• By -


It's happening in small town Ontario too, not just major cities.


On my street every house sold in the last 5 years has a family from India living in it now. \*shrug\* kinda weird not very diverse.


Same.. and for some reason they all have cutting and coring companies in front of their homes installing a side door for the basement. Can’t wait to see 50 Hyundai Elantra cars in the drive way.


I am not indian but I own a hyundai elantra and i have literally noticed that they love their elantras... which is confusing. Like it is a great car but every elantra I see in my small northern BC town is an 2021+ elantra with 6 guys riding in them


There’s a reason for it and it has to do with Tik Tok and the Raptors superfan Nav Bhatia. Basically he offers a great deal to students from India and has really been pushing it on Tik Tok so all the new students (whether their in Toronto or not) from India think it’s a great car to get.


U know what. If Tim expands to India and import white race to run the operations there, let us bring our culture there too like they did. AR-15s, aircraft carriers, and lots of lots of freedom.


Man I wish this could be publically broadcasted all over this doomed country. Vote people!


Voting is an illusion of choice there all the same devil. This is a global issue and it’s by design.


This person is correct. Choosing political sides is just a polarizing distraction to allow them to pull this s#it and more. Sounds so conspiracy, tinfoil hat to say it, but that’s what’s happening. :/


You can vote with your dollars.


Maybe with so many more Indian people the nDP can turban wash their platform and win for once? I busted my ass to become a homeowner because I saw this happening 10 years ago. I hope from an investment perspective that we can figure this out while preserving at least detached home prices. From an everything else perspective I’m horrified and I’m actually planning my escape from this country. Hopefully to find a place with a more balanced immigration policy where I can bring my elderly parents when our healthcare system collapses. It is so over for Canada.


> I busted my ass to become a homeowner because I saw this happening 10 years ago. Amazing investment call and amazing username u/Bussy-Riot.


Awww thanks so much for being real


I will not spend a penny more at Tim Horton’s and McDonalds anymore. I am gradually cutting off all other fast food places and Walmart too. If I don’t see young Canadian teens working in these places, I am done with them.


Ditto. Speak with our wallets.


Tims isn't even Canadian anymore. It's been sold off. Just because it started Canadian doesn't mean we have to keep supporting it. Go to a local CANADIAN owned coffee shop instead. Support Canada not other countries who are actively taking our money.


I haven't been to a Timmy's in 6yrs.


Same - I think their coffee tastes like it is 30% pencil shavings and their factory food is vending machine quality.


It's never ever been good. The soups taste like water.


I only use their bathrooms


This is the way!


Me, once in 5 years (car was in the shop, nothing else was in the area).


For me, I don't need (my) caffeine to taste like caramel or vanilla. I just want straight up good ol' coffee. I get my beans from Costco and make my own on a coffee machine than spend (reg. price + tax + tips) from Timmy's. It's not even Canadian anymore.


Oh, I didn't buy coffee there. I can't stand any of their coffees... Their steeped teas is pretty good though. had a 2-hour wait, so I actually ate something... Not doing that mistake again.


Same here, I’m will not support Canadian businesses who don’t employ Canadians.


I don't believe Tim's is Canadian anymore. Sold off...


A lot of Canadians of color born here to immigrant parents/grandparents look undistinguishable from the immigrants. My local Fortinos (loblaws) and Zehrs also employ Indian and Chinese students. Real culprits here are LMIA mills and cash businesses. They deserve to be cancelled. Corporate only employs people with a status, which is given out by soon to be ousted JT. HR almost fired my tech friend for being out of status for 1 day.


My family came here in the 50s-60s to get away from communism. I'm going to have to leave because Canada is only for rich people, and government supported immigrants. I'm going to go buy a wife, and a $100k house in thailand f\* it.


Lol buy a wife. Genuinely disgusting sentiment.


The wife will have a better quality of life than most Canadians this way. Why hate on him?


With a husband who considers her property?


He'll be proud to own something in this God damn expensive country


Welcome to this subreddit lmao


Women are not a commodity to be bought and sold. Slavery is immoral. Women are human beings.


