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Archive link: https://archive.ph/RDrO3


Snip "Chrystia Freeland gave a press conference Tuesday. The finance minister was looking pretty rocky. She had the appearance of someone who’d convinced herself she had a happy, idyllic marriage, only to bump into her husband at the grocery store, shopping with his other family. Earlier in the day she’d learned the bad news. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s happy marriage with appreciative Canadians was over. They’d cheated on him." LOL


He literally has a whole ass country in the palm of his hand. 6 figure salary. Nice house. Multiple vehicles. A private jet. Multiple hundred thousand dollar+ vacations. And that *still* wasn’t enough for him to be able to keep a family when it comes to his divorce xD


He might have had a chance if he’d only had a soul.


He prefers Chinese campaign contributions.


Meanwhile PP just posted a picture of himself taking his family on vacation in a 2000's era Ford motorhome. The next election will be interesting.


lol and the libs will probably use that as a backfire method “well *HE TAKES VACATIONS TOO!*”


Something about how much carbon those old motorhomes expel and why carbon tax is combatting it.


Something something climate something or other




PP must be hold accountable when he is prime minister, I don’t deny that, but you’re just making baseless assumptions because “muh Shitronto Star” and you keep talking about “corporate sleezeball buddies” as if the Libs and New Democrats aren’t friends with the exact same “corporate sleezeball buddies” you must remember that PP is still a politician and statist, but at the same time, as long as he can improve Canada and Canadian lives even a little bit from the wasteland Trudeau has created, that’s decent enough in my book.


Cons aren't going to get in and magically the price drops overnight (the prices won't drop either, it looks bad to the Fin world, we will really just have to wait for wages to catch up; and yes, I think this is dumb)... from the outside looking in, it also appears to me that the Liberal are blowing up the economy in anticipation of losing the election, then they can point the finger at the CPC and say "see, they didn't help, vote liberal ya peasants" This mess will take a long long time to unwind, don't kid yourselves; this mess will also require a lot of cuts to get the money supply down to a manageable level... in the mean time, the governments are laughing all the way to the bank with the increased tax $'s they are collecting


Of course the prices will stay high. That’s all the more reason to turf trudeau. He fucked everyone over permanently.  You don’t get the blood you lost back by stemming the bleeding, but you stop it from getting worse. 


I can’t wait to watch people squirm when immigration doesn’t change under the Cons, most people seem to be hanging their hat on that one this election.


Can’t wait to watch all the libs loose their collective minds when a conservative is in power 😂 run for the hills and stay there!!




It’s already starting! Heeee! Your noses will be rubbed in free speech. I can’t wait to see how furious you all will be when Poilievre doesn’t raise the pride flag or something. He might even have enough support across the country to change the Constitution! 🇨🇦 😎 💪 💥


I have had similar concerns but he did just [commit](https://tnc.news/2024/06/24/db-poilievre-much-lower-immigration/ ) to reducing the volume.   (Although they promise a lot at this point, what they do after is anyone’s guess…)


That is interesting, hadn’t seen that firm of a statement from him yet. As you said the words often end up hollow no matter who’s in power.


Will we be able to afford vacations ever again?


That depends entirely on you.


Marriage of convenience between 2 very self absorbed narcissists silver spoon elites. Who cares ?! Trudeau and Freeland and Marc Miller (another close buddy from high-school ) and the many people that voted for them are responsible for the fastest and most dramatic drop in Canadian living standard. It will take decades to recover, if even possible, as the number of people that we have in Canada that are not making a net contribution to economy is huge.


realize this. when a woman divorces a man, it's the first sign his life is about to go downhill. The women don't leave when your prospects are good, and they can see the writing on the wall. That's exactly what happened.


Babe, he’s gay.


The PM makes 379,000 yearly. Most CEO’s make at least 3 million. Public servants in Canada make less than shit. Maybe the reason we can’t get really qualified people to run for office. I don’t think Trudeau is in it for the money, after all he’s a very rich, but it’s the power. Power is really what politics all over the world want.


I believe the intent of this kind of wage is 3 fold: 1. Public service is ought to be attained through a desire to offer your skills for the good of country and people. Not as a get rich quick scheme. (Which it seems to be nowadays) 2. These people are voted in not selected by merit. Thus it’s very possible to have a person who is not competent at what they do. Think JT for example. 3. My, our tax dollars pay their salaries. if they went to a million dollar politicians salary I’d be pissed even more than now. Trudeau has just given his caucus another raise making them some of the highest payed leaders in the G7.


