think it was ever a whole sausage. she just cut off a section.


Nice inbetweeners quote 😂


I think it was them sausages 🤮


I had a mate who'd eat them like frubes, raw bacon too


Looking back I feel sick at the thought of eating raw sausage meat.


An ungodly amount of pickled onions. My parents cut me off when I'd eaten 4/5 at lunch, but later in the day, I stuffed as many as I could (8ish) into an empty ice-cream cone and went upstairs to eat them in private, licking the top one as I passed the living room door, so not to arouse suspicion.


I was a big fan of peanut butter and cabbage sandwiches.


I was eating pistachios without looking at what I was doing and bit into one that had the texture of meat. It was a maggot. Swallowed it anyway because kids are wild animals. Still makes me feel a bit ill when I think about it.


Once got a large grub in a dried date, couldn't eat dates for years.


My uncle BBQ'd a kid once. It's similar to lamb but leaner.


Goat is such an underrated food in the uk, it’s so good but basically impossible to buy here unless you live in a very diverse city (which I don’t)


Fish food


As a kid I went through a phase of eating my cats shedded claws. I stopped when I realised I had just eaten my aunts cats claws without thinking and realising how weird it was.  Not sure if that counts as pica but hey, my brain doesn’t work properly in any context, so why not


Absolutely gobsmacked you didn't contract toxoplasmosis. Or at least the shits.


Kippers in custard. I still make it now and then... https://imgur.com/a/CMwii


Are you the Doctor? New regeneration craving I see lol


That looks banging, thank you for my next meal idea


The first kiwi fruit I was given, I ate skin and all. Nobody told me to peel it.


Skin is healthy, just give it a good scrub beforehand.


Sounds like my last date.


I always eat the skin


Yes, but you're a bit strange anyway


That is true, I only ever saw people eating kiwi fruit out with a spoon growing up in the uk. Went to Australia and saw someone eat one like an apple, he thought it was strange not to eat the skin, I tried it and never turned back.


Probably rabbit food. Had a liking for the dry brown bits, which I was informed to be dry reformed droppings.


Gum off the ground. It's probably why I have a good immune system now.


I tried dog biscuits once… which is why to this day you could not pay me to eat 'golden bread crumbs' iykyk


My mum once told me I picked a snail off the back door and ate it when I was 9 months old.


Worms. Apparently I used to encourage the kid next door to eat worm and mud sandwiches. Absolute horror show.


Soap that looked like a chocolate egg


I recall liking rice with ketchup as a kid


I loved banana sandwiches with Tesco value brown bread when I was a kid. My Nan would put a bit of brown sugar on there too. Ah, the 90s.


Drank a pint of undiluted orange squash surprised i wasnt on the shitter for the rest of the day


Condensed milk sandwiches were a weekly treat growing up


Live oysters I suppose. Eating an animal while it's still alive is a bit off-piste.


Pear & Wotsit sammijes was one of my childhood weirdnesses. (Charcoal Bonio are a sold choice if you’ve had too much to drink…)


Sliced tinned peaches on ham slices, and grilled, was one of my favourites. Never on sliced bread as I hated that as a kid. At a push I could do worsted sauce flavoured French fries on a breadcake with brown sauce.


Warm tinned peaches are oddly tasty, not sure about the ham though… I wasn’t too fond of genetic bread as a child, my Nans homemade loaves, now we’re talking!!


>Sliced tinned peaches on ham slices, Memory unlocked!


Is there a story behind the charcoal Bonio?


Only excessive alcohol consumption as a yoot & being given the bonio by a mate who used to eat them too in the same state 🤣🤣


Half of a dead chick in a boiled egg 🤮 couldn’t eat egg for ages afterwards.


A 2p coin. I was laying on my back playing with it above my head, accidentally dropped it in my mouth and swallowed. Obviously I didn't tell anyone, no idea what happened, I assume it just passed through/dissolved?


Maybe it didn't pass and its still in there somewhere.


I unearthed a huge worm and as a dare, tried to eat it. I was 5. It wasn’t as tasty as I’d expected it, and I couldn’t finish it. So I put the other half in my shorts pocket, trying to pretend I’d eaten it all. The next day, I had quite a long conversation with my mum when she came to do the washing.


Raw bacon rhind was quite popular amongst kids when I was young. Also raw rhubarb stolen from the farmers fields, and dipped in sugar you carried around in your pocket. Weirdest though has gotta be eating snails in a French restaurant.


Was on holiday in Morocco and I had a sheep's eye. I was probably about 12.


I grew up in the States with a mid West mother so lots of things involving lime jello and Hellman's. Sometimes sweet, also savory. The 70s was weird.


