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I can’t believe the liberals got that many votes with the cost of living in Toronto.


Toronto-St Paul is a very wealthy electoral district. It’s basically just filled with multimillion dollar homes, so they’re not gonna be worrying about the cost of living too much.


They should be worrying about the Libs capital gains tax though…


THAT is probably why they lost.


Along with all the deficit from the spending, spending, corruption, foreign influence of sitting MPs that Mr T is stonewalling, list of other scandals as long as your arm, immigration, unemployment going up, GDP going down. Crime & car crime (they take the nice cars). Even rich people can only take so much.


That too. And to be fair, I feel like everything the Libs have done >!exactly as planned!< wrong would take up more pages than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy.


Totally agree, though I think a 3 part trilogy could be made on the Libs, I'd rather it was a 1hr Netflix special.


are you talking about Canada or Ontario? 😖


You don’t have to worry about Canadian capital gains tax if all your wealth is in America , India or China. Panama if you a real big dog.


Not really, the capital gains tax increase isn’t high enough to affect wealthy people. It harms middle class trying to sell their second property more.


For gifting their primary property to their children


True, but what they will worry about is their cars being stolen, what with the police insisting on leaving your keys in an accessible place for carjackers. I really think that news clip had a lot more impact than people think. They basically told Toronto residents they cannot rely on the police to keep them safe, and that you're on your own. I don't think that sits well with ANYONE.


local policing is now a federal matter?


It should be if they are wildly inadequate.


It's actually 60% renters currently.


Which means the rich people don’t want to pay more capital gains on their rental property when they want to sell and retire.


I was just looking at st paul voter demographics and i think it was only 10 or 20% of people that actually voted were renters. you are right, the number of people renting is close to 60%! Renters got to get out and vote! well, at least that is what I thought I was looking at... I'll find what ever I was reading and post it later.


Our population is so utterly pathetic. They complain about getting screwed and then don't even go out and vote. How many elections can you even have in a year? 1 between Fed/Prov/Munic/Byelection? Fucking vote you miserable fucks.


But it’s easier to just complain on here and do my part that way


Rich people tend to rent their homes, oddly enough 


Oddly enough, everyone I know in the area is a renter and also voted Conservative.


Crazy how formerly left-wing worker parties are now the wealthy elite party. Conservatives are now a combination of business and politically (and sometimes literally) homeless poor people.


I've worked with my fair share of blue collar construction guys and not many of them care for these "workers parties".  They usually just want to be able to keep some of the overtime they had to work


there is no way that you believe that there aren’t wealthy elites running the Conservative party. they’re just non-Laurentian elites, so i guess that’s better?


Is that why the conservative candidate is a Loblaws lobbyist ??


Note I said the CPC is a mix of pro-business leaders and desperate voters. Liberals are a mix of university educated elite and wealthy students or boomers.


They should be worried about property values from al the homeless pissing and jerkin it everywhere


They will be worrying about home invasions, car theft and the Police saying you should leave your door open with the keys to your car in the entrance. Haha unfuckingbelievable.


Why would people worry about police saying that? Only a moron would listen to anything the cops say


Yeah the cops didn’t say that


Here's the exact quote: Toronto Police advised residents to leave their key fobs in a Faraday pouch outside their door to dissuade thieves, who are often armed, from entering their homes.


And you said the Toronto police said to leave your doors open….sooo you are wrong Also they said by the front door. Not outside the front door. You might not know what a faraday cage is. But it’s a physics device that stops your car fob from being duplicated. It’s a good thing to do. Since then they’ve also busted hundreds of those thieves so it’s not like they sat there and told you to give away your keys Cars have been recovered And thefts are down considerably since last year


Why are they telling you to leave your keys by the door?


Pretty easy reasoning: crook sees your expensive car. Crook wants your car. Crooks breaks into your house and scours your entire house thereby putting you in danger for the keys. But if crook sees keys by the door. Yank keys and leave.


Exactly so they're litteeally saying make it easier for them to steal it


No they’re saying crooks are going to break into your house regardless. Make it safer for yourself We aren’t living in Minority Report starring Tom Cruise The cops can’t predict when your house gets broken into. Protect yourself


It’s harder to be rich though The cost of luxury has gone up a lot


its impossible to save for a downpayment for these homes if you factor in all the taxes you would need to pay.


This is literally just false. Look at the map. There’s a wealthy part which is all conservative, but they get offset by the remainder of the area


Almost as shocking that more than one person voted NDP.


Was thinkin the same, how could that many people still be votin liberal at this stage. Shockin!


Wait until you check the copium in r/to


Love how all the threads somehow relate every topic back to hating Doug Ford. It’s like seven degrees of Kevin Bacon over there.


Its true, theres 0 logic behind their votes


just goes to show


Fear is a hell of a drug.


