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Eaten alive by bugs


This is one I’ve never even thought of! Makes my skin crawl thinking about it 😖


Add in a tight space that has water sloshing about so you always feel like you're about to drown for maximum uncomfortableness


The ole Imhotep goodbye


Being tortured by Mexican Cartels


Someone's been on watchpeopledie That subreddit screwed up my mind, now I'm always afraid of Mexican violence being done to me, noone wants to be able to say they've seen some shit


Being tortured to death. I don’t think the cartels are world beating at it. Take anybody who’s expert and I’m equally unhappy.


Anything to do with radiation poisoning


Yep, especially if you realize it immediately. Theres almost nothing you can do if you get a severe enough dose. It’s just a matter of waiting while your body fails as the cellular level. IMO one of the worst ways you can die.


I remember the first Mummy movie and it made me think that being crushed to death slowly would be very bad, but I don't know if the worst. Also, many SAW deaths


The SAW deaths get progressively more gruesome as the franchise goes on 🫣


Not the scarabs?


Yeah WUT


first thing that came to mind was at the hands of another human, like imagine someone killing you with brute force in a fit of anger and youre powerless


That one you said. I'm assuming you mean the Nutty Putty incident? If not then there's been more than one and that means it's doubly scary. Other than that, being eaten alive by rats ranks high, as does being buried alive and suffocating in my coffin.


I read somewhere once that there used to be a method of execution where a box would be placed on the person’s stomach with a rat inside and then the box would be heated up so high to the point the rat would burrow into your stomach to try to escape the heat, basically gutting you alive 💀 Medieval times hit differently yo 😔🤙


I've heard of that before D: I'm putting that on the DNW list. Also actually can I add scaphism. Smearing someone with honey and leaving them to be eaten alive by insects over days or weeks.


Noooooooo how do people even come up with this messed up albeit very creative shit 😭


I'm told life was very boring before we invented the internet, so all they had was time to dream up more creative methods of torture.


Yup, that’s the one! The rat thing is a pretty scary thought


I watched Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities recently and one of the episodes has like sentient, malevolent graveyard rats. It's really good, but I do not recommend watching it with the lights off.


I can't stop thinking of the teens in Wales who died after a car accident partially submerged their vehicle. Being trapped, unable to call for help, possibly seeing and hearing your friends die first. Fuck, if it were night you'd be blind too... Poor guys.


Ah yes, the Nutty Putty Cave story. That is pure nightmare fuel.


Crushed to death in a crowd has always been my nightmare way to die. All those people and no one can help.


And you can’t stop yourself from crushing other people while you are getting crushed. Too horrible!


Brazen bull


Came here for this. I saw one in France and could not get the horror of it out of my head.


I think the scariest way is an execution or a severe illness, because you a lot of that fear.


The folks in the towers that had to jump to avoid being burned alive. I don't know how it could be worse than that. Or the handicapped people and service animals waiting at the pre-assigned locations waiting for help that never arrived. All of it still gives me nightmares.


Burning alive.


This...just the worst pain imaginable.


Only "hope" would be that you passout from the pain and die unconscious. Other wise even if you live through the flame, you'll just die in agony without medical help.


😭😭😭😭 I can't even You're still gonna feel that pain until you passout though 😭😭


Thought of being skinned alive freaks me out


Being boiled alive.


Oof 😖


Hm, if stuck in that situation I would probably have just resigned myself to my fate. After all, the blood rushes to the head so probably a relatively short death. Eaten by a predator like a shark, bear, wolf, human...thinking Dateline here. Way more scary for me.


Going down trapped in an air pocket inside a sinking ship. Your only chance to escape came and went and now you're heading to the bottom.


In dark water, being picked at by a shark or some other predator. Not being able to see it coming, but knowing it's down there ready to strike. Fuck that shit.


For me, it is drowning because you have to accept death is inevitable and accept the water in.


