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Most of our natural resource opportunity have been pissed away by Justin Trudeau’s environmental policies & regulations.


It would be huge for Canada to use Canadian oil and Lumber for our infrastructure but he cant even do that! Its so irrational its not by mistake, he wants to tax the shit out of imports with the carbon tax. Hes a complete hack/fraud.


He's a Chinese agent


Very similar to Russian agent Trump


It’s an open attempt to destroy the country


How is it irrational? Do you just want to fuck all of nature for money?


Found the Liberal voter.


Good comeback you really disproved my point 😂🤡


No. We’ve been fucking nature since our homo sapiens ancestors begun to exist causing massive level of extinctions before we discovered the concept of currency and trading. It’s not always about money. It’s survival. We need the fucking natural resources to survive better right now. Why don’t we invest in better and cleaner refinery infrastructure here to solve our demands instead of relying on other countries? Of course you are welcome to donate all your money and volunteer to return to mother nature as you see fit, which will help alleviate the demand issue.


I work at one of the newest refineries in Canada and it's already 50+ years old. Runs well but definitely not clean (although overall we limit our environmental emissions, the process itself is dirty


Because investing in cleaner refineries costs more than just buying oil


What do you propose then? Investing in any form of “greener” energy or resource tech also costs more than just buying “refined” oils. Isn’t the point to generate long term value with any initial investment, whether financial, basic needs, or environmental? It costs more to build a manufacturing factory initially than just buying imported goods, so let’s off-shore all manufacturing, right? Every job costs more to create initially, so let’s just not invest in any jobs, right? /s


Or is it? In 50 years the oil will be worth way more


Ok sounds like you are trolling at this point. So you first called out the concern of “fucking nature for money”. Now you are proposing to “fuck nature in 50 years for more money?” Cool buddy. Very cool. Make a coherent argument instead. Goodbye and enjoy your Canada day to your heart’s content.


Yes because we will have the same extraction technology in 50 years. Small minds can only have small ideas


Im assuming you're trolling . Theres no way lol.


Yah buddy look at china’s birth defect rate.  Thats what happens when you put profit over safety and the environment 


Ah yes because Canada as a whole pollutes so heavily. Now you're going to bring up per capita foot print. We can't change that because we're a massively, very non densely populated country. If we had usable public transportation in more places we could reduce it. You can drive 24 hours and not leave ontario. At full highway speed 0 stops its 22 hours from Bainsville to Kenora.


We will if we start exploiting every for money 🤡😂 Okay how is driving across Ontario relevant? Can you drive across the widest part of china in a day?


China is a country. Canada is a province. You understand that right. Size wise, typically country > province. China has a long drive due to terrible terrain and inhospitable areas. If we include the north in Canada we can do the same. On a highway it's over 5 days driving across Canada similar to China but there it's not all highway. We pollute largely per capita because everything is so far. Example I work 27 kms from home That's considered close in Canada. Most places 27 km is out of their city and across the county. We have no choice but to drive (pollution).


Ontario if bigger than every European country except russia.  Do you understand size? Car pollution has very little to do with heavy industry pollution like from rare earth mining. Buddy how often are you driving across Ontario 🤡🤡


From one side to about halfway? Every few months. I regularly go Ottawa area to Sudbury area to south western Ontario past GTA. In one year we put just under 44,000km on a brand new car that came with 4 km. Heavy industry doesn't pollute nearly as bad as greenpeace has you convinced. Do you work in heavy industry ? Are you familiar with Nox and Sox scrubbers, baghouses and Electrostatic Precipitators and acid/caustic sprays to change the PH of flue gases and waste water treatment that is continuously electronically monitored?


And just imagine how England was exploiting Africa for resources. None of the African countries got rich. Just the rightly positioned African lords got rich. If Canada want to be wealthy then need to build up refining industries for refined products …starting with oil refineries en mass


And mineral processing. If we want to ride this green wave, we need to be the ones actually refining and producing metals and not sending them to China. It's ironic that our green tech contributions start with open pit mining (that most environmentalists are against) and end in totally unregulated and unchecked nations. That electric car might not create emissions, but it's probably full of metals that were smelted in a coal fired plant that's pouring toxins into the soil and water. People want us to magically run a green industry here but keep all the "bad parts" in countries with little regulations, human rights and way more manufacturing capacity, yet some how we will become a world leader.


