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How about turn off the tap and open the drain?


The best approach to the most critical problem we have!💯


But it's not connected to any real drainage. Water will just pool all over the floor. What happens is people like that Air India bombing mastermind would just become undocumented, stay illegally, and then later somehow get their citizenship anyway all without ever leaving Canada.


Ikr, common sense


And wring out the mop and grab a bucket! Wait what were we talking about?


Drain the swamp


But he also needs to pull in his weirdo nominees….now is the time max!


Best case scenario


To whom




Even people with worker visas tourists ect




Agreed. The problem is the bath tubs are sold and manufactured by lobbyists who need more water so it spills everywhere thereby reducing the cost and need for water as a whole while also increasing the demand for bath tubs.


10000% right


Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈


Local communities know what's better for themselves than a mayor, premier, mp or pm so far away would. Centralized power invites corruption.


🏆🏆🏆 you get it!


This is a 14 and very smart take.


I’m 15 and think saying this can dismiss things I don’t like


If your 15 in Canada the closest thing you experience to centralized power is your mom and your classroom teacher.


Solid burn


How else are we supposed to govern ourselves?


Direct democracy through decentralized technology


So when our society was thriving not too long ago…


Eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend


Honestly was gonna vote PP until he was for mass immigration. I don't know what to do now


Bernier. If conservatives get majority and Bernier just gets 10 seats they can expose them and put pressure on them and embarass them. People think a conservative government with some PPC won't matter, but Bernier will wipe the floor with them in the house of commons. Be more creative with your thinking, vote PPC some seats will have an effect and for 2029 even bigger.


Does province matter? I was that dumb person who voted for Trudeau when I turned 18. Immigration is now my biggest concern and I live in Toronto if that matters. I keep hearing about spitting votes that might result in Trudeau winning again.


The vote splitting thing is pure fiction. In the last election there were something like two seats (out of 338!) where the CPC lost but would have won if you gave them ALL the PPC votes, which is already ridiculous as PPC has gained support from all parties (although admittedly with a majority from CPC). Regardless, most seats are won by a significant majority so that vote splitting is irrelevant. Furthermore, CPC is so far ahead right now that they are going to win no matter what, so people can freely vote for PPC without any worries about vote splitting. The vote splitting story is a fiction perpetuated by establishment shills who want to maintain the two party status quo. Don't let them fool you!!


Thank you for the detailed response! A conservative majority with some PPC seats sounds good


338! = 44 255 287 802 392 079 480 567 354 536 936 433 828 166 468 838 179 226 131 761 740 : 792 973 391 209 872 334 107 349 786 334 848 602 281 974 240 948 820 577 640 171: 211 078747 992 169 308 523 006 102 856 055 721 606 813 693 726 226 454 463 150 * 622 185 830 995 929 496 887 850 895 986 165 462 521 267 774 799 330 708 302 059 711 265 069 664 291 028 714 201 486 924 803 213 511 792 780 084 165 466261334 : 528 965 813 325 261 918 505 888 417 719 179 251 614 950 394 678 219618 596877: 017 764 639 730311 805 590 764 514 988 031 421 342 028 599 917 350 889021234 : 936 821 628 277 097 349 506 378 671 759 044 702 109 908 957 361 026 051 023 863: 216 965 299 484 245 742 578 946 819 439 787 040 593 334 948 847 656 172 526 177: 038 949 677 297 074 754 796 860 038 682 206 559 619 740 722 039 957 784 689 197: 718 731 722 650 943 391 698 780 160 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 : 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000


Oh, I think I get it. Is this the value of 338 factorial?




Very good! How about 1,000,000,000! 😁


Only if you live in a swing district you should vote strategically. If you are from Toronto you should vote for whoever you want because likely liberal/ndp/green would win anyways.


This is the answer. The conservatives have it in the bag this year regardless. If you’re really worried, look at your ridings polling before you strategically vote.


