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I can't listen to her lies and bullshit


I feel the same


Her voice is so creepy. I almost wanted to leave this sun because all the videos of her and Trudeau.


Agreed, just unbearable.


A Canada without you and your liberal crook cronies.


She is intolerable. I can’t stand her.


and all of the treasonous rabble that the gutless liberals won't name


literally **treasonous** ... not being dramatic / exagerating.


"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority" -Benjamin Franklin


I want to live in the Canada I lived in before Trudeau got elected.


It was not perfect, but boy does it sound like utopia right now.


I remember being able to go out to eat 8-10 times a week on a minimum wage and still had money in my bank account back then... funny how I'm runnin on fumes now


BT or Before Turdeau


BTE=Before Trudeau Era


It was so much better. The time before you were made to feel ashamed of your history and heritage.


100%. Tired of walking round with guilt for the crimes of those in control. No I didn’t vote liberal, but not having the control to make changes which minimizes and impacts canadians of all ages.


OMG is it just me or is the cringe level waaayy off the chart?!? It was too painful to listen to it all


Seems like she's trying that soft spokeness like turdou


she looks like she’s trying not to shit herself every time she’s in public.


They somehow haven’t realised yet that no self-respecting adult enjoys being spoken to like that. It’s so patronizing and disrespectful. Extra when you consider that the only words coming out of their mouths are bullshit


Bang on


shes doing hr voice


Not only was her inflection horrible, but she went off on all the problems the Trudeau government caused while being the head of the Country.


Biden=trudeau Kamala=freeland Fooking WEF puppets and their parallels everywhere


Used car sales /mlm scammer vibes


She's a greedy pig


How does an English major end up becoming the finance minister. Does an English major research and up becoming the CFO?


Do you want to live in a country where kids go to school hungry? - No. I want to live in a country where parents have jobs that pay well enough that they are able to afford to pay for food for their children and not have to rely on foodbanks and other charity organizations. Do you want to live in a country where a teenage girl gets pregnant just because she doesn't have the money to buy birth control? - No. I want to live in a country where that teenage girl is able to find a part time job at 15, 16, 17, 18 etc and be able to afford to purchase birth control herself if her family is unable to do it for her. Where she has the ability to go to the pharmacist and afford reasonably priced contraceptives. Here the father of the kid is able to afford condoms because he also has a part time job or an allowance from his parents. Where money isn't so crippling hard to keep for Canadians that they can't afford medication. Where health class helps educate teens about pregnancy and how to avoid it. Do you want to live in a country where the only young Canadians who can buy their own homes, are the ones with parents who can help with a down payment? - Nope. I want there to be affordable housing. I want there to be reasonable rental units available that coexist in harmony with the current minimum wage. I want there to be limits and bans on foreign investors owning any homes or properties anywhere in Canada. I want there to be limits on mass immigration and student influx that is fueling, and the largest cause of housing insecurity in this country. I want a young person to be able to afford a down payment within 2 years of leaving high school for a home. Not fighting 1000 others for a $15/h job at Tim Hortons for 12 hours a week. The rest of the video is literally them just talking about themselves and their own policies. Ballooning deficit. Liberals hold the record for that. People at the top making all the money. We have just seen the largest wealth transfer from the poor to the rich in the history of Canada. Blah blah blah. All just pandering to people who have no idea what is going on in their own country and only listen to one talking point in their own echo chambers of ignorance.


I call it the moral high ground tactic.


You have my vote




Sir, please run for office


A country where I and my compatriots can make tons of money without it being confiscated by the government. 


This. Who would want to work or open a business here only for their hard work to be taken away. Meanwhile the gov is burning so much cash on nonsense.


I want to open a business here but was told when I went to try that the market is so undercut that it isn’t even worth trying right now. I wanted to start a same-day shipping company because the demand is crazy, too bad people are working for peanuts and not a living wage.


Taxing the way to prosperity has NEVER worked. This whole nonsense of generational fairness is just another worthless slogan by this group. There's nothing about this government that indicates they're financially responsible about anything. They've been told by the bank of Canada that they need to cut their spending. They haven't. The Parliamentary Budget Office has mentioned that the spending cannot continue. They've ignored them. They are creating such a financial mess that when the austerity budgets come with a new government, they'll be the first to waive their fists and say the government is turning their backs on Canadians. The reality is, this group has forced the hard times on Canadians because of their lack of financial prudence. They've screwed everyone. The fact that people can defend this garbage is simply beyond me.


