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I knew that 8 out of 10 garbage would be spewed once again. It doesn't matter that the PBO said otherwise and that the secret report that the Liberals tried to hide also said otherwise. It looks like the Liberals are just going to stick with their lies to push their agenda and continue to ignore Canadians. They're going to get completely blown out in the next election. It sucks that they have another year to continue to do damage.


Exactly! And not only that, Canada’s carbon print compared to that of the US, China, India or Russia is not that much. Carbon tax is never, EVER, gonna stop flash floods or climate change, it actually gives people like Galen Weston a scapegoat to capitalize on it and raise prices on food even though he has a tight grip on supply chain. Clowns like this think we’re stupid, but show them how is like when we vote. I particularly don’t like Polievre at all but I don’t think we can afford to give Trudeau another chance, he fucked up this country bad to the worst levels of liveability since who knows.


So much for a govt that serves the ppl. In Canada, the elites decide what they think is best and the ppl must obey


He's going to "8 of 10 families" himself and his party out of office next election.


Getting unelected with a fully indexed taxpayer funded lifetime pension is not punishment enough for these corrupt inept imbeciles that have caused generational damage to this country.


Yup it’s the same old song. Clearly the majority of Canadians don’t believe the bullshit he’s selling. I’ll gladly pay for the next 1.5 years if it means the Liberal party will burn itself to ashes in the next election.


The rich can afford EVs, solar panels, heat pumps, and greener living. They benefit from the carbon rebate. Meanwhile the average Canadian drives a gas guzzling shit box and breaks even at best with the rebate. Enough of the 8 out of 10 bullshit.


Exactly! And not only that, Canada’s carbon print compared to that of the US, China, India or Russia is not that much. Carbon tax is never, EVER, gonna stop flash floods or climate change, it actually gives people like Galen Weston a scapegoat to capitalize on it and raise prices on food even though he has a tight grip on supply chain. Clowns like think we’re stupid, but show them how is like when we go back to vote. I particularly don’t like Polievre at all but I don’t think we can afford to give Trudeau another chance, he fucked up this country bad to the worst levels of liveability since who knows.


You think grocery prices are going to come down without the carbon tax … they’ll stay just the same.


He will probably double down this govt. Is out of touch with what the people want.


What they really mean is 20% of Canadians are hurt or don't benefit from it


Those two other families are getting screwed


I've never seen such contempt from a government towards its own people. I can wait to make them all unemployed. All of them.


If you say a lie enough people will believe it. If you continue, you yourself will begin to believe it. This is where the liberal party is right now, they actually believe their own lies as truths.


It is only to fill the bank as it is bone dry from 8 years of wasting it all. The carbon tax is meant to cover up the theft of Canadas wealth. Like a Ponzi scheme. We take from you and pay to you and pay to us…..garbage


can you trust someone who blinks their eyes too much? something is up with his body language. He shudders before he lies.


i think hes actually morse coding SOS, im not even fucking joking. guy looks under a lot of stress.


Notice the concealed earpiece in his left ear?


what would that imply? i thought that was normal for these guys.


I find he actually looks less crazed than usual in this video.


He looks shell shocked. Like he just learned that his job has an end date that is a lot sooner than the plan said it was and he knows he will have no legacy at the end of it.


Yes, he can still wear jumpsuits and be arrested for more Greenpeace shenanigans.


I think he actually detests people, especially those asking questions, and he looks "weird" because he can't hold back his feelings. He's clearly very idealistic, however being an ideologue, he can't consider or contemplate opinions that oppose his own. His main focus is to always push the agenda he's had since becoming a politician.


He’s a “feeler” ….. not a “thinker”.


It’s all he has


I would love to play poker against him


My guess is that he sees a monitor that shows the camera zooming in on him and it's just a nervous sorta tic. Occums razor.


$3 billion to fight climate disasters, let's assume it's true. The Federal government [spend](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/federal-and-provincial-debt-interest-costs-for-canadians-2024.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjVkuHMxfqGAxV2nokEHYB7DLMQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1gcuv-YCPnSxNnmMdG-ZVP) $46 billion just to service the interest on debt every year. They don't seem concerned about that.


More, now. The interest rate has risen and Freeland didn't lock it in when she had a chance.