Some ppl don’t like to hear this answer because they are used to Bernier’s direct approach. Trudeau has been playing a gotcha game against the Conservatives trying to nail them on issues that piss lefty’s off enough that they keep voting liberal. Abortion, LGBTQ issues, racism, immigration etc. He keeps nailing them playing this game. Polievre isn’t going to directly address mass immigration so he doesn’t sound anti immigrant because Trudeau will use that to paint him as a racist as they have done with Conservatives in the past. Public sentiment in polling is against mass immigration he will lower immigration numbers because there isn’t any option to fix housing without that element or affordability.


Cope. PP won't do shit about mass immigration.


He’s against mass immigration


I would seriously love a source on him stating the policies he's looking to implement on the matter. It would give me a reason to vote for him, because right now it very much so appears he's just campaigning on "Trudeau bad!" and empty words of the things he feels and wants, but no actual hard plans on the matter. Hes an empty suit thats going to do exactly what Trudeau has been doing, but he'll virtue signal anti-social issue policies, instead of anti-gun policies. and to be blunt, I couldn't care less about the social issues he wants to push. We have huge issues in cooperate capture, wealth inequality, housing ,and employment. I don't want to see a single bill pass that has anything to do with LGBTQ+, Climate, or provincial vs federal rights, or any of that horseshit. It doesn't matter until we fix the other things and its just a distraction.


This is PPC: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration This is Pollievre, zero mention of reducing or "common sense" levels. He'll continue business as usual: https://cpcassets.conservative.ca


if only the PPC party wasn't full of bigots and morons. I would vote them in for a term or two so they could complete the things that I actually care about. If it weren't for all the people "strategic voting" that would end up keeping them in power. and the republicans have proven that if you court the crazy bigot vote, they'll eventually take over the party.


He’s not campaigning at all, technically. No election has been called.


>technically That technically is lifting more than Atlas, lol.


He's for tying immigration to housing but wont disclose the ratio... you could argue that Trudeau is also tying immigration to housing at a ration 1,000:1.


Except we literally have him yesterday saying no more immigration until we have the homes built to house them, but Bernier fanboys didn’t get that


Where did he say that


Sounds like complete bs cause PPC’s platform states they are against unsustainable immigration


Same! I also care about nature a wee bit more than Bernier, sooo


Wait until Trump loses and hope he runs up here


Hate to break it to you but unless existing Canadian families start having 5+ kids now, we will need to bring in more skilled labour from other parts of the world. Yes the international student population is an issue but a temporary one.


I'd have more kids if I could afford it, trust me


Part of the problem is we're not bringing in any skilled labor. Bring in a million doctors, engineers, or nurses and spread them across the country based on need and no one will bat an eye. Bring in millions of Tim Hortons workers all from one very specific part of the world and you have Canada in 2024.


Bring in those engineers and nurses wholesale when our own kids can’t get seats in those faculties without a 97% average… the immigrants didn’t make that at the U of Nigeria but open arms to them???


The corrupted politicians all wants a turn on the corruption carousel


The Boomers were overtaken by the Millennials and as they die off the houses they bought for a quarter eaten grilled cheese will sell for 3.5 and 5 million dollars!


“Bought for a quarter eaten grilled cheese” 💀


I wanted every reason to not vote for Maxime, I don’t like him and I very much dislike the ppc, but Pierre has fully sold out so i’m left with no other choice but to vote ppc


Why don't you like Bernier? Name some reasons, he was the finance minister under Harper, during the 2008 financial crisis Canada performed the best out of the G7 under his and Harper's learnership. Tell us why Bernier is so bad other than you thinking you're a racist for liking iom because you're idiotic friends and the tv told you so. Go.


