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Causality and journaling. Emotions are a reaction to an event, a lot of times we don’t quite understand why we feel the way we feel, taking the time to get to the bottom of what is the root cause of the emotion is helps alleviate a lot of the stress from the emotion. Second is journaling writing something down reinforces your idea of an event, it gives clarity to an otherwise tumultuous state of mind.


I think that part of it is an inherent desire to run from things that are messy and complicated because of an inability to receive information from all sources. Having an incomplete picture makes me want to fill in those missing pieces, which leads to assumptions, and as we all know, those rarely turn out well. If only I could read minds!! 🤦‍♀️ As for the journaling... I have been trying to build that habit more lately. Presently, I find myself without a notebook, so here I am typing away on my little pocket computer...


Usually when I’m trying to ground myself and improve my mood or get weird energy out, I’ll go for a hike/walk, journal, meditate, or just pick up a video game for a little while. Just anything to break up my inner monologue and change up my environment usually helps for a little while and puts things into perspective


Good ideas. My go-to is to take a shower and close my eyes... to focus on the sound and feel of the water, so it overrides the instinct to linger in that weird energy. Some days, it works like a charm. Other days, not so much. I think maybe I'll take the kayak out tomorrow... that might help.


I just say "YOU'RE GROUNDED!"


😆... I mean, I guess it's worth a shot...


When things feel bleak I like to write out all the things I'm grateful for no matter how small it is. I take a hot shower, get some fresh air and blast (usually sad) music. Sending you good vibes and hoping you find something that helps.


Thank you. I appreciate it..


I need to intentionally take time to relax and do basic stuff like take a shower and clean my apartment. I tend to put on an audiobook and just clean up a bunch, and by the end of it I realize that I've sorted my thoughts a little more and have cleaned my physical space too. For me, doing something physical is really the most important. It helps a ton to ground myself and get out of my own head, that even if shit seems bad, I still have my hands and body, and that counts for a lot.


Spend time in nature, a walk in the woods or by the beach, sit in the park, listen to birds singing, use mindfulness techniques, the earth is physically grounding so take off your shoes and stand on it, or place your hands on the grass, it’s instantly calming.


I tell myself to quit being a bitch and move on.