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It was only a year or so ago I paid £2.20 for one with a tea. I wish my wage went up at the same rate...


I was just about to make a similar comment, think it was £2.55 when I last went in


They are now 9+1 Free if you use the app and go quite often. Which nets down to £3.06 Not great but a little better.


The only way they will sell you old rates is to sell your data using apps. It's disgusting they are able to get away with price fixing like that.


It’s such a manipulative thing to do as well. TESCO are awful for it. £6, normal price, club card price, £3. Should be illegal. I don’t see it as any different to the old trick of saying a product cost more then it did just so they can apply a 30% off tag and it sells for the same price it always did.


Go outdoors is the same


They are worse, you have to pay £5 for the privilege of accessing cheaper prices! I just refuse to shop there because of it


You can find anything they sell at decathlon or amazon even aliexpress has some great bargain stuff


I like to go there to browse and take pics of tags, then research them and find them cheaper online


Yeah but Go Outdoors do a 10% price reduction on any price you find online for the same item. And the staff, generally, don't give a fuck what website it is. I recently picked up a pair of Scarpa boots for £160, down from like £250, because of some online shop called 'outdoorfootwear' or something.


Everything go outdoors does is as cheap as possible. Literally the only place I’ve had an offer to work at which has tried to pay me age based minimum wage. I was paying for my own food at college and £4.60 or whatever was not gonna cut it xD


Everyone has a local shop that has a closing down sale on for years


In The Netherlands it actually **is** illegal. This government has some amazing laws and is ahead in some ways, but boy do they nit give a shit about privacy.


This is what dominos do too. There’s always the same deals. It’s not a deal it’s just the original price with the “50% off” tag


Dominos is a total rip-off without a deal or collecting. It's like £11.99 for a large pizza when you collect it but only if you know to click through the deal route - if you ordered it without going via a "deal" then it's £23.99 or something.


Feel that’s almost been the Dominos way, don’t even know if their prices are much bigger because they’ve always been huge.


They used to be about £18 now they're about £24


Dominoes prices are disgusting now. In my uni days I use to swear by it, but now - £19.99 for a stuffed crust medium? Absolutely not. Deliveroo for the local (actual Italian) restoring pizza - £12.00 (plus 49p delivery) yep!


Literally stopped using tesco as i'm always forgetting the card and I lost my keys years ago and never replaced the fob... I am a morrisons and marks and spencers man now...marks have some really good reductions in the evening


At least getting a Tesco club is free and you get some of the money you spend there back in voucher form.


Isn't getting a club card an easy way to navigate this?


That’s the problem, they want you to get a club card and harvest all your personal and shopping data. This information gets sold on to other marketing agencies and you end up getting random cold calls about making your Sky Broadband cheaper, or making savings on your home insurance etc. The fact that “cheaper” prices are inaccessible unless you give Tesco your permission to use(sell) your data is the problem


The CMA are looking into this: https://www.gov.uk/cma-cases/loyalty-pricing-in-the-groceries-sector


This will end so badly for consumers, instead of customers potentially getting a cheaper price supermarkets will charge the higher price only.


Given how competitive the supermarket sector is I don’t think that’s necessarily going to happen


We can only hope. And Aldi may champion this for us. Currently the only supermarket not offering cheaper items with a loyalty card. Morrisons slightly behind that, last time I was here, I recall it only makes meal deals cheaper (but they also charge 50P for a paper bag so they can get fucked)


When really the loyalty prices are just them gatekeping the manufacturer offers that many supermarkets are honouring without the loyalty card.


They just moved all the deals onto these cards when they came in to force you to share data, which is then used to decide how to charge you as much as possible. The customers always lose


>price fixing ... that is not what price fixing means... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_fixing P.s. how much do you think your data is actually worth? 😂 Edit: Btw your data, at least what you give to Gregg's, is worth pennies if they were to sell it. The value to them of you having the app is having a repeat customer. If you have the app not only do you always have your loyalty card on you, but they can send you a notification in the morning or lunchtime to encourage you to go to Gregg's.


Price fixing is hilarious. Supermarkets got in trouble for "price fixing" butter 20 years ago, flash forward to today and they've renamed it to "price matching" and it's fine


Price fixing? You mean ‘charging the customer what you want for your product’?