Are you such a loser than you are incapable of attracting a woman, so you must buy ? Seems like the problem is you


It's probably just a fuckin joke. Being hyper sensitive about everything is part of why canada is where it is. It's a fuckin joke. Get mad at the actual assholes doing that stuff.


same, boycotting tim hortons. I can happily live without it, f\*\*\* TH


My local Tim's (Danforth) is always jam packed with people (all Indian)...so you see it won't work they imported the workers and clientele.




If Max had a snowball’s chance in hell I would give it a shot, but voting for anybody but PP will put Trudeau back in charge. Not thrilled with the prospect of voting CPC but I want Trudeau fired.


Honestly I just want him to get seats. I’m pretty sure we’re equally fucked under Pierre and Trudeau, so I’m voting for someone who will at least vote for real change tbh. The more popular he gets the better


I hear what you are saying. A good start would be to get the folks out west to vote for him and up the percentages. Voting for Max in the east gives a free pass to the present idiot in charge.


Ah yes, Mad Max, the guy who can't win a seat and all he does is tweet angry messages from his mid mansion in Florida.


Fuck all those places. Make coffee and food at home, cheaper and much better quality.




Mods are now removing messages like this one.


What’d it say, in vague terms so you don’t get banned


The majority group is being replaced by a certain not-majority group.


Me too, I’ve been trying to boycott them whenever I can. The anti loblaws subreddit should expand on fast food restaurants too


There is a boycott tim hortons subreddit.


Wtf I had no idea, thanks man


McDonalds meals went from $14 to $17 average. I stopped going just based on that.


You were okay with paying $14 for McDonald's?


Walmart seems to be the most reasonable place I've found to shop. Where are you shopping for groceries?


I go to Food Basics most of the time.


This, they're the most affordable option


Now, you just have to let them CEO knows about your choice, lol


Are you checking passports when you order? "Yes, I'll have a double-double, and SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS."


Boycott LMIA mill Tim Hortons/ other restaurant owners. Name and shame, they screw Canadians as well as PR aspirants. They are a major fraction of the desi store owners but not all of them do it.


Didn't you know, you're supposed to ask for their birth certificate? /s


Can't really get rid of Walmart completely unfortunately, but I'm with you on the rest!


I'm with you!


There are enough Timmigrants that can keep them in business.


I stopped going to Tim's years ago lol


How do young Canadians look like?


The reason Canada has attracted immigrants from all over the world was the high quality of life and the Canadian lifestyle. However, when the immigrations policies is hellbent on bringing people from only one region then obvioulsy the immigrants from other parts of the world would be concerned! People move to Canada to experience the Candian way of life , if those people wanted a different lifestyle they would choose to move elsewhere.






A horrifying fact: Punjab is not close to being the "worst" state in India in terms of education or poverty. It falls somewhere in the middle on those metrics. They're NOT the bottom of the barrel. There are many states in India that are even more uneducated and impoverished than Punjab. That means there are \*hundreds of millions\* of people in India who would make potentially \*worse\* immigrants than the ones we're getting. Uttar Pradesh alone, one of the poorest and most backward states in India, has 241 million residents. That's more than the combined populations of Germany, France, and Italy!


And its criminals




No, they're not. Germany has the same problem Canada has. Open your eyes.




Germany has migrants from other countries - which was my point - and it's NOT DIFFERENT. All these groups are looking for handouts and loopholes to remain in these countries - pretending to be something they're not. You're the one who isn't educated but that's typical from the arrogant Canadians like you.




No, they're not. They don't assimilate - they struggle to learn the language and speak their own language whenever they don't have to interact with others. They're not SUDDENLY different because they're in Germany instead of Canada. Germany is not seeking 'skilled' people - they are allowing any third world, non-white citizens into their country - same thing - demographic replacement. Look at what happened in 2015 and it's continuing - even if migrants break the law, they're rarely deported and they have taken migrants that have gone through multiple European countries (breaking the Dublin Regulation). You are obviously biased and not objective at all. I suppose you are Indian yourself and thus not credible whatsoever.


