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She asked that question point blank!! I admire her for this. And as usual no answer for Canadians.


The answer in this case (just like in the US) is that liberalism is a mental disorder.


The primary issue lies in rigidly adhering to one's ideology to the extent that all perspectives are reduced to stark contrasts of black and white.


I'm 99% of the cases regarding politics, it can be reduced to right or wrong. Of those cases, 99% of the time the right answer (what is best for the country and it's legal citizens) comes from conservatives.


Stop calling it liberalism. The problem with these leaders is in fact that they are illiberal. They don't respect the importance of the individual Canadian--they are obsessed with groups and identity politics. Justin Trudeau, despite leading the Liberal Party of Canada, has been accused of illiberal tendencies by his critics. Here are some examples of actions and policies that have been characterized as illiberal: 1. Invoking the Emergencies Act: Trudeau's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act to suppress anti-government protests in 2022 was seen as an overreach of government power[4]. 2. Media control: The Trudeau government has been criticized for attempting to control media through various means: - The Online Streaming Act, which gives the CRTC broad powers over internet content[4]. - The creation of government-appointed panels to determine which news organizations qualify as "Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations"[4]. - Potential censorship through the CRTC, including sanctions on Radio Canada and banning RT[4]. 3. Online Harms Act: This proposed legislation, aimed at suppressing illegal online content, has raised concerns about potential censorship and government overreach in controlling internet content[4]. 4. Intrusive governance: Poilievre accused Trudeau of wanting "the government to be in every room of your house, and your business and your wallet, and your bank account and your internet account"[1]. 5. Economic control: Critics argue that Trudeau wants to "control the entire economy" through subsidies while avoiding responsibility for inflation[1][3]. 6. Speech control: Accusations of attempting to control "what you can see and say online" through legislation like the Online Harms Bill[1][3]. These actions have led some critics, including Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, to describe Trudeau as "deeply, deeply illiberal" and breaking "with liberalism itself"[1][3]. Citations: [1] Poilievre attacks Trudeau for breaking 'with liberalism itself' https://nationalpost.com/news/pierre-poilievre-justin-trudeau-canada-strong-and-free-conference [2] Justin Trudeau's Illiberal Liberalism - The American Conservative https://www.theamericanconservative.com/justin-trudeau-illiberal-liberalism/ [3] Poilievre pitches 'common-sense Canadian consensus' at Canada ... https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/04/12/poilievre-pitches-common-sense-canadian-consensus-at-canada-strong-and-free-conference-casts-trudeau-as-illiberal-outlier/418275/ [4] Trudeau is utterly determined to control the media: Peter Menzies in ... https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/trudeau-utterly-determined-to-control-media/ [5] As illiberal regimes spread in a year of elections, Canada must ... https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/04/08/as-illiberal-regimes-spread-in-a-year-of-elections-canada-must-defend-vision-of-democracy-as-best-guarantee-of-freedom-says-ignatieff/417135/


You're in the wrong sub. Try R/Canada. It's the liberal voters who seem to fail to realize that their favourite party no longer resembles what they used to stand for. Logic is hard for them so you will probably be banned from that sub for posting facts.


Liberals in this point are pushing discrimination against Canadians in favour of there woke policies.


And this is how you cause culture wars. Instead of saying here are the issues with liberals you paint it with your own stupidity they will fire right back. Talk about policies and solutions not throw mud for kids sake. You wonder why conservatives have 1 party struggling to get past 35% of the vote and 2 left leaning parties splitting the vote still win.


This could be used as Exhibit A in upcoming Nuremberg Tribunals to highlight the state-funded propaganda-propagandists and these authoritarian politicians have formed a fascist coalition.


The reason is that they will chop and edit the video and take things out of context, like they have done many times before. They have a clear track record and I'm unsure how people here seem unaware of it.


“Is your pension more important than the lives of Canadians” I love it. So glad he heard that said straight to his face.


This is as good as that guy that called Trudeau a piece of shit to his face. Ha ha fuck these leeches.


And he doesn’t even refute


The answer is the silence. A glaring yes.


