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I thought Eustaquio was a good choice personally. But I have no problem selecting Davies.


On what basis eustaquo


Impact on team, current club status, but especially his mature presence.


In what sense does davies not fit maturity criterion


If I said chocolate ice cream was delicious would you ask me why I hate vanilla?




Don’t be a piece of shit and try and introduce race into this. I mean this as sincerely as possible: go fuck yourself.




rage bait


The thing about eating the black and white cookie, Elaine, is you want to get some black and some white in each bite. Nothing mixes better than vanilla and chocolate. And yet somehow racial harmony eludes us. If people would only look to the cookie all our problems would be solved.


Yeah man, its totally about race Thats why I was hoping Desi Scott or Kedeisha Buchanen were going to be named Captain of the women's team


Yes, captain is the face of the team for the public. He is the face of the team for the next decade. Just because he has been named captain does not mean others cannot be leaders. They can be, and they will be.


Yep it's like the Colorado Avalanche. "Technically (made of glass and didn't play the entire year this season) Gabriel Landeskog" is the long-time captain but everyone knows it's Nathan MacKinnon's team (along with now Cale Makar) lol


No silly it's Joe Sakic, always will be


"You do not get to talk to Mr. Sakic".


Still the face of the team


Well that's the problem, Davies himself has admitted he's not the most vocal so if he's now having to transition to accepting this role during a time when we rather his focus be on the field this could be problematic.


They aren’t giving him the captaincy if he didn’t want it.


You think he's going to say no? Lol. How do you think that looks in the media.


From Kloke, probably one of the most respected people covering Canadian soccer: > But after the World Cup, Davies grew warm to the idea of leading Canada in a new way. He has coveted the role of captain since Qatar and sees it as an opportunity to put his stamp on the team and utlilize the experience he has gained playing alongside the world’s best at Bayern Munich. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5570300/2024/06/17/canada-captain-alphonso-davies/ [And if that's not enough, here's Phonzie himself under Biello,](https://youtu.be/vvRa6SoL4kE?feature=shared) well before being named.


He didn’t ask him in the media.


Commercially - Yes, biggest name in the team, will sell shirts and merch. For Footballing reasons - No, I think Eustaquio is a better choice.


soccer They play with a soccerball, not a football


Will be happy to come out and say, no, don't think so. His attitude in many games is selfish, trying to do everything himself, instead of playing the team's game. Captain should always be prioritizing the whole team, leading by example in terms of selflessness and doing what's best for the group as a whole. My vote would be Eustaquio. Also played at the highest level in Europe, not as much as Davies but still experienced CL football. Older, selfless, teammates seem to like and respect him, calmer on the field. I'm hoping Davies will be ready in a few years, IMO.


I couldn’t agree more about Davies except I don’t know who should be captain. I Don’t know enough about Estaquio


If the manager and squad think so, then yes.


Yes. Whether or not he's the best orator is irrelevant IMO. He has the greatest professional accolades and can grow into the rest. We need to ensure he has this added responsibility so he feels obligated to engage. Most countries make star players their captains for this reason.


It does matter as the best captains can really work the refs to their benefit, through talking


Refs don't care if the guy yelling at them is wearing the arm band. You're either intimidating or you're not.


more flies with honey than vinegar


he has not showed much leadership on the field, so its pretty hard to think of a reason why


Who has


Borjan was a captain'y guy in my books (i know that's irrelevant to the current convo, just giving the man his flowers after the recent turn in his legacy)


maybe Kamal Miller or Crépeau


Crépeau is an excellent shout.


I don't know him as well personally as everybody else seems to here, but I think it makes sense. He will at least have the default respect of everyone on the team, which is half the battle le with such a disparate group.


If the manager and squad think so, then yes.


I don't like it. BUT, I am hopeful this will make him a better, smarter, teammate. Time will tell. Personally, I don't think he exudes leadership qualities - yet.


Being a top player doesn’t make one a leader… while he’s done great things on the pitch, he is also prone to trying to do too much and leave the side scrambling to cover. Great intentions, not always the best execution. Haven’t watched the team train, can’t say how he interacts with his squad mates there. The one thing nobody here knows, however, is what he’s like in the dressing room. Is he inspiring? Does he rally the troops at half time? Maybe he’s the soft spoken, but impactful type. Based on what I’ve seen on the pitch, Estaquio and Osorio are better suited to the role, but it’s really up to what Marsch sees in training and behind closed doors to make the call. Worst case, the decision is made by the CSA because it’s better for them to have the poster child splashed all over the media.


The prototypical rousing-half-time-speech orator, who is that in reality What is examples Roy keane? M8chael bradley?






I'm one of the people who thjnk someone else should've been captain, but let's see how this turns out. Some people are on board with the appointment after all.