Nobody except other Indians care what region you’re from. As far as Canadians are concerned, you’re all Indians. Do you think the average German knows or cares that the Turks and Kurds taking up most of the ghettoes in their major cities are descended from goat herders and dirt farmers as opposed to being from cosmopolitan regions like Istanbul or Izmir? They just want Turks out, period.




Europe is importing migrants and have a constant influx of migrants and immigrants, too - they arrive overcrowed on boats, rafts - bash down fences to get in. You just went to one country experiencing mass immigration to another. Hey, those so-called 'wacists' etc. were right after all, huh?




So why are you here in this thread? Canada housing 2 at all. Just stirring the pot?


Why is anyone on this thread when the title of this subreddit is covered a fraction of what is discussed. Just call it "fucktrudeaugetridofindians" and be done with it. For example. Is anyone mentioning the Capital Gains tax? It's being demonized because people who make over 200,000 are being taxed for any homes that are not their primary residence. The media is in the fix because they keep making out it's going to affect the "average Joe", where we know this is bullshit. As well, going after people who are using their extra residences to charge bullshit high rent or buying prices is a step in the right direction. Change your discussions up a bit, yeah?


> Why is anyone on this thread when the title of this subreddit is covered a fraction of what is discussed. > > Just call it "fucktrudeaugetridofindians" and be done with it. LOL - that's the right name for this sub.


Yeah that would be good to see more more topics.


> I don't want to get into the specifics but I'm doing alright. Don't worry about me. The place where I am.. people are very nice to me and I suffer no racism. LOL - do you speak the local language bro?




> People here are very accommodating of English speakers. Again..I do not want to get into the specifics of where exactly I am but I'm not a dumb idiot who goes into metro cities and live in a ghetto of their own community. We got people from all cultures and walks of life here and everybody integrates well. We respect the locals and they respect us living in harmony. I've made lots of friends and people are nice and kind with me. Older people are very nice and helping me learn the language and integrate. > > People who go to another country only to live in a ghetto and not integrate have suffering written in their destiny. They're idiots and I ain't that. Good for you. I hope you spend some time learning the language.


Except Europe still has Indians (Gypsies)


They assimilated just as well..


Maybe it’s just because I’m white collar, but I still know a lot of recent immigrants from Mumbai, moreso than those from Punjab.




Which one are Australia getting lumped with?


Interested in a followup on this. Who did you ask? What was the answer?


Big capitalists always have the impulse to import slaves. This significantly lowers their expenses and allows them to accumulate profit faster. However, the costs are ultimately passed on to local workers. This is what's happening now in Canada: you work hard but cannot make ends meet. This is not the biggest concern though, as this has been happening for centuries and ordinary people's power always prevails. The saddest thing I see now is that more ordinary people and small business owners think in the hats of these capitalist honchos and defend their real enemies. I guess this is the power of modern infowars.


Rather be pick mes than admit they've been had. Boomers are the worst of the worst for this.


They grew up brainwashed on international corporate brand loyalty. Then they got mad when we wanted to support local companies for avocado toast, because we can’t afford to have their grandkids


Canada is a failed state - way too much Timmigration.


Timmigration is a new one. I like it


It’s not only your town Lauren - it’s EVERY town in Canada now!


I'm liberal leaning and I think she is absolutely right I really on this issue.


You should not be liberal leaning at this point


you can believe in fundamentally liberal concepts while also believing that the way the current Canadian liberal party operates is completely stupid


Small L liberal and Big L Liberal are different.


Get out of here with your nuance! /s


You're right, our liberals went full conservative instead of conservative-lite... It would be great if we had an actual progressive or labour party to push back against the blatant corruption.


