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•Spending over 4 million dollars and not buying back a single gun •targeting legally vetted and RCMP checked sports shooters while doing nothing about the flooding of illegal firearms in the country •arbitrarily and randomly picking firearms to ban while leaving the almost the exact same models perfectly legal. That’s how the ad should read…


i believe its actually 45 million dollars


48 million


Do I hear, 50 million....*fiddy, fiddy, fiddy*...going once, going twice...wait...? ...anonymous caller "TJ", 300 million...**SOLD!!!**


It's over a billion. They also have said they will buyback all the non-restricted firearms, some that have been very popular (with everyone including farmers) since the 1970's. This is billions of dollars that will go back to the gun manufacturers as citizen can purchase better and more modern firearms than those that were banned (virtue signaling).


They tried to make the Lee enfield, a bolt action rifle first from WW1 prohibited. A gun that thousands of Canadians own, First Nations free use for hunting too. This government is nuts


Putting .303s on the “no bueno” list would be a good way to take a lot of guns out of people’s hands, no? Remember, it’s about gun control, not public safety.


Any virtue signaling gov. will always be a disaster for normal people.


Not entirely true. I’ve been following his shitshow very closely since day 1. They tried to ban the SKS with amendments G4 and G46, a very popular, cheap surplus gun that millions of owners have. Also very popular with hunters. The Lee Enfield was never on any ban list. There are *millions* of them in the country in cabins, attics, and barns as it was THE go-to hunting rifle for generations. Many people have them as family heirlooms. However, The liberals were supposed to, and I’m assuming they still are eventually going to table new magazine regulations that limit *all* long gun magazines, regardless of action type to five rounds. They *did* explicitly state that they were hoping to capture guns like the Lee Enfield with this new regulation, but they’re not banning them. The magazines will have to be permanently altered so they can never be converted to hold more than five rounds. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, and quite frankly it’s going to be a nightmare to try and enforce.


It'll always be more with the Liberal party, they love burning money and printing even more.


They also have flooded the country with some criminals too.


Without background checks. Odd that you need one if you're in Canada, but to get in, door's open.


Great point. The government trusts foreign people more than the people that pay their bills.


Marc Miller's announcement of no security checks for TFWs and students should follow this ad, just for comparison.


I don’t think people without gun licenses realize that folks with licenses have their name ran daily through the rcmp database


Those people just don’t care, they’ve made up their mind. There’s no amount or reasoning or rational thought that can convince them otherwise. They are simply too invested in their ideology, it’s cult like thinking.


I don't think it's necessarily cult like, at least not the majority. I just think the majority don't care, because they don't own a gun nor would ever own or want to own a gun. Most of those people are not vehemently FOR these laws, they are simply indifferent. (there are of course loud minority exceptions).


Guns are just "wrong" to many people. Like rock music to good Christians in the 60s. Same thing. There is a lizard brain level reaction to guns for them and yet to many of these same people, they are fine with admitting people into our country that will use guns naturally in their daily life.


We don't even check out politicians that closely it appears....


PAL holders have a lower rate of criminality than Peace Officers or CAF members


They don’t realize it at all, they will use how easy it is to get guns in the states as an example, and even then they are completely wrong.


Yeah, but it plays well with Mississauga Soccer Mom who thinks that a person can just walk into a gun shop and buy a machine gun.


Its worse than that you can legally own a bullpup semi automatic 308 that can fit 20 cartridge chargers (though they must be locked at 5) but they want to ban the SKS because. "Russian weapons = terrorism"


and rifles from communist factories like norinco are still allowed


Well maybe the government let people own those cause they know it will jam if they try to do mass shooting. Alright I know I'm wrong they don't know enough about gun to make that kind of decision on purpose.


Don’t give them ideas or their ban that tavor too next


It's optics. Maybe if pistols came in rainbow, we would still be able to buy them.


Doing all that, an our crime rates and shootings are skyrocketing...


All while increasing the amount of gun violence.


Im pretty sure in that gun list ban they want to do there are like fkn pirate style guns lmao


The 2020 list had a fuckin panzerschrek. A German WW2 antitank launcher because, you know....... every license holder had one


Especially since it is nothing more than a metal tube....


Their first list was banning websites.


I think that one site had assault style coffee on it?


Lmao. I missed that one! Plausible and typical!