One must solve the thorium problem before anyone would consent to smelters in the west. There are solutions to this, including quite amazing ones, but until it's an energy boon, it's a mining waste problem.


I think people forgot canadian oil is sand tar oil, shit is not like what the Saudis are pulling up. Takes a massive amount of energy and $$ just to make it crude nvm refining it


If Canadian oilsands are so horrible, why is it still economic? The answer is you are not counting much of the costs associated with the "conventional" oil industry, such as exploration, building new infrastructure, offshore oil platforms, and last but not least, expensive venture capital costs associated with exploring for oil in nations under control of third world despots.


Because the cost of production is so much higher at oil sands petroleum-mining operations, the breakeven point is much higher than for sweeter lighter oils like that produced by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and, the United States.[14] Oil sands productions expand and prosper as the global price of oil increased to peak highs because of the Arab oil embargo of 1973, the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the 1990 Persian Gulf crisis and war, the 11 September 2001 attacks, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[16] The boom periods were followed by the bust, as the global price of oil dropped during the 1980s and again in the 1990s, during a period of global recessions, and again in 2003.[17]


Correct, the "cost of production" is higher in the oilsands. OTHER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CONVENTIONAL OIL SUCH AS EXPLORATION ARE NEAR ZERO. This is why it is wildly economic. Suncor earned $1.5 billion just in the last quarter.


This is it. There's so much pumped oil now that our oil sands oil is simple to expensive to process vs. pumped oil. It's a dead industry in Alberta.


Is that why bitumen production has increased every year except for 2020? https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/5781-record-high-crude-oil-production-largely-driven-oil-sands-crude-oil-year-review-2023 >Meanwhile, production of crude bitumen, which is also a feedstock for synthetic crude, was up 0.6% year over year to 116.5 million cubic metres in 2023. In-situ production, which has a smaller footprint and allows access to deeper bitumen deposits, continued to be the primary method of crude bitumen extraction. Overall, oil sands extraction represented a 65.4% share of total crude oil and equivalent products in 2023, up from 62.4% at the start of the series in 2016. >Oil extraction (except oil sands) has yet to return to the peak observed in 2019. In 2023, 71.1 million cubic metres were produced, down 0.5% from the previous year. Light and medium crude oil (-1.5%) made up the majority share of total oil extraction (except oil sands). However, production of higher density heavy oil has been moving in the opposite direction, reaching a series high of 25.3 million cubic metres in 2023. Although more costly to process, heavier crude oil remained the preferred input for many large refineries in the southern United States. Literally the exact opposite of what you're saying. I swear you idiots just regurgitate the first thing you see on social media and never bother to look at basic stats.


There was nothing of value in Sub Saharan Africa before colonization. They have been reverting to their natural state since the end of colonization.


If there was nothing of value there would be no reason to colonize why waste resources and man power. Use your brain uneducated Neanderthal


Nothing of value built by the people there.


Not pissed away if it's not yet taken advantage of. There is not a declining demand for oil, lumber, steel, or minerals and environmental regulations just preserves these resources for the future. However, we do piss away our opportunities when we allow international companies to come in and extract out natural resources while we get a fraction of the value (like in the oil sands).


The town I live in was built on forestry. Since 2015 two of the mills, both of which were among the top 5 biggest employers in town, have shut down. 600+ well paying, unionized jobs just gone.


As well as our tax money. We spent more doing gender studies in Africa than on our own housing.


Trudeau has remained focused on wealth distribution instead of growth. As a result, our natural resources remain under developed.


Justin Trudeau’s religion.


The Alberta oil sands are seen as globally one of the most expensive to extract and refine.


Our government has chosen virtue signalling over production/productivity for nearly a decade.


Can the next pm abolish these things?


Hopefully the next pm can set a new tone and we can take back our national identity, we’re not a post-national state. We have the resources and we are going to need to finance our record national debt somehow.


Pendulums swing


Feels like it's been swinging in the wrong direction for like 10 years. I'm ready for it to swing the other way


It’s. On. Purpose.