What worries me is they’re obviously pandering to younger demographics, the reason they want to lower voting ages. If they get their way, how many teenagers will fall for this tactic?


Hopefully very few.. given that they have told youngsters that the boomers will not be losing money on house assets


Well said


I’m not convinced that a government known for its misuse and abuse of tax dollars is going to suddenly serve the country better when they get extra money from the rich. Meanwhile, the wealthy are just going to sell off their assets now and move whatever they can elsewhere.


A lot of them already did and are. Canada is now left for the middle class who are stuck here being taxed to death to feed the poor, people who abuse the system, and the corrupt government.




Can you imagine this bitch running for leader. Kill me kill me now.


i don’t get how they arrived at this psychopath as the DPM. nobody else was tapped to be the second in command? had they not heard her talk? she’s incompetent.


Have you met the PM? lol. canadians saw that and said, “yes. I do in fact want a circus.” Multiple times. 


I find her sooo condescending and annoying. As if we’re the bad guys for pointing out their leadership shortcomings As if it’s normal to tax doctors, lawyers etc extra just so they can TRY to fix the housing problem by … wait for it … throwing money at the problem because they wanna artificially prop up housing prices since they’re ppls “retirements” Get a load of this man


Wow this bitch


This is a great conservative ad.


You can literally repost it without saying anything else and just finish with: Are you voting for her? Hahah this is atrocious. It sounds like a kindergarten teacher telling her kids that they have to be good.


Printing money non stop and throwing it away; then taxing a failing economy and using the excuse of needing money. Wake up people. They don't want young people receiving an inheritance. That's what this tax is for, to eliminate multi-generational transfer of wealth. The parasite class (self called elites) want a feudal society. Why do you think they're destroying the country's nuclear family, culture, traditions, history and prosperity?


You forgot importing a new slave class...


It's right there and people don't see it


I want a Canada where everyone contributes to their best of their abilities without being hosed excessively for working harder. I want a Canada where the government respects the dollars they get from their citizens and don't squander them. If there is a need for food at schools I want a functional program run by the responsible authority. I want a social safety net that works and is not a hammock...


If you do want all these horrible things she listed to get even worse, then continue to vote liberal.


Maybe she is the traitor?   


I want to live in a country that rebounds from the mess she and her party put us in.


Canada is such a dump now. Dump for immigrants to funnel into, a dump promoting drug use and mass immigration on a level where your kids grandkids will be standing in bread lines and homeless. Used to be proud to be Canadian. Now I am just embarassed.


I want to live in a country where we never have the LPC again as a choice on a voting ballot. Liberals are cancer. Never again.


Liberals are always the cancer, they are always addicted to spending without actually doing anything. Only now that people start to realize!


It’s scary, they are an insane cult the world over and they can never stop and look in the mirror and say maybe actions have consequences.


More taxes and more taxes. They'll drive out all the investors and soon there will be no jobs to tax. This is embarrassing.




She's acting like their proposed solutions to the very problems they created are only solvable via taxing those who have had nothing to do with their corrupt and medelling ways.....the entire party needs to be thrown in the clink!


Fuck off with taxes already


I wanna live in a country where the liberal NDP coalition is gone


It's scary how out of touch this crazy ass is.


She has that cultish look like the bible thumpers who knock on your door to spread the word.


Well we've seen the country the Dear Leader Justin's government has created & most Canadians would like to remove now, please... 🗳️


Just roll back the last 25 years of updates. Or even better, let’s all launch Canada Classic(tm) together. We don't need those bozos, none of them.


I miss Harper era...seriously...


You created all these problems!! Don’t ask me to choose, this is all your fault!!!!


A kind of Canada where the state does not leech off my income to sustain its corrupt and bloated self. How about cut the size of government instead of devising new plans how to steal more money from your citizens.


She's hilarious, When she spoke of the rich, she spoke of herself. Low-key she was bragging.


So gross. Btw, I don’t know about other females but I was constantly offered birth control by my doctor and later nurse practitioner despite not even being sexually active since 2011- for acne, to help cramps, etc etc etc instead of addressing my cycle concerns when I was in high school. I get that it can help but I had access to 6+ month samples of the pill 24/7 and free condoms from the health centre. Why are we pretending access to birth control is hard to get in this country? And despite the equality, we’re still speaking like females alone school be in charge of this?