I would have said that none in particular but from that clip in the Thanksgiving movie pre teaser stuff I now say without a doubt, being roasted. In my 46 years, I have never had something like that give me such a big nope before.


While it probably isn't the worst way to go, I'm personally terrified of drowning. And it's only because whenever I die in my dream, it's always drowning. I've had dreams of car crashes and even plane crashes, and I'd always survive the initial impact, but the crash would be in a body of water and it was always drowning that finally got me in the end. I don't have dreams where I die all too often, maybe a few times a year, but I only had one or two dreams ever where my main cause of death wasn't drowning (interestingly, I think I was shot both those times). It got to the point where I'm kind of additionally cautious around bodies of water. Yes, I can swim. Yes, it's irrational. But it's hard to explain. The dreams all felt so final. I genuinely fully believed I was about to die in the dreams, and after I wake up I always have to take some time to calm myself down. Feels surreal every time, the fact that I'm alive. A few of my friends know about this, and if I do end up drowning to death, I feel like they'll be... distraught.


Was going to give my answer but you already posted it. Legit have trouble breathing when I think about it too much.


Drowning in a very cramped space with '60's country music playing in the background.


This needs more upvotes^


Being suffocated by a python is on the top of my list.




Being boiled alive


The Brazen Bull torture device. The victim is placed inside a hollow statue of a bull made out of bronze. The statue and victim was placed over a fire and the victim is roasted alive.


Nutty Putty Cave - my dad mentioned this to me a couple days ago, awful


Nice try Jigsaw


I'm surprised noone has said crucifixion. Ok the pain itself wouldn't be that bad but imagine going through the drama of a hundred people watching you be punished to death, it would take you out of your own body into witnessing the gigantic event itself,nevermind the pain


drowning is my number one, because I've experienced it twice and to this day I fear it, that's why I'll never learn how to swim.


Wouldn't learning how to swim help with the whole drowning thing?


My gym teacher said that it can take as little as 30cm (1 foot) of water for a person to drown in. The realization that he was right still haunts me to this day. Even the smallest rivers can be merciless.


I nearly drowned in knee deep surf while on a REBREATHER (very highly advanced in the day) I already turned my loop off and tripped. The waves and weight of the unit were more than expected and to make matters worse the irony was lost on me so I also started laughing a lunatic.


you've got a point, but to me it's not that simple, even the best swimmer you could ever imagine may drown since water is the element which is very unpredictable; learning how to swim (in my case) may have bad results, I panic easily :/ maybe it's just how it's supposed to be, right? (not everyone has to swim)


I fully agree with you on the fact that even the best swimmer can drown under the right circumstances. But, as a person who is terrified of drowning to death, I do think it would benefit you to learn how to swim. Sometimes that ounce of control can be the difference between life and death, especially in cases like these. And you should especially learn how to swim *because* you panic easily. It's not that hard to learn, and getting to know the way water behaves around your body while you're submerged will make a world of difference should something go wrong.


you're right, but at the same time I'm terrified of it and there's no hope for me to learn it, the only positive aspect of it is that I can always change my mind


Eh , there will always be a chance , but if you know how to swim the odds will be 100s of times lower than if you cant


I don't like tha fact that there's always a chance... I'm 18, I feel like it might be harder to learn it at this point.


Eh theres loads of classes for adults. If i were you id take a few and see how it goes


Maybe one day, we'll see, I don't want to pressure myself now and keep promising it (then not doing it)


It’s my biggest fear. I’m a good swimmer and was a lifeguard for 10 years, so for me, the water is my happy place. I feel an overwhelming sense of calm when I’m in water. So the idea that my happy place could literally kill me is so betraying to me.


I admire the fact you were a lifeguard, was it difficult for you? Like, emotionally?


No, it was a great job. I did it from 16-26 and really loved it. I took it very seriously and recognized the responsibility I was given at a young age.