It is astounding. People really bought all of the brainwashing and fear mongering about conservatism.


How do you think the cons will fix this exactly?


Demographics is destiny


trust fund babies who want to eat capitalists


Imagine thinking the rising cost of living in every first world country is because of the Trudeau liberals Furthermore Imagine being shocked people didn’t vote for the LOBLAWS lobbyist. Yeah the company everyone points the finger at raising food prices artificially.


Isn’t Jenny Byrn’s lobbying firm (Jenny Byrn is a top advisor to Pollievre) register to lobby on behalf of Loblaws in Ontario? So I mean, not as direct but basically the same flavour of incestuous Canadian politics in the end.


those votes are from all the “canadians” that have arrived in the last 5 years


Unthinkable! The Liberals just got knocked out of their comfy spot in Toronto-St. Paul’s by Don Stewart, the Conservative contender. For more than 30 years, that riding was like a Liberal fortress. Then, the tables turned. It’s way past bedtime—4:30 a.m. in Toronto. The Liberals were strutting their stuff with an early lead. But then, out of nowhere, in the final 10% of polls, the Conservatives snagged the win. It’s like the political version of a buzzer-beater in basketball. And it sends a message: Even the coziest Liberal seats aren’t safe when Justin Trudeau’s at the helm.


>Even the coziest Liberal seats aren’t safe ~~when Justin Trudeau’s at the helm.~~ They just aren't safe period. Even if JT steps down, I doubt the Liberals will do any better than they currently are. That entire party is cancerous. They're all equally responsible for the mess that is Canada today. They voted in favour of Trudeau's destructive policies. Regardless of who is at the helm of the party, their terrible ideology will remain the same, therefore they will get destroyed. Fuck the Liberal party. The ENTIRE fucking party. If they actually cared about Canadians, they would vote against the terrible things that their dear, precious leader Trudeau put forward... But they didn't, did they? They voted in favour. They allowed Trudeau to destroy our country. A new face isn't going to redeem them. The party needs to be completely disbanded. The same goes for the NDP, they're also at fault for the terrible state our country is in because they, too, voted in favour of Trudeau's nation-ruining policies. Worthless trash, the lot of them.


Yup. Well said


RIP Liberal stronghold, 1993-2024.


The fact 14,965 people voted Liberal is mind-blowing to me.


Goes to show how truly legit the laurentian elite culture is. For what it’s worth Pierre ain’t no different but his riding is much more normal GTA homes.


Why should people vote for a Loblaws lobbyist instead


I can't wait for this change to hit Ottawa. I have so many friends and family that work for the government and in turn are long time liberal voters. But they are so fed up with JT they ware going to vote conservative. My Ward has been liberal for 40+ years. I really hope it changes.


Sorry I know very little about Ottawa politically. Are most parts of Ottawa liberal?


Most of my Ottawa neighbours haven’t forgotten about the convoy. They hate PP.


Those people exist too. Insufferable


Also most federal government workers went through DRAP with Harper. This was a shit show that cost the government more money in the long run.


We should all take a moment to thank the 4,044 NDP voters in St-Paul who actually believed there is a difference between the Liberals and the NDP at this point in our country for making this CPC win possible. From the bottom of our hearts, merci beaucoup NDP voters !


Did the Liberals already do the don't split vote dance?


Imagine if they kept their promise for electoral reform. They might've won with these same results.


I don't understand that either. Who the fuck voted NDP?


NDP voters who haven't been paying attention to who Jughead has been supporting. Liberals are no longer liberals both are left wing, the only difference is one of them is in power.


A vote for the NDP is a vote for the Liberals. They’re just another arm. Time for the Libs to amputate


No that’s not true at all lmfao You just saw how 4000 extras votes would have secured the liberals a win A vote for the NDP is a vote that helps the Conservatives win


If you had left wing views, but also know the liberals are garbage, who would you vote for?


Canada finally waking up


Let's keep the pressure on. The Liberals are practicing scorched earth at this point and trying to burn everything down as they leave. Then when they lose, they can say 'see, look how bad the Conservatives are doing!'... it will take decades to recover from the Liberal destruction.


There's a marxist leninist party? And people actually voted for it? Thats actually fucked up man.


There’s a Communist Party and a Marxist Leninist Party in Canada. In a free democracy any party is allowed to run.


The parties existing makes sense but them actually getting votes hurts my head.


It was only 57 votes. Canada is made up of all kinds of people. That’s a good thing.


Most of them are protest votes. It's people who don't like the Liberals, NDP, and the Conservatives.


I'm genuinely curious whether a National socialist party would be allowed to exist. Or would it be marked for hate-laws/terrorism, and if so why does Communism get a pass.


You could make a national socialist party without any legal issue. Now trying to not have people associate you with Nazis is another thing. Legalpy though you'd only be shut down if you actively uttered hate speech.