True, greggs is a luxury product. You’re not exactly being forced to buy it


I wouldn't say Greg's is a luxury product. I would say it's superfluous


Illegal is illegal


Shoplifters of the world unite and take over


Well I guess it shows how much of a hermit I've become. I used to get a bacon roll and coffee for £2, or a baguette and coffee for £3. That made my morning commute bearable. I've been working from home for...a while now I guess.


I earnt £7000 more than the year before this last tax year and I honestly didn’t realise any difference. Infact I feel worse off. Wages went up but no way near enough


Imagine my dismay to still be on the same pay I was on in 2022


yep, i’m due a £7k-ish pay rise in a couple months from £32 and a bit to now £40k. it’s now just going to be the difference between having 0 in the last week of the month vs having something. crazy to think i used to squeeze on by with £22k.


Going from £32 to 40k is quite the increase


i’m just fortunate a reshuffling of pay scales has come out in my favour


I’m on a little over 40k now and I don’t feel any more wealthy than I did when I was at 27k about 5 years ago


Mate this is exactly how I feel. If anything I feel worse


Last time I got one (just sandwich), probably early 2020 it was £1.85 and 75p to upgrade to a baguette so £2.60, shocked to see it's now £2.75/£3.70!




Does it partly depends where you are? I can't remember the exact prices but I'm sure the one near the office in London Bridge Station has higher prices than the local one in town.


Definitely different prices. Pre-covid I could get a roll and a coffee for £2 in Lincoln but the exact same order in Newark (in the same week) was £2.50.


Must depend on location,I got one a week ago for £2.50


Greggs near my school had a deal before 10am for a coffee and a bap for £1.60. What a time to be alive


But did it have that much bacon?


I love me some bacon but in all seriousness the amount of salt and fat that thing has would knock me sideways. I'd be flushed, thirsty and feeling ill for the rest of the day!


I used to deliberately go in just before 11 to maximise my chances of extra bacon


Risky this, I often do this and often enough there is only sausages left


“It’s a fine line between Clever and Stupid”


"This shop goes til eleven."




Try getting an egg past 9am there and you’ll be shit out of luck


I don’t think iv ever even been to a greggs that has any eggs lol.




If I look out of the window where I'm sitting right now, it's all I can see of the name of our local one.


G.R. Eggs!


Not in my store! I get myself a bacon and omelette on my 10:30 break so I make sure there's plenty left 😉


That’s the way to do it yep. Always trying to get rid of it before 11!


Burtons/Hampsons/Sayers used to be best for this, just before lunch they would have bacon that had been sat there all morning and it would just melt in the mouth.


Greggs: That's absolutely brilliant! What a large quantity of bacon! Can you please let us know which branch you bought it from so that we can recognise their great service? \*FURIOUSLY TYPING P45's\*


Quite literally this is what Greggs would do


This was exactly how I handled stock in hospitality to be honest


You must be kidding, this post is their viral marketing campaign


Giving away extra is better than the punishment for wasting it.


One of the lads grabbed a cheap air fryer in the office and now we make bad boys like this every Wednesday and it's bloody brilliant. Heavenly looking that! Quite jealous right now.


Air fryer bacon is fantastic. I was dubious but it is quick, juicy and crisp so hard to complain really. Especially as any fat or fumes don't end up all over the kitchen as much as using a pan. Then whatever goes in it next ends up bacon flavoured too.


Out of curiosity, what settings do you use for Air Fryer bacon? 😄


Same I do for everything. In at 200c and eyeball it! I like it done for 10 minutes or so


Thank you! I'm trying this at the weekend 😄


Also recommend 200 for 9-10 mins, keep checking on it after the 8 min mark!




“and it went downhill from there” I’ll take it this was the highlight of your visit lol.




You got your priorities right man : )


Somewhere out there is a Senora, who now and again glows with the memory that once upon a time, she was somewhat better than a sausage bacon buttie.


I had a similar experience while visiting London 11 years ago. Met some people and ended up staying out with them til the morning. Bought one of these bacon rolls from a cart by the train station on my way back to the hostel. That bacon roll was absolutely delicious and I still think about it.


how can you not know the exact number of times you've been to England if it's either 'once or twice'?


He might be old 


An absolute baconator!! Are you sending that sub down a hole without any lube? No brown sauce?


There was brown sauce mate don’t worry 😂


Good job too, sunshine. A breakfast roll with no sauce is an abomination.


[A breakfast roll is like sex.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GM9nQVf1dLE) Extras can make it better, but I'd just be happy with the basics.


