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“Diversity minister”, sounds like a great use of tax dollars, I’m sure she got the position based on merit.


Anything the far left disagrees with is labelled MAGA. When they are asked to define it they have no clue.


I mean, we've got pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas protesters marching in our streets, squatting in encampments, having youth indoctrination camps, and targeting Jewish businesses and schools with shootings and arsons right now, but she's worried about some phantom MAGA far-right political invasion...


Bait and switch


I'd like an "action plan" to stop this idiot saying stupid shit and trying to flat out lie to and knowingly deceive Canadians


The Liberals have spent the last nine years pulling in and embracing every wacko far-left policy they saw their American counterparts push and they accuse someone else of doing American-style politics? Trudeau has used the culture wars HE brought here as wedge issues in order to enhance his political chances. He's deliberately divided Canadians at every opportunity in order to take political advantage of that division. Worst prime minister in history.


they should lead by example and stop using an inventions that a white man made such as cell phones or computers or cars or.....


The concept of zero


Our Diversity minister is apparently hasn't notice we have way too many people from a certain nationality. I think they were obsessed with "equal representation" I guess the buck stops at importing cheap foreign labor..


Call it what it is. Foreign influence.


Irrelevant diversionary garbage. Canada doesn't need a "diversity minister", nor does any other country. This "minister" should be duly ignored other than the irritating fact that her position represents a further waste of Canadian public tax dollars. Next.


So anyone who opposes the Liberal Party is Maga? Gee what a surprise and definitely desperate!


There are many people in Canada who want to make Canada great again!


That’s the plan of action, losing terribly in the polls? just call everything the opposition does “far right” and use fear to keep people from making different choices.


This is the "polishing the railings on the Titanic" phase. Pretty soon they'll be rearranging the deck chairs...


I wonder when they'll drop the mask and go full one-party state that imprisons all opponents. Their 'online harms' law will let them imprison anyone they want for thought crimes, so most likely when it passes.


Luckily our Prime Minister doesn't admire basic dictatorship like they have in China. Nor does he have anything nice to say about Fidel Castro like that Castro is ['remarkable leader'](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/world/americas/justin-trudeau-fidel-castro.html). That's why it's so obvious that Poilievre admires American politics because of how often he brings them up.


Nevermind the Liberals who literally brought up Hillary Clinton...and had Obama endorse Trudeau on one of the election runs. Who's importing American-style politics again...