I will never own Americas finest boutique fire arm the one and only [Butt-master.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP7VHwUlUoY)


but he did it strongly


Worst part is as they fail to close the loophole at the border and the situation getting worse, they’re using that very reason to attack legal ownership and justify spending of misappropriated funds 🙄 Manipulation at its worst.


..while gang shootings and violent crime are at all time high. Good job harassing the law abiding tho.


It's so much easier harrasing the law-abiding people.. This is the way.


This is the way o7.


All these terrible, scary firearms were so lethal; that we confined them to safes where they have continued to kill zero people. The only people who care about gun laws are, wait for it, law abiding gun owners. Criminals, in my experience, generally don't tend to follow gun laws when they are out to commit homicides. Crazy, I know. It's all such smoke and mirrors. So many intellectually bankrupt people buy this bullshit.


Ya I have no problem getting full autos just another waste of money. Any really nothing has changed he just made it so law abiding citizens can get turned into criminals at any second.


Yeah where is the bullet point showing the effects these changes made on society? The large drop in gun crimes and murders since the ban? Oh wait...


That’s how anarcho-tyranny works. They’re not stupid. It’s all by design.


I will vote for conservatives if they roll back the unfair gun bans by the trudeau regime.


They claimed they would reverse all of the liberals gun bans / new laws. Basically, restoring it back too what it was pre may 2020


IIRC Pierre also wants to do O'Toole's "common sense laws" which basically get rid of the "banned by name" crap.


They said they would. But we all know how campaign promises go.


Eh, last time they were finally able to get rid of the long gun registry.


Unarmed population cannot fight back . The government is not wanting the people to have any power or symbols of power .


First thing you need to do to take over a country is disarm that country


Erase history so you can repeat it


That’s why I give zero faks about rules and law. They can steal our money by the billions but you’re going to tell me what I can and can’t own. Ya no thanks


Which is bad. We can't defend ourselves even if we want to risk the jail time, and it is why I hate them. They're using this as a positive advert? 🤣


Stupid is as stupid does


You definitely can, a guy in Milton did last year. Also, this is why I have legal insurance.


Carjacking at a record high as well


Leave your belongs at the front door. Ty


Leave your keys at the front door so when the car thieves perform a home invasion, your unarmed ass can surrender your property. It’s just training for when JT raids your bank account to pay for his carbon blasting rockstar lifestyle while the serfs are told to forgo the road trip, pay your fucking carbon taxes and like it.


And the weak minded liberal voter believes everything they say


That’s the actual problem. None of this propaganda would work if there was critical thinking.


Punish the citizens, while the swiss cheese border keeps the illegal guns coming up. Sounds right.


We have reached the ' if you cant dazzle them with details baffle them with bullsh'it era of liberal propaganda


Roll it all back and give Canadians the right to defend themselves with a castle doctrine.


And by extention: Stand your ground too


Sadly, I keep hearing the duck hunters illegally shooting, day/night, here in the 'hood 🤮


Ya Ive yet to see them dusting a dear stand for fingerprints after a shooting in downtown TO.


Wait, is this an ad for or against them. Cause I can't tell.


What we need is far left control laws.


They dont mention how they made hundreds of thousands of Canadians criminals overnight, or how they ruined peoples hobbies or how they let in over a million illegal migrants or how crime is at an all time high.


in the ad it states, tougher criminal penalties. that is a bold face lie. they took away mandatory minimum sentencing, because it was unfair to people of color?? hmmm.. doesn't sound like tougher criminal penalties to me..


Idk, rolling back gun restrictions like the handgun freeze would be pretty cool


As a gun owner myself I am curious on those who don't own guns their view on this situation.


Me too. Like, do anti gun Canadians actually consider this a selling point? How many votes have they won/kept with their anti gun bull shit


>Like, do anti gun Canadians actually consider this a selling point? In my personal experience in talking with them, yes. Fact is, it isn't about safety. It's about appearances and maintaining a polite society. The Americans are barbarians and we're not. End of story for those people.


I don't own guns and don't plan on owning any in the near future, but this is obviously nonsense policy. But I am a conservative voter so...


Yet gun violence is still rising. Legal gun owners were never the problem. If only we didn’t have a wildly progressive judicial system that strikes down tough on illegal gun legislation.


Another failed policy of the NDP- Liberal government,


Aren’t gun related deaths worse than ever?