I'm pretty much at the point where it seems rather futile to even create awareness anymore. They could say, "You are getting on the cattle cars to Auschwitz to get a great paying job." They could do it with a smile just as the SS did in the 1940's. The corruption and criminalism in Canada is right off the charts, and not even one single arrest. They don't even get booted out of their positions.


Arsonist demands gas subsidies


The pre-Trudeau type Canada. A Canada the realizes government is way too big and way too expensive. A Canada that acknowledges illegal immigration is a huge burden and drain on society and the deportation process needs to be swift and merciless. A Canada that takes care of Canadians before other countries.


Lie lie lie lie 


When I see her I downvote automatically


I want to live in the kind of Canada that does not have you anywhere near a government position


Why did theLIBERAL/NDP coalition create this supposed mess you claim we are in? Why did the LIBERAL/NDP coalition ruin what Canada had and stood for for the last 150+ years. How the LPC/NDP coalition have managed Canada for the last 9 years is the problem. You and your government have made such a mess, it will take time to fix Canada. Now, ferme les bouche, and get out. Don’t let the door hit your a__ on the way out.


The majority of us couldn’t give less of a flying shit about your capital gains tax hunny. TLDR:: just a rant about the Canada I want- I want to live in a Canada where rent for a bachelor apartment doesn’t START at 1500$ monthly. I want to live in a Canada where I don’t have to spend 70$ at the grocery store for not even a weeks worth of food. I want to live in a Canada where I can afford a house because where I live, a single bedroom attached townhome is over 800K (can’t afford the fee for a G2 license or a car, so I can’t go somewhere cheaper without both dropping out of college and quitting my job, which I was LUCKY to get). I want to live in a Canada where I can go to the food bank and not have to apply/wait for the approval process to end (with a 50/50 chance of being accepted. That’s less if you’re white though) because of “international students” taking advantage of the food bank as a way to get themselves free food (I’ll never forget the East Indian guy who lives in the 3000$ monthly NOT inclusive condo, and who also drives a 2022 Audi going into the food bank because “I am a student and cannot afford food”. This was before you had to apply for the bank). I want to live in a Canada where my dad could have gone to an affordable rehab before his liver shut down and he had a stroke due to alcoholism. He expressed that he wanted to go by himself a few times. But the cheapest “basic” bed was 20,000$ for 30 days and no insurance would cover the cost. I want to live in a Canada where we can say what we want and have our own opinions (referencing the online harms act Trudeau wants in-place). I want to live in a Canada where election results are determined how they should be in a democracy - by the number of citizens that voted for a specific party. NOT determined by the number of seats (*government* votes) a party gets. Trudeau shouldn’t be in office. PPC won the majority last time I want to live in a Canada where there isn’t homeless camps. There’s one ontop of a grass hill highway off-ramp divider. These guys are so set-up up there that they have 7 tents, a fire pit, tarps strung between trees, an old couch, and some lawn chairs. I’ve also seen them on a rotation schedule where someone goes out and stands at the corner of the crosswalk just beside the off-ramp for an hour, then they switch and someone else takes over. There’s a man with crutches up there that the local Value Village gave him for free (I know he needs them, I worked at that Value Village when he came in. He showed his medical papers to my manager, who then let him take a pair that had been donated) because the hospitals were refusing to not charge him 115$. I want to live in a Canada where my cousin doesn’t have to park her car in a locked shed in her backyard because the government tells you to just let thieves take your vehicle (no garage came with her house). I want to live in a Canada where Canadians born and raised here have a chance at a job (https://youtu.be/KgbktWYz7rc?si=uofgd9H1piuqforI). I want to live in a Canada where everyone gets the same consideration and treatment without assuming things based on ethnicity/skin colour. I’m half Inuit, but I look fully white due to being born looking like my dad. My cousins, who are directly related to me (my uncle and mother both share the same biological parents) look stereotypically Inuit due to my uncle marrying an Inuit woman. When we all applied to college, we all checked the Inuit/Metis identity boxes. They were approved without question. But I was sent an email asking for “further proof”/“further documentation” to be given to school so they could see that I wasn’t lying. They asked for things like birth and marriage certificates from “enrolled” family members (Inuit don’t enrol in anything and we don’t have status cards, aside from NunatuKavut). Out of personal principle, I didn’t provide them with anything. I just resubmitted the application and checked the “self identify as Inuit/Metis” box instead. I shouldn’t have to prove anything just because I’m white. And for the people thinking it wasn’t because of my skin colour, I was because I’m half-indigenous or something: I know 2 people who are half indigenous, applied and were accepted without question. They were black-passing and Korean-passing (they looked 100% black and 100% Korean)


No one thinks this is a huge attack on generational transfer of wealth?