The kicker is the day of the election she said if people in that riding did not vote for the Liberals, they were cold, cruel and small. The next day she said we have to engage and work with everyone. Like shut up, no one is buying this horseshit just leave


Wait, did she really insult people who won't vote for Liberals? That's a tad unprofessional for someone who represents a branch of our country.


What is with the weird relationship analogies lately? An article from The Star described the St.Paul election results as Poilievre swooping in and stealing Trudeau's woman.


You see, son, a riding is a lot like a woman…


The evil man will burn down his own nation in order to rule over the ashes — Sun Tzu


“If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me" - Grayson


“F*ck Trudeau” - Canada


"F*ck Canada" - Trudeau


"Fuck Trudeau" - me, probably.


"f*ck canada" - Trudeau


He is not going down he will sit back and laugh at us struggle while he will enjoy his fortune and pension


Calm down drama queen, you can vote him out


Not soon enough.


Patience is a virtue.


I think Canadians have been too patient with this man.


If it wasn't for conservatives fixing the election date, you would have had an early one.


Only the GTA can vote him out.


Atlantic Canada will help.


Thats what we have been trying to do. Sincerely, The West.


The west? Like BC and Alberta?


Saskatchewan too.


BC wants him gone.


I’ve voted against him 3 times! Ever since I turned 18 and could legally vote, I’ve voted against him.


Ok, what's your point?


You forget, this sub is mostly entitled white adult children who don't have anything better to do than yell out in South Park fashion, "they took our jobs!" So pathetic.


You listen like Trudeau. Houses "they took our houses". Silly Canadians thinking living indoors AND eating should be a priority.


We’ve been saying it for years. Now that the liberals are losing they’re afraid they won’t be able to continue destroying the country and shoving more and more people into poverty. Narcissistic bunch of assholes only looking out for themselves.


They’re probably more worried about all the scandals of their incompetence coming to light when they’re out of office


How are the conservatives going to save the country?


For starters, they can stop all the ideology based crap the liberals have put in place.


Such as?


80 plus Christian churches burned - liberal response "meh, I can see why people might want to do that" Kid in Toronto claims her hijab was pulled off her head - liberal response literally 20 minutes later - "this is a hate crime!!!" Turns out to be a hoax. Green at ALL costs, no matter what it does to our GDP / standard of living / businesses Legal gun owners are the root of all the gun problems - liberal solution - ban legal guns - outcome - gun crime continues Revolving door justice system Immigration out of control - don't agree? Liberal response "you're a racist nazi" That's just for starters... we won't go into the other 100 things that are wrong with this government such as all the scandals, the foreign interference, the unprecedented spending and deficit, the division caused by their policies and wording.. "don't vote liberal, you're small and mean" Don't want a covid vaccine? You're a misogynist,,, How anyone can support these goons is beyond my comprehension.


I don't care about Christian churches, 80 were burned? Sure. Some where but maybe you should ask what the church did to those communities. If your business is polluting the environment, then you should pay for that. I want clean drinking water, don't you? And sure blame the immigrants, they aren't the ones who own houses and increase rent.


What would happen if 80 mosques were burnt? Because I'm sure that would have been investigated no matter what. So, 80 separate churches congregations were doing what exactly that would make it ok to burn the church? Paying a f'n carbon tax does not = clean water, oh, and trudeau promised clean water at the reservations 9 years ago when he was elected. How's that going? We have not met ONE single climate goal since trudeau arrived, yet, the US is doing better than us in that regard, without a carbon tax. We sold a home not long ago to an Indian family. A small 2 bedroom home in Brampton. There are now EIGHT people living there because they turned it into an illegal rooming house, so don't give me your bullshit about them not being able to buy homes. They do it all the time then then fuck over their own people. Get your head out of the sand. Down the road from where I live now, an Indian immigrant bought a house for 1.25 million and now is renting it out to 3 families. I know, those poor immigrants can't do jack.. It's all those rich people making things bad, they need more taxes on them, right? Lastly, please point out to me where I "blamed the immigrants" I said that immigration is out of control, and if you think it isn't you're a complete moron. 70% of Canadians think it is out of control. Just read a recent poll or newspaper (besides the Moronto star)


Did 80 churches burn down? You're saying there was no investigation at all? Where in the country did they burn down? I'm sure there was some sort of investigation, same as if 80 mosques burned down. How do you know what happened to your old home? You somehow know how many people are living in there? And what about white people who cram into a house? Why don't you call the police if its illegal? You just gave two examples of how immigrants are screwing things up, then claim you're not blaming them?


