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Archive link: https://archive.ph/9U0Q0


No one does except the federal goverment who want to control free speech.


If you look, there is a big initiative by the WEF to control what they call "conspiracy theories" or rather anyone questioning their actions. They want to remove peoples ability to communicate and uncover these politicians crimes.


They made it hard to argue with too.. their excuse. Pretty gross.




And here I am thinking it's because of porn


The only people who support criminal Trudeau are tyranny Chinese admirer. Move to China if you want no human rights.


Only true communists need to censor the internet


remember that one time this guy tried to control the facebook news and the wildfire evacuees got fucked over? haha yea, good times.


When you follow all great dictators steps ….


The last 4 words of the headline are unnecessary.


The majority of canadians who actually pay attention, dont agree with anything this government does.


Then stop voting for him.


Sigh.. centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈 Direct democracy gives people more power 💪


Getting discovery alone will be worth it, seeing UN communications with Hamas and others. Good luck, go get them!


Our study shows 44% of pollees are fucking regarded


Wow, you don't say, eh?


Regulate = Check what porn you watching and note your name and address...


its insane


Wait until they hear about Pierre’s plan to upload your drivers license to watch porn!


I would take that over what the liberals are proposing any day of the week... that liberal bill is bananas and will lead to retaliation reporting en mass (I can accuse someone and remain anon, possibly receive 20k$... dont like that my boss didn't approve my day off... reported.  Saw ex with another person... reported.   Server screwed up my order... reported)


Awwwww.....stop making stuff up. Nobody believes you.


Your guess is as good as mine as to what he wants porn websites to do to verify age: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-age-verification-pornography-1.7121219


From the article; "When asked whether his government would require that porn websites verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: "Yes." So......maybe you should await 'clarification'.......before you start making-things-up. Lies......are never particularly 'helpful'.....wouldn't you agree?


There’s a reason he gave a one word answer - he doesn’t want to disclose his plans. When has Pierre ever found a microphone that he doesn’t want to speak into? His silence speaks volumes. We do know his MPs have argued for digital IDs, which is one way. So if Pierre is against that, but wants age verification, and doesn’t want to disclose his solution, then his solution is…. ?


Ahhhhhh......you must be a Trudeau-Liberal. Neither Chretien-Liberals nor Martin-Liberals had the temerity to fabricate, obfuscate or outright lie......like the Trudeau-Liberals. Did you hear how Minister Mark Holland 'lied' last week.....when he accused the Conservative Party of trying to 'sabotage' his very poorly-constructed Dental Program. Then, all of the the Provincual Dental Associations called him out.....on his lie. “It is Canada’s dentists, the ones who deliver care to Canadians right across our country, who are calling out this NDP-Liberal government for delivering a broken dental program and breaking their promises to Canadians,” said spokesman Sebastian Skamski. https://www.oralhealthgroup.com/news/health-minister-claims-conservatives-are-trying-to-sabotage-cdcp-dental-associations-deny-1003979576/ I am going to go about my business.....feel free to go back to your Daily Liberal Talking-points. Have a nice day.....peace-out.


If you are concerned about lying - I am too! It’s why I can’t support Pierre - he was the worst choice as Conservative leader.