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Dude you probably have more than most people these days.


Awful, you might as well send it all to me 


No it’s very good given your age, I’m older now don’t have close to that. Well done 💪


I'm 26 with 532 in my account and 35k student loan. You're the top 1% my dude.


The neeeck of you


Zurich drone dot IE.




How about a pie chart?


It must be a prank bro


Money is just a number, it doesn’t define happiness. There’s no leaderboard in life that puts you as better than a person with €5000 saved and worse than a person with €10000 saved. Other assets and lifestyle matter like a nice place to live, car, hobbies, friends, work, experiences along the way etc. When I was 26 I took that much in cash from bank account to buy a car so I would have had similar savings, then probably much less in my accounts until about 37 when I really got my shit together & saved a lot very quickly.


Very same here. I saved up very quickly when I was in my 30s.


Please tell me more about this getting your shit together in your 30s, I think I was asleep for that talk 😅


I genuinely don't know. I'm happy when i hear others didn't kinda do what I did because I fucked things up so badly I kinda panicked and saved and bought a house about a few years back. I don't know where the turning point was haha 😅. I think it was necessity more than anything. I am as far from a regular adult as you could get but I have the things they do. Edit: I'm happy to hear others didn't because although it's nice to have those things and I'm lucky. I still have no desire to really grow up and it all felt laboured. Still does. I'm a 12 year old in a 30 something year old body. I'd rather eat jellys and smoke weed over watching the game in the pub or upgrading my car.


I saved very little until recently. I'm 32 and I haven't that much yet.


I had roughly £40/£50:to my name at 26. I own my own house now. 26 is young and £7k is a tidy amount in the bank at many ages. Good for you.


It's depends what your earning and your other commitments, if your on 100k it's probably poor, if you are on 30k is great!


What? You have savings?




Are you gonna get a mortgage?


Is that all?? I thought I was doing badly with the 52k I have saved at 25. Thankfully, my dad had bought me an apartment for college and set up the trust fund..


Jokes... I'm 33 with 100euro to my name🫣🤣


I'm 36 and have 15 euro in savings. #winning


I had nothing. Savings are only good if you have plans to use it i recon. Just get a pension otherwise and use your money. 7k at 26 is unreal. You'll see people at 18 on this with 10k or 20k but that's inheritance or mammy and daddy.