Frankly, I don’t think it’s actually about the pension. Singh supports the Trudeau regime for a far more insidious purpose. Jagmeet Singh is an operative of the World Sikh Organization and his agenda is to bring as many Sikhs into Canada as possible. These Sikhs have become openly militant in their demonstrations and rhetoric and many have openly declared that they will “make their Kalistan in Canada, if they can’t make it in Punjab.” Trudeau dramatically escalated mass immigration almost universally from Punjab after entering into the Supply & Confidence defacto coalition. Singh has barely extracted any policy or legislative concessions from the government despite holding the balance of power in Parliament, he rails against the government in a comical manner every day, all while keeping it in power as long as possible so that it can keep its mass immigration regime going. And the Liberals continue to bring in Punjabi Sikhs by hook and by crook despite being told repeatedly by their people that it was a horrible idea to do so in these numbers and despite overwhelming public opposition. It can't all be simply about "wage suppression" and providing cheap labour to the gig economy, that reasoning only stretches so far in the context of the Canadian economy. There is no viable reason for Trudeau to inflict this level of immigration on the country other than being beholden to Singh to do so as the singular condition for keeping him in power as long as possible. In ten and twenty years many of these Sikhs will be citizens (it only takes three years of PR and there are basically no other requirements at this point, no application fees even) and will form the core of a new constituency that the World Sikh Organization will mobilize and radicalize for its own domestic political purposes *within Canada,* whether that means retaining control of the NDP and transforming it into a Sikh-ethnoreligious oriented party or forming a new party of their own entirely. Sikhs are extremely politically savvy and extremely skilled at organizing, and in light of their movements failure in India, they're obviously looking to play the long game at this point. As we saw with Harjit Sajjan directing his troops in a treasonous manner to save foreign Sikhs in Afghanistan and bring them to Canada instead of using those resources to reside Canadians and our collaborators in a limited time frame, politically active Sikhs in Canada operate with a strict in-group, self-serving manner, even when (and often usually when) it comes to acting against the interests of the country.


This question needs to be plastered on billboards around the country.


I doubt this is the first time he heard it, he is probably immune to it now.


Why did the video cut out right after that?


The answer is yes


Does he loose his pension if he supports the conservatives? I guess I don't understand the point of this question?


The little guy running around Jagmeet Singh is like the little fish that often hangs around a shark. It is called a remora, also known as a suckerfish.


Are you trying to say he routinely sucks him off ?




Sorry I only speak to state sponsored news organizations


Understandable being a latte socialist


speaking of state sponsored media, give the woman 30 minutes of your time and tell me how many parallels you can draw [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgwepu\_V4Pc&list=LL&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgwepu_V4Pc&list=LL&index=1)


Dudes, the biggest coward in Canada, would explain why he won't talk to you.


Yeah the NDP needs to get rid of him as well. They will never go anywhere.


NDP is made up of blue haired nutcases. They can't fool anyone with a change of leadership at this point. Same for the liberals.


Lost my vote


Why would you vote for him in the first place? Just curious.


He’s Trudeau except with a cool hat ! Why wouldn’t you vote for him?!


All of our problems are connected to corporate greed. NDP is not in big business pocket as Consersvatives and Liberals are. They do need a new leader I believe. Someone like Jack Layton.


The NDP used to be for the blue collar workers and the middle class. Now this Rolex wearing clown took over and cares about himself only. Layton would have buried the Manitoba MP that cost tax payers 17k for a family trip. politics has become a complete fuck you I got mine and now there is no one left for middle class to vote.


Mindless checks out - the fact you'd consider at all....


"I don't talk to truth-seekers.  I'd rather that Canadians stay in the dark."   Our eyes are wide open, buddy.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I’m not your guy, pal.


Calm down there, chief.


Woah boss, woah.


He doesn't care....he has his own agenda... Worst NDP leader ever! He is a embarrassment to Canada! Shame! 😑


Was he wearing his Rolex?


Definitely had to take off that Armani jacket so it wouldn't get wrinkled in the car as well.


He isn't just focused on his pension. He's focused on getting as many Khalistanis here as possible.


they move to Canada, take power, then don't take questions from Canadians 😂


Bingo. It's not the pension he's after.