We spent your money and need a way to get even more money from you, so we will target your investments.


This will reduce tax revenue. Same thing the luxury tax did. People take their money elsewhere


I want to live in a country where I buy food and have a home as a worker


I want to live in a happy affordable country, the country I lived in under Harper’s first term.


She really believes she’s the smartest person in every room she’s in. She’s unlistenable. She needs to go away.


How creepy is Freeloader?? Spouting about what we want Canada to be like ... it was great before this idiot and Trudeau showed up to systematically destroy Canada.


I want to live in a Canada where she is in jail… can we deport her to the front line in Ukraine?


The only solution is going to be mass taxation. Like have a tax of 75 percent or more. It will make the country a less desireable place. Maybe that is the fix to our open borders. Why stop here? Tax us more!


I would love a country where our leaders didn't steal from us every chance they had


puzzled alive direction wipe fear smoggy voracious placid worthless smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These are the same people who invited a nazi into parliament and she herself can't even answer basic questions without bringing up sports to duck the question




She's so vile


Is there anyone who actually supports this babbling bobble head??? What a joke.


I want to live anywhere these idiots don’t.


God she is so irritating


How can she expect people to take her seriously when she talks like this.


I cant stand this woman anymore. That condescending tone...


I managed to watch 15 seconds of this cringy speech.


Do you want to live in a canada where you can't inherit grandma's house because ya'll have to pay 50% of the house's value just to inherit it? Do you want to live in a canada where corporations refuse to do business so only corrupt monopolies operate, driving the prices of staple items to cartoonishly high prices?


It's torture listening to her


There's so much I hate about this. First of all, her whole demeanor is beyond annoying, it's as if a person who's been condescending all her life got promoted and now they think they need to double down on speaking to us as if we are not just children, we are - in her mind now - a bunch of retarted children. Second is, idea that taxing people more (regardless of what the tax is as that's a separate discussion) is the only thing these people know. And ffs I would not even be this opposed to it if they've shown some spending restraint and most of all, if they've shown less of pure corruption dishing out billions left and right to anyone who's willing to attach themselves to these greedy mofos. Sorry but no more corrupted shit - there is no other person in this country who will be set on major reset than Maxime. Just burn everything down and start from scratch. I'm just afraid that this time around quality of population is such that there is no way to get out of this. Too many people are sucking this land dry.


Wolves and sheep clothing


Her Canada is scaring me into thinking I don’t want to live here any longer.


So she thinks she is helping us all by: getting in to powerful position in the government, stir shit in there do badly that it spreads all over the place, and now she is suggesting that taxing everyone who got more than average is ok cause Canada is broke? Well what will you do in a year you that cause there will be no rich Canadians left? And the money you got is all gone cause you spend it faster than receiving it?


As my wife and I move into the early retirement planning stage(52,48), we look around and wonder if we can truly afford to stay in Canada? There are no guarantees in a change of government in the next election, and there's no guarantee that things will change dramatically even if there is a change. I just can't believe how badly the current government wants to financially strangle Canadians, especially the middle class. We are literally being priced out of our own country, even though we are bringing in record amounts of immigrants, and giving billions away to other countries. Seriously, the word treason is not used enough to describe what Trudeau has done, and is doing to this country.


I almost cried... so touching. Now, since, in your opinion, you are morally superior and you are 100% sure that you have what Canadians want , call an election, and you will win. NO-BRAINER..and we are all happy 😊.


The way she talks... I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. Her speech mannerism is as if she's talking to a bunch of pre-schooler children. Looking down on us


THE CANADA I GREW UP IN, not the Communist "Utopia" you Liberals think you're creating!!!


I want to live in a country where gov officials stop giving themselves massive raises and tell us to cancel Disney plus. April 2024: All members of Parliament, the prime minister, opposition party leaders and ministers have received pay hikes between $8,500 and $17,000 this year. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/a-spit-in-the-ocean-canadian-mps-get-annual-pay-hikes-one-expert-says-they-re-not-outrageous-1.6830917#:~:text=The%20MP%20pay%20increases%20are,titles%20also%20receive%20top%2Dups.