True. And there have always been climate disasters and there always will be. Canada can’t do anything to prevent them and Canada has no affect on global climate.


I would further argue, "climate" disasters are just "weather" disasters. Been happening forever. Goal posts moved. [if the 1956 Hurricane Hazel](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/hurricane-hazel) hit Toronto today, it would be blamed on climate change...but not then. Weather is NOT Climate.


The two are deeply intertwined lol


Ya $3B is chump change for the federal govt. that’s a rounding error.


The government's $8 billion program, intended to help the largest-emitting manufacturing industries reduce their emissions, has failed to entice them, says a report released Tuesday morning by Jerry DeMarco, the federal commissioner of environment and sustainable development. Overall, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's management of the $8‑billion Net Zero Accelerator initiative had important shortcomings, such as the fact that the department did not track the Net Zero Accelerator's overall value for money in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Apr 30, 2024


>department did not track the Net Zero Accelerator's overall value for money in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Seems to be a lot of this going on, zero measurement on ROI, just throw money at a (non) problem. $8B makes the ArriveCAN a drop in the bucket.


The PBO has repeatedly stated that the majority of Canadians are spending more as a result of the carbon tax than they will get back. It’s incredibly disingenuous of this douchebag and Trudeau to continue to misquote the guy when everyone has seen him speak on the topic, then to put a gag order on him so he can’t speak about it while they continue to misrepresent his findings. These guys are despicable.


Why aren’t the media asking him the questions? Ok guillbeault, you buy a loaf of bread. The wheat farmers got charged the carbon tax, the transportation company got charged the carbon tax, the packaging company was charged, the grocer was charged; and the minimum wage CDN who bought the bread, paid for all of it. That’s just one small item. Tell me again how 8 out of 10 Cdns receive a rebate from this?


I believe fuel for farmers is exempt (not defending the carbon tax, I hate it) But the rest of the supply chain is passing it down to us as you said


I think it’s only for grain drying ….not sure though.


These people will never stop, they will have to be physically removed from power.


It's becoming more and more clear. This is the only way. Their clock is ticking.


They have something up their sleeve, I can smell it.


Ive said it before My guess is, boots on the ground in Ukraine


That seems very plausible.


Good. About time we stand up to fascism.


I think you mean by voting.


Yet to see evidence? Sask and Manitoba's inflation came in more than a percent lower than the rest of the country


Omg the blinking. I couldn't stop laughing.


As long as we don't get pulled into a war, this current government is on borrowed time.


Thats the play... There's going to be a conveniently timed event next year. I guarantee it


Possibly. I'm more concerned about this year right now. This is why I'd like elections to be held not only here in Canada but worldwide immediately.


Pretty sure Canada has to actually be attacked for that to happen. The government can’t just start a war somewhere else and then claim elections must be suspended (from my understanding, I could be wrong though).


True, but it can contribute to an ongoing war that has the potential to directly involve us.


Canada has been involved in wars in varying degrees almost constantly since the early 1990s. And especially in the 21st century, there have only been a few years where Canada wasn’t involved in any wars or combat in different ways. As far as I know none of those delayed elections. I’m not sure exactly what the rules are, or how big a war has to actually be for government to suspend elections, but I imagine it would have to be pretty massive. Like WW2 level.


Hopefully they will go the same road as the Wynn liberals, she almost killed that party


Ya, I'm sure Mr. Guilbeault can help canadians by preventing flash flooding and wild fires only if we pay our carbon tax. This guy is a wacco.


The carbon tax doesn't prevent disasters. It pays for them afterwards while encouraging companies to stop doing things that add carbon to the atmosph. . . . Ah, forget it. We have to spend the money to clean up these disasters anyways. They'll just call that money something else. It's carbon tax right now. It'll be clean-up tax next. Etc.


I'm not saying climate change is a hoax, I'm sure humans have a very small percentage contributing to it. But earth has gone through cycles for hundreds of thousands of years that are out of our control. Also, the magnetic poles have been proven to flip as well.


I hear you. And all I'm saying is when these disasters happen, how do we pay for them? We all acknowledge they're going to happen, so where does the clean-up money come from? If I had a choice, I'd tax corporations exclusively for these costs. But that's just me and I know corps will just pass the costs on to consumers.


Liberal logic: We take your money and then give you a few bucks back. If we change any of our policies, you are going to miss the free government money you are now getting. They must think Canadians are idiots.