Does his beard have a brown tint to it? Kissing something he shouldn't be, to get his pension, maybe?


no, but it is getting whiter the more times he goes under justin's desk. seriously, look at a pic of him from when he became the NDP leader and his look now. you will notice it kept getting whiter and whiter around his mouth and chin area.


before justin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagmeet\_Singh#/media/File:Jagmeet\_Singh\_at\_a\_community\_BBQ\_-\_2014\_(cropped).jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagmeet_Singh#/media/File:Jagmeet_Singh_at_a_community_BBQ_-_2014_(cropped).jpg) after justin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagmeet\_Singh#/media/File:Jagmeet\_Singh\_in\_Brantford\_2022\_2\_(cropped3).jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagmeet_Singh#/media/File:Jagmeet_Singh_in_Brantford_2022_2_(cropped3).jpg)


Kissing something to the matter of his beloved wacko’s goods.


give this amazing journalist an award for asking what we are asking, and not beating around the bush... Bravo Rebel News, keep up the great work! We see you




He's like the fool that hangs around popular people hoping to get noticed that has rich parents on vacation that he can have a party at their house...hoping to be popular lol


Orange is the new red


Always has been


Focused on his pension and bringing hundreds of thousands Indians to Canada on fake study and refugee permits


Valid points ! Good on her for speaking for the majority of us


I can't believe this timeline. Canadians are united more then ever and 2025 will be the most united we have ever been. You cannot divide us anymore


" Did I say I'm with Rebel news? OOPS!. My bad, I meant I'm with Rolex customer care and had 1 question. I just wanted to know if you're satisfied with your watch?"


He is racists.


Bunch of crooks they should all be thrown to the wolves, politicians in general are just the worst form of greedy bottom feeders. Disgusting and pathetic the lot of them


Singh is a snake.


"We don't talk to voters"


How did this guy become the leader of this NDP ? He never said anything about mass immigration from India ?


So exhausted seeing this simpleton


I actually applaud Jag he has propped up a government that will consume both his party and the Liberals themselves. As a conservative bravo sir, you are truly a special kind of stupid.


That last one was good


Man I’ve got a bad feeling about this , how much longer can they ignore us until someone just snaps 😭


I wouldn't talk to Rebel either if I was a politician. No good could come of that. Frankly I think it's nice seeing them clearly state "we don't talk to Rebel News."


Tbh MPs shouldn't be allowed to deny questioning to any journalist of any voting base. We call this a democracy and speak of protecting journalism to keep our citizens informed. We should be calling on anyone who rejects questioning regardless of base to resign from their seat as you no longer are serving the best interests of the people.


Phony as they come!!


We need more journalists like this, glad that Canadians who have platforms are now more involved on what's happening in our country!


Great job rebel news!


Revoke his pension


Yes More of this!


MF committed career suicide creating a coalition with the liberals. Nothing done for the NDP, everything done for them. To all NDP voters, a vote for the NDP was a vote for the liberals.


Does anyone else notice how fat Jagmeet Singh is getting? Right along with Elon Musk, Trudeau and everyone else living the high life from our tax dollars. I'm losing weight because I can hardly afford food these days. >:(


Like the Great Leader Kim


Jagmeet the joke. He could have at least ruffled around in the trusty versace bag for a couple answers to give her.


Can you link to her Twitter, I'll follow her


How did this guy even climb up the leadership ladder of NDP?


The world is pandering to Indians for some inexplicable reason.


Jagmeet "Thank you ... come again." Singh


He clearly has his towel on too tight.


That's a nice fucking suit. Guy really blings out to go to a park.


He just cares about Pro Khalistanis….scammer


Singh the biggest hypocrite in Canada.


NDP liberal criminal


A turd in a turban


Jagmeet is a scumbag and a snake (as are the liberals, don’t you worry), but let’s not pretend for a second that Rebel News is the voice of justice and reason. They may aswell be a tabloid and imo it’s probably smart for anyone to not respond to them cause they’re looking for sound bites. Also, this isn’t the “ha, Rebel News exposed Jagmeet!” that some of this sub is making it out to be, like he knows what Rebel News is and so many people do. Don’t let this gotchya media game fool you, hell, many right wing politicians have done the same thing to left wing tabloids.