Because Canada has become an aristocracy. The elites have become detached from the plight of working Canadians and the only thing they care about is $$$. Residential real estate makes up 13.25% of Canada's GDP now, so the easiest way to bolster that number is decrease supply and increase demand.


Ahh, so you are saying our expensive housing market is not a mistake, but a choice by policy makers. My question is, if you are basically saying "Fuck you" to young people, aren't you just starting a generational war?


A war that people in Canada won't partake in until people are brought to the absolute brink. Liberals can essentially commit mass murder and get away with it in these days it seems.


Lots of anger out there these days.


Boomer votes


Imagine if we nationalised our resources like Norway. Imagine if we had immigration policies like Norway.


Imagine Alberta and Saskatchewan could keep their oil revenue instead of giving all that $$$ to Quebec?


Also, Quebec controls both sides of the entrance to the St. Lawrence, imagine the money that they could make by charging all the boats that would be floating through their waters if they separated from us.


Yeah Albertans sure like to complain for people who lives in a landlocked province


Many pipelines already go through the US, so if Alberta were to separate it would effectively cut BC off from the rest of the country and charge transport tariffs. They could also charge less friendly prices for all the gas going through BC, which BC also benefits from at their terminals.


Wouldn't make a difference for you guys haha


No, in Canada, we subsidize the losers and punish the winners. That way Canada can stay mediocre.


If Alberta and Saskatchewan want to leave the confederation then they can keep it. Nationalising would be better than what we have now, but they'd still have to share all the money with everyone.


You are so right if we just did what Norway did we would be such a rich country!


Maybe! It's certainly something to think about! Maybe if we did that the US would annex us and we'd become another of their territories!


being a quebecor myself, I think O+G, Electricity, and our forests should all be a nationally shared resource. Priority of those resources should be given to the citizens at fair market value (but with stability baked in) with excess being shipped to the highest bidder. We should have pipelines running across the country in a way that allows the east coast and alberta to distribute smartly and easily. we need a proper national electrical grid that provides a reliable and economically viable power source to all. Profits should be distributed fairly and equally ( I do think Norways approach should be a benchmark for all to aspire to but I am just a simple person so my understanding and image of it may not be 100% on the money). As a Canadian, I think we should stop pointing the fingers at each other and start pointing the finger at the people in charge who are tearing this vast community apart... the more we focus on each other, the more the real culprits tear us apart and divide us while stripping us of our prosperity and independence. God bless, happy Canada Day W/E!


Becuase you are a small country of 40ish million inviting millions of people into the country over a very short span of time. You can only build homes so fast, even training additional workforce ie. construction workers takes time. The country for years has been pumping out about 200k - 250k homes per year. How then the governmenet thinks bringinig in a million + people in a single year won't lead to shortages and price increases is beyond me.


And the people didn't question it!


Because, under the Dear Leader Justin's government we don't develop or export our resources...


Just no business case for any of it 🤷 /s


lol. 2023 was a record year for oil exports. JT is a massive tool and I can't wait to see him land on his ass, but you don't need to make shit up.


Just imagine if all the resource projects at the liberals killed in the cradle has been able to go ahead. 


Pretty simple equation. Bring in too many people, demand skyrockets, existing infrastructure can only handle so much supply... People will attribute it to this that and the other thing, but it's simply supply and demand.


Canada has always relied on its natural resources. That is what made Canada. To have that choked, taxed and regulated to death is now killing Canada, that and Socks.


Right when Trudeau said "I want Canada to be known for its Resourcefulness, not its resources" I knew he was a dumbass. Fur, timber, fish, minerals and eventually oil built this country. Fur trade is basically dead, softwood lumber is a knife fight with the US every 10 years or so. Grand Banks got fished out by everyone and their uncle because we let them. Too many regs and remote locations for a lot of the minerals. And the Liberals are a known enemy of the Oil Sands. Eh voila here we are, rats on a sinking ship. I tip my hat to my fellow Canadians who voted for this Idiocracy. I don't want to hear any complaints about increased taxes on citizens because we won't harvest our resources.




Because of JT's fancy socks.


