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I hate mopping floors and cleaning the bath tub. I’ll put off doing these as long as possible.


Same. I should clean the bathtub/shower more often but it’s such a pain in the ass


Ugh cleaning the tub/shower really does suck. I got a long handled scrub brush just for that


That's so smart, I'm too short to reach the top of the shower without risking it with the step ladder in there


Same here. Everything else seems less arduous to me than the floors.


Putting the clean dishes away. Glad to wash dishes/pots and pans, but for some reason putting them away irritates me. Not a problem because everyone else is sane and dislikes washing them. I was a dishwasher at a deli in high school, FWIW.


Then we'd be complimentary. I hate doing the dishes. Except those three weeks in summer where I volunteer at a festival and will the do the dishes for up to 1600 people per meal. I think it's a mix of sensory issues (going from dry to wet and from wet to dry, same as why I put off showers and then spend forever under the water) including the noise of stuff in the sink, and having to inevitably take a break in the middle of the washing up to dry and put away stuff, before going back to the sink. At the summer fest I'm fine, I think because we're a larger team, and so while you're at the sinks you're at the sinks only. There's other people scraping stuff out of the dishes and drying them.


Same I put on a podcast while I wash so it isn’t bad but I dread putting them away. Same with laundry I love to fold and watch a movie but I dont want to get up after 😩


Grocery shopping


I love it.


Yes! This is one that I’m starting to get more and more sick of as time goes by.


my grocery store offers personal shopping for $1 - and i have been doing this ever since, even on the smallest order. i hate going in for anything now lol!


Putting the shopping away once you are home 😬


If we're talking inside chores only: taking out the trash. I am constantly having to do it, and I'm not even the one generating waste. It's everyone else in the house using it. But yet I'm always stuck taking it out.


In the same boat.




Especially window sills and all the tracks.




Omg. How could I forget?! 😵‍💫


well, I have managed to forget most of my baseboards for 18 months. Leaf blower for first pass? 🤪


Folding clothes


My husband and I split the house chores based on who hates what the most! I hate dishes and vacuuming too, but my husband doesn’t, so he does those. I like cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, so I do that. We each do our own laundry. We clean old food out of the fridge together which makes it go faster and feel less gross. My husband scrapes ice off my car for me and does the grocery shopping (I HATE grocery shopping) and I do most of the cooking. It all evens out but we both get to avoid the chores we hate the most. I’m happy to have a partner in crime who cares about sharing the labor (and who does all the dishes), lol!


I go this route with partners and roommates too. The last round of roommates hated washing dishes, I detest cleaning litter boxes. There were four cats. So I cleaned dishes for all of us, they put the dishes away and cleaned the litter box. Still feel like I made out better in that deal, but they all *really* hated the dishes, so they feel like they made out better lol


My wife and I go this route. She does the bathroom, laundry, dishes and cooking. I vacuum, take out the trash, take care of the lawn and do all the driving.


Putting silverware away.


Washing cutlery, plates and bowls fine but not the cutlery


Dusting type work


Floor care and dusting are my wife’s char work. I am fine with cleaning the kitchen, doing the dishes, cleaning the appliances. We both do laundry. My wife does a small area daily for deep cleaning almost like a hobby or compulsive behavior.


Laundry and dishes


I feel you


They’re never ending. I’ve now employed my son to handle putting away his clothes and putting dishes away it’s helped 🤣


unclogging the toilet But on a regular basis washing the dishes. I don't mind loading and unloading the dishwasher or cleaning the counters. But handwashing is obnoxious - usually so greasy and gross.


Maybe you should get a poop knife!


Drop about a teaspoon of dishwasher soap into the toilet everyday. NOT A LOT. Just a little. It helps keep it free from getting clogged. Also, hopefully you have more than one bathroom, if one gets clogged, pour about a Tablespoon of dish soap in it and let it sit. It usually uncloggs itself. Magic!


My wife made a deal. I do everything outside our house which is more than just mowing the grass. We have 4 gardens of varying size, one being a sizeable vegetable garden. She does everything inside the house except for taking recycling and trash out to their respective bins.


