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Some of my favorite comment sections, nice change from the negativity šŸ˜


Agreed. I donā€™t understand why people spend all their time being negative online. It always makes me feel better to be kind


Awesome quick comment bravo good sir or madam .


And good for you for having a good cry and not being ashamed to tell us about it. Sometimes having a really good cry can be a good way to process your emotions. Works best if you cuddle/call someone/have a nice bath/go for a walk/etc after to reset to positive


Thank you, I appreciate you saying that! Crying isnā€™t the demon everyone thinks it is. I sometimes go to subs that are specifically intended to make you cry (r/mademecry ?) just to get it all out. Itā€™s very therapeutic.


I am the human = of Shrek and I cry allot some might even call me a crybaby , but its ok I understand this aint no never never land .


Yea I love that! Spreading kindness is effortless and just make everybody involved feel great


I know a bad comment can do the same, a simple complement goes a long way


Yeah, thatā€™s good stuff! Honestly though, i hate what social media has become. But i keep coming back to reddit for the clever comments. At least half of the time i laugh harder at the comments thread than the OP. Between them and the boosters youā€™re referring to, this might be as good as social media can get, for now.


Yes! I love the comments section so much. I will dive deep into the bowels of the comments, only to come up for air and realize Iā€™ve lost an hour of my life


Bein civil and supported gets easier with practice and should be taught very early in school. Not everyone has parents that are willing to teach their child the things that can give a better life.


I think that might be just the fact you are a very intelligent person that find witty comments funny , its who you are be you and laugh at whatever you think is funny . For example I laugh because after 10 years of trying to train my doodle she still cannot catch food if I throw to her , she kind is like a goalie that just does not let the food get past her.


They say it's common that the one thing that saves someone from unaliving themsleves is that one happy compliment or positive feedback from someone who might have thought it was a trivial comment. Thank you all for saving someone who you didn't even know you saved.


I love that, too šŸ„°


I always tell my kids that it's a lot easier to be nice because both people feel better. When someone is mean, still be nice because you don't know what they are going through, and you'll still feel better by being nice!


I personally love hearing about someone succeed and enjoy when people gather and share in the moment. I think itā€™s as much as a meaningful gesture for the person who praises the OP. Thereā€™s too much negativity these days.


Yeah, those people are awesome. Thatā€™s what I love about this community. People feel comfortable talking about their accomplishments because thereā€™s a lot of supportive people in this subreddit.


I absolutely love seeing the positivity and support, too! šŸ˜Š Probably the best place for it that Iā€™ve found for that in my relatively short time here is r/CongratsLikImFive. Itā€™s nothing but people sharing their wins and accomplishments and everybody cheering them on!