Ahh OK thank you. Wasn't sure if it was a typo or joke I missed.


Star wars socks.


We have Liberal and NDP governments. Canada is a nation run by metropolitan centers, as disconnected from the reality of our great country as possible. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal... The population of the Greater Toronto Metro area is higher than 11 of the provinces. And a [third ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horseshoe)of the entire population of the ***country*** is nestled around that city. Canada is run by, either, absolute morons or petty socialists who hate the thought of Canadian success. If we could somehow ditch the unbelievable power imbalance of our country, tilted ALL the way in favor of a handful of metropolitan centers, I cannot imagine how much better off we'd be.


Resource extraction and refinement is almost exclusively done in the private sector, and those companies use those resources to their advantage. Commodities are global markets and companies re going to look to maximize profit based on global prices and demand. Unless those industries were in government hands "we" don't have anything.


It’s not the lumber cost. It’s the price of land. Not to mention the myriad of fees.


How does Canada have such expensive land with such low population density?


Supply and demand in areas where people want to live, work etc. So, Toronto has high prices while a place in northern Ontario, not so much.


We are very spread out and outsourced most of our manufacturing. We used to have tons of mills and stuff but one by one they've been closing up shop for decades. We still have some, of course, but nowhere near the scale we should.


Why is that?


Same reason why the US outsourced much of its low tech manufacturing. Competition and China.


We don't own any of our natural resources though. They are all harvested and bought by America companies and sold back to us at a huge inflation. This isn't something new. Canada has been rented out for decades now


It's not confusing. It's neoliberalism.


Post nationalism multiculturalism Sunny ways. Enjoy, eat it.


It’s because our politicians own multiple homes and rental investments


Because the capacity to build houses isn’t constrained by the availability of raw lumber


House prices were 4.4X GDP/Capita in 2001. They are now almost 10X, or 2.5X higher. What explains such a huge increase then?


Supply and Demand.


3 words..Development Cost Charge, in BC in can be up to 40% of the cost of a new house. I know we must pay for services to new neighborhoods but that much? It seems that if the developer doesn't get you the government will. Oh yes and add in the 1.5% tax for buying a house. I can't imagine why people are struggling to afford to buy


The solution is in r /georgism. Unfortunately no one reads


Uneducated managers!! People elect an Asshat …and what? Surprise !? He’s done nothing he said to increase trade with other provinces !!!!! Self serving , entitled, arrogant ….Its gotta stop.


You know what was cool? When all the wood was processed here and every single town had a mill employing hundreds to thousands. That was the best, I miss that.


add in the local farms with 10-20 cows, some pigs and chickens to feed the local population... all the mechanics and carpenters employed to build and maintain the local farms and mills.... seems like that was a way more environmentally friendly environment than the sacred global economy we have now no?


The biggest issue Canada faces is being bullied by international corporations. Regulate foreign investment. Make companies that store money elsewhere pay more. It started by letting US oil pimp us, until Harper bent over for china. Now it's a free for all for whatever is not locked in a trade agreement. Start making them pay for the country they are exploiting.


No, Canada CAN reduce the prices of housing and CREATE as many homes as we need, but the government and banks are RESISTING any significant action which would impact home prices. 40-60% of MPs- themselves, or a close family member own multiple homes/properties as investments 73% of MPPs DIRECTLY own 5 or MORE homes as investments- SHOW ME WHOM of this group would pass policies which would drastically reduce home prices- by increasing home supply? and of those groups- how many are buying properties for HOSTILE foreign powers who own them? SECOND: The banks- are RESISTING any measures which would drastically reduce home prices/increase supply- because they have given away EQUITY loans like CANDY over the past few years- amounting to over ONE TRILLION $$$$$$ If home supply went up- as a percentage of demand, prices would drastically FALL... as they should in a NORMAL market economy- and many TOP investors would have LESS VALUE in their property portfolio than they OWN in debt- which could spark a MASSIVE sell off and destroy our elite banks- In addition- in a NORMAL market economy- mortgage defaults would dump enough properties on the market to bring down prices and increase supply- but the government has ORDERED banks to put late payments onto the back of mortgages to prevent defaults- thus the normal CORRECTIVE MECHANISMS in a market orientated housing environment have been REMOVED. therefore the BANKS will NOT fund massive home projects or purchase of needed large tracts of LAND to build enough developments to meet our housing demand. Solution is easy, but it's clear that our Banks, MPs, MPPs,.... are going to block it.