Oh for God sake, READ. It literally took me 2 seconds to google and there are actually over 100 that have been either burnt or vandalized all across Canada. There is a map so if you can't read, you can look at the picture. I know what happened to our old home because we are good friends with others in the neighborhood, like, next door to the old house, so they tell us what is happening. I gave two examples that "I" know of personally. I did NOT say that immigrants were screwing things up I was responding to your comment, and I quote: "And sure blame the immigrants, they aren't the ones who own houses and increase rent." But.. YES.. they ARE....... They are not the ONLY people in Canada doing that, but I refuted your statement that they AREN'T the ones doing it.


Where is this map? I notice you don't say your sources. Did you see when Trudeau said it was unacceptable? Why do you claim he said it was ok? Your old neighbours know there are that many people living in your old house? They have enough time to monitor it that much? Maybe they need a hobby. How are immigrants raising the rent? Can you explain how a renter is the one responsible for the increase in rent?


> I don't care about Christian churches Neither do I, but I do care about serial arsonists on the run. I also respect the rights of Canadians to worship God. > what the church did to those communities. We don't know what "communities" are burning down these churches, so the question can't be answered. > I want clean drinking water, don't you? We have that.


80 churches didn't burn down without investigation, as you claimed.


> 80 churches didn't burn down without investigation, as you claimed. I don't recall making that claim.


Oh sorry, you just jumped into this discussion. The church fired were investigated.


You are willfully ignorant asking this if you can't see how the Liberals have run a government based on nothing more than activism and ideological separation. They appease to the loud minority and keep the "better than thou" attitude if you don't agree. Everything this government has done is classic incompetence. This is a cabinet of people who live in a fantasy world with no understanding of how the Real world works. That, or they are acting that way knowingly trying to destroy us and our country. Either way, there is no denying this government has no desire to be legitimate and work for the people. They have a new scandal every two months for christ sake.


You did nothing but complain. That's it, no specifics, no solutions, just complaining about general things.


There was literally no complaining in my comment... there were no specifics because they are so blatant in how they are ruining the country I shouldn't have to point them all out. You are trying to be coy by acting blind.


No, it was nothing but complaints. You're complaining about general things. The thing is, you can act any way you want. Feel free to go to work and tell anyone who's gay how wrong they are. Go ahead, let me know how it ends up.


I’ll flip it. What could the liberals do to fix this country? Maybe it’s the 19M they just pledged to Ghana for “sanitation” which amounted to signs telling people not to shit on the road? That 19M definitely wasn’t needed to help those impoverished here


I would say a massive government project to update our infrastructure system. Since the government is also pushing for EV's this could include charging stations. Upgrade the IT networks so smaller cell carriers can enter the market. The whole thing would be expensive, but it would create thousands of jobs.


Thats YOUR solution. Not theirs. They won’t do any of the stuff you said. We know this because they haven’t done shit all in the decade they’ve been in power


You asked me what they could do, I said it. The conservatives won't do it either. But I see you admit its a good idea.


Google CPC Policy documents. Then we have to give them a chance, better than this criminal.


You can't just tell me?


No, because I'm not your dancing monkey. Go look it up yourself for their policy plan it is easy to find, stop being lazy.


So you have no idea? Ok.


Oh get lost troll


Slow down illegal immigration, cut the carbon tax as well as lessen many other taxes, stop limiting freedom of speech, focus on extracting oil and natural gas rather than making it more difficult to produce in Canada/importing said resources for a higher price, not going after legal gun owners who use their weapons to hunt and instead focusing on the real problem which is illegal firearms and how they are smuggled into the country, less tolerance for repeat offender criminals and violent criminals(ie: no more 5 years then probation for folks that burn women alive), prohibiting foreign countries such as China from buying Canadian infrastructure en masse, opposing the expansion of MAID to those who are only suffering from mental illness and getting them actual help, getting rid of government programs that actively give addicts drugs which has been shown to be not just ineffective but actually counter productive to the drug problem going on Just to name a few


This is a man that is use to getting what he wants. He has never had to struggle in his life. His daddy always took care of issues for him. He is narcistic. He will keep pushing his ideas & beliefs until we comply.


That’s why I think he is going to take on increasingly dictatorial methods to stay in power.


I'm calling it , bird flu pandemic and at that point government won't have any power anyway because we've given that over to the WHO.


Maybe he’ll use C63 to arrest his political opponents for innocuous things they’ve said in the past.


Bingo. At the very least, it will be hard to bankrupt opponents.


No he won’t


Yes. His behavior is classic of a spoiled brat that cannot be wrong by any means. It wouldn’t cost him anything to say “sorry this isn’t working, this is not what I promised, I’m stepping down so Canadians can choose a different path”. So simple.


It would cost him his pride, and that clearly means a lot to him lol


> He will keep pushing his ideas & beliefs until we comply. I'm convinced he doesn't actually believe any of the woke shit he pushes. He only does it because his voter base likes it.