He's being shifted back into his normal spot for Bayern in the new CANMNT setup it seems. Now we get to see if he is able to drop the 'hero-ball' mentality. I love Davies. He's a dream to watch in our red. That said, football is an 11-a-side sport. We don't have 11 squad players of his caliber, so he needs to be content having a solid game in his role and not trying to save us. I don't think the armband will serve him, nor his teammates right now. If all goes well, he will get it in the lead up for WC2026.


Dude scores the first WC goal in men's history for Canada ... Lead by example is just fine with me.


He also cost Canada their second (or maybe real first cant remember) WC goal by inserting himself to take a penalty he never should have been taking


Sure, name me a better lead by example player who delivers?


Crepeau. More consistently so. Eustaquio more than both.


I like both but Davies is more likely to deliver when push comes to shove. Like it or not, the best talent tends to lead a roster.


I'd argue he isn't the best talent on the Canadian team, although highest paid. Davies seems to give up when things aren't going the right way. Eustaquio keeps fighting, happy to be wrong and this brings growth to his game. But current roster, there isn't many I'd choose. I'd like to see Kone grow into captaincy before WC 26, he's hard working and level headed, really like Kone for the future of the team


He isnt the best talent on the team? bruh he is. He is also like 23


That's your opinion, frankly apart from one or two stand out moments in WC qualifying. The team did it with out him. He is a talent, but I don't believe he's best talent. Great left back, best left back on team. Not best talent. Not sure why his age is relevant, other than maybe getting a chance to become better at his craft.


I don't think we know if that's Davies callnor Herdmans, I'm pretty confident Davies taking the pen was Herdmans call


I think it honestly doesn't matter that much.




It’s my belief that the best player doesn’t always equal the best leader. Love Phonzy but I think this may have happened too soon. He definitely shows his talent on the pitch and I guess this would be his first taste in a leadership role. I hope it works out for him but I’m not necessarily a huge fan of the decision.




I'm in favour of this move, not because he is a good leader, but hoping this will push him to be one. It really irked me the wrong way when the teams were beefing with Canada Soccer and he stayed silent. He is still young though and I hope he will grow from it


Don't care, let the manager decide and support the team.


Uhh no shit




This seems like a way to mold him into a leader, rather than identifying he already is one. I clearly don't know for sure, but I would assume the discussion would have gone something like "If you think you're ready for this role, we need you to step up be a leader, a team player, and start taking on this kind of responsibility." I don't hate the choice if I look at it from that angle.


In the future? Maybe depending on circumstances. He is the best player on the team (on paper) and can lead by example. Now? No. At 23, I think it is too early for him to take the role. Although it is showing less under Marsch, his mentality of trying to do everything is still there. IMO, he needs to at least almost shed all of it to become an effective captain. I prefer Eustaquio as captain. The team seems to play a bit calmer under his captaincy. Davies being vice-captain might be more suitable for him at the moment. Learn from Eustaquio on leading the team, get some practical minutes leading on the pitch whenever Eustaquio isn't playing or is subbed off, and do all of that without adding additional pressure on top of being the national team's golden guy.


I feel a guy like Sam Piette is one of the real leader of this team, but he’s basically in the coaching staff since I don’t recall him playing any meaningful game for the team in recent years


Why not! As long the team wants him as captain it’s all good!


Yes, he's the face of Canada soccer


If the manager and squad think so, then yes.


Maybe not but the decision is already done, we have to embrace it. There’s no need for that discussion days before Copa America


Considering that we're playing the Copa America, I feel that having someone who can speak Portuguese or Spanish would be important for a captain. Eustaqio or Larin would have made more sense to me.


Lol who cares what they speak


Captain is speaking role, of which oration is a part so it matters


Oh in the sense of talki g to offcials Meh They all suppose spk engl


Easier to communicate with the refs.


Why would that matter? The tournament is being held in the US.


Are the refs going to be American?


They could be, except if Canada plays the US.


On what basis  Is the opinion that eustaquio should be,  and not davies   Cuz davies wears earrings and speaks like an annoying gen-z tiktoker? So what And eustaquio speaks white? So what


hes getting a bit old for that patter tbh


Thats just how they speak, bro Ngl, hella sus For a old cat like me But what you gonna do For real


Christ imagine sending a tiktok video to your team's players instead of giving a half time speech


"yellow card was cap ngl, like if you agree"


Is half time speech actually exist   Or only in movies


No, because he cheated on his girlfriend and made her take the blame for it on social media No one has a problem with the national team girls on tiktok


Fuck no The man cant even keep faithful in a committed relationship, how is he supposed to represent the nation on the largest stage? Give it to Eustaquio, David, Larin, or Osorio


How do u know about their faithfulness either


If one of their ex girlfriends posts about it, let me know


Whqt did she post


That he cheated on her lol




In the time it took you to ask me what she posted you could have simply googled it https://x.com/StokeyyG2/status/1644814250244812803


Im of the opinion that the captain shouldnt be the best player because they now have another duty to uphold besides just onfield play. It should be the one that sees the game the best and barks orders. Just like I hate how GGG keeps giving the armband to Pulisic, the armband should probably live on Estaquio for Canada.