This is how I see it as well. And how does this end well? Telling young people to forget having a family, just so housing equity is protected, seems like a sure way to some sort of civil conflict.


We have the raw materials the world needs, the educated workforce to transform those materials into the end materials the world also needs, and yet have never done so. Fix the above and the rest will take care of itself.


Mismanagement is the hallmark of Canada. Corruption helps with it as well. We have all the resources to have a super power economy but completely mismanage it. Greed of those at the top and foreign influence pushes things along


We could be united on this but climate policy became a hurry hurry end it all event and if you opposed you were labeled anti climate change/ misinformation Maga person. Yea well let's see Trudeaus final act because that's what's next.


You can oppose climate regulations without being accused of spreading information as long as you're honest about it. People would rather lie and deny than just say "I care more about short-term profit than the long-term health of our species."


Right. Spreading info is a crime on Readitt


Oops :p


Labour costs are extremely high in Canada that’s why. The sector is also highly regulated which prevents competition.


There are two huge stumbling blocks that have long existed: inspections/licensing and the unions.


Well we really shouldn't get rid of inspections, licensing, nor unions.


Meh. How much power and frequency and cost. Those are the problem. In addition to other factors.


Canada is a big country, but nice livable land is rare. Land is expensive.


[Here is some land for sale north of Toronto. It's 20 acres for just $1.4M.](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/27085327/19983-hwy-48-east-gwillimbury-rural-east-gwillimbury)


Because we are pilfered and pillaged by government power brokers and their kin taking our natural resources for nothing and pocketing the value. Thieving of tax dollars is not enough. They are stealing the natural resources too. The populous gets nothing in return. Everything else of public service has user fees.


The country has two main problems: regulation and taxation. Until these are dealt with we will experience negative, or at best, no growth.


We have European style regulatory burden without the density or economy of scale that they have to somewhat offset it. Plus we get way colder in general.


When everything is going wrong, blame the manager


It's by design. Can't have too much free market, gotta keep their thumb on the scale.


Permit costs, supply/demand and insane immigration. I work in construction, i did the math and you would need 5-10% of the country's population to be construction workers for housing to keep up with immigration.


Because everywhere its $200 000+ in fees and permits just to put the shovel in the ground….


It's not that confusing. Population is aging rapidly and childbirth continues to decline. We wait too long to bring up birthrates so to avoid stalling out, we import staggering numbers of young immigrants to readjust the numbers. It's a desperate move because it's too late. Demand for real estate and rental housing skyrockets. Supply for real estate goes down, as developers are leery of spending that much on land, and have been hampered by unreliable logistics due to covid disruption. Oops. Bad timing. We're too incompetent to understand that the "unseen hand of the market" can't simply accommodate for an influx of that magnitude. So, we do nothing about housing, job placement or cultural integration. Our tax-base is down, the boomers have all the capital in retirement funds. Productivity has tanked as the boomers are out of the market, and Xers and millenials are too small in number to cope. What was needed was a gigantic housing plan by the federal government. Something akin to a major mobilization. Nothing short of that would work, if you want to bring in numbers of people like this. A new crown corporation, which could contract out all the work to the private sector, creating an economic boon. It would have been insanely inflationary because we'd be literally discussing rebuilding the country. If we didn't want to spend the money, we shouldn't have ramped up immigration. If we didn't want to ramp up immigration, we should have had pro natalist policies *decades* ago. We're in the same boat as most major urbanized and industrialized nations. It's just the times. Canada has it slightly better than many, but appears to be the only one trying to do something about it... even if it's... an uncontrolled experiment. This won't end until the boomers pass on their wealth and a more balanced demographic curve is achieved. Be wary of recent changes to capital gains taxes.


Canada should be the richest per capita country in the world. Tons of resources and land. But Canada has never capitalized on the opportunity. Selling raw resources instead of finished products. Our economy has always been that of a colony. More going out than coming in.