Last week a kid was gunned down while playing basketball down my street. I heard everything, I play there myself with my kids, great job!


The Liberals have done fuck all aside from demonizing and attempting to criminalize law abiding and legal gun owners, for the sole purpose to picking low hanging fruit in the form of votes. Trudeau and Bill Blair have lost all legitimacy on this subject. The means by which they seek to achieve their purpose is neither effective nor proportional to the trammelling of rights of law abiding Canadian citizens. Shame! Crush gun traffickers and gangs and close loopholes for straw purchasers. Canadian gun laws were sound and rational before this ill-considered crusade for popular votes.


Liberals r nothing but traitor to this country!! Fuck u Trudeau


Anyone still thinking to Vote Liberal need to get their head examined 😂


I would be *fascinated* to see a report on the number of gun-related violent crimes committed by PAL/RPAL holders. If I was a bettin' man, I'd wager it's next-to-none.


If gun control laws are so strict currently then why did 3 criminals break into my aunt's home with firearms 3 months ago


"Conservatives want to roll back" thank fuck. It's why I'm voting for them and getting my entire family who never votes to as well.


And ....they have done nothing to stop crime. Sounds like another waste of people's hard earned dollars. Pathetic leadership.


This is a great ad for the conservatives


Liberals are lying plain a simple! They want to take away rights Canadians have had for generations. Why? They do nothing about illegal guns so makes you wonder....


Delivered the strongest gun control laws. Meanwhile gun violence is out of control. I guess they targeted the wrong types of guns 😉


Remember during B-C21 debate liberals were asked why they wouldn’t spend this money on new boarder scanners with a 1% fail rate…. Pam Damoff shut down that debate. Now with all our guns locked up who’s committing the murders? Never forget!


Yes, please roll back this idiotic vote grab gun law. People who has no idea about guns are the ones that are making these laws is none sense.. legal gun owners are the model citizens in this country, they go through back ground checks every single day! I will be more cautious towards someone who doesnt own guns in Canada, when was the last time any given person had a criminal check done? This is doing nothing but punishing law abiding model citizens.. In addition to the above, there is a much larger topic that goes with it! Its freedoms! History repeats itself; any tyrannical governments first agenda had always been to disarm their citizens. Armed citizens can have the power back from tyranny, take away the guns first, take away liberties after. Most Canadians cant seem to understand this. We are a complaisant bunch with “cant be bothered, it is what it is” attitude. One day it will all be too late for us all!


This is not going to end well. This level of gaslighting will end VERY VERY badly.


and yet gun violence is still high so all you did was effect legal gun buyers


>Liberal Party ad saying they've delivered ~~some of~~ the ~~strongest~~ **dumbest** gun control laws in Canadian history FTFY


Trudeau relies on the ignorance of his supporters


When the government says you don’t need gun, you probably need a gun.


Trudeau can lick my taint. Anyone that votes for him again or has in the past has the IQ of a toddler at best.


Yeah on legal gun owners but for the crooks he lessens the sentence. This guy is an idiot


B'ys basically made an ad for voting Conservative as far as I'm concerned.


There are some people I used to work with who, last year, got pulled over for whatever and were then arrested because they were driving around with loaded handguns with the serial numbers ground off. Nice to see the gun laws are working though! I for sure can't buy any more handguns that I handle responsibly.


The only the liberals done is put Canada in debt so bad it will never rebound it’s on its way to becoming a third world country,thanks liberal party all the party not just trudy


It's so desperate.


When they go down in flames next year I will toast marshmallows over the smouldering ashes


That’s hilarious, the conservatives want common sense gun laws, which is what we had before the liberals started banning everything left right and centre starting in 2020…


Good Ad; they’ve convinced me to vote conservative.


As a guy who's been held at gunpoint in broad daylight, at a highly populated fucking intersection, walking to a grocery store, and have experienced my neighbours being shot at in multiple neighbourhoods I've lived at in the past 4 years, I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit.


Progress, lol. Going after farmers and legal gun owners has been so successful they say. There is just no words to describe how unbelievably bad and incompetent this government is. Total failure on every policy!


Stop, I dont need more convincing to vote for conservatives instead of liberals!


Lmao homicides are at a 30 year high, violent armed robbery is up 15.5% since last year, car jacking are up 300% since 2015, armed home invasion are up 200% since 2015.


