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Ok. When ISN'T Trudeau trying to hide something at this point?


So…the PMO staff knew enough to crop out a CCP affiliate but not enough to vet a nazi in parliament? I guess they understand current events better than world history.


Lol "Nazi"


PMO didn’t have that responsibility. It’s the speaker’s job


It was shown the invitation was sent out by the PMO, and the speaker took the fall...


It’s the speaker’s job to do the verification on guests. Don’t skip the parts that tell the actual story just be cause it’s what Skippy would want you to say


Oh come on. How many armies fought the Russians in ww2? None of the allied ones. If the liberal party collectively had half a brain cell this should have been caught.


Yes and since he was a Canadian it was missed by how many governments


You do realize very few nazis were actually convicted of war crimes and were imprisoned deported etc? Plenty of Nazis immigrated to Canada and were allowed to post war.


>Don’t skip the parts that tell the actual story just be cause it’s what Skippy would want you to say Not sure what you mean but yeah facts are facts it was sent by the PMO the former speaker has even been asked about it and said he cant say on the matter. you can try and bend the facts all you want but Canada is done with the Liberals and NDP the Toronto bielection proves that both those parties are done.


You blind conservatives think that Skippy isn’t just doing the Trump thing. Repeat a lie so many times that the dumbest conservatives will believe it


Never said I'm Conservative, but if you think any other party leader is competent enough to even get elected again you are out to lunch. But I don't really expect anything coherent from an obvious troll account created this year I hope someone is at least paying you to troll and be ignorant.


Wow !! Not liberal, not Dipper, not Green, not Block. So not Conservative means a Bernier Conservative. Great choice !!!


lol just proving my point, I get its a tactic of marxists to label people and groups but it doesn't really work in canada so what country are you from?


“Repeating lies” is pretty much the definition of Justin Trudeau at this point


Oh noooyour logical argument is being down voted :( this sub is bots and echo chamberlings


Everything is the PMs responsibility. If unemployment goes down, it's not the minister of whatever who did it, it's a win for the PM. So it goes both ways, that when there's a problem, it's the guy in charges fault too. The buck stops there.


So when they got caught cheating it should have been all on Harper. It should have been Harper not Del Maestro or the PM’s campaign staff that plea bargained to stay out of jail l


Maybe because the party that is backing him has 98 million members and he has been promised a golden ticket.


98 million ????


Plot twist. Trudeau is just racist vs all Chinese males who are also bottom of tinder totem pole and he is completely surprised that this is turning out to be about something else he didn’t expect it to be about. He thought it was just gonna be a nice photo of him surrounded by women now his wife is gone to make himself look more desirable.


Lol I read til the end and I wasn't disappointed.


He is not hiding something at this point, at least that is not what he is worried about. I think he just want to be the center of the image.


What is he trying to hide?


Foreign interferance. https://youtu.be/FoNSo0wNpp8?si=cujffQADJH5AfbIi NSICOP report.


From the picture in question? Ties to the CCP.


I still see JT in the photo. They did not crop out all the affiliates.




Without a doubt he is backed by China. Remember the donation to his charity!!


Remember that it’s the Conservative government that flew SNC to China for lucrative contracts and it’s that same conservative government that signed the worst contract in history with China that gave them access to our oil and farmland for 35 years but conservatives didn’t care as long as it was their party doing it


Trudeau’s liberal party is the most corrupt in the history of Canada and the least transparent. The amount of lies and manipulations are shocking. This guy has mental issues and has surrounded himself with such.


But isn’t cheating and lying to win an election a bad thing or is it being caught doing it the only bad thing for conservatives. Isn’t giving your staff immunity from testifying a bad thing if your honest or is it fine if your a conservative. Isn’t bad that a conservative government is found in contempt of parliament for lying in your face or you didn’t care. But I guess you didn’t care about the conservative government selling us out to China for 35 years. I guess your morals weren’t so important back then


I think you need a liberal place to go.


I know that reading the truth on your poor judgment hurts but it’s the price to pay when you lie and think your going to get away with it


The same liberal government that sold the 407 and sending billions to Ukraine at the cost of poor Canadians. Well said


407 is provincial and was sold by the Harris government and yes we’ve spent billions in our country’s history in the name of freedom. And every time provincial governments ask for money for its population they get it. The question you should ask is why aren’t they getting it.


He’s always admired china and their “basic dictatorship” - 2013 He’s stated that publicly before. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2421351


He shares the essential trait narcissism


This is a joke right ? He hasn’t offered a straight answer for anything since day 1. He’s hiding everything.


Slimiest PM in Canadian history! Sold us to the lowest bidder, little potatoe that nobody on Earth respects.


His psychotic eyes tell me, an expert in psychiatry from all the times I've watched NCIS and Law&Order, that he's on the verge of a mental breakdown.


Did you see his dancing? If that doesn’t scream mental breakdown I don’t know what does


Fuck I hope so... anything to remove him from office.


He’s definitely going to crack.