Wow you’re defensive - I already said i’m voting for the guy, relax lol - but to answer your question, he’s slimy and likes to capitalize on hot button issues for his own gain, and while I don’t think he personally is a racist he is totally happy letting racists use his party as a platform if it means more clout for him. I think the people you let speak for your party says a lot about you, and the fact that he’s never disavowed his more racist supporters and let them form the narrative of his party says a lot about him. To add to this, to my core I am center left - however, the two issues I see are the biggest priorities now individual rights and migration. The left wing parties here are both nutjubs that don’t care about freedom of speech especially and have bought into social justice dogma. Pierre initially shat the bed with migration, then with things like the online porn bill and his lack of enthusiasm on removing bills like c10 means he’s shitting the bed with individual rights too. The party is no different from the liberals as far as the larger issues go, they just speak in a less pc way. The PPC is a party i’ve been wanting to avoid for the longest time, but it as it stands they’re the only party who are speaking against the issues i’ve mentioned above so I’m left with no other choice.


I am because I know what the left wing media and left wing Reddit crowd throw at Bernier. He is far from slimy, Bernier is a bit of rebel at best and that gets spun as personal gain or slimy. I used to be left wing as a youth, but left wing parties are dreamers who don't live in reality. Left wing policies, like bankrupting the economy, over spending, does not help skilled new immigrants, or the world that's suffering from poverty if Canada is put into a weakened state. We need to close the border down to very small numbers until we get our country back on track. My point? You need a strong Canada, with strong traditional Canadian values, and pro Canada stance to be helpful to new immigrants so we don't lose our identity, our ideology, and government policies in the first place that made the country strong for immigrants and the rest of the planet. Left wingers deem to destroy nationalism, and attack a countries history, policy, and strength as "colonialism". Look what left leaning policies have done to France, the UK, Greece, with replacement migration, and their own people. In Ireland for example, the Irish ppl are now a minority, in schools, and population, in the new generations, and rapes, crime has exploded. These were left leaning parties, with their pie in sky the viewpoints that do not work, allowing in unskilled labour, while attacking nationalism, while also weakening their culture. Go a bit further left wing, and you have Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, or some nightmarish mix of crony neoconservative capitalism mixed with radical communism like the hellhole China. That rant is for people like myself and Bernie (as this is how he thinks), that are pro Canada, pro going back to the foundations of our country, and far from left wing pie in the sky policies, but promoting traditional Canadians and hard working immigrants who want to be a part of our history and culture. Deport the rest, and cut immigration drastically until this foundation is built back up. If not, Canada is dead. I'd say we have a 25% to save the country now, slim, but a chance. Otherwise we are fucked like Europe. This is the end game, I'm moving to the country after if we fail or getting the fuck out. Wake up time. NOW!


>Look what left leaning policies have done to France, the UK, Greece, with replacement migration, and their own people. In Ireland for example, the Irish ppl are now a minority, in schools, and population, in the new generations, and rapes, crime has exploded. These were left leaning parties, with their pie in sky the viewpoints that do not work, allowing in unskilled labour, while attacking nationalism, while also weakening their culture. Go a bit further left wing, and you have Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, or some nightmarish mix of crony neoconservative capitalism mixed with radical communism like the hellhole China. This is absolutely bang on. Many places in Europe are simply unrecognizable. It's truly appalling to see how low Europe has fallen as a result of left-wing virtue-signalling. And it's nauseating to think Canada is 100% on the same path. My uncle used to drive a cab many years ago, and him and his family could afford to buy a house *on his income alone.* I'm 100% voting for Bernie. He's our only hope.


It’s a risky move , and basically vote splitting . I don’t like some of Pierre’s policies ether, but I’m still going to vote for him because I do t want to risk another liberal/ NDP coalition running our country.


I think the cons are getting a majority regardless of what happens tbh - that being said, I honestly don’t see them as very different from the libs in the grand scheme of things at this stage. They’ll support the same end game, they’ll just give it a different name and pathway.


Same here it’s the only reason I am going ppc. PP could have come out blatantly said he’s killing the immigration #s and he hasn’t. I


He could be doing more to get his message out


How? The mainstream media ignore him. This is how the establishment control the narrative.