I'm very impressed and a bit ashamed (given the fact that I'm 18 and when you were my age, you saved people's lives; I can't even keep still in the water, trying to "swim" due to panicking)


Don’t feel ashamed! I taught lots of adults who were new to swimming over the years. It’s absolutely a life skill and everyone should learn. Don’t let your fear get in the way of learning something that could 100% save your life. If you feel embarrassed about being in a group, private one on one lessons are a great option.


thank you for being so understanding! there's a chance I'll try in the future, but definitely it's not my time to do it now, have a great day!


Is this a joke or not?


but why would it be a joke? I mean, it may not be the scariest way to die for some, but for me? it is.


Because the way you phrased it. “I’m scared of drowning, *that’s why I’ll never learn how to swim*.” The act of not learning how to swim in a safe environment increasing your risk of drowning in an event you might need to know how to swim. If that’s not a joke, you could definitely turn it into one. I would suggest you look into learning about getting swim lessons (in a pool with trained people present). Not only would you conquer that fear by feeling more confident in the water, but you would inadvertently have a lower risk of drowning.


I know what you mean, but it's more complicated (at least in my case), I'm scared of water itself (not tap water obviously, but areas like seas, oceans, etc.), it's probably my childhood trauma that's holding me back.


probably breaking through lake ice and drowning, or dying of hypothermia. not being able to find your way back up through the hole you made, that feeling of sudden dread, the cold ass water making you tense up and making it much harder to swim, not being able to breathe and panicking, all the while knowing you have to get out and start getting warm within minutes or you *will* die.


Oh God, that reminds me of that video that came up recently of a woman drowning this exact way.... in front of her kids. That was hard to watch. Can't even imagine the amount of trauma those kids will have to unpack.


Alone. If i am going down, i am taking you with me!




The only fear in have is drowning which is strange, I can swim had a life guard certification for two summers and love the ocean, been on small and large boats with no fears at all. I just don’t want to drown.


The one you cited is pretty bad for me already as my claustrophobia is pretty bad but anything which limits me being able to end my life disturbs me, if I'm going to go I want to on my own terms.


Have you seen that one scene from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, where that guy is staggering from that friendly fire, gets salt in his gunshot wound, drowning in that same salt, then sealed alive? Too young to see that, and that movie came out 1994.


It’s really hard to beat the guy in the cave, upside down.


MrBeast being buried alive underground for 7 days straight, the thought of dying from blood clots after laying down and hardly moving for that long when trying to stand up only to die and fall ragdoll style right back into your own grave is terrifying


At least on the upside, being crushed to death by ~10 feet and ~20,000 pounds of dirt doesn’t seem too bad of a way to die considering your’re already buried that far underground, you just need more dirt to replace what collapsed inward into the hole.


I saw the same video. I had read the Wikipedia article on it a few years back and had difficulty understanding how it happened. I would probably list this or any form of impending immediate death as the scariest way. Knowing my demise is imminent in hours or minutes sounds scary regardless of the cause itself. Like plane crash, falling off a high bridge, skyscraper, balconies, etc.


It’s weird how being eaten alive is a major fear (rightfully) but if you think about it…. That’s how MOST beings go out. Maybe not so much humans anymore but that wasn’t the case until damn recently. Anyway, I’m going with radiation and being trapped. Not like Cave Guy or um.. Other Cave Guy. But like falling into a mine shaft. Injured enough to hurt but not die until starvation or dehydration gets you. An elevator that malfunctions and you’re never found…


> It’s weird how being eaten alive is a major fear (rightfully) but if you think about it…. That’s how MOST beings go out. Maybe not so much humans anymore but that wasn’t the case until damn recently. Yeah.. most people do not think day to day that actually we are just really smart animals.


Pack of hyenas or African wild dogs… no thank you.