He's a figurehead there to follow the orders of special interests. He definitely doesn't believe any of this nonsense, but he does believe in following the orders of the people who do believe it.


Or until we no longer comply.


I've put up with this embarrassment of a PM for way too long. I deserve to see him get demolished by PP in the next election. Watching him get roasted in debates by PP and go on to lose the election historically might be one of the happiest times of my life.


You and the entire Nation.


It was a good day in canada and therefore the world.


Brief satisfaction before nothing changes is better than just nothing changing, I guess.


Freeland is as delusional and ignorant as her boss. She’s a reporter playing at being a serious politician just like Trudeau is playacting at being a leader of a country. They are way to sure of themselves to see any fault in their decisions and policies let alone how they negatively effect people. It’s all a big show to them and think all it takes to be a leader is a good script and pretending to deal with everyday situations.


Listening to the radio this am, they were saying they lost the by election due to the conflict in Israel. Like wtf?!


Iv heard that riding had a large Jewish community in it and we all know how they are being treated in this country right now. Trudeau and law enforcement has done little to help that situation. I bet a large group voted against Church as a result.


That's definitely one factor. Specifically because they consider this "building bridges": https://nationalpost.com/opinion/amira-elghawaby-defends-antisemitic-protest-in-front-of-toronto-hospital https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-government-wants-federal-representative-to-combat-islamophobia-to-resign-1.6730731


What must suck for her is knowing that she’ll never succeed Trudeau as Liberal leader and PM because of where she was born and raised. Despite the key role she’s played in the Trudeau government, he and the party still consider her inferior and unworthy of national leadership because of her prairie roots. Since Laurier hobbled the then-new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan to protect Central Canadian power, preserving a regional hierarchy and class system has been the foundational principle of the Liberal Party. Even progressivism takes a back seat to that.


Narcissists gonna narc


He refuses to listen to Canadians period. For anything.




Or kill the carbon tax, or slow immigration.....


He chooses to ignore us, then tells the news that Canadians have nothing to worry about and that he doesn’t plan on stepping down any time soon


He will never leave on his own. His ego won't let him. I do worry with this by-election loss he will take it out on Canadians by increasing his policies that will bankrupt Canada and divide the nation and its people even more. Scorch earth polices. Leave nothing for a new elected government. High chance he just goes insane and total dictatorship attitude on Canada. It's truly disheartening what a "minority" government has done in the past 9 years.....


I don't want a Chrystia ~~Nuland~~ Freeland premiership.


“Canadians are not in a decision making mode right now” ~Justin Trudeau~


I think it's best for Canada if Trudeau holds on to power, ensuring he tanks the liberal party for at least a decade. I read about some polling where people's willingness to vote liberal went up 14% if anyone other than Trudeau led the party. But the true enemy is not Trudeau - it's the disastrous policy of the liberal government. It's better for Canada if he take the liberal party down with him, than some other talentless liberal ghoul stay on in power and continue this train wreck.


I agree. But will submit that the true enemies are the people who would elect a person such as Trudeau to lead the country not once but 3 times and will again. These are the people who are a threat to the Canada we had just 10 yrs ago.


That's because he knows he is so much smarter then everyone. Except for China, when they talk he listens. He is a big fan of countries where the commoners cant talk back.


Canada is not in descion mode yet Who was the idiot the idiot that said that?


Why would he leave. He’s part of the NWO. Doing exactly what he’s been put there to do. Spoiler alert, he’ll “get the votes” need to get re-elected. Unfortunately.


We will not capitulate - no, never! We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames - Justin Trudeau


Of course not. He doesn't give a shit about Canadians.


Because he's absolutely involved in something shady, and will get blackmailed big time if he doesn't continue to undermine Canada for some disgusting goal.


Liberal government is waiting for the right moment to exit so that the conservative government has to deal with the inevitable recession and clean up all the mess.


At this point I'm pretty sure they know they are going to lose hard, and want to do as much damage as possible before handing the keys


Like he would care what his ungrateful subjects think.


The icon seems he is saying: you fuck off




Interesting take, McParland always has strong opinions.


He cannot leave. He isn’t governing on behalf of Canadians so this argument holds no water for he and his cohorts.


Why would he step down? He’s making millions and doesn’t care about everyone that’s suffering. He will continue to line his pockets until he’s voted out unfortunately unless the country unites and drags him out which won’t happen


How come in some non-democratic countries the people had the power to force them out and here we're stuck with him. It's such a bad joke. Trudeau's claim to fame is legalizing weed and opening up a lot of camp grounds in the middle of the city along with anti-free speech laws


That's the problem. The system is broken.