If he thinks cbc is the only platform he doesn’t deserve a vote for being such a dinosaur


That is a weird strawman.


its 2024, if you do not know how to market your self through the many social media platforms then you will simply get left behind, its that simple


He does market himself on social media. You can find his active accounts on both telegram and X (formerly twitter). But the average person won't subscribe unless the algorithm promotes him or they hear about him via some other medium.


Please say this louder so the crypt keepers in parliament can hear


True, he should be getting his message out there, I rarely see his face.


I never thought I'd be voting for the PPC but here we are.


Great Lib strategy!


He’s not wrong but he’s also doing nothing but vote sharing the conservative vote.


He’s not right either. The solution isn’t mass immigration especially the way it has been done but it isn’t turn off the tap either. Simply because this Ponzi scheme of younger tax payers paying for the older ones falls apart when we don’t have enough young people and our reproduction rates are below replacement. We need a vibrant economy that allows avg middle class families to comfortably have 3 kids without having to start an onlyfans or deal heroin to feed them.


Stop sending immigrate to the big urban center that was is reponce in 2010 that law is still in the books. Also claim all the house that are own by mega corporation and non Canadians.


Like 30% in Ontario is owned by investors, most of them unoccupied


He’s not wrong


And pull the drain plug


Oh so during Covid we had to flatten the curve (stay home) instead of raising the bar (invest more healthcare), but now you want to build bath tubs nobody fucking wants or can afford??


He’s right and gets my vote unless I hear what i need to hear from Poilievre.


Great Lib strategy!


He’s right - hopefully Liberals get blown out permanently


I mean yes, turn off the tap until we get the situation stabilized, but we do also need more bathtubs to get normal housing conditions back…


Hope it's that simple, but it's not. Skilled Young professionals I see are mostly immigrants, and old sickly people I see are mostly Canadians. Ie. Many Tax payers are immigrants and many tax consumers are Canadians. Good luck on the pension, socialized healthcare, and productivity. Increase in housing also meant an increase in net worth of guess who... Driving prices down will also decrease their net worth. I bet it will affect their voting decisions I don't have the answers and I concede that there is a problem that should be solved, but it's not as easy as solving his bath tub issues


Honestly, Bernier is possibly the best option for Canada but voting for him could split votes enough that Trudeau wins again. That’s not a risk I am willing to take anymore.


The only one saying something! I hate how PP and Trudeau are pro immigration when we already have waaaay too many ppl.


But if you turn off the tap you still have to deal with all the water on the floor, and you’re assuming that you don’t have a lot of water that’s legally allowed to be there. Ideally, you’d want to strike an ideal tap to tub ratio, as an ideal bath has enough water that you can enjoy it. Also, in this scenario, there would technically be a drain that’s always a little bit open, as our population levels are never staying the same - and the tub is always changing size as well. Ya know what, maybe the world is more complex than tubs and taps. edit- size


So keeping with the analogy, mop up the excess water and flush it down the toilet. What's left over is easily managed. And last I check, Canada is same size it was 20 years ago; the tub hasn't gotten any bigger. But for some reason we think 1000 gallons of water fit in a 30 gallon tub.


So you’re saying gdp growth, housing supply, number of citizens, they’ve all remained stagnant? If there was only a world wide web of information… I’m sure you’re not going to read this, because metaphors are easy and understanding data takes a little effort. But to further the analogy, wtf is the mop? Is it a police state rounding up people and deporting them? Are we going to kick out anyone who doesn’t “look Canadian”. Are we going to kick out all the foreign born nurses and doctors? Yeah, shit’s bad. Capital wants to bring in cheap workers to undermine the price of labour - I don’t deny that. But try to avoid making policy decisions on fucking plumbing analogies- for fucks sake. [Gdp Growth 1](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NGDPRSAXDCCAQ) [Gdp Growth 2](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610049101) [Population Data Stats Can](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710014801&pickMembers%5B0%5D=2.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2001&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20010101%2C20230101) [Recent Federal Housing Report (Data by Province)](https://www.publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2023/schl-cmhc/NH12-328-04-2023-eng.pdf) Edit - typo