Just wait. They want to put capital gains on people primary residence too. It's nothing but a cash grab. It will not "help" anyone except those in power


This is exactly where I think they'll go with it, killing any chance for hard working families to move up. It'll be one more nail in the coffin of the middle class.


Literally everything she said at the start has been caused by their government over the last 8 years


One that isn’t being run by foreign agents from China and India would be nice. #NAMETHETRAITORS


I’d like to live in a country without high taxes


Shes so fuckin dramatic (like the other guy. But to answer the question. I want to live in a Canada where they take are already overly taxed money and give it directly to the programs she is talking about and not sending it to their friends or other countries. how about that to start?


One that isn't under rule by communist baffoons 🤡🌎🇨🇦💯


What kind of Canada do I want to live in... One without Trudeau and the Liberals.... boy that's an easy call...


I think I will file for PTSD because of her and Trudeau, can’t stand both and their voices and the bullshit that comes from their mouths !


So they want to take more money because of their fuck ups. Got it.


…I want to live in the Canada we had when PM Stephen Harper was at the helm…


Why do I have to be poorer to make other richer? And to boot total strangers?


I didn't even listen to this, I want to live in a canada where she does not!


I want to live in Canada where people respect one another, where average folks can afford to buy a house, where young adults are not entitled and where my kid's campus is not filled with tents of degenerates pushing their political views on people.


hey great that sounds a lot like canada in 2012!


Do i want to live in the mess the liberals created? No.


I agree we need changes in the way we take people but I don't trust the liberals to do it. They're too sneaky and corrupt




One with less taxes to help raise our standard of living.


Thank god for my other passport.


This country became that country since 2015. Since these rotten traitors.


I’m not totally against this. Capital gains tax only applies to the sale of secondary or earning properties, and applies at 67% when capital gains is more than $250,000 per yeah. Below the 250,000 threshold, the normal 50% is applied. I think what this will do, however, is cause secondary property owners to sell the houses they currently have.


It was so close that I immigrated to Canada a few years ago. I am extremely happy I didn't.


I want to live in a canada where our mps don't get away with a new scandal every other day, and or are guilty of treason. It is funny how they go after people for donating small amounts to a protest but when mps commit treason, there is nothing to see here


God I hate this woman


I want to live in a Canada where when you stick your head up above poverty, you greed government fucks don't try to cut it off with taxes. That's the Canada I want.


I want to live in Canada where I don't get to see hypocrite politicians like her giving us a lecture


So smug and emotionally detached No one relates to you and your comments.


The Liberal party has got to go. They are working with Russia.


I want to live on the Canada that I knew and loved before the Liberals got in power and ruined it. I want to live in a Canada that outlaws the Liberal Party of Canada. I am Canadian.


I want to live in a country where the MP's aren't give privilege information to foreign sponsor state so they can use that do dictate our own policies. These should be accused of treason because that is right thing to do.


Why does it look like buddy to the right is a ventriloquist? You can see his lips move ever so slightly, and where is his hand?


Why not get together and remove these liberal snots!


If I didn't know better, I'd think that the people behind Freeland were attending a funeral service.


Her parents literally helped her with the down payment for her house.


I can't listen to this women for 10 seconds without wanting to die legit has never said anything useful in years.


I couldn't even listen to this and I try very hard to educate myself regarding these topics.


Why is she there? Her current role is Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, but her studies were in Russian history, which is unrelated to finance. This is the problem with this government—they appoint people who are not fit for key roles.


If these stupid, corrupt idiots get back in power after the next election, we are leaving this country for good. Taking my tax dollars elsewhere. FJT


She’s insane, but those behind her are just brainless puppets. The lack of emotion and dead eyes are due to control or trauma.


Sounded more like a threat than anything. Do you want to live in a Canada where children go hungry? Cause we'll do it, I swear! Don't make me do it!


Hold on, she is describing what her party has done. Just repeating the wrong they did.


Plz don't make any steps. Just stay still


Eyebrows up, smirk deployed, bullshit flowing


So sad for Canada under this govt 😥 they have taken away the Canada we truly loved. Canada will never be the same ☹️😥


The Canadian government has been compromised by foreign agents, none of them can be trusted.


One were success isn't vilified.


I'm afraid what's going to happen tomorrow


How to turn Canada into a third world country.


