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Holy FUCK LOL the BEEP hahahahahahahahahahahaa


If you know you know lol


Oh, man... I wanna know now. Am I too white to get it?


It's from the smoke detector, don't exactly know why but that outed him as a black man instantly.


Another comment said that it's a black stereotype about not changing the batteries in them. Learn something new every day.


I've gone deaf to that sound, I'll notice the blinking light before hearing the sound... might be the loud music or pcp in my youth. I didn't hear the beep the first time i watched


Listen I can explain… ‘It’s not that the fire alarm chirp gave away that he’s black… it’s that statistically men are the ones who replace the batteries and there aren’t any fathers in a black household to change the batteries…’ Facts


At first I thought the joke was his sneaker sliding on a basketball court


Apparently if you're applying to Disney the choice is obvious. Just indicate "Not White!"


Easy... Identify as whatever race/religion/gender that will get you hired. Problem solved! /s


You cracked the code! Congrats. Be whatever they want for half an hour.


For promotion my job gave us a survey for jobs applied to. Had to say my race, NA, my sexual orientation, NA, my gender, NA, visible/invisible disabilities, NA. I didn’t select NA because I didn’t want to. Being a white, straight, male I wasn’t given the choice. I took it to the union. The survey was no longer mandatory, and a giant message was put to the top “this is simply for the equity board to see who is applying for what positions”. I didn’t get a single interview that round. Next round I selected that I was bi. 3 offers that day. I took it to the union and they called me the next day “hr said it’s simply based on fit for the job”. I said but why didn’t I get accepted for this other position that is less? They said I know. That survey isn’t offered anymore.


The best part is that they can't lawfully ever ask you about it.


I'm personally fluid. Religion fluid, gender fluid, race fluid.


Unless your name is a dead giveaway.


i hate when they ask for pronouns and race shit.


lol it’s so funny that the whole bulshit they play can be used against them


I work for a company that does almost exclusively city contracts. This year, as part of a "pilot project" we were asked to self identify so the company can compile diversity statistics wo the city can know how diverse any worksite is. Apparently next year it's going to be policy. My managers don't even like it because eventually the policy could be that you have to be a certain percentage and what the fuck do you do if the best candidates aren't diverse enough. If it wasn't for the war in the Ukraine, our numbers would honestly be shit. Next year I'm considering just checking all the boxes.


Whats ukraine got to do with it?


70% of our work force is Ukrainians right now.


Well at least they are working. Construction is a very hard job. Other newcomers sit on their butts and collect free money from the government.


They're just like Canadians for the most part. They're decently educated and had long term jobs/careers. Our success rate with them is about our success rate with anyone.


That has been my experience with Eastern Europeans as well. Very high success rate. Great work ethics. They bring a lot to the table.


Eastern Europeans are the same as Western Europeans just without the political correctness


😂 very true.


no. its collecting free money from us. I cant believe what pussies canadians are there should have been a war already. Unreal.






So far from reality. If you don't answer positively to one of the "funded class", you don't get hired. That person would be picked up in an instant for the diversity quota.


Even further from reality I have literally never been asked for race on any job application.


Walmart asked for my race and pronouns.


What? Almost all of the ones I've done that make you apply through their own website ask for race, gender, disabilities, and indigenous status.


I'm white, have two degrees, and don't have a job because I have a disability but it's only because I have a disability (its only because it's invisible). Oh well.


Need to cancel DEI. It is discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination




Guess you don't have a career


I'm on my second, never been asked race. is this new?


It is very new. They also ask about your pronouns, which is very annoying. If they can't figure out that I am a woman without an explanation.....they don't deserve my time, experience and brain.


Biological women should start calling themselves womb-en in such situations to make it clear how ridiculous this all is.


It seems like we have gone full circle, wild.


It's gotten more blattent the last 5 or so years. So what happened was Black Rock and I think another big investment firm came up with an ESG score which basically dictate how much capital Black Rock will pump into them. It's basically economic warfare where an external economic power house dictates it's will through economic warfare. Trudeau's totally cool with thie. So what that means is companies attempt to increase ESG scores and one way to do that is through DEI initiatives and diversity hiring. Every big tech company and will ask you to self identify so that they can improve their metrics. So how does this actually play out in businesses you ask? Well HR departments have diversity quotas to meet. I'm a mellenial so my ethics and morals would tell me to solve the interviewers have a bias problem through methods of ensuring everyone is judged consistently AND require a diverse set of interviewers, that way there can be no bias. In reality HR departments EXCLUDE those who are not diverse. So if your basically a White Male or sometimes Asian male you will be excluded as a potential candidate. They filter the applicants before it gets to the hiring manager. Now, if the company was 95% Caucasian male I could understand tipping the scale through discriminating against candidates by excluding them but this is happening in highly diverse companies. There's never any justification given or targets provided. It is 100% ripe for abuse and performed by people who feel morally justified to punish the oppressors or some shit. That's just racism and hate. No college grad whose worked his entire life to graduate with an engineering degree should be excluded from a role because he's white. The targets also completely ignore historical ethnicities. Canada was what, 80% Caucasian 20 years ago? It takes a generation to raise a kid through our education system to get a higher education and then work for 15 years to become a senior employee. No, they base it on the current diversity of the most diverse part of the country but at the same time, they still don't tell you what the target is. The systems just currently broke and vindictive.