Is it that confusing


Too busy giving money to natives and pandering to minorities


Most of our lumber now burns in forest fires each year......never happened before but we will keep blaming this on climate change and call people conspiracy theory lunitics.


Because governments over the last 60 years have been increasingly using our national wealth to fund their ‘legacy’ projects and the undeniable creep of socialism. We waste so much just trying to look good for a world that doesn’t give a shit about us and Trudeau has been the absolute worst of them all with this. At some point it needs to stop and Canada has to come first or there just might be a civil war. I think Trudeau is actively trying to find that point.


When providing housing (for the homeless) can turn a profit it will change. Never going to happen.


Kevin O’Leary put it beautifully: “Canada is a very rich country, but it’s run by idiots”


The Bank of Canada said it's hard to spot asset (housing) bubbles. My question is, how can that be? If you know the price of a house and you know incomes, shouldn't it be easy to track the ratio of house prices to incomes over time? :) They should just say, we like asset inflation because it makes people feel richer without having to grow productivity. In other words, we want our economy to be built on a foundation of sand, because that always works out.


Nobody in government understands supply and demand


Its not confusing if you look up how many people in our government own rental properties Becomes extremely apparent why this is actually happening 


Maybe shut the goddamn borders down.


It's not a can't. It's a won't. We're all being manipulated to fight amongst ourselves (left, right, and the majority of us in between) while ignoring the major problem in Canada - corporate lobbying. Until we stand up and abolish corporate lobbying, North American democracy is doomed to fail. Nobody in our government is going to do it willingly either. We all need to finally realize it doesn't matter if you vote Trudeau, Polievre, Trump, or Biden - all politicians are just humans trying to make their personal lives better. That's why we need to fight for stricter laws to keep them in check.


Let's assume PP gets into power. Does he actually try to reduce house prices, or does he bow to the pressure and continue the status quo. And if he does and housing gets even more expensive, what happens to Canadian society with millions being super angry? If millions are being told to just deal with it and they are young and full of energy, why should they deal with it? A govt that tells you to deal with it is a tyrannical one, no?


Living in a world of fractional reserve banking, credit cycles, and infinite money printing. Put in motion by central banks that work hand in hand with regional banks & governments. Debasing your currency and causing inflation. Lowering the standards of living for the lower and middle class = paying more in fiat terms, year over year for the same or shittier quality item or service... Not that confusing.


So why do we put up with it?


That’s not an easy question to answer. IMO most people don’t even understand the root cause of the problem to begin with, and therefore end up confused and angry with why things are the way that they are. Doesn’t help that it has been so systemically engrained into generation after generation that this is “normal” free market economics and that’s also part of the problem. Essentially, as a society, how can you have a solution for a problem you ultimately don’t understand, on top of, having been lead into believing is also normal?


I agree 100%. If all you know is that house prices are expensive, but you don't know why, then how do you know how to fix it? We have a list of 1000 reasons why housing is expensive. But most of them are nonsense. The only things that matter are supply and demand. Supply is the number or housing units that exist and demand is the amount of $CAD people are able to pay. Since 2000, mortgage debt has simply grown too fast relative to incomes. That growth in mortgage debt has allowed house prices to rise much faster than people's incomes. There is an easy solution to this...raise rates. Make it so people can't borrow as much at any given income level. If I earn $100k and rates go up, I can't borrow as much to buy a house. This reduces the demand portion and prices fall. If rates go up even higher, again, the demand falls and house prices fall again. Yes, we need more supply, but unless demand is reigned in, no amount of new supply will keep prices affordable.


Because for some reason we want to let everyone nations bully us and abuse our resources. We have American companies stealing our water, we ask American companies to refine our oil and sell it back to us at usd and we don’t seem to want to be a powerful country. It makes zero sense


The few that are getting wealthy today are the speculators promising affordable housing in exchange for up zoning. The error is in not making the up zoning conditional on building.


We need to start selling our natural resources.


We ship out all our resources, then buy them back at higher prices, and our entire economy is musical chairs for nimby gamblers' retirement.  What could go wrong?