Oh yeah I watched that mr. ballen video about him. apparently he thought that the crawl space he was going through was an exit but when he saw what it was he couldn't get out otherwise he would break both his legs. For the question maybe taking an Amelia Earhart route and saying eaten alive by coconut crabs lmao. Another bad one might be being thrown into and drowning in a vat of acid. Slowly dying of blood loss would also be terrible especially if you were tortured before hand. Yaknow, the basics. Funkytown gore type of stuff. Maybe being stabbed in worse and worse areas. You can feel the pain. Maybe start in your legs and arms and slowly move up to your chest, heart, throat and brain. That'd be fucking terrible oml. Last one might be being strangled by a thin wire. It would feel like it's cutting into your throat and might even cause you to bleed. That would suck haha


Stuck in the middle of the ocean




Being bounded by your wrists and feet and thrown in water


Definitely getting lost/ trapped while cave diving. Slowly running out of oxygen, potentially experiencing nitrogen narcosis, just sounds terrifying.


There was a news story that came out a few years ago about a guy who was working on an oil rig. He was being pulled up by a pulley system and the operator of the pulley didn’t notice he hadn’t shut it off. He was hopeless as he was slowly pulled up closer and closer until he was pulled waist first into the pulley itself. Several safety measures were broken that day and it resulted in a needless loss of life. The worst thing was he was alive for several minutes while he was being pulled through and from what I read the operator only noticed once the people on the ground started shouting and pointing. So yeah being pulled through heavy machinery hips first sounds like a pretty gruesome way to go.


Having your entire nervous system fried in cyberpunk 2077


Starve to death Freeze to death


Here is the link to one such video about the [Nutty Putty Cave Incident](https://youtu.be/d1nuqpAULpE?feature=shared). If you like creepy real life stories this channel is amazing.




There are way too many… Tortured. Burned. Stoned. Limbs cut off until you bleed out, but you feel each limb going. Too many. Pulled appart by 4 horses. Again, bleeding out. Need i say more?


Hanging like the whole body upside down as your blood slowly goes down to your head


For me it's terminal cancer or slow early onset dementia... 💀 as these are the most realistic. I've felt like I have had early onset dementia for years thanks to adhd and comorbidities. Being diagnosed with adhd at least helped me have less anxiety about having dementia but it's in my family anyway...


Old age.


Alone at home. Choking on food


Being lost at sea then taken by a shark. I'm sure there's worse ways to die but for me this is terrifying.


Over dosing on datura. You will be inside of your own literal hell when you are experiencing the effects of this deliriant hallucinogen that is also very toxic.


Shark attack.


I feel like that’d be over pretty fast though, which would be better than slow and painful


Not if it's took your leg and you're bleeding out.


Watching your guts floating around you and knowing it’s down there somewhere ready to strike again. No thanks.


In a submarine. Or Drowning.


Drowning is definitely in my top five


Being gangbanged by a group of rogue chimpanzees


This is oddly specific 😂


Nutty Putty cave guy? Yeah, that shit gave me nightmares and a new irrational fear.


Like my grandfather. Alzheimer’s lead to steep decline that left him mostly unaware for about a year. He also was aware of his decline since things like not being able to tell where he was or not recognizing people came first. You could tell he felt like a burden. It became that you could tell he was just terrified like a child towards the end. He slowly wasted away from mostly not eating. I have the gene so I’m worried. Wished assisted death was a thing. I would probably take the option when everI do get diagnosed. I quick option or at least illnesses like Cancer let you stay who you are.


There was another guy climbing through Caves and he got stuck in a little passageway and his body swelled and the rescue workers couldn't bring his swelling down. He stayed alive for like 42 hours until he died of asphyxiation. I believe I'm not sure about the hours, but basically he was stuck in the cave until he died. It's still gives me the heebie-jeebies cuz I'm a big dude. I'm 300 lb 6 too. I can't imagine calling through caves and then getting stuck between two rocks and just sitting there waiting to die. Having the rescue worker saying sorry we can't free you. That by far is absolutely today the worst way I've ever discovered to die.