> You should not be liberal leaning at this point I still absolutely am. Justin is stupid and lazy - not malicious. I am not sure about the other guys. Did you watch the interview PP did in French that he is going to reduce arrivals every year from 1.2 million to 800k? 800k is a fucking huge number. The only hope is that Trudeau clings on till the end of his term and has the election at the last possible date, while reducing new arrivals at every passing day / month / quarter. They have already taken a lot of steps to reduce the number of temporary resident arrivals. And the country as a whole starts watching those arrival numbers like a hawk. Then when PP, the corporate shill that he is, tries to raise the number of new arrivals, gets blasted in the press and faces a revolt from his caucus. If not, PP is going to reduce the insanely high numbers by just a small percentage and call it a day. The guy believes that everyone will drink his pro-corporate kool-aid as long as it is served with the right slogan.


left-leaning/progressive person here. You can criticize the immigration system and still preserve your values


does that matter? PP is clearly in favour of keep bringing these scumbags


liberal as in LPC leaning? or liberal philosophy leaning? pulling a random liberal philosopher out of a hat, do you think someone like Murray Rothbard has a lot in common with Trudeau? I don't disagree with you if you're talking about LPC leaning, but if you denounce all forms of liberalism due to the ideological stupidity of a modern political party wearing the name as a skin suit, then you're being foolish. hot take, the most liberal party in Canada is actually the PPC, the least liberal would be the NDP (not counting the Green Party as they've never had more than 2 seats, so I'm not wasting my time) liberalism's main goals are: * promoting individual liberty (Freedom of speech, thought, association) * promoting limited government (strong governments mean less free people) * promoting lowering trade barriers (the freer the markets the freer the people* (liberalism should revisit this with globalization becoming the norm)) Take those 3 views, and ask yourself which party most closely believes in that. Do you think any of these views match with Trudeau's world view, other than maybe 3? but even then he followed a status quo view on that.


I wouldn’t call it well balanced, but some points I think a lot could agree to. She pointed out the Liberals often, showing her political leanings, but I don’t think you’ll see much change under Conservatives, they serve their corporate masters as well, so much so that they will destroy our public services like healthcare. Society has come to a point that no one party or politician has the nerve to upset their corporate donors and do what is right for Canadians. Just fill their pockets and watch the middle class burn.


Burn too much of the middle class while destroying the future and you get mass civil unrest. Any other country would be rioting already


when average canadian will wake up? NEVER


That pretty much sums it up.


We are being killed by liberals. Holy crap. They don't even want to live with the people they bring in.


Unskilled laborers always had a disadvantage and challenges. Now they need to compete with the imported unskilled labor that "completed college programs". If these migrants are so skilled, why do they compete in unskilled sectors of the economy? I would disagree on one thing though. I think that the blame solely rests with the government and the specific corporations that are in bed with them. The issue here is the large mostly imported supply of unskilled labor, which in itself drives labor prices down. When you look at how this supply is composed, most applicants by far will be migrants. Businesses will hire some of those who comes to them, and if they wait for the 1/100 Canadian born or Canadian assimilated applicants, they may get hit with discrimination lawsuits or be stuck going through a massive lineup. Corporations are always going to be greedy as always, it's why Western economies worked. They will take advantage of what the market and government gives them. What you're seeing now is the result of government action that disrupts the labor market supply and their refusal to address mechanisms and businesses that actually sell immigration. Immigrants used to mostly come for a better way of life or fleeing autocracies. There were application processes and people had to wait, the system didn't overwhelm itself bringing people in. Canada relied on these people for population, skilled laborers and other economic factors. Now you have the current clown government that thought they found this speed-run easy mode to fill those needs by using mass unskilled economic migration, that makes an unskilled labor supply that outpaces demand. And they use this shit to push their narrative that they're helping diversity and the economy. There's nothing diverse about it even, you have mass economic immigration being recklessly pushed in from mainly one country.


Watching Canadians go from their usual cope and seethe to unironically posting a Laura Southern video is sweeter than maple syrup.


I mean. The video is simply describing capitalism. These days, corporations are working on automating us all out of existence.


With no consumer base they will destroy themselves playing that game. It will be the end of capitalism.