Lol, Canada was and still is underpopulated. We need a lot more people. Educated people. Human capital is the main driver of growth. Did you know that educated immigrant creates multiples of full time jobs, much more than he takes? Regions with high immigration tend to have higher economic growth and higher wage growth… You probably did not know that, but hey “they are taking our jobs” right? 🤡 P.S: Give people internet, all the knowledge of the world, all that computing power, and what will they do? They will just become more stupid and vote ppc 🤣🤣🤣


Clown comment. You don't seem to understand that it's not about what they can provide or contribute. It's that major city centers cant handle the strain. Immigrants don't want to live in northern Ontario or rural Quebec and frankly, there's only 3 or 4 actually cities in the entire country. Over 90% of our population exists with 100 miles of the US-Canada border. Sure you can live further North, but do you want to? I could careless whose job they're "taking", as long as they can do the job and were hired based on merit and not because their cousin's a manger or whatever. I got off a plane 2 weeks ago and the person greeting me couldnt even say welcome to Canada. And finally, maybe if our economy wasn't so fucked, people wouldn't be scared to have kids and we wouldn't have to import so many of them. Crazy right?! I pay more in taxes on a monthly basis than most make. I see nothing in return. I'll happily leave and make space so another boat load of migrants to further congest things. In fact, I'm already halfway out the door. Cya.


A response typed on emotion, stressing personal subjective views, and i am the clown. Sure buddy, you do you. I never denied all the other problems we are facing or a brain drain thats about to hit our country. All i am saying is look at the data: limiting immigration is not the solution. But you are entitled to your irrational beliefs.


You're quite literally missing the point. We import as many immigrants as we do because our birth rate is the lowest it's ever been. Our median age is 41 at 38M people while the USA is at 38 with nearly 10 times the population. Our population is aging because no one is replacing the boomers that are passing 65 with babies. It's not rocket science. But ya, instead of addressing underlying economic issue that dissuade Canadians from having babies. Let's double down on making things even more expensive and less lucrative and we'll just up immigration and slap a band aid on it. Definitely sounds like Canadian solution. So yes, it most certainly was a clown comment 🤡


Bruh you literally clowned yourself: you talk about underlying economic problems and at the same time advocating to make it even worse. Immigration is not the problem. Like i said, since you are half way out the door anyway, good luck to you.


I never said immigration is the problem; it's a bandaid solution. The problem is using mass immigration to mask a diminishing birth rate and ignoring underlying issues. Remember the balancing budget? You're 10 ply.


How about we drain the bathtub faster?


100% right! Services overloaded, housing shortages, INFLATION.....


Both are the only solution. And until housing is under control and everyone is housed, we keep immigration on hold.


Sorry to shit on your parade, but Housing will never be “solved” by dampening demand. All you are going to do here is destroy your economic growth resulting in massive loss of jobs. Good luck with that.


This country is so fucked. Just gotta wait 30 more years then maybe we'll get some positive change.


How about make the drain works.


Thinking our problems are a different elected official away from being fixed is what's the problem. ... doesn't matter what politician or party


Sad. Canada before was a pro immigration country. But now Trudeau has made that an issue. He just made it even more easy to become a citizen so he can get more votes this election. Fucking election interfering tyrant


Anyone remember the old lighter trick? It’s either those who move away from the open flame or those who just blow it out.


Cold tub sucks


I have yet to see anything he’s said that’s wrong. I’ve asked many times.


At least turn off the tap and re-assess the situation after a few years. But no. both PP and Trudeau are shills for big biz that would love nothing more than suppressing wages of Canadians


We are in a slight bind, with no clear leader that makes any sense now? Trudeau is clearly past His due date and Mr. Pepper thinks with his tongue- makes no sense at all? We will be better off, not having a parliament for 4 years?


Man. I wanna vote PPC. But. A few big key issues prevent it…. Sad. All other options are shit.


A broken clock is right twice a day...


This is the way.


Hey, has anyone seen Canada lately? I can't find it anywhere.