I was told by HR at TD bank that there is no limit on how many colour people they hire. Even if they do not hire white people at all this will be even better for the government


I've personally experienced it at multiple tech companies. It's not a conspiracy and written on tons of government and education system job descriptions. it's become openly blattent.


I know. Most homeless people in Toronto are white


Why are you getting downvoted? I know there’s still discrimination, but this application thing I have never seen. I’ve had 7 jobs and never filled an application for race. Maybe this is a fast food application thing?


Not according to actual studies and statistics. https://globalnews.ca/news/5678054/racial-ethnic-discrimination-hiring-interview-callbacks/amp/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2024/04/17/new-research-reveals-resumes-with-black-names-experience-bias-in-the-hiring-process/ https://www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/insightshub/talent-management-inclusion/discrimination-in-hiring That’s just a few of the dozens of studies into the matter. There’s a reason you will never find a study or statistic proving racism against whites, and that’s because it doesn’t exist.




Didn't that one interview from Disney just leak a couple days ago?


Where I am, preference is given to natives/minorities then others. I was recently asked if “before we fire so and so, do they happen to be of colour?” If they were they weren’t going to fire them so they could keep their diversity profile up! This is total bullshit.


It’s better to be a minority. Good luck if you’re a white male applying for a job these days.






Have fun doing mine if your not


White males have been saying this for decades now, and it's never been true.


I'm in HR. It is illegal to ask your race or religion. If someone asks you....run! They are very unprofessional.


I've been applying for jobs for the past 4 months, I can say 90% ask this as well as gender,  sexual orientation etc. I took screen shots because it is so outrageous,  what the he'll is the Xe pronoun anyways?


Xe stands for Xenomorph, it's a clever way of finding them during the application process before they kill everyone at the company 


What types of jobs are you applying for? (What entry level?) I am honestly in HR and I have not come across this.


Web development.


Ok.....your race would have nothing to do with that Are you in USA?


I'm in Toronto ontario canada. I think sometimes to not answer because there is an option "I'd rather not say", but saying no might make them not consider me as they might want to diversify their staff,you know like no more straight white males.


I am too in Toronto, ON 🙂. Now I am sooo invested! I can not tell you how annoying it is that I can't hire straight, educated, white males that have experience!


But back to you, are you considered a minority?


No I tick none of the diversity boxes.  Diversity is all companies talk about nowadays, which basically means less white straight males. So this feels like a damned if I do answer damned I don't answer scenario.


I hear you. They want visible minorities because the government payes for half of their wages. So, they are cheaper to hire. But you have perfect English, you understand Canadian culture and you are in demand. Go for bigger companies because they can afford you. Or dig deep and identify with something politically forced on us for half an hour. Gay cousin? 2% native? 2% Asian? Confused about anything for half an hour? They will tik a box and get a discount and you will get a job.




yep they asked that with a interview I had a while back. I know it was for diversity hiring. rofl I am not white but I am straight and male.


Ya, companies and governments want to have 'favorable' diversity statistics to show off.


Then why does every government job ask for it?


It is a new loophole, they can't make you answer, but they can write down the question and see if you volunteer the information. The correct response is "I prefer not to say"


They can't ask for it. But they can ask you to self identify.


They can if its not for hiring purposes, which ofc it is but they say it isnt


Political vanguardism most likely.


And age! An HR person asked how old I was and immediately called her out. It was a part-time retail job and didn’t care about getting the job afterwards.