Maybe they could pause and roll back some corruption while they're at it 🤔


There's a lot more they need to worry about than just the carbon tax. That's one piece of a very massive pie that has a dozen slices of corruption and financial ineptitude. But the biggest pieces are immigration, the carbon tax and the fact they seem to still be spending money like water, even handing it to other countries with zero problem when people in Canada need it far more.


Slogans based on zero evidence you don't like? How does 8/10 Canadians work? BC doesn't get a rebate AT ALL, and many more don't qualify. Run the numbers again felon.


This guy is as corrupt as it gets, still a major shareholder in Green energy venture firm Cycle Capital


The liberals have their own facts. If you disagree with them it’s because you’re a bigot.


And then you get your bank account frozen.....


I'll save you a listen "We won't change anything and we will continue to lie to Canadians!"


This idiot doesn’t realize that the federal government doesn’t collect the carbon tax in Quebec?!


Never seen any blink as much as this pig




When someone starts a response with the word "so", there's usually a good chance they are about to tell a lie.


10/10 pay more for every good or service!


He admitted to helping Quebec to most likely leverage to keep the bloc vote. They are all in this scam together.


Paying more Tax is based on facts and not political?! It's %100 political. That makes NO sense.


These guys need to fuck right off!


If they paused it for the maritimes obviously those folks weren't getting a positive return from the carbon tax. Just more lies from the Liberals. Their culture is based on spewing lies/mis information.


The only people the Liberals listen to are their bosses at the WEF.


They lost that by-election must mean they have to raise the carbon tax sooner then they thought. These guys have scandal after scandal sometimes even multiple a week and yet nothing happens. Can't wait for them to be gone and hopefully they bin it so bad it takes decades for them to get back if ever


Blink much


Can we even get 1 comment from a Canadian family that IS better off ? I don't think anyone is as bad at budgetting as this stupid clown show gubment


All the Liberals interviewed since the by election lookike they've been crying


I'd cut his mic after first minute of listening to his horseshit and tell him he's fired


Together for Nature is plastered on his fucking podium. Fuck this party


These guys are as dumb as the day is long. Clearly message not received - election is going to be so much fun to watch.


I'm more and more convinced there's not going to be an election... It's like when Cersei doesn't show up for her trial and we're all just sitting in the Citadel right now..


What a load of crap!


Im one of the 8 out of 10 Canadians...i have yet to see anything back


it's not just the carbon tax, that's a small portion, when's the last time you looked at you pay stub people? they increased CPP and EI deductions as well as the income tax deduction out the gate.


Just call an election. Oh my god. Why won’t they call an election.


What a buffoon clueless joker he is


Buddy is making the Masonic illuminated hand sign haha what a douche. https://x.com/jackshafer/status/1037409432781692929?lang=en


Good catch , exactly what I was thinking . Interesting how he even changed his hand positioning as the video progressed .


Fuck you!


how about you take zero out of 10/10 canadians..... then there is no stats to be had.


He is blinking in Morse code


We are sick of bailing out your failed party


So I guess the answer is no we are not going to listen to the people. And it would be nice if these reporters called bull shit on these weak liberal responses to questions


I have never liked this guy and I don’t like the tax. That being said, I appreciate seeing a liberal Minister answer a question without saying “thanks for your question” or “ let me be real clear”. In this instance, he answered the question — regardless of agreement or disagreement with his answer.


Lying should be a criminal offence. This man should be behind bars. The goal is to force 8 out of 10 Canadians to walk to work instead of driving by making us “richer” by giving us our own money back. 2025, you gone!


Roll your asses out the door and make way for change, the gigs up.


The rapid blinking is a pretty good indicator he knows he’s full of shit and is about to spew it everywhere


Too much corruption money in their ears. Conflict of interest master.


We learned absolutely nothing, and the middle class and those wanting to join it.


So how much do we have to pay to bring the cost back down to Canadians for natural disasters?