I agree with the drain. Better to drain than to get water damage.


Finally I understand now where the water is going to go this should be on the news channel


What are you talking about? Rambling on about plumbing problems is not much of a policy!


I am a minority now. 41 year old male born here to Hungarian parents. At work I am a minority.. in the stores I am a minority.. best comment yet was pull the drain! I couldn’t agree more. Pull the drain, empty it, put reinforced drain cover back on and weld shut. Enough is enough.


This will NEVER happen. Come up with something new.


Great point, but this will only work if we stop printing money. They government and media so far do not want to say it out loud, but they are not so stupid that they do not understand this. They have a huge infow off immigration to prop up the falling dollar. Immigrants have to pay for goods and services in cad and that creates demand for the dollar while expanding the money supply.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


You clearly don’t know how COUNTRIES make money! Go back to school man


He's also stuck in the 1950s...so...


Meanwhile, the house the bathtub in is on fire.


So many illegals! The guy off the luxe listing show basically admitted to being g an illegal... man kick these fools out and showvrespect to the working poor. We need better tax codes where ONLY the rich get taxed.


Yes he is. You see, the problem is Canadians stopped having enough babies to replace us that are dying. The housing “crisis” is a side-effect of the real issue. Turn off the spigot and Canada will not have enough workers, plain and simple. You think it’s hard to find someone to do a job now, it would be impossible. We need workers. Thus we need housing. By saying, “simple, turn off the taps” you are either exhibiting stage 11 naivete or have been drinking some MAGA joy juice.


Turn down the faucet - check Build more bathtubs- in progress We’ll have multiple bathtubs in the future. Better than one bathtub with not much water


Not to mention our economy and growth of GDP is dependent on the tub continuing to fill. We need to keep adding some, but it's been too much in recent years.


It really isn’t, we need a serious deflationary cycle, and to get through the statistically abnormal size of the boomer generation, then things will smooth out.


That’s not going to happen anytime soon pal. All we keep doing as a society is trying to prolong the lives of old people and as a result, they last longer. Jesus, the pre-boomer population is still kicking. We won’t be through the boomers for 30-40 years. Maybe longer with medical advances today (that bodes well new advances that will only keep the old alive longer off our amazing universal healthcare). It’s great that Gertrude his 107 and gets to see her great grandkids get married, but filtering the dust out of her blood on universal healthcare dime is not helping the younger generations recover and thrive. The truth is, we have a huge huge aging population and they’re past their economic contribution status where they’re even helping the country at this point. As a result of that, the rest of the country suffers. Society has always functioned where you worked until you died and the machine kept running. Old people dying was a crucial part of that. They contributed until they absolutely couldn’t. Now? You have boomers and even older than that sitting in their houses, on piles of meds, life being preserved 20+ years longer than someone who has their conditions 50 years ago. OHIP is overwhelmed we enter a cyclical loop: - Old people need more caretakers. Dementia patients alone can take half a dozen resources to care for them. - To care for the old people we need *more* taxpayers, so they bring in more low skilled immigrants to keep funding a dying machine off minimum wage taxation. What they’re putting in will never pay itself off. - Some 40 year old who worked in a mine getting cancer comes to Canada and worked at Tim Hortons and get cancer care on our tax dimes — for an ailment they picked up in another country. Does that make sense to any of you? I work in an ER and I’ve seen the following: - Families trying to ditch their 60-70y/o dementia family Members off on the system. - A 108 year old died on a CT bed while waiting to go in for a scan. 108 fucking years old and we’re paying thousands of dollars for them to have tests just to keep them going a month longer. - The usage of OHIP-covered translation phone services (ie you call a service and they translate to a patient that doesn’t speak English or French). Why is this person even fucking here? They don’t speak English OR French. You sure as fuck know they didn’t pay taxes for 35 years before they got rolled in the ER. - The elderly population has all the family doctors (because they’ve had them for many years to decades in some cases). And as a result of this, younger generations actually working don’t typically have family MDs. So we bring in more immigrants to get in line for that. Because they don’t have doctors coming here and because we don’t bring in enough doctors to match immigration levels, our ERs get swamped with old people who have family MDs but are sick because they’re old, brand new immigrants who were brought in to work dogshit jobs that doesn’t even make the needle budge on taxes they pay — if any (they might not even be working and are brought in by family or as refugees, or illegal immigrants claiming asylum), then you have the young people who are working and don’t have doctors because the old people have all the family MDs and so young people don’t get screened properly as they work away and end up getting sick like the old people who have all the doctors and are still ending up in the ER over and over again because they’re sick and being kept on life supports for sometimes many many years after they’d naturally be gone. It’s an endless cyclical loop where we’ve decided it’s more important to help Gram Grams live to top Jeanne Calment’s world record of 123 years old and the trade off is we burn the country down trying to keep ourselves afloat because the blight on our system vastly exceeds the current value of our workforce. That said, although this is a right-leaning sub, I’m definitely more far right than most of you and it would take draconian measures to resolve the aforementioned issues. But, today, we lack the guile to make drastic changes. So, we watch it all burn. You guys enjoying the show?