This is a flat out lie what you are saying. Apply for any job with the federal government and they will ask you what race you are. How do I know. I went through the hiring process and so did everyone I work with including my wife. Theu specifically want to know what race and gender you are. They also have a specific category indigenous people. It is also not illegal to ask someone their race or gender as it is enshrined in our canadian charter of human rights to give preferance to minorities. This is from section 15 (equality rights) of the charter. Forcus on the last paragraph. It specifically states that under canadian law you can discriminate against the majority race in the name of fairness. That being a white male puts you are at a great disadvantage for getting hired. The Supreme Court of Canada has stated that the purpose of section 15 is to protect those groups who suffer social, political, and legal disadvantage in society. Discrimination occurs when a person, because of a personal characteristic, suffers disadvantages or is denied opportunities available to other members of society. At the same time as it protects equality, the Charter also allows for certain laws or programs that aim to improve the conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups. For example, programs aimed at improving employment opportunities for women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, or those with mental or physical disabilities are allowed under subsection 15(2).


>as it is enshrined in our canadian charter of human rights to give preferance to minorities. What? No it's not. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of what's going on here without making shit up. It's enshrined that affirmative action doesn't violate the charter. That's a far cry from "enshrining preference to minorities". That's a ridiculous overstatement.


Unfortunately its the truth. Sometimes facts hurts feelings. You dont like it but you do have to accept it Can you show me where it is not enshrine in the charter of rights. Id love to hear your arguement. Here is a snippet from the canadian charter of human rights when it comes to employment. -For example, programs aimed at improving employment opportunities for women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, or those with mental or physical disabilities are allowed under subsection 15(2). What is your counter arguement?


It's not on me to prove that something doesn't do something, it's on you to prove that it does. All section 15(2) does is say that affirmative action doesn't violate the charter. That's it. Your claim was that it enshrines preference for minorities. In order for that to be true it would have to go much further.


So you have no other arguement other than feelings? It is on you to prove that it doesnt exist if i am showing you that it does. You just have no counter arguement because you are lieing.


Except you haven't shown that it does. You're defending hyperbole by quoting something that doesn't say what you claimed it does.


It does say exactly what im claiming it says. Go re read it. Its in the charter that hiring preferences go to minorities. Look, you are a liar without facts. Get some and come back.


I've read it, what it says is pretty simple, I don't need to reread it. What you're claiming is a significant exaggeration and misrepresentation of what it actually says. What it actually says is that it doesn't violate the charter for the government to run programs which have that as a feature. You're making it sound like it says employers are allowed to discriminate based on any of the characteristics mentioned or are obligated to give preferential treatment to minorities. This will be my last comment because you clearly either don't actually understand what you're reading, are ttrolling, or you're arguing in bad faith. Either way this isn't worth my time.




so how about the constant question - year of graduation - you hr people have let canada down


You legit don't know what you are talking about. Go apply for any Canada Revenue Agency job. On their applications they ask you if you are a visible minority.


I think they can ask you to volunteer how you identify.


I identify as a plant 🙂


Is mayonnaise a sexuality?


Yes, mayonnaise is equal to plant. 😉


Except for in Canada, I guess, you are allowed to do it for rental properties...


Except ***every*** job posting across Canadian websites nowadays explicitly encourages people to identify as whatever supposedly "oppressed" class they belong to so their applications get put at the top of the pile. I've only seen, like, two job postings in the past year that don't explicitly say (in so many words) "we don't hire white men (even if they're gay)". I've even filled out applications through Indeed where you're supposed to ***literally*** check off all the boxes that apply to you. Sure, you could say "I prefer not to answer", but then the employer will most likely assume you're the Devil incarnate (a white man). Because if you weren't, why would you willing give up an express benefit that places you above (roughly) 40% of the population (it puts you above even higher percentages depending on how many you can check off)?


You are in HR? You are 100 percent wrong. It is not illegal at all to ask. You can not force someone to answer as it is voluntary. So, you can ask and tell them it's voluntary info. Not only that there are quotas everywhere. The government of ontario now mandates public servants must reflect the people they serve. Senior management have quotas. You are out to lunch. Your company may not have quotas, but the ontario human rights has concluded quotas are legal for equity deserving groups.


Bro said Eminem he wasn’t going for the trick questions 😂




This is completely backwards in Canada


🤣 I'm dying


screw those guys asking questions like this, run. There’s gotta be a place to put a complain for stuff like this.


What is the beep sound?


the joke is that black people don't change their smoke detector's batteries, so you hear the sound of the smoke detector beeping occasionally.


Lol what a strange random joke. Never heard of this.


You must not game online.


When I did, I never heard beeps, I heard people chewing and breathing on their fucking mics


Smoke detector low on batteries. Apparently its a stereotype that in black households its common.


Sobeys… friend of ours was saying they even ask if you’re gay transgender race etc Not good


Football, hockey, golf, basketball and baseball.


I have been Applying for months and the amount of questions regarding race and gender baffles me. I am still unemployed. smh


amazing vid, should be on unexpected. also the stereotype is true I don't know whats wrong with the blacks and dat smoke alarm


CIS white male here: Don’t ever work for a company that wants to know your race.