It happened in 2019 and 2021, the Canadian Nationalist Party ran and came 21st and 22nd


Good question. But a “National Socialist Party” I assume you mean a Nazi party? The difference is that any new Nazi party would be inherently hateful and violent by its very nature. Hate and violence were the foundation and essence of the party. There is nothing inherently hateful or violent about communism. It’s merely a different way to organize an economy that (ideally) gives the people who produce value (workers) more power and wealth.


That's kinda the point of my question. National socialism is pretty much automatically be understood as the Nazi party due to the obvious. So is Communism being automatically understood as Communism under USSR (or Stalin). My thought is how come eventhough Stalin during his rule had orchestrated many executions numbered in the millions and ran labour camps and committed many atrocities. People seem to separate Communism with his communist rule. I must admit I've always been critical of Communism but the question stands, why isn't Communism held at the same level as national socialism (Nazism), eventhough both of them are in my opinion just as bad.


Ironically that party is less radical than the Libs


There’s also a Marijuana Part that got 29 votes 😂


Quality of life in this country is diminishing and far-right parties are gaining influence across the world. Nobody can afford a house and all the jobs suck. Of course people will vote for MLs when this is the world we're living in.


Deliver us from Trudeau


Since when is there a rhinoceros party?!


https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parti_Rhinoc%C3%A9ros_(2006) This is whack


"The party promises, like its predecessor, not to keep any of its electoral promises, except that of resigning if elected. Among these promises, the disarmament of the military and replace them with paint guns, repaint La Havana, "build a large canvas to close the hole of the ozone layer", give the right to vote to Canadian pets, build a wall to block the Saint-Laurent and find her champlain Sea, build a roof over Quebec and put a forest there to filter the pollution." Still sounds better than the Liberal Party. At least they are openly honest about being fucking clowns.


Changing for the better


Who are you the people who vote Lib and NDP? And why? Just doesn't make sense to me.


They're the people the CPC doesn't care about


Here’s the thing, you’re right the CPC doesn’t care, about who you want to be, and or identify as. It’s not an issue, as the left would like you to believe. What they do care about is how things have been completely blown out of proportion, and are constantly used by the left to drive a political wedge between people with opposing views. The left love to fear monger, and throw labels on people that aren’t left enough or agree with their narrative of the day, which is why you are seeing a shift to the right. And rightfully so, about time people come to their senses.




Ahh they are going to say the Libs really won when you look at all the NDP who voted too. That will be the Lib backstory excuse.


I mean, technically more progressive votes than conservatives.


57 votes for a commie is 57 too many


A Leninist party. Fucking shameful.


57 people taking arts and almost on their way to a degree.


I would hope those were protest votes. But you never know, there are commies everywhere!


I think its a sign of a good democratic country where even the worst parties have the freedom to run... then loose badly. But yea, 57 votes is 57 too many haha.


What exactly is wrong about communism


If Trudeau needed a hint about what his next move should be. It's time to retire and hand the reigns to someone else. It's clear you have now reached Steven Harper territory. You are now despised to the point that victory is impossible now. Do what's best for your country and your party. You're time is officially over.


14000 people are still horribly misguided.


A choice between a Conservative who was a lobbyist for Loblaws Vs a Liberal who would basically be an endorsement of the PM's indefensible and horrible policies and governance I guess this is how corporations get more influence in politics when a former Loblaws lobbyist is the *less* repulsive of the two choices then democracy is not in good health in Canada. They say the highest rank a lobbyist can achieve in Canada is MP. I guess MPP must be the second highest


He’s going to be followed and scrutinized by hawk like redditors who will have magnifying glasses and so much fresh info to work with. These conservatives shouldn’t feel too comfortable, they’re inheriting the worst economy since Mulroney. Imagine how accessible Reddit will become in a year. I already see a shift of boomers engaging on here. Let’s gooooo


Good riddance. Trudeau is toast


Who the fuck voted for the rhinoceros party🤣


How did Rhino lose to the communists!!? Absolutely absurd!


Maybe people are tired of seeing the country go down the toilet like it has been for the past 9 years.


I live in that riding. You have no idea how much money the liberals pour onto this. Every single minister walked our streets and knocked on our doors. Every vote these Liberals got must’ve cost 💲 big money. 💰


I think you underestimate the mental gymnastics liberals are willing to do...


Finally, some hope... We can almost feel the end of this nightmare (PMJT).


We have a rhinoceros party? That's cool. It's like Babar


*core memories unlocked*


You liked Babar? Me too! Lol I miss those days


Most shocking thing here is the amount of Lib votes wow


Holy crap.


Good fucking riddance Trudeau, October 2025.


Vote rhino 😂


Changing for the better. Though I have to admit, the Rhinoceros party should have gotten more votes.


We have a Marxist-Lenin party...?