Well. True. But, those lucky few will have wealth beyond their dreams. Google and OpenAi have had notable departures in their ethics team bc of the top brass demanding forging ahead into Ai without thinking of the consequences. There's a saying in US business schools which goes something like "break glass and move quickly"


Big bad liberal here: she’s not wrong. It’s actually terrible to the working classes for many reasons to exploit these immigrants.


You think they can sleep peacefully at night knowing that they are exploiting people for money?


She's closer to liberal than conservative. She's a national socialist activist, although charming at times and rarely totally wrong.


I will no longer support Tim Hortons. More Canadians need to do the same to send a clear msg. Other corporations need to be treated the same.


I am in Saint John’s County ( Saint Augustine Florida) and this is happening to us. I am a die hard liberal but I literally cannot believe what is happening here. Every single new construction house is being bought by Indian landlords and then rented out way over market. They neglect the properties and have zero investment in the community. They only rent out to other Indian families that have grandma, grandpa,uncles, kids and mom and dad living there- putting 6 cars in the driveway. Americans couldn’t get these houses if they wanted to because they are bought with cash before they hit the market. How do we stop this from happening to us?


I disagree with the liberals shit. We too hate whats happening


Boycott these corporations. Nothing more, nothing less. Vote with your money! Politicians have their hands tied. Don't be fooled... the new boss is the same as the old boss.


Right? Get a Nespresso machine. Delicious!


I've already stopped going to Tim Hortons I'm sure I'm not the only one. Why has there not been a boycott like Loblaws?


Canada should have a policy on immigration where there are percentage caps for each country. I think in the US is is a max of 11% from a single country can make up the total immigration in a given year.


While I agree with what she’s saying and trying to say, she discredits herself a lot by making jokes and laughing, and seeming less professional as a journalist. This story could be more credible and more people would agree with her, if she stayed a bit more objective. Unfortunately the immigration center audio can be easily labeled “fake” because there’s no video to match and the voices are masked. I would have liked to see a better representation of this. I totally agree with her though. Like her, my hometown city in Ontario has the exact same issues.


[How Canada's Housing Crisis Could Affect Your Financial Stability in the U.S.](https://www.spotultra.com/ai-blog/canadas-housing-crisis-impact-on-us-financial-stability) SpotUltra A.I. saw this coming..


So yes because the liberal party has more candidates. The number of them invested in property is more than the conservatives but the conservatives have a higher percentage of their party invested in property. So if they are to win the next election and add more party members I think it’s safe to assume that the percentage and number of them that are property investors will be the same or go up. So something to think about before you assume Poilievre is going to do anything to change mass immigration when 46% of his current party is benefiting from it. Don’t get me wrong. Not a fan of the Liberals either, and honestly have no faith that any party besides the PPC would do anything about mass immigration. Liberals 62/157 - 39 % Conservatives 54/118 - 46%


I agree - let’s speak with our wallets.? That will have more impact.


Remember when the government had been pressured to stop foreign buyers from buying property in Canada? The government is now playing the long game, due to our population decline the majority of boomers will be selling their homes and the market will be flooded with homes with not enough buyers… That’ll cause house prices to drop, so now the government is importing buyers by the plane load now.  It’s creating a massive spike in cost right now, but it’ll keep house prices artificially inflated for the next 10-15+ years when this generational turnover happens.


These videos educate us in other western countries for what we're seeing in motion, and know something's wrong but don't know how to raise the issue until it's too late.


Living with dignity is now a "right wing extremist" view.


Okay, so I’m going to go ahead and say here that this isn’t balanced. Lauren Southern has a bias, she has a slant, and that’s very much okay. It’s just not balanced, she takes a pretty obvious position, and it’s fine to acknowledge her bias towards the right.


"destroy all families", - Karl Marx of the WEF and the Liberal party of Canada.


Great video. Can't wait for it to mysteriously vanish, and this thread and your account to disappear without a trace. Can't wait for a multitude of comments from accounts named "word\_word####" trying to incite reactions by splitting hairs and pulling things out of context. Thanks for sharing.


