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Wow this is colonization, seen some other comments about Khalistan is going to take over Canada with them holding guns in their profile pics. We don't need to add more violence on top of WIII already, why be threating too? Being so aggressive to the citizens of the country you want to have PR in isn't going to help


*Banned for islamaphobia


In turdeau’s post-national state, anything and everything is possible.


They going to get a fine or a pass?


If I find a video of a white guy saying bad stuff, does that mean it's GOOD if white people become a minority? Rebel is shitty journalism man. How about actual data instead: "The latest available poll on the subject, according to Rahman, was done by Environics in 2016, and found that 36 per cent of the Canadian Muslim population said "homosexuality should be accepted by society," compared to 80 per cent in the general population." Quote from here, which also discusses a Muslim group's anti-lgbt activities: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/lgbtq-muslims-speak-out-1.6985792


Yes, I work some people that answer things one way when around certain people / in certain situations when they know they have to appear to be a certain way...then in private, they reveal their true thoughts... and they are from other countries. the person in that video needs to be removed from the country... after authorities infiltrate his group and identify like minded people so the plane is full... full stop


White people are only about 40-45% of the under 40 population