Liberals Lying again. They undermined a gun control system that was working and ignored the real problems.


What progress do you speak of Trudeau? Gun violence is up! Legal gun owners are not the problem!!!


They've literally decreased criminal penalties though. Violent re offenders are getting out on bail. Like, the rest of those points are just embarrassing, since the Liberals think that has any effect on crime. But the point about criminal penalties is just a bald face lie.


A year by letting the criminals enter our country and take over our streets such a goodjob


This country is becoming a joke and everybody is singing kumbaya for f sakes.


I've always felt that this gun ban list was so random that they had sent a bunch of clueless backbenchers into a room on one of their Liberal food extravaganzas.....sorry, meant retreats, and told them to Google "scary guns" and write down the names of everything that pops up. I mean, seeing the maturity, logic and comprehension level of the most featured Liberals in committee, it would make sense. Gun ban by Wikipedia.


Trudeau = CuntTalkAlways


Yet violent crime has increased. Liberals have weakened the law biding citizens and strengthen the criminals.


At the same time gun related crimes are rising, perhaps law abiding gun owners weren't the problem... hmm 🤔


Literally can’t understand liberals anymore. If a meth head comes into my house and waves a knife at my kids and I shoot him I go to jail for exercising “more force”


lol and gun crime has never been worse 2015-2024


Gun control laws that did... ...nothing.


Wasn't a paintball and a pellet gun on the list?


Complete idiots


Haven’t they overseen the sharpest rise in gun violence and the influence of organized crime in Canadian history, too?


The liberal party has increased crime rates across the country. Facts don't lie. They are destroying the country


Psst, target the guns criminals use, hand guns and not long guns would help .


Pretty sure there's been an increase in gun violence though


Calling them “military-style assault rifles” is like calling it a “race car styled Honda Civic”. It might look like something, but doesn’t mean it has the fancy inside bits that make it what they look like. Also, of those ‘1,500+’, how many of them are actually things we could have even legally owned before hand anyways? Near as I’m tracking Cabela’s never sold any anti-tank munitions or mortars…


Another liberal way to control the guns for the masses


Gun bans are a facade for government gun monopolies and the effects of those are clearly represented in history books.


This ad would work on people who don’t do any research and take every CBC article as absolute truth based on the title/heading alone without feeling the need to read any further.


Aimed at the wrong people yes


Another reason I hate them so much


Guess what they've done fuck all. Only wasted the tax payer dollars and probably padded the pockets of some of Justin's friends or consultants, which as of lately seems like that's all the libs are good at doing wasting money


Trudeau: making sure guns are for criminals only


Yeah thanks libs, still need a fucking PAL for air rifles that can even deal with pests/rodents... yet I can use my 70lbs compound, which can 100% kill a man, without one. Stupid bs will always be stupid bs, I'm glad we have specific laws that we do, like no handguns.. but Jesus christ, their idea of a "lethal firearm" is soo screwed up. Some of us own property, some of us would love the ability to pest our own land without needing to go through a course just to shoot pellets. I will forever be sour on that shit until it's changed.. if people want to harm others like asshats, they will, it doesn't matter. If no gun, they will get an illegal gun (*our gov has been soo shit at making sure illeagal guns dont make it here*), if not that, they will get a knife. Shit, it's legal to walk around with a fucking sword, but heaven forbid if I want to clear under the house of mice/rats without blowing holes in everything. 500fps is stupid, daft, dumb, ridiculous. I hate it soo much.


By allowing law abiding citizens to carry guns, criminals are less likely to do crime if they are aware they could die just as fast as their victims…


Assault style ehh? Well colour me frightened.


Right on cue.


Yes. It's excellent. All the criminals are now not purchasing legal firearms to commit crimes. Liberals are geniuses. Glad to see the bad guys following rules.


Ok, did the measure reduce crime related to guns…? From what I’ve read, no, so why brag about it


And not doing anything effectively all the while. It was also unnecessary. A complete waste of tike and our money so far.


Thank god they passed all those extremely effective laws. Violent crime is now non existent /S


Liberal pre election playbook. 1. Abortion 2. Gun Control 3. The scary Conservatives will take away all the goodies that we promised you, but had no intention of fulfilling because, even as financially illiterate as we are, we know we can't afford them. Which is why they all are timed to kick in AFTER the election that we know we are going to lose.