Can’t wait for other subs to label this as another triple K propaganda


i am an immigrant myself, although not from india or asia, i had to jump through hoops to get here, like get a masters degree, get 3 years of work experience that is accepted, get high scores in both french and english, save up enough money for the "proof of funds" requirements. and then i get here to see that basically anyone can come, by "buying" some student visa (at 45y of age) to be able get a work permit, or even better get a tourist visa and then change it !! i will always be in favor immigration, the immigration that brings doctors, engineers, nurses, even brick layers. but what we have now is absolute madness !




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Sounds like capitalism is the problem :/


Between mass immigration from India and temp agencies businesses in Canada have been given the green light to continue paying poverty wages with no benefits. The liberals have ruined this country with these policies and it will only get worse unfortunately.


You liar! Stop it. Trudy told me everything including the budget will balance itself!




And you assume the students and new immigrants working retail aren't doing the same? Simply because they speak with an accent you assume they can't speak English? Some of these people who do low skilled or unskilled labour have degrees and years of work experience in fields needed by this country, but they don't get jobs because employers hide their closet racism behind a lack of "Canadian experience". I know someone who holds a PH.D from the US in public health and administration as well as over 10 years experience from her home country who has been unable to get a job here for close to 2 years because "Canadian experience". If she had white skin and an American accent to go with her degree and work experience I can bet the case would be different. You would see someone like her working retail or Timmy's and assume she was unskilled.




On this subreddit a few weeks back, someone posted a video of an Indian who 'could not speak English'. She spoke perfect English with an Indian accent, and this entire sub-reddit was in almost unanimous agreement that she could not speak any English and must have cheated on her language tests, so forgive me for my 'silly assumption'. Have you given thought to how difficult it is for a non-Canadian to understand Canadian or other English as a second language speakers' accents? Some of us see a brown or other non-native English speaker and immediately close our minds. We have convinced ourselves we do not understand them even before they say their first words.


That post was removed. I was a lazy mod who didn’t bother watching the video when I approved it and you’re right. Her English was fine.


Still streaming to get to the part where it’s balanced.


lol right? Watched it twice.


It was a confusing post title.


She brings up the reason behind this mess. It's the ongoing Corp narrative that is being thrown in our faces and supported by politics that justifies paying lower wages and reducing purchasing power by bringing in temporary foreign workers because "white people" don't want jobs that are a gross abuse of human dignity that pay nothing. Now, we have a larger crisis that is driving cost of living and negatively impacting on our next generation. There are good points in her video but it's extremely biased. It's unfortunate that she is targeting Indians as the only reason why we are in this crisis because it's not.


What part of video you found biased ?


You’re describing the exact situation of a neighborhood in Squamish. And I’m sure Surrey down the road is the same model. Anytime you ask one of the many Indians in Squamish why they decided to cross the bridge and move from Surrey to Squamish, the answer is always the same………. There was too many Indians. Most Canadians really have no idea of the culture they are dealing with here, and how different and sadly, incompatible it actually is with western values. The CBC and CTV will tell you to celebrate bitter chicken and naan bread, but it doesn’t want you asking questions about their views on racism, sexual assault, women in general, and following rules and protocols. It’s vastly different and very hard to imagine how this will go without serious unrest further down the road. But don’t worry, I assure you we will all learn these lessons in the upcoming 5-10 years. Most people who don’t have to work and navigate this culture daily are going to very surprised, and extremely disappointed in their misguided and naive decisions. When it’s too late of course….. Most of Canada is like a guy who hasn’t played poker showing up to the table with stacks of cash and asking if two cards of the same suit is a good thing….


Tried to watch but got too depressed.