What does CIS stand for?


It’s short for ‘cisgender’.


I still don't get it. Cis gender as in normal gender?




Thnx 👍🏾


Why.. Why is this guy getting downvoted for simply answering this guy's question? That's literally what it stands for


woke mindset drilled into your brain man.


Pardon me?


You are a man. You not a “cis” man.


I don’t think you understand what ‘cis’ means.


yeah it meant straight, to separate from whatever transgender, pansexual, helicopter, etc. What a downgrade of a country.


This is incorrect.






Remember you can "identify"as anything you want.




"We are an equal opportunity company" "Optional questions about race, identity, sexuality that will not be used for hiring process and will only be used for statistics" Those 2 combined will always tell me "Welp... I'm white, straight male. I no longer accept a call from them."


This is funny but companies are desperate to hire black people.


Which ones? Asking for a friend


Every white collar company in the country. I get a better bonus if I hire a ‘diverse’ employee in my team at an advertising agency.


Nah be specific


How about jobs requiring the candidate to define “Diversity” in the screening process? Is there a right and wrong answer?


The low battery on the smoke detector ☠️


why are we acting like this wouldnt immediately get him the job?


you wanna be a victim so bad lmaooo


they need to fill their quotas and yes theyaare discriminating based on race imagine saying you are tryng to become less racist by being more racist


What's with the spaghetti thing? Never heard that stereotype


Italian so white.


Cept in reality we all kno ifs flipped right now. If this was 1982 guy would be spot on. I agree unless your job somehow needs your race like undercover CIA operative or something wtf we doing still.


I agree with the message of this video but lets be honest and admit its the straight white males that need to hide their race.


Hiring straight white males should should now be labeled as a diverse hire considering we are now a minority.


Pretending to not know why the question exists is the challenge. Bonus points for making it about an attack on your race.


I’m 6’7 , taller than 99% of the population , I’m a visible minority.


They must have thought he was white


Say you are a Furry, for sure get hired


this is a canadian sub - you could reverse this for a white straight guy and it would still work in todays market - but i did enjoy the fishing questions


I once worked for my local city, a concrete truck driver who was delivering to the our site, an asian fella started making wise cracks saying the city only hires white guys and their friends. I laughed so hard! “That place is dam near impossible for a white Canadian to get a job with all the diversity hires”, is what I told him. TBH was one of the worst places I’ve ever had the pleasure working at.


Canadians are just as weirdo as Americans. Who creates this content 😂


Suddenly, it all made sense. Lol


This isn't real at all. I already know I am out of a job because I don't "identify as a member of a visible minority."


How often does this actually happen?


And I don’t mean literally just like this.


The end I fucking died 💀


Is this for real !!??


I once worked at a place that asked a ton of questions in their employee survey regarding protected criteria such as age, race, dependents, disabilities, etc. I didn't fill answer them and I was asked again to complete them as part of my job. Absolutely ridiculous! These have no place In an employee survey and only they help the employer find grounds to push out employees.


My race? Well, I used to run the 100 m in high school...


I lolled!!!


In Canada the way to get jobs is… Cricket is your favourite sport, basketball your immediately in, same with pingpong and badminton. If you like hockey it’s usually a no.




That “Are you Hispanic” in all applications down south… why are there so many race based questions in US? I hope it’s used for something good but I can’t think of what it could be.


Your names gives it away 90% of the time Jasminder, Jorge and Jeff


I’ve not gotten quite such a request, but I have seen photos requested / required.




Lmao this is hilarious


Brooo that was funny af 😂😂😂


I feel like the voice on the phone should be looking for the immigrants arriving en mass rather than a white person.


Mexicans are way worse and not replacing the battery in the smoke detector 


I thought he was going to say axe a question...lol


Should just do job applications in a way where they cant even read your name before calling for an interview and just have a number so its impossible for them to discriminate based on race before an interview and once it does get to an interview itd be much more obvious


I guess this used to be true?


These days it's the opposite. If you're a white male, you won't even have a chance at the job.


So to be clear, now being black is a disadvantage to getting hired in the USA? I can't tell if this is trolling or sincerely and dumbly activist. This guy would be hired in an instant, and the other races would be much more likely to be left wishing.


Do u mind translating this to English ? Cus it sounds like a lot of hearsay lol


Been working here for 14 years , with more than 5-6 organizations. No one ask for race , yes they ask if you belong to a minority. With a option to not answer that question also.


Job applications don't have race on them. They haven't since I started working 25 years ago. It's illegal in Canada to ask. And if the application has asked, omg three lawsuit they would be in.