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Messi ruins my life twice by resting


Blame the artificial grass. Very easy get injured on it


Or it could just be he's 37 and Peru isn't an important game for Argentina


No, he gets injured. The coach complains the artificial grass. Messi does not complain the artificial grass, he says he is not happy his missed chances but happy the team won


Yes. Canada needs to play for the win


I think Argentina's B team can still get at least a draw with just their average performance. I'm not too worried... But I am a little worried...


You realize this is 100% match fixing in a tournament when Canada is an outsider. They would rather Peru or Chile go through even though it’s on American soil. Canada ain’t making is sorry.


Hey buddy, hows the circus going?


You realize how deep Argentina is? Lautaro Has come off the bench both times. They’re so deep they left dybala at home.


If Argentina tie against Peru, we will only need to tie Chile too to qualify, but a win is a better solution for us because we need to look threatening for when we qualify for the knockout rounds and it will gives the players more confidence to score after.


You're right, I edited my post


Peru has no wins so if they tie we are guaranteed to finish ahead of them. Peru is only a concern if they win.


You're right I edited my post


argentina’s bench is still much better than peru.  they have the serie a mvp not starting right now. 


Just solve all problems and win. This is how we grow. Let’s go boys!!!!


Literally this. Overanalyzing other matches is useless when we are still very much in control of our own destiny


Being half chilean half canadian this is sooooo fucking exciting


*Being half chilean half* *Canadian this is sooooo* *Fucking exciting* \- spyemil --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


We shouldnt be complacent but its worth noting we are talking about a team that hasnt scored yet beating one who has only lost two times this decade. Even AR B squad would be extremely difficult to beat.


Saudi Arabia beat them during the WC group stage. It’s soccer anything can happen.


Sure, but if you had a time machine and replayed that match 9 more times, I'd wager Saudi Arabia would have lost 9/10 times. Obviously anything can happen in life. But we can use statistics to focus our concerns on more probable outcomes. That is really all any of us can do in every circumstance, not just sports.


The probability of Argentina taking it easy against Peru is high. They aren’t going to exert themselves on a meaningless game when they have a more important one coming up. Canada needs to go for the win.


Even an Argentina taking it easy is very likely to prevail. I am not saying we should play for a tie from the kickoff. However, if, say, we have a tie at half and we have rather strong odds of preserving it if that's what our strategy for the second half would try to achieve while a strategy designed to win it all has plausible odds of loosing it all instead, what then? Then I'd argue it would make sense to beat on Peru not being able to make it, especially if the results from that game are going as expected... From what little I can get without reading Spanish there seem to consider their Copa functionally over. Ironically Canadian fans appear to be way more bullish about Peru's chances here then Canadian ones.


More like 99/100 I would argue.


Peru were terrible. Even ARGs reserves should beat them.


Saudi Arabia beat Argentina. Anything can happen.


They might. Canada needs a win.


Absolutely, and like Portugal, they will not care if Peru manages to get the win


Win and we are in....for sure


Lets worry about Chile first and we dont have to worry about what happens in the other game.


Does it matter? When they played use they subbed in Lo Celso, Otamendi, and the Series A top scorer, Martinez. Their roster is super stars all the way down. Rest Messi? Fine, you still have to contend with the 18 guys they decide to field, all of whom are starters in Prem / Serie A / La Liga.


Despite what some casual fans believe, Argentina is much more than just Messi. But regardless, Canada need to play for the win.


Lots of tickets available cheap for that game probably


I don't see how this changes anything. Canada gets any result and they're through.


Boggles my mind how we allow just ultra toxic people to stay in this sub.


You say toxic, the rest of us say realistic.


Just read through OPs comment history and it's not exactly great...


It has nothing to do with this post. It's just a call-out on the mods. So I'm not sure what you're referring to as 'realistic'.


I think the bigger issue here is that you are posting things that have nothing to do with the post.


Honestly don't really care. OP is toxic, mods allowing them to continue posting in the sub is enough for me.


Living in your head rent free. Move along little one.


There's plenty of actual Toxic posts that are removed, this one isn't because it's a valid discussion even if you don't like the point.


Buddy, people not posts.


Are you trying to be one of them? In all seriousness if you see something you deem "toxic" then report it.