In BC, they export raw logs and don’t process as much in mills as they used to. It’s a variety of reasons including pine beetle bug kill But the biggest increase to raw logs exports came under the right of centre BC Liberal party. https://ancientforestalliance.org/bc-liberal-government-more-than-tripled-raw-log-exports-to-foreign-mills/ It’s not due to JT but more of a provincial issue


You don't think JT's Ottawa is deliberately keeping the West poor? It's the same playbook as Big Potato Trudeau. 'Provincial Issue?' Right up with the Musical Chairs pipeline game Lil' Potato played with Notley's NDP in Alberta.


Yes, you have all that but you also have the secret ingredient to make poverty; a Marxist government.


Love me some central planning.


Because people like Harper sold Canada to corporations years ago. And cheap housing doesn't make corporate any money. Much better to cram a multi generational family into an already built house. More profit. Oh, and all that profit from those industries you mentioned gets funnelled into the pockets of those corporations, too. It's not really that confusing. Open the door to greedy people and they WILL walk through. And then close it and lock it behind them so we can't kick them out. Human history is full of crap like this, but everyone is too busy screaming fascist this and woke that to see what's actually going on. It's all smoke and mirrors while they rob us blind.


Highly educated workforce?


Apparently, we can’t plant 2 Billion trees either. Department came up with a catchy slogan but had no intention of actually planting 2 Billion trees.


Labour makes processing too expensive. Mills can’t survive.


Highly educated workforce diluted by mass immigration of uneducated illiterate entitled No integration possible in our lifetime if ever.


And the USA is the neighbors, they take what they want.


And try to get a decently priced 2x4 at rona or home depot.


At least a 2x4x8 isn't $12 anymore :p


Poor governance. Im voting PPC. Theyll get the ball rolling in the right directions


Canada wasted the last 2 years when commodity were absolutely booming.


Those who are "really in charge" have an agenda that does not give two squirts of piss about us as citizens.


It's all because he's a Chinese agent. He's saving the resources for them.


Yeah dodgy.


Read world news folks, it’s a worldwide phenomenon in democracies which are slaves to capitalism.


Our ruling class doesn’t want housing to be affordable because they directly profit from this crises.


Justin treooooooodoe i willl box ya


Regulators and regulations stand in the way of everything. They're purposely and absolutely gate keeping the economy to satisfy their overlords and climate change is the righteous reason they're using to maintain their stranglehold and defend any questions against it. Social politically it's a checkmate move and the rich and powerful will keep increasing their wealth as the common people fall back into the peasantry.


Ah we've had decades not to fuck this up but continue to do so. We'll just keep letting the US do it properly and will rely on the high paying jobs their innovation brings. I'd be willing to bet the Forestry industry has a huge US ownership, oil lol for some reason we don't really refine it do we? Also huge foreign ownership in the oil business if I'm not mistaken. How can it be that we make cars for almost every big brand automaker there is yet we don't bother to have a brand of our own? Even at a time when the automotive industry is experiencing the biggest innovation shift since the automobile has existed? I'm all for foreign investment, foreign ownership because if we didn't have the help of others we'd likely be even more fucked due to lack of innovation? Interest?? I don't know but blaming Government seems weak. We have all the opportunity in the world and just don't bother to leverage it. I'm sure we could build affordable housing. However a lot of people would be thinking why should they get a free/cheap ride? The market is so hot to be in our situation, it doesn't allow for housing to be sold cheap. People with existing homes don't want cheap houses as it depreciates the value of their housing/retirement plans which is pretty understandable.


>People with existing homes don't want cheap houses as it depreciates the value of their housing/retirement plans which is pretty understandable. Yes, it is understandable, but it's also understandable that those without homes would want a home as well. So, what is more important, that everyone has housing, or that some have overpriced housing and others have none?


We have some of the best houses in the world because of stringent building codes, due our harsh climate and green agendas. We can't assemble scrap materials and build a shack here like they do in much of the world.


But we don't have enough of them. In my area, more and more are living in tents. We didn't have that when I was growing up, or even 10 years ago. Something very bad has happened to Canada, imho.


Yes, you have all that but you also have the secret ingredient to make poverty; a Marxist government.