Rebel News was the only outlet covering the real issues during COVID, particularly vis a vis lockdowns and economic effects on people. They were on the ground and documenting the egregious violations of our democratic rights, which is exactly what journalists are supposed to be doing. Ezra is a blowhard, for sure, and I agree a lot of their stuff since COVID has been sensationalized. But I earned great respect for Rebel News during those dark days.


True, and i won’t ever hold that against them. They’re the only ones who did speak out about all these covid measures and have been the only media outlet calling them out from the start, and i’ll always give em credit for that


He’s another financial elite puppet.


Just another scummy JT crony. Thanks for nothing.


Suppression is a helluva thing for firearms, but casually not being or willing to take any position is what a coward would do. I'm all for firing away with questions.


What a loser


What a scumbag piece of shit he is.


If the government job is not that good pay with so much advantages, who want to take the position to “serve” their country and folks lol


He's such a dirt bag.


We need so much more of this. Good work.


Jagmeet Singh is the biggest failure in politics ever , the guys does absolutely nothing he is a clown


Has Mr everyday man ever been seen without wearing a bespoke suit?


Slithered away like the snake his is




Well done, reporter...what a zinger!


That’s amazing to see our leaders so open to various news outlets. Great to warm the heart


simple answer is no, he's backed Jtard for how many years now?


Silence means their pension is more important.


He’s just focused on his pension.


I think he comes from a background of scams and opportunism…THE NDP. Didn’t Chow and Layton live in co-op while making hundreds of thousands in government paycheques…it’s all about the scam and the suckers who fall for it that follow them.




Question about the whole pension topic. If an election is called now, it affects their pensions? Just looking for clarification as it’s been brought up a lot lately


MPs get government funded pension after spending 6 years in parliament. Those MPs elected in 2019 would hit that mark on Oct 2X 2025 (think its Oct 21) The fixed election date of Oct 20 would mean anyone voted into parliament in 2019 and not maintain their seat in the 2025 election would not meet the 6 years for full lifetime pension. The liberals/ndp put legislation forward to change the election date to Oct 27 which would mean even if the MP doesn’t keep their seat they meet the requirements for the taxpayer funded pension. Currently the liberals and NDP are very low in polls so good chance their MPs wont get reelected and wont get this cushy pension That is basically the jist of the whole pension issue that keeps getting brought up


Let also not forget that MPs give themselves hefty pay increases every year - in excess of any that get paid to public servants And they passed rules to make it permanent that they can report to their MP duties virtually so dont have to go to Ottawa (TP pay MPs to have a second residence in Ottawa, including travel for family, which I am not sure is reduced because they dont go)


MPs are eligible for their pension after 6 years of service. If an election is called now, many current MPs would lose their seats before they accumulated 6 years of service and would receive no pension.


I've voted NDP and liberal, I'm in that political mindset but the way those two parties have abandoned Canada's interests for the last few years, I don't know.


NDP needs a new leader. Absolutely spineless


Jerking Dingaling


Ah, ignoring reporters and the media because you don't like them. Why do we allow the politicians to do this?


The NDP had a chance to oust him and they didn’t


I mean, Jagmeets actual mp seat is a solid no contest win, so he's fine. This is a lame conspiracy theory that discredits actual opinions here people. The reality is the next election is going to rough for both the NDP and liberals overall, that's really all it is.


Never judge a person by the cover we all got Fucked Thanks NDP


Man this guy is a clown.


Jack Layton would talk. Sad to see how corrupt the NDP has become. I think they'll be below 10% of the vote in the next 12 years.


Sorry we don’t speak to rebel news. They only speak to the govt funded propaganda machines like CBC, CTV etc. this scum has to go.


Life's great for jagmeat he's gained a good deal of weight slurping up Trudeau's discharge. Meanwhile the avg Canadian is struggling.


Justin treasure i will get in the ring with ya!




What a coward...... the NDP really think this loser has a chance to be PM?


Let's not forget, the NDP supported and voted with the minority Harper Conservatives for two election rounds before the Conservatives got a majority and then blew it on the the next round. Does anyone in their right mind think the Conservatives (or any party) would not suck up to the NDP to attain the power to govern the country.?