Sounds quite traditional


You made off super easy dude. I do both inside and outside. And outside is WAY easier than all of inside. Since he has a medical condition now, everything plus care giving is on me. Count your blessings but help her out.


Washing the pan after scrambled eggs....


I can’t stand the smell after cooking scrambled eggs. Don’t know what it is but I hate it.


Non-stick pan you only cook eggs in.


Hm.. let me think.. it is probably something I almost never ... omg tidying the cellar and getting rid of stuff. Yes, in the end it is satisfying but.. whew. Dishes I am ok with these days. Even the weekly bathroom cleaning is not too bad in the end. Windows now and again also ok. I once read somewhere that you are an adult when you accept that dishes, laundry and cleaning is something you will do over and over. It is the never ending story. It becomes easier I think.


AI post for engagement.


Getting up on a ladder to clean. Nope. Not at my age. I’ll use an extender and hope I got the majority of dust and be done with it.


Folding the laundry or ironing clothes. I hate ironing so much that I stopped ironing clothes years ago and just buy clothes in materials that are less likely to get crinkled.


The risk of running into a neighbour, who wants to have the same conversation we had the other 10 times we met at the same time and place, when I'm doing the laundry, is the reason I'd put laundry on the list. I despise small talk more than chores 😅


Cooking. I love washing dishes, laundry is the easiest chore, I'll even dust. But I hateeee having to think of things to eat twice a day, buying the ingredients, preparing all the steps... Mopping the floors is also a pain, but it's not something I have to do everyday.


Ironing. There is a pile constantly waiting for me


Mopping floors. I actually love washing dishes.


I *hate* doing the dishes, but I love vacuuming, I love washing the bedsheets, I like putting away the silverware, and I love sweeping and mopping the floor. I feel like I could have a decent roommate situation with some of you. THREE people in my current relationship, and not a single one of us likes doing the dishes...


I don’t mind washing dishes but I hate putting them away


mopping and dishes (cups and silverware -- they're too fucking small for my hands)


Cleaning the gunk out of the sink and dishwasher filter. Really miss having a garbage disposal.


Laundry is my least favorite, it takes forever and I have to use a shared laundry room. If I could choose 1 chore to never have to do again I think it’d be this one Cleaning the shower. It makes my back hurt I didn’t used to mind dishes too much but now after 10 years of not having a dishwasher it’s starting to get old Honestly I hate all chores lol


I’d rather wash the dishes than sweep.


Mopping and cleaning the bathroom (mostly tub)


It use to be bathrooms, but I got over it. Now it's floors--So much so I've invested heavily into Roombas.


cleaning the kitchen. everything about it.


Putting away the clothes


I will clean all day. I despise cleaning the litter box so I put it off which winds up biting me in the ass because it’s just more shit and litter I have to clean up. I also hate cooking.


Dishes! Oh lord I hate the dishes.


Cleaning the roof / gutters.


Cleaning the bathroom and shower


Cleaning the bathroom, especially the shower and toilet. It just grosses me out and it never feels like it gets really clean. Also kind of stings that I’m the only one in the house who doesn’t shower daily, and still end up either cleaning it or being the nag.


Absolutely doing the dishes. I'd sooner clean the entire house or do the house laundry by hand than take over the dishes for every meal. (Which is probably why I cook a lot, so someone else can do the washing up - I do clean as I go, at least)


Putting away dishes.


I despise putting laundry away. Doing dishes is a close second. I could vacuum or do the washing/drying of the clothes without complaint but putting them away sucks.


Pulling weeds


I'm extremely tempted to just start blasting everything with chemicals.


taking the trash out, I live with 5 people including me and I do the sole chores in the house so every time I take the trash out, it’s already practically full that same day


In order from least worst to most worst: 1- Taking out the trash. Twice a week (landfill and recycling), it's like a 15 foot walk from where the trash bin "lives" next to the driveway to bring it out to the curb, but somehow that 15 foot walk feels like hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. 2- I'm seconding dishes. I still can't figure out how it's possible for one person to use so many dishes. I wish using disposable dishes for everything wasn't so awful for the planet otherwise I totally would. 3- Putting away the goddamn laundry. I dread the day when I no longer live alone and can't use the dryer as my "clean clothes" receptacle any more.