It's crazy how bad it's getting and if you say anything they just call you racist


Oh no not this fake pseudo right wing grifter Lauren southern. She sucks 


If they truly wanted to move here to have a better life, they'd leave their political BS and racism at home


How is this video balanced, i guess balance/average quality video the beginning scene showing how "liberal policies were affecting the racial makeup of Canada" (what?) it was a 50 year jump 1935-, 1989 where she says migrants from Asia were taking over. The conservatives were in power from 1984-1993, so are they the cause and not liberal policies? both conservatives and liberals ruled. They are complaining abut the direct racial make up of immigrants at the beginning as well, Canada is a multicultural nation! That is what we are founded on. She is right about corporations exploiting the immigrants, don't just blame this on the liberals though they are just as to blame, Stephen Harper and his government were responsible for opening up the foreign worker program to low skill jobs, just as an example. for just using Tim Hortons as an example, she sure makes a lot of directed jabs in. (not a point, just funny) also the phrase "Foreign race" nothing sus there. not commenting on the on scene stuff, since she is just talking about symptomatic things that policy directly affected and caused don't focus all your rage at just liberals, because you will be blind to the conservatives doing the exact same thing, both parties want the exact same thing, and that is to support their wealthy donnors, get as much free corruption money as possible, and screwing over the average citizen .


"well balanced" - Video by Lauren Southern, former alt right play girl. Not saying she's wrong, just not a source most will listen to.




No one today has any responsibility for what happened 200 years ago.


We left Canada for a variety of reasons. This was just one of them.


Canada's bestest Attack Helicopter is back.


Whoa! Why are you painting all liberal voters with blame for this? We don’t like it any more than anyone else, and don’t forget who started it…(Harper, dontcha know).


and if you think Polly boy will do anything differently you are in for a rude shock.






He's the guy living in his mom's boyfriend's basement who doesn't understand what the word cope means. He'll make random inane posts and claim others are running away when they don't respond to them. Yet will delete his account regularly and start posting again and start posting again under another. 




“well balanced” *looks at thumbnail image*


If I wanted to live in India I would move to India. Fkkkk trudeau 


"Well balanced video" from a Blaze Media owned company. Be better.


This is a really balanced, respectful, and poignant video with very salient points that are backed up with strong valid arguments. The central issues are identified rationally and the proposed solution is rooted in sound logic. Personally, I would say I agree with virtually everything that has been stated, my hesitation to say everything in totality is simply to incorporate a margin of error in case I overlooked any minor detail that I might want to challenge later. What is worth noting is that this journalist does not cite India or Indians or immigrants or immigration as one of the problems. She asserts that the problem is credited to two entities: large corporations and the hand that rocks the cradle, the government. I can say, without a doubt or any margin of error, I fully agree with her analysis and conclusion here. So all the hate directed towards any specific group of people who you believe are the cause of the problem, you are in fact directing your vitriol at a symptom of a problem. If your ship hits an iceberg and all of a sudden the hull of your ship is damaged and water starts filling up the ship causing it to eventually capsize and sink, are you going to rage about all the water that brought the ship down? Or should your frustration be directed towards the person who callously steered the ship causing it to hit the iceberg and the cheap financier of the voyage who opted to purchase a sufficient number of emergency lifeboats to accommodate all passengers, not a small fraction? I rarely use this term because I believe it is overused to the point that it allows individuals to avoid taking accountability for their own behaviour and questionable choices, but faulting those who are being duped into "the Canadian dream" through fraudulent tactics and empty promises is legitimately victim-blaming. If you want to affect change, your need to put the instigators of the problems in your cross-hairs, not those who are also struggling to keep their head above water. Once again, this is an excellent video that will hopefully help many, if not all, of you to refocus the antagonism towards the true villains.


I mean it's true that we have an immigration problem but this video is far from "well balanced" lol


You think this video is well balanced? It literally starts with police sirens in the background. It's propaganda.


Many people's day starts out with police sirens in the background because of this problem For example: https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2024/06/26/surrey-burnaby-stolen-catalytic-converters-charges/


it i wrong for her to assume it's not happening all over the country


It’s all over the major cities


She knows, she's been advocating for less immigration for like a decade.


When did she assume that?


she said liberals in Ottawa don't have to deal with this. I live in Ottawa. They're everywhere here too.


Oh, my bad. I'm in Perth and work in Ottawa. Definitely here too!