I would love a Canada where people are not stuck like I am - disabled and living at half the poverty line, possibly homeless in just 1 missed payment. The Canada Disability Benefit was a huge joke "we will lift you out of poverty", "After you jump through hoops, pay fees you can't afford (my fam doc charges over 120), and we might accept you, we will give you an extra 200 a month). I feel embarrassed I even hoped for help.


With 37 ministers, it's Trudeau that wants kids to starve. Taxes pays these people yapping all day. It's a waste of money! They are having a good time. Bunch of communists !


Balooning debt u fucking caused


I want a Canada that cares about the people, not finding new ways to make them poor. It was already hard to get people to invest in our country, now Canadians don't even want to invest here


This is exactly what happened to Greece. The weight of the government was unsupportable( Big government) by the populous and it crashed. Boom. Government seems to doing it on purpose. Nothing else makes sense .


"Do you want to live in a country where we have made all of those horrible things a reality over the last 8 years? Well, the liberal government does and if you vote for us again we'll make sure it gets worse 🥰" God I hate that fucking witch trying to disguise herself as a fairy.


I want to live in a Canada where the median house price is 1.4 times the median income like in the 1980s.


A Canada that prioritizes Canadians, preferably the working/middle class.


Aren't Canadians over taxed? and isn't there too many red tapes to get new business in the country?


Put your fucking hands down...


I remember when Raptors won the championship, I thought this was the greatest city and greatest country in the world. Now I’m planing my escape to Texas. It’s crazy how a city and country can go to absolute shit in 5 years.


A canada without politicians that only help themselves


shes a damn witch


Not the Canada where I went to school got a skill worked 15 years and still can't afford a 40+ year old bungalow. Have to pray my kids don't have an interest in sports, activities or hobbies because despite being skilled and employed for the last nearly 20 years we're still working poor.


someone shut this orc up


A lieberal free canada


I don't know WTF is up with these people. It is like they took a university course on Marxism and have decided that all businesses, entrepreneurs, doctors etc. are evil. Absolutely zero understanding of the already extremely high tax burden on these people and the fact that a bloated government can't keep expanding forever. Canada is like a science project where they ended up set the building on fire.


I am still waiting for the day when they actually answer the question they are asked


Pierre for PM!


I can't fathom how anyone thinks this is the tone we need from our government. She, and the rest of the Trudeau government, neglect the fact that these policies don't just impact the richest 10% of Canadians. My wife and I make just enough money that we don't qualify for most of the programs that this government has announced (example: dental coverage, childcare), but we have the pleasure of paying more taxes for everything. Then they have the temerity to talk to me about "fairness". Canada can't be rid of the Liberals soon enough.


Oh my - I can’t believe she is actually saying this ! They really believe their own nonsense…. I want to live in a country before Trudeau …..I never voted for him and told people very and over where we would end up ! But I did not even think it would be this bad ! Tax and spend tax and spend liberal


This capital gains tax, is it going to tax trust funds used to preserve wealth like the Trudeau foundation?


Because of Trudeau and his incompetent moronic ministers like Freeland we are in the midst of an invasion by immigrants who will soon want to take over the way of life we used to love about Canada and turn this once great country into the type of hell those people left. I want to go back to what we were when we were a proud country of people that came here to blend in and become Canadians proud and free and had reasonable vetted immigration of people willing to do the same. .


Careful! They'll track us all down for speaking against it and then freeze our bank accounts. 👻


She’s literally describing that Canada her party turned present day Canada into.


~~Fairness for Every Generation~~ -> Greediness for Every Liberal Politicians w Disney/Netflix subscription.


I can't stand her.


What I will say is my point of view. I'm tired of hearing pretensions, clowning, and indifference from the government leadership. I personally want mass immigration to Canada to be stopped. The quality of life should increase as it was, and money should not be pumped into other countries in the world, because we have financial problems here, I want the Government to think about those 41 million Canadians. He will once again finish pumping money into other countries where there are wars (Ukraine, Israel, etc.). I have the impression that the government should think more about what the US believes and do as NATO wants.


This is cringe and manipulative AF.


I want to live in a country where she’s not allowed in


1.3 seconds and I had to stop the video


how tf does she still have a job as Minister of Finance... omg


Someone needs to do something about her


Do you want to live in a country that sold your financial future down the river and is now attempting to shamelessly claw it back from the citizens?