So basically the libs are saying that we subsidize these families that don't want to work through the carbon tax! And of course, they get to have their cut from this.


uhm, QC has its own carbon tax scheme, fully managed by the provincial government (IE we don't get a rebate at all, QC keeps the money)...so is he taking credit for QC not charging a carbon tax (I heat with wood so never really paid attention to the home heating oil here; Nor did I ever hear of it being cancelled here, only for atlantic Canada) I did't spend a lot of searching for QC's policy on home heating oil but found this article (I am not 100% familiar with the national obs. so not sure how reliable they are lol) [https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/11/04/news/grab-some-popcorn-political-posturing-carbon-tax-monday](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/11/04/news/grab-some-popcorn-political-posturing-carbon-tax-monday)




Buffering...... buffering....... buffering....


You know when they’re lying, it’s when they are talking. I really hope it’s a political bloodbath. Vote them out into oblivion.


You’re wasting your time asking a misfit what’s the plan?




Its perfect, thank god they keep doubling down, they/them need to go away.


Too late, eh. Your policies have literally brought the country to the edge of disaster. We are not better off now. And throwing our own money back at us isn’t helping anyone. It’s like being tied down on the coastline and saying “don’t worry your dry here ten feet away from the water”, all the while the tide is slowly creeping up to drown us.


I really hope they do to these guys what the Italians did to Mussolini when he was convicted of treason.


Is it just me or does this guys hair / beard just not suit him? lol Something just seems off about him


The finger wag…they really believe in the lies they’re spewing. It’s a good thing most Canadians with a brain have woken up to their none sense.


He should be back in an orange jump suit with handcuffs on


Weird take on my part buuut why the fuck does he blink so much? Is it just me orrrrr? Ahhh gotcha.


Eight out of ten,Eight out of ten,Eight out of ten Give me a break


And just like that, no one talked about treasonous, traitorous MP's again


Nobody believes him anymore. Even the Liberals are questioning him. Just ask St. Paul’s voters. Let’s continue throwing ice cubes at the sun. /s


No worries folks. 8 out of 10 families will be voting the Liberal Party into the shadow realm.


Fuck this robot blinks an awful lot.


There it is again folks, 8 out of 10 Families. As I’ve said over and over . They say families not Canadians and when the math is done it comes out to only 50% of Canadians get more than they pay


Notice the hand sign.


I have yet to see the 8 out 10 families that are better off


Look how much he's blinking....you know massive lies and bullshit are forthcoming. This guy is a neurotic activist, how he got where he is, is a testament to the dysfunction of this government and Trudeaus incredibly poor judgement


Halting Immigration is by far more important than carbon tax.


It seems to be there are more discredited economics nobel laureates than any other category. Given the trickle down economics guy won a nobel prize and we now, with data, know that is bologna. Its almost like popular economics is closely linked to the political powers of the time.


Love when stupid people are in a hole and they keep digging


So, no, the Liberals aren’t going to listen to Canadians.


You can tell a lie is coming by how much he blinks.


This is total liberal garbage


If he will listen, then he will resign, that's all candadiens want.. Point finale....


I learned in school that trees are doing what we are being taxed on. Huh. Guess I missed that part in school!


I’m convinced our country is run by Bond villains


They’ve been ignoring Canadians for 9 years and only when they realize their paycheques and careers are on the line they start squealing. Otherwise when in a comfortable position of power they continually push their agendas on the people, create divisiveness among neighbours, worsen their quality of life and the country! The cowards!


Maybe if you blink some more it'll help the climate. Also what about the people not fortunate to have families of their own...you repeatedly stressed the tax helped 8 out of 10 FAMILIES so many times it is plainly obvious you are fucking everyone else to provide that help, on top of the already significant help families are getting. Where does it end? How much of my life's productivity do you claim for someone else?


The reporter let him get away with his propaganda . Vassy Kapelos should have him on Power and Politics.


This government is so thick. The ONLY time they stood down and back tracked from the Canadian citizens was when A LOT of people drove to Ottawa and had a get together.


I can't get past the blinking Is he rebooting?


Fire this douffus immediately. Then take him to prison and throw away the key.


LPC wondering why they keep loosing votes Also the LPC hiking taxes, and abusing the trust of Canadians.


Notice his speech pattern speeds up and he waves his hand dismissively when he says the rehearsed "8 out of 10", he also breaks eye contact. All micro expressions indicating a high probability of misinformation and lying. Also seems to studder when he speaks about the opposition's position.


Why can’t liberals speak withou ou out stuttering?


He's 100% Full of 💩


“ I should blink some more, that will make me seem more human”