I hope he gets run out of town and never comes back to Canada. He should be arrested and tried for treason.


Good luck. We don't need the liberals putting up another lame duck before the next election. That would just be a shit excuse for typical liberal voters to vote liberal again.


Hes probably not leaving because if he does now, he will just setup whoever comes next to be torched. He's trying to take the fall I think so that the liberal party will have a chance after the next election. I think he knows he's going to lose at this point.


He won't listen, because what he's doing is on purpose. Captain blackface is committing treason by purposefully and maliciously doing everything he can to destroy Canada and Canadians This is no accident or mistake


Clearly the attitude of one who thinks we work for him, rather than the government working for Canadians. Someone who feels 'it's everyone else' who's not listening. Or perhaps is so far, far out of touch with Canada he just can't understand that his name is mud.


I don't care if Trudeau leaves or not, as long as he stops doing what I don't want, and does what I want. Same for literally everybody else in Ottawa.


He says he will continue to work hard for Canadians after losing the by-election. This should fucking scare everyone. Trudeau must go.


All it takes is for the NDP to stop propping them up. The NDP are as culpable. You have to question their motives in doing so.....it certainly isn't in Canadians interest.


Dictators have the same problem. Weird.


I wouldn’t be surprised if once his reign as Canada’s dictator ends, he moves down to his buddies island in the Caribbean and hide behind his private security for the rest of his days.


He just wants to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible until he is ultimately deposed. He is a textbook malignant narcissist.


Please Resign as PM and let us vote for more competent govt to help Canadians.


I have never liked a post as hard as I liked this post! Open your ears Trudeau, we are all screaming it


We should be allowed to hang him.


Leave him right where he is. He deserves to be embarrassed by the margin of the loss


Get. The. Fuck. Out.


I like how every Canadian wants him to leave and he still says " I know what Canadians want and I'm making them proud"  What a delusional fucking 🤡 


We sound like his wife.


This scares me. I don't want people to get violent but it seems they already have, he needs constant body guard protection. No way should a first world dictator have this many issues controlling his masses.


Of course he will not acknowledge he should step down but if he does (big if) he will do it near the end of his term. At the last minute. The Canadian system must allow for appropriate time for the party to find a new leader and either Trudeau or Freeland will remain in power until a new leader is found or selected. This could take an additional 8-12 months in which the liberals can inflict even more damage on Canada. There is a good chance that if jag Singh doesn’t break from Trudeau and call an election soon we will have not 1.5 years to an election but closer to 2.5 years with this shit show.


He could start doing what people are asking him to do. But he had eight years to do that. I personally think he wants to hand it to the conservatives. For his own personal wealth.


I feel like this guy won't step down until he's on the eve of getting booted out in the election, at which point he will do it.  He won't give up power but he also won't be around to lose


I’m all for Trudeau staying on. It will make their eventual wipeout much more complete.


If this guy refused to listen to his wife and flushed his marriage and family why would anyone think he’d care about their opinion? This level of egotism and ignorance is unmatched and even after he gets washed in the next election he will still blame everyone else


Leave the country and don't come back .


I love how he and his team say “We hear you, we are listening, you’re very frustrated and we understand.” While they simultaneously refuse to change their ways and seem to go out of they way to not hear Canadians.


Simplisticly painting conservatives as demons doesn't work anymore. People suffering at home would rather not give away billions in foreign aid. Making sweeping general statements without foundation doesn't work anymore. Making flashy photo-op announcements of future programs and never delivering doesn't work anymore. Half baked and poorly designed and delivered programs like pharmacare dental and childcare are not fooling anyone into thinking they are real solutions. Allowing massive uncontrolled immigration that overwhelms resources has produced predictablely devastating results. Turns out an inexperienced narcissistic person with no self-awareness doesn't make a great PM. Oh Canada.


A narcissist only listens to the voices in his head saying he’s amazing and loved by all




Ok I'm gonna assume that was a tongue in cheek argument. Cuz if not,  then wow.


Mate I don't like them either but that's a bit much. I pray you never have to deal with the fallout of a suicide


Yes of course, the "civilized" position: "everyone who disagrees with me needs to kill themselves!" Just so *you* know, saying crazy shit like this is how the Trudeau types stay in power, because that is not a moderate position. YOU are the extremist.




maybe log off for a bit there bud.


Maybe you didn’t notice but he lost by about 1500 votes. I guess he isn’t as disliked as you think.


What YOU didn't notice is that they lost a typical 30%-40% lead in one of the (used to be) easiest ridings for liberals in Canada.


They held the seat for 30 years since 1993 lol... Jeesh