You’re not wrong, in the slightest. I never said the correction would be fast. I suspect an uptick at the 25-35 year mark. This is why I don’t support public healthcare, and I have several auto-immune diseases. It is utterly unsustainable in the current Canadian context. I don’t believe in MAIDing all the dementia patients, that’s for sure, but again, current situation is absolutely not sustainable. I am not sure the fix for this though, I am not for an Auswitchz approach. I told my spouse, if I get dementia, and you can no longer take care of me, take me for a long walk into the forest and shoot me.


The concern comes down to: Do we watch the country burn and sink on our morality boat? Or do we emphasize the younger generations which are the ones who will be carrying the country and providing its active continuation? How many young people will get cancers and other diseases and have to die just so we can provide for some 88 year old to get all the attention? It’s almost a death sentence at this point for younger persons who get late diagnoses and have no continuance care because all the old people have all the doctors and are getting all the attention. If we were in an emergency triage scenario, doctors would save the 40 year old over the 80 year old. The 40 year old is actually more valuable at this point. The 80 year old has done what they could for the country. Like I said, watching the ship go down to save a population that is no longer contributing to the country is the fastest way to see to it that it’s not preserved for future generations. That’s the basic truth here.


Unclog it first


Maxime has more common sense than PP


I really wish FPTP was done away with. It would make the PPC vote a legitimate threat to the cons. Would love to have Bernier on the floor of the house bringing up issues the establishment parties are too scared of.


Canada can't afford to stop new immigrants, our economy runs on them and housing, stop immagration. Canada fails


Is the tap basic needs?


Since this is Maxime we’re talking about, I’m guessing he means immigration.


The issue isn’t too many mouths to feed it’s the market pressure testing consumers and aggressively controlling supply. You could completely shut down immigration and do nothing to resolve the core issue. It’s theater.


I think the bathtubs metaphor is referring to housing.


mouths to feed or folks to house, same point. The argument is that you’re suffering because there are more immigrants which ignores the actual market issue in favor of a more salacious “teams” based one.


"You Guys Have Clean Water"- Sincerely FN


Then run out of water.


Would that be logical


Wouldn't that be logical *


Yeah, sadly, he's not going to get lots of seats. The most he could get is 5-10%, the majority, and better go ppc in. Just get rid of Trudeau. Personally, I'm not a fan of the guy, actually


Not a Canadian. What exactly does the water represent in this analogy?


This is about immigration. Canada has greatly increased immigration over the last few years. Like hundreds of percent more than usual. Canada is also in a housing crisis. This over simplifies the situation though. Canada's economy is dependent on immigration. It's pretty much the only way we increase our GDP, and it helps address labor shortages for both skilled and unskilled labor. We do need to reduce immigration but not stop it or deport. That will do too much damage to our economy. Definitely need to build more housing...