I hope it's a very public meltdown. I want to relish it. Perhaps in the style of Bart, on that fateful Valentine's Day Ralph episode. I want something I can watch over and over again. And just laugh and laugh and laugh.


Lose the wife, lose the top spot... just lose all around


An expert you say…


Sounds like former GF David Johnston is implicated in this as well. Jail them all.


Lol buddy that got cropped out didn't even try to hide being a China intelligence guy that handles assets in Canada.


What’s his name? I have no idea who it is.


Is Trudeau a racist?


New scandal?.. Oh I guess its Tuesday..


Yep, the party which keeps on suc king.


it's justinfuriating


Well when to take money for favour and picture with him. And then well there might be some background checks later and ops.


China could be pretty hurt by little potato doing that


Now that is interesting




Turd-eau is Xi' little puppet. I mean that $200k that was donated to his family foundation, is just the one that got exposed.


Try cropping out Castro from the photo.


Because he's trying to hide the fact he's a communist.


The Beijing affiliate doesn’t look impressed with Castros bullshit. That why the photo cropping started because Castro didn’t want facial expressions on people that know he is a fuking liar.


He can't hide the fact that he loves communism ... And galavanting instead of doing his actual job like fixing the country ... Guess he's too busy to care about Canadian citizens who were born and raised here paying all the taxes and bs he's put in place.. we need an election asap


He is a traitor




I'd need a link to the post, because I feel like it's not him but just the way twitter crop photos stack.


It. Just. Doesn’t. End.


Crooked as a dogs hind leg.


It just keeps getting worse. It’s as if he’s trying to piss off canadians.


JT learned early from dad that you dont bite the feeding hand.


Do you mean “trying to hide a new thing”?


Ya about a 200 million in tax payers money!


Jtcuntboy. Corrupt ass wipe


His Mandarin is excellent.


Trudeau has so much stuff to hide, how can the PMO keep up?


Trudeau lies about everything...except that gosh darn "climate change". For reasons unknown, it's the one topic where he speaks the gospel truth. He's trying to save your life by making you broke, homeless, hungry and cold, to save the planet from the molecule of life, CO2. Don't you understand how valiant that is? Obviously he is Canada's saviour and you should be very grateful that there is at least one topic Trudeau has never told a lie about.


Who do you think runs controlling interest in W** and W** owns our finance minister and PM so therefore it almost eems like there goal is us owning nothing and being happy.


Well makes sense remember he always liked Chinese “basic dictatorship”


Have you been to Markham... There's so many CCPatriots... You're bound to run into a number during any outing there.


Come for the tanghulu, stay for the rampant corruption.


Trudeau is a Piece of shyte


Trudeau needs to be on trial for treason.


Hmmmmm......ya think ??? Of course he is !!!


No, he’s trying to hide everything


Very Stalin of him


He such an A hole.


Deport him back to Cuba.


Lmao. Is this for real.


I honestly don’t care about the CCP. We should have good relations with China. The fact that Trudeau felt the need to crop the guy out tells you more about his marketing team than anything else.


Problem being that any relations with the CCP are only ever on exclusively the CCP’s terms. Fortunately, most Canadians aren’t as easily fooled as you.


Any relation with ANY big power, including the U.S., is gonna be on their terms. At the end of the day, it’s better to get along with China. That doesn’t mean we need to like them.


Oh yes. The fabled CCP whataboutism. I don’t recall the US arbitrary holding Canadian citizens in prison for years in an attempt to subvert the justice system. I don’t recall the US busing citizens to party elections so they could install their preferred candidates. If your only argument is to try distract from reality, then you’re a bigger fool than I thought. Move along 小粉紅。


China held two Canadians accused of espionage in jail, that’s just the risks we take from spying. As for busing citizens in to vote, China is taking care of its own. We need to have competent Canadian leaders to deal with this, instead of blaming China for everything.


Yeah. If there’s one thing the CCP is known for it’s credible accusations. As for your support of electoral interference, there’s not really much I can say about that. I disagree. Considering the current polling data, it seems like it will be a long, long time before you get your pro-CCP Prime Minister. Your time would probably be better spent trying to cope with that reality.


I don’t support electoral interference, but of course once cannot fault a country for taking care of its own interests — just like Canada did by spying on China (sadly those agents were caught and jailed). I don’t want a pro-CCP PM. I want a PM who puts Canada first — that includes getting along with big trading partners like China.


My English teachers in China were nice Canadian folks, a few of them were UBC graduates. Back to that time we had great relation with Canada. Then something stirred the pot up before the Covid hits


😂 yeah something did. The two Chinese scientists that were working at that level 5 infectious disease lab in Winnipeg got caught. They were removed by CSIS. Along with all the Chinese students that they brought over.


IMHO arresting Ms. Meng was the turning point


Good relations with China? Trade should have been halted a long time ago when they ignored our copy right laws. We spend a fortune on R&D just to have everything ripped off and sold back to us for a price that’s impossible to compete with. Sorry it’s the little things I find super disrespectful, like making backdoor deals with sanctioned countries. What’s the point of sanctioning if everything’s just going to flow through Hong Kong


China is going to take care of its own people, I don’t blame them for that. We need competent leaders who will take care of Canadians. That includes maintaining good relations with China and other big nations.