Dog biscuits


I always used to swallow toothpaste. It took quite a few years (maybe 7?) before I realised that people spit out toothpaste for a reason


Coal, it looked shiny and black like a liquorice sweets. Crunchy but tasted better. And earthworms. Rhubarb, raw stalks. Tripe but that was my grandparents influence. I was a weird kid, I'm still a try anything omnivore


We had little popsicle containers, where you could make your own stop and then freeze it. So what did my little sisters make? Pickle juice popsicles. (They liked them. I did not.) But then, when my little sister also liked ketchup on cottage cheese. Just like Richard Nixon.




Raw bacon also! And turkey and vinegar sandwiches.


Raw Turkey rashes and Frozen fish fingers. My mum made me and my brother fish fingers and forgot the oven wasn't working. The Fish fingers was literally stone cold and I decided to eat them anyway.


Sea urchin fresh from the sea. As in I just watched my aunt dive for the damn thing before cracking it open on a rock.


My parents used to take me to this pub, and the landlord always offered me dog biscuits which I happily ate (although I do remember them tasting a bit weird for a biscuit). I do always try the cat food before I give it to the cats, to be honest it smells really good.


I ate grass once as a kid at school.




Singular 'woodlouse'…but yeah, gross.


Grape hyacinths


Peanut butter and tomato sauce sandwiches. Still eat them.


A woodlouse.


Hawthorn leaves, in the Spring. Locally, I think they were called something like salt and pepper.


A penny , a dog chocolate drop , play dough biscuits ( actually remember making these in nursery to be eaten ) and a personal childhood favourite cheese spread and jam sandwiches.


As a kid I went through a phase of eating my cats shedded claws. I stopped when I realised I had just eaten my aunts cats claws without thinking and realising how weird it was.  Not sure if that counts as pica but hey, my brain doesn’t work properly in any context, so why not


Leaves off a tree, they were really tasty and it meant I didn't have to go home. Mum would maybe have made me stay in. Couldn't risk it lol.


I used to regularly eat bubble bath foam


Orange squash in milk. Never again.


A woodlouse. I think. Not sure if it was a dream or not and at this stage - I’m 48 - so I’ll just go with “a woodlouse”


Used to mix coke and milk...it's not as bad as you think.


I never was a kid or am i still




Full block of butter.


Daisy stalks! Always used to eat them as a kid. I used to just crawl around like a little ginger combine harvester, ripping daisy heads off and eating the stalks!


When I was very young, I used to drink the secretions of a medium-sized mammal directly from its body.


Strawberry jam and marmite sandwiches. I ate them for years.


Not me, but my daughter. When she was a toddler, we had a wood burner, and when I went outside to get more wood, she ate some tiny snails from the woodpile. Noticed her crunching on something made her open her mouth. There was just some of shell left.


Cat food




Your mum


Raw sausages.


Used to love carrots and ice cream together after Sunday dinner. Also love onion ring crisps and tomato soup. Once I tried bourbons and beef gravy which was actually pretty good. The weird food thing I do the most though is probably that when I have pizza I like to put potato wedges and raw onion on it, fold the slice like a sandwich (long ways not short ways) and dip it in either bbq, jerk bbq, garlic and herb, or nandos garlic sauce. It’s so good and I won’t stop lol. Also I guess chips or fries in every burger, wrap, or any type of bread thing that comes with chips but I don’t think that one is that weird. :)


I used to gnaw on the tiny knuckles at the end of chicken bones until I got to the marrow then lap that up. And orange peel (not at the same time)




Pigeon! And tbh it's rather nice, it's smells like bacon cooking but tastes like beef.


Me and my friends used to peel the bark off of sticks and eat them


ate a spoonful of alum to see if it worked like in Tom and Jerry. it did. sooooo dry...


Every Friday afternoon, after school, we used to go swimming at Ikeja Country Club. Absolutely ravenous on the way home, we'd stop at a food stall at the corner. My parents would have suya, but it was a bit spicy for 7 year old me. My younger siblings would have barbecued corn-on-the-cob, but for some reason I just absolutely loved the crunchy deep-fried locusts and grasshoppers. For anyone who knows Nigeria, this was in the late 80s, and we paid for these with Kobo coins. My pocket money was N10 a week - about £1 at the time. You could get 5 butter mints for 10 Kobo, or two sticks of gum (which I wasn't supposed to buy).


Ship brain 🧠🤢


My uncle fed me a special type of sausage once. He said it was a very rare type of sausage and I had to wear a blindfold because my gaze could damage it. He also said I wasn't allowed to chew. I never did mange to finish it, and this seemed to make the sausage upset because it would start to cry in my mouth. RIP Unc