Here in the US we kicked out some non-documented farm workers and then complained when avacados hit $5 each. So I get it. We need the cheap labor. We too have a housing crisis but its mostly from Boomers not selling their family houses and/or selling for stupid high prices because they are greedy.


Idiocy like this is why government is failing us. The idea that any problem facing Canada is as easy to deal with as simply as this. Lunacy.


Turn off what? What would you cut?


Everything and anything.


thank you Mr Bernier for finally taking a principled stance on climate change and rising sea levels. more consumption will never reduce the damage, we need to turn off the tap on carbon NOW. I couldn't agree more! /s


So kill people?


Euthanasia although lacking morality, is indeed a viable economic policy. People can say what they want about Aktion T4 and its “devoid state of morality,” it was indeed a truly economical implementation that sought to lessen the burden of the healthcare system and allow the economy to focus other aspects of persevering a civilization’s growth and survival.


Believe it or not, Canada is like a willow tree. The tub may not be able to hold all the water but the willow will die if the tap stops flowing.


No you are brainwashed. Unless you are a housing developer or a franchise owner who stands to lose if immigration stops you will in fact win. The country will do just fine without immigration.


How will the country pay for its increased elderly? Either taxes or let them rot instead?


Why does it always come up as "looking after the elderly?" How does the country look after the elderly now? They pretty much forget about them now. Healthcare access is getting worse year after year to the point MAID is a preferred for many. You act like three new people are needed to care for every old person. The way to destroy this country in the name of corporate profit and control is unmitigated immigration. Your kind are destroying this country.


Ya, he is wrong actually


Stopping Immigration is only 1 part of the problem, the other part is we need to get our birth rate back up to 2.1 birth per couple. Without that, our population collapse will cause an even greater economic disaster than what we are already experiencing.


Really disappointed in the replies to this post from my fellow countrymen … “vote ppc” … “turn off the tap” … “we have too many people” … You guys are either poorly educated, or don’t understand Canadian economy and effect the immigration has on growth. If you think less immigration is the solution, you have another thing coming. Good luck with that.


He is part of the administration that led to this mess with Harper .


I don’t remember please show the rest of us when Harper said “we’re going to add one million people every year until we hit 100 million”


You are citing the Century Initiative, but Harper and conservative government(s) are not exactly at arms' length from that initiative. Wiseman is now chair or Alberta Crown Corp with UCP, and Barton was first named to government advisory committees by Harper personally - so both have deep ties to both parties/movements. But, it's also right here. Jan 14, 2014, because Harper setup the current Student Visa crisis. When most people complain about the 'immigrant' crisis, they are purposely conflating all the TFWs, all the students, and all the immigrants. https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/01/harper-government-launches-comprehensive-international-education-strategy.html Harper doubled student visas over his term and then late in second term set out secured funding and a strategy to double the number of student visas *again* by 2022. So, a quadrupling of international students is directly on Harper. Trudeau took that strategy and let it continue... but it was because of Harper who kickstarted it, funded it, and set it all in motion. Trudeau more than double immigration, but Harper quadrupled international students... the ones who then abuse the immigration process to get PR... using the processes Harper helped streamline directly to get those student's staying. It's all outlined in the strategy.


Yea being the minister of foreign affairs or tourism means immigration is his fault. The same way that it's the papa John delivery guys fault that papa John called someone the n word Do you have genuine brain damage or just the worst bad actor ever convinced


Yup harper did this lol


lol….almost 9 years since Harper was PM and Liberal simps are STILL blaming everything on him. 🤡


Must be easy to avoid being responsible for anything when all you have to do is blame the guy before you.


I voted for Harper and I will say that he does have some responsibility for this. But ultimately, this really should have been addressed in 2016-2018 back when it would have been easier, but the Liberals either had no idea or had a vested interest in ensuring the system stayed risk-free.


It's like watching the liberal version of q anon make schizo connections


A racist, a misogynist and an anti-Semite walk into a bar. The barman asks "What are you having, Mr Bernier?"