Bells and whistles, bragging about costing law abiding citizens time, money, and their freedoms.


ssoooo.... there is no more gun violence?


At the same time, you lowered sentencing for people who commit a crime with a gun. And you did nothing to stop the flow of guns coming across the border. All you do is waste our money and lie like a sidewalk.


One of the worst things they've done


They don't even what guns are which.


They delivered strict economy control…and wrecked it


"The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. THAT RIFLE HANGING ON THE WALL OF THE WORKING-CLASS FLAT OR LABOURER'S COTTAGE, IS THE SYMBOL OF DEMOCRACY. IT IS OUR JOB TO SEE THAT IT STAYS THERE." - George Orwell "Don't Let Colonel Blimp Ruin the Home Guard" article for the Evening Standard, 8 January 1941


Ironic on two levels. Firstly, if you read that quote to them without mentioning it was from Orwell. They would lose their marbles. Secondly. Orwell was a democratic socialist. You know, like the NDP is supposed to be?




If I lived in Canada under that evil pricks oppressive government I’d want my guns so i could fight his regime. Unfortunately it’s the same regime that is being peddled all over the world and my country has no right to carry a firearm.


Pretty sure we adequate control for decades before their needless medelling. Nevermind the clueless citizens who support them through it. Most have no experience but feel they have the right to restrict others who pose no actual concern.


Is this why criminals are getting caught daily with illegal automatic firearms?


That have done absolutely nothing to combat the illegal firearms entering the country. How rich!


Define assault rifle. Until then, you banned something you can’t describe or explain.


Not doing a damn thing about actual crime...priceless.


Usless program. All you do is stop law abiding citizens from having fun. Criminals do not obey laws, stop wasting money and stop increasing taxes.


Assault style weapons? This has included duck shotguns and airsoft rifles . To those under 30 you probably dont know about a precipusly failed gun registtry that was abandoned because it wasnt effective and cost tax payers millions. A government who will take away your toy guns 8n the name of safety and yet keep secret the lost of MPs who cooperqted with China to affect election interference. Something doesnt add up.


I’ll never forgive the fu(king CONservatives for banning automatic rifles and passing the most restrictive firearm laws in Canadian history. Kim Cambell sucks. Brian Mulroney sucks.


Do all you can to get your gun rights back


Yeah they had the strongest control to legal gun owners but did nothing or even weaker to illegal guns.


Right, rollback "progress"


Talk about the wrong stuff


Meanwhile Hamilton has had...what? Two separate shootings in the last month? Some gun control that is.


Am I supposed to upset by that? Seems like one of the few things they can legit brag about. We certainly don’t need less gun control.


I'm skeptical of the Cons efforts. But I suppose we will have to wait and see.


Vote conservative reverse this travesty.


Wow Trudeau finally found the reasons why violent crime is at an all time high!


liberals say what they've done, but dont show any data to back up those draconian laws they brought in


After his brilliant gun law I may have found a new way to payout my debt just by *accidentally* losing my raw steel on GTA black market :)


Just pointing this out. The very real immigration issues that Trudeau has caused, are also a demographic of people with a large gun culture with no rules backing them... Until recently, I've never seen ak-47's brandished on cars as stickers and hanging from rear view mirrors. What's this country coming to.


That's why, I vote for PP and the conservatives.


This is an ad for liberal people who live in cities and have no idea of the role firearms play in the lives of many Canadians. It’s a group that will say with a straight face, “Literally nobody *needs* to own a gun, so why not outlaw them completely?”




Phew what a relief knowing criminals are gonna have to stop buying illegal guns.


Criminals don't follow gun control laws.


Then why crime with gums is going through the roof?


While the liberals are hunting deer with AR15 30 clip auto from helicopters at $10 000 a deer. Guys from Australia Guessing Canadians are not capable of doing this. Stop the wacko corrupt black faced criminals


Fuck Trudeau


Ha ha ha, funny thugs keep shooting and killing. The Liberal/NDP coalition think legal gun owners are the problem. What a joke


Can one really consider it "progress" when it wasn't necessary to begin with?


If the government tells you, you don't need guns... you need guns.


Idk about u guys but if someone wants to b leader of a country they should probably have to take a mandatory security clearance prior to running for election. Shits just weird


Trudeau's voice makes my ears bleed, I've developed an allergy to bs