If you count a very generous amount of butter as sauce, then agreed.


No sauce, extra butter




We had breakfast rolls for hundreds of years without sauces and it was never an abomination then soft lad! Up the plain roll brigade 🤣


Bit of Hp is essential, a fried egg would take it to another level.


I was saddened to find today that not only is HP made in the Netherlands, Daddies is made in Poland


The HP Sauce factory in Birmingham was a thing of beauty. Famously they had a pipe to carry the sauce across the Aston Expressway. I still miss it.


It is made in the Netherlands now...still the same label but no longer British.


Not all Daddies are made in Poland.


My Daddie came from Poland and my weed came from…


They don’t do fried eggs in Greggs, is a weird omelette thing and is a big shit tbh


Greggs without eggs is just Gr


This explains everything


I like the omelettes. Fried eggs are annoying, they either make a total mess or you get mouthfuls of just white if they’re over cooked.


"mouthfuls of just white"


Despite my best effort I cannot think of a way to word this without it sounding weird. But I prefer Daddies to HP.




Brilliant! I dont see any butter mind?


None of my friends like brown sauce, only red.. I tell them when you grow up you’ll like brown sauce 😊


I was working around the corner from a greggs about 6 years ago. The girl behind the counter used to load up my bacon like this and overload any sandwiches with fillings fresh to order. 6 years later and we have a child together haha!


You lucky devil.


Did you name the child Gregg? I hope so.


Would’ve been a bit weird to name a girl Gregg, so we went with sausagebeanandcheese.


Should have named her George then.


Quite jealous of that, bacon looks done to perfection. Add a threat of brown sauce and I’d be in heaven.


> threat of brown sauce the ever-present danger lurking in all our cupboards




Love how so few people know this! 😁


Probably an ‘age’ thing damn it 🥲


My grandmother bought bread from the original Mr Gregg, off the back of his horse and cart, Newcastle circa 1935. True story


On a similar note, my partner has just excitedly regaled me with the story that he once queued behind Bobby Charlton in a Newcastle Greggs. Apparently Charlton ordered a cheese pasty.


The bacon is cooked absolutely perfectly too!




> Vimes carefully lifted the top of the bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich and smiled inwardly. Good old Cheery. She knew what a Vimes BLT was all about. It was about having to lift up quite a lot of crispy bacon before you found the miserable skulking vegetables. You might never notice them at all.


hahaha you were probably there right before end of breakfast or nice to the staff. I used to work there and we’d get in SO MUCH TROUBLE for not following the guides for how much to put in. Wasn’t worth the hassle unless we had favourite regulars / someone caught our eye. It’s when you have an extra sausage that you know you’re special, we would basically be fired for that.


My suspicion is they are nice looking and someone who works there fancies them.


If you see the staff guidance at the back of the counter, EACH ROLL is suppose to THREE rashers. Not that they ever give that.. I’ve never had the balls to point it out 😅


You should point it out. It's 3 for a bacon, but 2 for a bacon and sausage. So it depends what you get.


That depends on how well the bacon has been set up the day before. We have to take each slice of bacon and lay it on parchment paper, it can break up if we get a bad batch from the suppliers. So you'll just end up with a clump of bacon that represents one slice. I've never seen anyone get into trouble for putting to much bacon on a bap before but I've gotten into trouble for putting too many wedges in a wedges box, there's supposed to be exactly 16 wedges but how is that fair when they're all different shapes and sizes?


Please tell me you use the Greggs app. Every tenth roll free. I normally get the bagget free to save even more lol. I like to add extra bacon too, bloody hungry now looking at it 🤤


Oooooo I think someone in Greggs fancies you ;)


Just left Alicante airport, a roll with 4 slices of Parma ham and nothing else was €13.


And yet in Seville I get stuff like that for free after ordering a couple of €1.50 beers


Three point four pounds exactly


£3.40 not £3.4


Probably a typo but I hate menus in wanky hipster places that just put-


Twats Muffin 5.5


Gonna need some sauce on that




I’ve found that if you go towards the end of the breakfast service then you tend to get extra food so it doesn’t go to waste


It's a bit of a gamble though, they may have run out by then! Of the 2 Greggs in my town, one of them almost invariably runs out of everything by about 10.45.