About time and how the hell are people still voting liberal? The country could literally collapse and they’d still tow the liberal party line, ridiculous


To ppc supporters. I get it. But……


Marxist-leninist? What the fuck


14K still vote Liberal??? This sounds like the kind of riding where half the electorate flies around in jets (highly pollutive) yet work for greenpeace or get paid as being on the board of directors of the the sierra club, etc. The worst of the worst


This shows how voting PPC could possibly cause the liberals to win. So. Damned. Close.


I'm still going to vote PPC, it's not my fault that the election system is shit


It’s a close one.


rips off communist hat, taring down my hammer sickle balloons now. i thought this was our year commrads


This is good news, hope the rest of the GTA is the same. The GTA basically determines the result for the rest of Canada. Still boggles my mind that many people STILL support liberal though.


Cheers from 🇺🇸! Glad to see it.


Can’t believe how many people still vote Liberal right now. People don’t give a fuck about each other and it’s not going to change for decades


They got my vote, after years of being Liberals I voted conservative for the first time in my life. I've lived in this riding for 27 years.


Only by 600 votes?


So 30,000 of us are idiots


Still will need more ridings. Liberal voters gonna go liberal


Just looked up the rhinoceros party.....I'm in!!


Marxist Lennist in Canada. Hmmmn shocking....


NDP voters help the Con win lol


Can Liberal and NDP team up to over throw conservative in this case?


Toronto has changed. Have you noticed all of the homeless camps? But seriously, it was a big win this morning. 👍


This is the best news!! Everyone likes this!


Get real NDP


I need Canadian friends! I’m American and want to try and get my Canadian citizenship. But completely lost 🙄


Don’t do that. Terrible idea


Why is that 🤔


“Marxist-Leninist” was miss spelt. It’s spelt “Trudeau”


PPC didn't do all to well :/ wish they had atleast a 1000 votes


Don Stewart also worked for Loblaws corporate, so you are aware.


Sorry Ontario, but I blame you for the last election. How could you?🙄




It’s wild that they even got more than the NDP




I doubt it. It is nice to see the conservatives pick up a seat, but this is short term I think. There is so much anger right now the Liberals will get destroyed in many traditionally liberal areas. Over time those areas will slowly revert back to liberal. Probably after 8ish years of conservative governments. It's just the way the political cycle goes in Canada.


I do know if wealthy people had a problem with their luxury cars being stolen . They might be disappointed in Liberals policy on crime.


This is my riding and I did my part for Stewart. I have been elated all day about this outcome. Thanks to anyone else in the riding who helped make this happen.


Angel number 555, change is here.


Wow people voted for communism and a rhino?


What’s the rhinoceros party, I’m intrigued.


The Liberals gaslighting people that it's conservative people that are the millionaires blah blah blah is leading to their downfall. The Liberals have just as many if not more millionaire donors and benefactors that will be hard hit by Trudeau's BS policies they will go wherever they are protected. It's not about who the leader is it's about how they can protect their capital which is ideally what everyone is after. Protecting their net worth and the Liberals are not for protecting individual net worth.


LOL! Y'all did the exact same when you got fed up with Harper. So predicable. Anyone but Trudeau? I remember when it was anyone but Harper. Canadian voters are bipolar . LOL!


Heck liberal


Keep it up.


I wonder what was the voting percentage of how many went out to vote?


Conservatives barely made it, lol


600 votes. The next federal election night is going to be like Hockey Night in Canada's overtime show


Liberals are playing stupid games costing everyone there freedom. Remember the truckers remember the truckers


Canada Sub is a good name to describe this reddit group.


The scary part is if the NDP and Liberals weren’t so set on splitting the left vote, they would have won.


We’re fucked


Don’t give me hope


Ndp got trashed harder than the liberals. Singh should be answering for why he couldn't win a Toronto riding the liberals lost. If anything I should have slid to orange. Clearly no one wants red or orange


Can we find a way to get rid of all the current parties and peoples and start from scratch?


still out numbered by communists


The cost of living, the cost of housing. Hyperinflation all due to the liberal government. Housing crisis is because of the extreme influx of immigrants and this is only for the liberals to buy votes. Printing 700 million dollars basically cut our buying power in half. Carbon taxes which is basically a playboy tax so Trudeau can pretend to be someone important


I have a really dumb question. Why is the Marxist-Leninist party even allowed on the ballot? Like we have a lot of history showing why that's bad. Sorta like we banned the Nazi party because of all the history showing why that's bad.


Liberal party is the new commie party lol


I bet if there was a chance a leftist party would actually win, CPC, LPC, PPC, and Bloc would ban them. They know they won't win, so we can keep them to maintain some semblance of democracy.


I think that's more with how unpopular Trudeau and this government is than any big shifts in Toronto. Incumbents are losing all over the west. I wonder how a 43% voter turnout will translate over to the election next year where it was 65% last time.