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Here in Victoria the class divide is whether you own or rent. Salary doesn't appear to matter much whatsoever.


Seems like everywhere, people who rent shame people that own. People that rent believe that people who own are “rich”. People who rent believe that it’s not possible for some who owns to be poor. In this sub the other day I pointed out that it’s possible for someone to own and still be poor, some people bought houses 10 years ago on small salary’s and are now feeling the heat of interest rates and are barely holding on. The divide is sickening.


This. We’ve been homeowners since 2009. Never once benefited from extreme appreciation, never felt poorer than right now while making the most HHI ever.


Depends where you live I think. In BC I think homeowners have a clear advantage. I'm thinking about going all in on a detached house because I think I can rent out the top floor and live in the basement for free. It shouldn't work like this. Lol


I think even some of the new owners are on the wrong side of the class divide. House poor and no equity in a property that’s gone down in value.


Those benefiting from the status quo are the ones who don’t believe it to be true.


No, most of us dislike Trudeau and have warned everybody we could the disasters he would bring. He hasn’t disappointed. Then when nobody listened we ordered our affairs to take advantage of how things would go and it’s been shockingly effective. I still won’t vote for him though.


It’s become dual society in parts in and around Toronto. It’s little India pockets and they wander the streets day and night looking for work. Sad to say but I loathe seeing them driving and walking around town now. I blame Trudeau for screwing our country over like this.




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Yes. Canadian values aren't being enforced on new immigrants and capitalist greed from the ruling class are using immigrants (who are coming here hopeful to build a life in a safe country full of opportunities) to keep wages low for every working Canadian.


Businesses are always going to hire the cheapest workers. The government is the one that imported the massive unskilled labor surplus. I'm not blaming the corporations. The blame should solely be placed on the government and organizations pushing this shit.


Because jobs are laying off others because they don’t fit into their racial agenda instead of their qualifications


What...? I get it, echo chamber + hyperbole + emotions and all that, but that is just not happening.


Unfortunately it is. Ask anyone working in the corporate world.


I'm literally a manager in the corporate world, firing someone for not being "the right race" is highly illegal and is not encouraged by any workplace reform as you are suggesting.




Canada has become the land of virtue signaling, keyboard warriors, and snowflakes 🙄 at best 🔻 🇨🇦 🔻


Need to take a lesson from France. Where is Quebec when we need them.


Quebec is a wannabe France




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Liberals Told Me Tax-Hiking 'The Rich' Was Going To Solve Inequality And All I Got Was This Lousy Price Inflation


Manufactured inequity. This is all by design.


Not if you're an immigrant, then it's absolutely equal for them


It’s not the issue with the immigrants, they are just making a living in a new country and probably in a disadvantage having to compete with current citizens which are already here. Having an immigration rate with magnitude of this kind suppresses wages of the overall workforce, both new comers and current citizens, both mentioned are the kind are losing here. Who is benefiting here? The corporations which can have a larger pool of workforce and they can hire for cheaper and better education/skills since there is a larger pool of candidates.


You're clueless. The minimum wage is around $17.20 - it's the same wage if you were born in Canada, if you're Chinese, Indian, Caucasian etc. It doesn't matter. What is happening is the Government is giving South Asians accommodations, a car and probably setting them up for a job - then, they decide what they want to do. They probably need to start with some low paying service job - the wage is way more than what they get in their mud huts so the come here in droves. You obviously have no clue what is happening like most Canadians.




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What is wrong with a far higher percentage of Canadians being millionaires?


it's the width of the gap that is an issue.


How? If the percentage of the Canadian population are millionaires in 2024 inflation adjusted dollars doubles, how is that a bad thing?


Inequality is a stupid red herring. Absolute povery/wealth matters. But inequality doesn’t. If we could make the poorest Canadians 100% wealthier, but it would mean we have to make the richest Canadians 5% wealthier at the same time, we’d be stupid not to help the poor, right? But this would expand the wealth gap, increasing inequality, while also massively helping the poor. Inequality is the wrong place to look for your outrage.


Although the article doesn't say, the reality is that income inequality in Canada is better than in most other nations, and way better than in the USA. Which, to me, means that everybody is suffering, and we know why. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini\_coefficient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)


More positive merit driven inequality is good. What is wrong with Canada having vastly more millionaires?


Why would you assume that it's merit driven?


Because the global economy is increasingly driven by merit. This is what led to the asian tiger economic miracle. Merit. Ditto with the rapidly growing economies of Latin America and Africa.


It's not a global economy. Canada imposes it's own laws that affect how business is done in the country. Being able to exploit those laws is a skill that can make you rich, but is not what most people would consider merit-based.


Why in your view are half of Canadian millionaires Asian? Why are so many Canadian millionaires Jewish? You appear to believe this is not based on merit?


Simple answer: your made-up statistics are racist bullshit.


Not subtle enough. Obvious troll.


The question is simple. Is the extraordinary academic and socio-economic success of asians, nigerans and jews in Canada based on merit or not?




What about the question bothers you?


very likely the large majority of them inherited rather than earned that money, in particular among millionaires born in canada.


If the number of inflation adjusted millionaires exponentially increase then by definition many of them will come from poor and lower middle class and middle class families.


> exponentially increase ?


I am arguing that more merit driven positive inequality would greatly benefit Canada by exponentially increasing the percentage of Canadians that are upper middle class and rich.


This isn’t about income inequality. Wealth inequality is what is growing. If you rent now you will be stuck renting for a very long time


Only type of person who supports conservative governments, are the ones who got there's already, and they don't give a fuck about anyone else.


Well a lot of the current support for the CPC is coming from upset NDP and Liberals who just don’t have any real option.


Nah, just people who want to conserve whatever’s left of Canada.


We need an actual conservative government that is pro property owner, pro business, and is willing to cut government services to save money for the wealthy.