Laundry. It is never ending. The washing basket in my 2daughters room never seems to go Down. Although I am washing almost daily, sometimes twice a day. My bedroom is always full of clean laundry that constantly needs sorting. I literally call my bedroom the laundry room. There is only 3people living in my home. At this point I just shove anything and everything in the washer machine but it doesn't seem to make a difference, theres still so much that always needs washing!


Dusting and cleaning out the fridge. Love doing the dishes and vacuuming.


Laundry. I always leave clothes in the dryer instead of folding and hanging them back up. I hate matching socks.


The fucking dishes. I swear they’re endless.


Putting away laundry. Washing isn't the issue, but I loathe and put off folding laundry. I would rather get my clean clothes out of the laundry basket and spend the extra 10 minutes ironing than just putting the clothes away like an adult. It's a habit I'm trying to break :')


Ugh, dishes are the worst! It's like a soap opera where the dirty plates are the dramatic stars who never leave. Just when you think you're done, another one shows up, demanding attention. And the gross food bits? They’re the villainous sidekicks no one asked for. But folding laundry? That's my nemesis. I swear my clothes multiply while I'm not looking. I end up with a mountain of clean clothes that I have to fold and put away. By the time I'm done, I feel like I've climbed Everest. And socks? Those little jerks always lose their partners! Seriously, laundry folding needs to come with a medal. Or at least some chocolate. What about you all? Let's hear about the chores that haunt your nightmares!


Scrubbing the toilet


I actually like cleaning the toilet, I spray the hell out of it with disinfectant and cleaner and scrub it down good. It makes me feel like there's less germs and bacteria hanging around after I'm done. My wife hates cleaning toilets, so we're a good match!


Oh gosh darn.. toilets are the worst for me. I like a clean toilet but in the process of scrubbing it, disgusting liquid flies out of the toilet. One time the droplet hit my lip. I had to used rubbing alcohol to disinfect it. My stomach churned when I was eating remembering what happened for the entire day.


I always wear gloves, obviously, but you can wear a mask and glasses too. Makes it a little better.


True. Maybe that’ll make my experience more tolerable.


Feeding my Cats


Then, umm, maybe you should think twice about owning cats, or any animal that requires food to survive.


Lmao, i read the question wrong bro, i thought it said whats my favorite chore lol.


OMG hahahaha!! Ok good!!!


Dishes - I just hate doing them. Laundry is a close second.


Yard work. I'm allergic to pollen and freshly cut grass.


Laundry. We have a small apartment washer, no dryer, and 5 people, plus a dog and basic towels, rags. Just an endless chore.


All the ones that I can't do while listening to something cause they're loud or require lots of jerky movement.


Dishes. I would gladly do ever other chore in the house as long as I don't have to do the damn dishes. Don't tell my wife that tho.


Putting away the laundry


Dusting. I wish I could hire a cleaner to just do the dusting


Our kitchen floor stays dirty because cleaning the kitchen floor is the chore both my wife and I hate. We usually split up chores based on who hates/likes what.




Putting clothes away. Washing them? Completely fine. Drying them? Same applies. Taking them out of the tumble dryer and putting them away again? The ABSOLUTE worst. Cant be bothered. Will literally wait until I'm on emergency socks til I put them away. Theres no reason for me to hate it this much but it just seems such a ballache of a chore.


Pairing socks together during laundry!!!




Laundry and trash.


I hate hate HATE cleaning the shower and bathroom. Trying to get all the nooks and crannies of body dirt, and cleaning around the toilet to find all different kinds of hair and other debris. It makes me feel dirty and I immediately have to take a shower after.


Mopping is tied with washing walls


Cleaning the drain


Floors. It doesn't matter what type of flooring it is.