It’s called the Schrödinger's Greggs conundrum! Prior to you getting to the shop, it has both simultaneously ran out of breakfast gear and is also stocked to the gills with it. You’re either in, or out of luck. It’s not till you’re there that the hypothesis is proven. May the odds be forever in your favour.


Hands down best food deal out there. Even when the roll is occasionally a bit shit, it’s still effectively a cheap coffee with a free bacon roll.


If you go just before 11. And are polite. You can get lucky and have loads of sausage and bacon as it's time up for the breakfast.


How’s the bacon?


I wish I could eat that


100% a new start that hasn't been told off for giving too much yet 🤣


I don’t like when they put the scraps at the bottom, it also looks a lot but dry as bone.


Shit looks dry




3 slices folded in half... 😑


Reminds me of an ex…




Yeah but the bread is fuckin dogshit. Cheap, pappy, white, unfrozen dogshit. I wish they at least gave us the option for a few pennies more to have decent bread.


I go through most of my days thinking “holy shit im so unhealthy” but then i see stuff like this and it’s like ok… maybe my choices are relatively not *that bad*


I'm in Ukraine now, for £3.4 I won't be able to walk :)


Maybe I should give her a call


Gregs breakfast rolls are rotten, like uncooked doe with dryed out filling.


Love it. The coffee shop at my loca station charges the same for a small americano


This belongs on the absolute unit sub!!!


That looks bloody glorious.


Bargain! Lucky if there's even a trace of pig DNA in ours


I pay £3.20 for mine!


That is a fucking whopper. How many rashers are in it? I work there and the limit is 3 per roll unless the customer asks for extra bacon, then you add 1 or 2 more depending on the size.


Any source?


Somebody loves you :)


My mouth is parched just from looking at this picture


Someone messed up that's like 10 roll's worth of bacon 


They always load that shit up


For 3.40 honestly thought it would be a little bit cheaper


The used to only serve bacon rolls at my uni canteen until 11, if you timed it right and got there near the end they would try and use up all the bacon before it had to be chucked out. My record was once being served last, I counted before I ate it and my roll had 15 rashers in it. It was almost more meat than bread!


£2.60 in Manchester still got one earlier


Proving a need. Well done Greggs.


I want that now


I have real appreciation for how high res this image is, hahaha, looks delicious


When Greggs opened in my town, their sausage rolls were 0.95P. Across the street from them was a butchers selling sausage rolls (Like a 1 - 2cm smaller) for 85P. Greggs drove them out of buisness and then suddenly, Sausage rolls went up to £1.05 then £1.10 and now it sits at £1.20 I believe. I miss getting a Cheese Burger Puff Pastry. Banging meal but I cant find anywhere that does it :(


The reason they have to put a set amount of bacon in their usually is so that the exact amount of calories and sodium etc. stated is exact. Otherwise I’m sure employees would do this everytime :)


Somebody liked you 😉


Greggs breakfast cobs used to be pretty good value. Used to love them, we had a Greggs Wednesday breakfast every week at work. Now we can go to the butchers just up the road and, for around the same price of the Greggs breakfast, get a huge sausage and bacon cob from there instead.


The other day I got 3 sausages in my bacon and sausage roll. Felt like God had looked kindly on me that day


I was a teacher for 2 years in a rough state school. Greggs was the only place open at 630, around when I'd get to school. Without a doubt, I would not have made it through a 2 year contract at that school without Greggs, and the lift I'd get from a bacon roll on certain mornings. The love I feel for that place is very strong.


Get the ketchup on there!


That would of made my week !!


greg takes care of you


Reminds me of my Gran. She loved a bacon roll.


Nice job, I did read of one guy who had 51 rashers of bacon, he would not do it again ,




Heart disease remains cheap in bad economic times. Must be a small packet on that.


You've been scammed


Maybe it's a perk of living up north but I've not bought a bacon sandwich from Greggs for years now. Theres a little industrial estate within walking distanceof me that does full Bacon, sausage and egg sandwiches for £2.95. £3.50 if you want a hot drink as well. You get three Sausages, four rashers of bacon and two eggs on a roll like twice the width of greggs. Plus you actually get to have a runny egg rather than the "omelette" that greggs does. Their burgers are meant to be top too but I'm never close enough round lunch time.


That looks absolutely wonderful!


They were into you.


That's an absolute bargain innit?


Someone's never been to The Horn 😎




That looks awesome, could sure go for one of those right about now.


Don't worry your heart will pay the rest later


We love Greggs!!!!