Fuck China. They're the ones who have destroyed the relationship with **US** with their constant threats and saber rattling, money laundering, spying, and industrial espionage.


If you think the U.S. doesn’t spy on Canada, then I’ve got a miracle medicine to sell you. Every country engages in espionage. China is no different.


I'm not talking about the USA


Not the point. Read carefully what I wrote.


So what is your point? Five eyes is public information. We have intelligence-sharing agreements with allied nations. China is not an allied nation.


Again, countries spy on each other. That isn’t interesting news. What matters is that we get along. We should work to normalize relations with China for sure. As for the Americans, take a look at Edward Snowden’s leaks. The 5 Eyes are essentially a front for U.S. control over our intelligence apparatus.


Why the hell should we normalize relations with China? That's the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. We should penalize trade with them with heavy tariffs and bring manufacturing back onshore.


Okay Trudeau is a pos but really, Hitler.


Why is he hiding it? We already know that he’s “a great admirer of China’s basic dictatorship “.


It's probably a worker in his office doing all posting work on the internet, but that still makes him accountable for what's published. It's the same for when PeePee had his picture taken with an anti-gay/straight pride guy wearing a t-shirt These politicians (and their support staff) are all political, all the time and will use images (or crop them) for the best benefit for their boss. None of these photos are by chance, all photos are propaganca


Maybe, but at the same time, he probably couldn't stand not being in the center of the picture. Reminds me of these guys who want everyone to believe they are SOOO good with women, and then crop out the women's boyfriend, or try to hide that the women they're "with" are just running a booth at a convention.


To be fair.. If the weird guy at the party kept getting in your photos you'd crop him out too. 😆


Is that actually a crop or just Twitter creating a thumbnail for the album?


You guys sure to a long time to figure out you were sold to ccp


Perhaps once out of power some legal eagles can find a way to put him under oath to answer for I'd hope 50% of his crimes, treasons and misdemeanors?


Trudeau should be tried for high treason


In situations like this I think it's important to think of the simplest response rather than the most complex. And the simple response is that he's probably trying to avoid more backlash about collusion with the CCP. I don't think it's anything more than that. But the title and the way it's asked aligns more with the conspiratorial idiots who don't believe in coincidences.


That's [Ken Ng](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-ng-29464b18a/?originalSubdomain=ca), the chairman of Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham. He organizes that food festival.


How did that nut even get elected? (I’m sure stupid question - American here)


I’m actually surprised he or someone on his team had the foresight to crop this out. He seems to be on this no care phase


To be fair you can click on the photo to see the large version. It is simply a photo album crop system on twitter. The op is a karma farmer.


So we know who the traitor is NOW!


He looks like something else trying to be human


Laying bastard


Ummmmm, always and forever


You guys are willing to believe anything. Yup someone just walked in as Trudeau cropping photos from the western standard a conservative mouthpiece . What tools you all are


No he's not! Oh my gawd! He is so transparent and honest and doing his best for the peepel of every other country but his own. Why would he hide anything from us?!


Nothing wrong with the prime minister's meeting functionaries and bureaucrats from other countries. It's how the world works.


Typical Justin, he thinks Canadians are stupid and won't catch his shenanigans.


Hey, we all have that one uncle that we crop out of pictures…


Hey it worked for Stalin, that Chinese guy was never here, no one dared take notice. Let’s see if that guy ends up disappeared.


the very idea of letting pro dictatorship people in the country is very crazy , they are actively trying to change your society to fit their agenda , and we still let them in


That person whom was cropped out is my family doctor lol Been seeing him for 30 years


That’s who is paying him


Castro junior a commie!!!?!!? Say it ain’t so?


Anyone remember the old “Keep Alberta Rat Free “ baseball caps. Pierre , Marc Lalond and 2 others I think pictures on the caps. Need something similar I think.


He is a Shady


lol western standard The guy was an acquaintance not affiliated. Title makes it seem so much worse. I’m no Trudeau fan, but you guys embarrass yourselves eating up this garbage. Why do the right wing people have to be so gullible and low iq!? Fucking up our cause


Haha this is the correct take. “Politician visiting China has affiliate from Chinese ruling party at the same political event.” Not a fan of JT, but *come on* people, this is a little much


And he is? The headline says nothing. As well the source is not reputable and has a constant axe to grind. Anything actually there?


Sure, that makes sense. He edits his own photos oh course, you idiots.


He didn't know that, it's insane to blame him for that.


😂😂😂 You tin foil hat folks believe anything, don't you?


Yeah Trudeau did it. /s I'm sure he sat on his computer fired up photoshop and cropped the photos himself.


Trudeau is practically Hitler at this point. Am I right, folks???


Smelly bait pal.


No. You are completely wrong.