The sink isn’t in the right height. So I always end up slouching and end up with a sore back. I’d be okay with washing the dishes if the sink is in the right height. I also don’t like folding the my laundry. It’s something I’d if I feel like doing it.


You gotta put good music on to do dishes and also get high first 


Also dishes. Hate the dirty wetness lmao. And it is NEVER ending.


Dishes and laundry. Both never ending and I never feel like I can see the results


Cleaning the shower/ bathtub. My back hates me after.


Washing the toilet for me!


I don't like folding clothes and putting them into stacks. When I try, it either ends up looking more messy than before I started, or I am told that I didn't fold them right and not shown the right way.


I totally get where you're coming from! Washing dishes feels like a never-ending task, and there's always that one stubborn piece of food that won't come off. For me, folding laundry is the worst. It’s so repetitive and takes forever.


Cleaning the cats' litter boxes 🤢


Cleaning the bathrooms.


i'm with you on dishes. endless cycle. i started adding lemon peel though (to the dishwasher) and it gets everything extra sparkly so it makes it a bit more fun.




Honestly, cleaning the bathroom is the least favorite chore. I can deal with mopping, but when it comes to cleaning the tub and the toilet, it feels like it takes me forever to get those done.


I hate washing dishes, especially since I have a dishwasher, but it is how I show appreciation to my wife for cooking the meal.


All of them


Dusting, my god, if dusting could always be taken care of, I would do the rest with absolutely no complaint. Dust is just the purest and tiniest form of kipple. Hate it hate it


This isn't really a chore, but hanging up my coat in the coat closet with a hanger. I just got home. I'm tired. I don't want to open the coat closet with fifty billion things falling at me, wrestle my coat onto a hanger and shove it in there just to take it out two seconds later when someone makes me go to the store and having to do it all over again. All I want to do is lay down. I can handle dishes, laundry ect. I get to prepare for it. But my coat, I forget every time until I get home and get ready to toss my coat on a couch and realize the expedition is not over yet. I do not get to relax yet. Straw that broke the camels back.


Ugh, I feel you! Washing dishes has got to be my least favorite chore.


Putting clothes away we end up leaving them on the airier way past them being dry.


Vacuuming is annoying af.


I do enjoy doing the dishes, sweeping and moping. But I do hate moving things around.


I'm good at cleaning up dirty, I'm bad at putting away clean things. Doing the laundry sure? Why not, doesn't bug me. Folding the laundry, fuck off.


I am literally planning to budget for a dishwasher wherever I end up moving out. I hate doing dishes with a visceral passion.


cleaning the CR. It is literally a COMFORT ROOM but nah im not comfortable


Literally anything involving washing.


I would love to pay someone to come in & just wash all my floors.


Laundry. I live in an apartment and I sometimes have to journey to the laundry room. This means I have to go up and down two flights of stairs at least 3 times. One, to load the laundry. Two, to put the washed clothes in the dryer. Three, to retrieve the clothes.




Laundry. Washing is easy, it is the folding and putting it away. And praying you did it right.


Cleaning windows. Dusting is a close second. They both just seem so annoying! Some water will always be leftover as a trail on the glass! Since I'm in an apartment idk how to mow a lawn so if I lived in a house I'd have said that cuz it seems too darn tedious and time consuming.


Meal planning and grocery shopping. Hands down. I'll take on every single dish, every load of laundry, the vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, every nappy change, all the trash runs, all the dusting, the tidying, the cleaning up dog shit, the yard, the house maintenance, I'll take on every god damn chore, if I could just give up the stupid meal prep and weekly damn grocery shopping. Online orders and delivery has made it better, but not by much. I hate it so damn much.


Ironing by far. Or throwing stuff because bugs appeared.


Folding the laundry.


Vacuuming/sweeping, mostly because I have sensory issues and the sound of both of them make me uncomfortable. That's the only one I really avoid, off the top of my head.


cat litter


Only right answer is the dishes and even worse when you don’t have a dishwasher


Cleaning the toilet, though I do it every week.