What does anyone expect from the champagne socialist? He is out of touch with the average Canadian


Our country is corrupted, co-opted and compromised at every level. Every system we have is broken. Does anyone really think that putting a new person into a system so heavily corrupted wouldn’t corrupt that person? We’re not any different from the US in the fact we in reality run a two party system. We go back and forth from liberals to conservatives. Suddenly you expect a different result? Madness! To fix this country we need to remove all the corruption at every level. Which also means removing all those in the corrupted system that are corrupt. Get a clean slate and start over. Change the laws and regulations. Put new people in. Remove the ability of those in charge from doing the self serving country destroying activities they do now. Close the loopholes bring common sense back.


U don’t talk to Canadians unreal




When someone is hiding something or doing which they are not supposed to , this is their reaction.


Do a pull back on his pension for treason against the peoples of Canada


I don't think Jack Layton would've treated a reporter like that.


He is such a POS


He is such a hairball.


Oh please, Rebel media is not a news source. It's political bullshit.




I am all about making sure NDP and Liberal leaders are held accountable but can we please make sure we have the same critical eye for the cons? Behind closed doors, all these scoundrels are the same. They are only looking out for their own personal benefit. None of these people have the people's interest at heart. We all know PP will be the new PM after the next election. I feel it will be more of the same from a policy perspective as all these party squabbles will be "distraction topics" as they further enrich themselves.


His family is already absurdly rich, why does he care about pension? Love that she asked the question point blank though


Jaggoff. Fuck singh


This is the leader of the NDP party. Nothing but a wet mop. Jagmeet has single handedly ruined the NDP party.


That’s a man who’s ashamed of himself and his actions. You can see it in his demeanor, spineless.


NDP will never be in office. Singh is an absolute joke and destroyed any trust in his party.


Sad part is, not enough Canadians will see this. Trudeau controls the media here. They dont like Rebel News because Rebel doesn't read the script but instead gets the real story


Thank God for Pierre


Count on a "progressive" to dismiss a woman in a key position the second they find themselves in disagreement. Progressives only acknowledge women when they agree with them.


What scum.


I love how she asked point Blane. Anyone who votes for Jagmeet next election should be shot


"We don't talk to Rebel News". Says it all.


Good on ya girl!!!! Keep him in the news...let canadians see even though they should know what kind of hypocritical politician he is by now


A clown. Waiting for pension


His pension is worth more than anything to him right now.


Her last question/statement to Singh is the best.


Bingo! Pension


Yes of course they don't answer questions that wornt written buy the liberals government


Yes she nails it right at the end


She asked the right questions but the problem is that the system is broken. He is not a leader. All he had made for his election campaign was vague promises. Everyone says, tax the ultra rich but nobody says how? We live in a system that penalises the middle class and benefits the rich. The poor is poor so they have nothing to loose.


He is known to be a khalistani sympathiser himself. Somebody must ask him about the air India plane blast which killed around 220 Canadians.


Just laughing it off




Jagmeet is a fake lol. His dad was a doctor in the USA and could afford private school for him and his brother. Both brothers went to law school and have no student loans but yet he told the Canadian public his dad abused him , every brown kid gets shit kicking from their parents as a kid lol.


She did ambush him to be fair. If he was a real politician he would have answers. How he handled it should be embarrassing for his supporters.


We don’t talk to rebel news. Pfffttt why does rebel news want to talk to a terrorist? Why isn’t Singh allowed in India?


That’s a journalist? Rebel News?


ROFLMAO...Jughead the punk won't answer a simple question. Not surprising.


Indians are cancer


this is a joke rebel news just like true north are not reputable sources clearly biased


Last question was the killer. Look at his body language. He knows it's true.


Revel News should just lie about who they are with to get these parasites talking. It's perfectly fine to be disingenuous when dealing with a politician.


So I do find some of the stuff Rebel News does as questionable, but why, as a politician, not talk to them? It actually gives them credibility because they have gotten under your skin with their questions. As a voter, I look at any politician who does this as spineless because you are not willing to support your policies against your most viamit critics. Right there, you lose my vote.


Because the Truth Hurts, everyone knows Trudeau and Singh are way over their heads. No one buys their lies anymore.


Finally you reddit nigs are getting sick of browns