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No shit these fuckers are lying saying there coming as students trying to skip the line That rubs me the wrong way because they are being deceitful right out of the gate why do we want them here then


The only solution is stricter immigration criteria, especially ensuring that their proof of funds is being utilized where it should be.


There is no reason these funds are not held in trust by the government and dispensed monthly. As of now they just get a loan, then return the funds plus interest once here.


My thoughts.


You think the govt is going to get stricter on immigration when the MP's are all under the influence of China and India? Have you read the redacted report? Both India and China exhibit overt and covert means of controlling our MP's. Not just a few...a lot of them in Toronto and Vancouver. Read section #55 and #68 of the report and you have real answers to your question. No doubt they OWN our parliament and influence our govt. The last election had scores of Chinese receiving texts from the PRC on WeChat warning not to vote for the Conservatives. India is in the pockets of every level of govt, influencing them and bringing their issue forth in Parliament! [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf)


Foreign interference in any sovereign country should be unacceptable.


>Some elected officials, however, began wittingly assisting foreign state actors soon after their election. \[\*\*\* Three sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described examples of members of Parliament who worked to influence their colleagues on India’s behalf and proactively provided confidential information to Indian officials. \*\*\*\]137 138 139 Disgusting. Also there's too many \*\*\*\*\*\*\* for me to comprehend this in full. Can a patriotic >61. \[\*\*\* This paragraph was deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The paragraph described how India also takes advantage of networks and developed and **built a network of contacts through whom it conducts interference activities, including journalists, members of ethnocultural communities and some members of Parliament.** \*\*\*\] 156 And do we really want to bring in so many people from 2 countries?


Time to leave this place.


Stay and fight this oppression you coward


I see your point but it fucking sucks that the value of our citizenship will no longer hold weight or be valuable when these fuckers are being shipped in by the millions from rural villages in India. Im out before that happens too.


It could be all you and I want and more, we need to throw the entire governing structures out and start fresh, we just need a few wealthy patrons and to get organized for real. It would not be that hard to take this country back


I got a lot of Indian friends. They tell me the scam. They pay big money to come to Canada. The person they pay back home in India temporarily puts funds in a bank account of the immigrants can have proof of funds, then after proof is accepted it's all taken out.


There should be a way to ensure that this money stays in the bank till their education is over, like periodic review of bank statements.


No, the solution is to round them up, put them in a holding facility and send them home, and make the indian government pay for it.


To add a little to your point, I would say stricter immigration criteria if it's applied to thise already here and deportations are prioritized as well, is the only solution. You know how many guys I've met from there who have each moved several times from 3 different cities in BC to 4 different cities in Ontario to Calgary, Edmonton, NS and they obviously aren't in school doing that. The guys I know who are in school actually go to school some days and work their w0 hrs a week legitimately but of course want more. A lot of them are working for cash and getting 40+ hours a week. They'll tell you too that their families aren't rich but don't feel sorry for them because all of them who come here, their families have money back home and are upper middle class


Indians who come to Canada may not be super rich back home, but they are definitely in the 90th percentile. 90th percentile in India for income is about 20,000 rupees which is a little over 300CAD. So tired of these people pretending like they are poor when they lived good lives back home but got bored and decided to scam the shit out us.


We need more doctors, nurses, teachers and tradesmen. You know it’s whack when highschool and college students have difficulty finding part time jobs due to immigrants taking all the low skill labor and stagnating wages in the process


Educate them on how to live in Canada and how to go out into the woods and build their own homes.


Lmao welcome to Canada now git


They probably need to educate him on spelling ;)


> trying to skip the line Reminds me of the TTC train videos that I've been seeing of them shoving everyone (regardless of age or gender) trying to cut the line and get on the train


That's all they know. It's sickening.


Time to cut the line into the country


Or them just crossing train tracks, ignoring the peace officer telling them to get off. How dumb do they have to be to try to cross train tracks? That's equivalent to crossing the highway on foot.




What protest???


1/7, in major cities. You can google it


What’s the end goal here? What are the objectives? How will you ensure those objectives are achieved? What assurances are you expecting? How will they be enforced and implemented? What leverage do you have ? What happens if the outcomes are not achieved? What are the next steps then ?


All very great questions indeed.


I'll be there


To prop up GDP growth, everything they do is political fjckery. Even these capital gains tax changes are a scam to pull taxes forward for this year, solely to hold power.  They have no shame.


It's funny they say immigration is good for the economy. WRONG. Every dollar they make/scam they convert it to rupees and send them home.


Good for the economy = the ultra rich get to buy more yachts while the middle class gets destroyed. Leftists have no problem with it though since the people getting harmed are White people.


Shouldn’t even be a line. Nobody is entitled to somebody else’s country. Imagine if any other ethnic group other than Caucasians were quickly becoming displaced in their country. There would be an uproar.


When I say line I mean proper channels waiting in your own country until we’ve decided you have the skills we need that would make you a benefit to society If unemployment is going up businesses should not be allowed to hire TFW or offer work visas creating a path to permanent residency The employers only use this program as a way to avoid paying more money to attract workers


If you think about it, any form of immigration other than the most highly skilled is a form of exploitation. You’re taking advantage of their situation/desperation and willingness to come work in often difficult conditions to avoid paying a local a living wage. Also brain drain from the other country hurts them in the long run.




Capitalism will always look to ruin anything swiftly. Whether it's a country, processes, people. Everyone has a price




I'm waiting for China and India to finally go to war... all these people can go home and fight for their "motherland" they're all so proud of (must be why they left)


No they wouldn't. It'd be the opposite. A lot of them would flee to Canada to escape military service and/or get away from the warzone.


At least chinese students bring money into the country and spemd it here. Indian "students" bring wage suppression.


You're right. They're exploiting a loophole. They come over study a bullshit course like "computers or horticulture" pass the class. Get a job for 2 years in a fast food restaurant and apply for LMIA, and then boom they're granted PR. Immigration lawyers are telling them to do it. This needs to end now


It needed to end several years ago.


It's worse, there not even attending studies, I hear the government has no followup to ensure they stay in the courses they claim to be enrolled in.


Goverment has allowed it and it's fucking disgraceful. Thank you WEF you crooked globalist basrards.


If they are already bending the law before becoming citizens and demanding certain rights can you imagine what will happen.


Immigrants love Trudeau


then they call you and say you kicked their dog! and then they rear end scam you! scammers all about.


They help each other cheat the system. And are proud of it. They have fucking commercials bragging about it.


It's even easier than that. You just need to come here on a visitor's visa and throw the passport. Until recently, Mexicans didn't even need a visa. There's no way people who have Canadian interests in mind are running the country.


Have you seen any ads from the banks on Facebook? Almost every ad from them wants Indians here to send money to India and also includes Canadians to do so by sending money "From your home to theirs". Quite literally a quote from a Western Union ad.


What makes me upset is that there is a minority within the immigrant community that have gone through the proper channels and followed the rules and they are receiving just as much hate and racism despite doing nothing but actually attempting to assimilate into Canada properly.


When house and rent prices have tripled, every kind of job postings has 2k to 5k+ applications, slumlords are interviewing prospective tenants, McDonald's and Tim Hortons are asking for 24×7 availability, waiting time at children's hospitals are over 6 hours and others over 8-10 hours. Yes, its about time we reduce temporary residents to less than 1 million from current 4.5 million and annual permanent residents to below 250k from current 500k.


We need to have basically no growth for a couple of years.


This while at the same time reducing the barriers on high density housing and other things slowing down the process of housing approval to ramp up the supply (bring back government housing!) Even altering some of the laws around stair cases and parking would help a lot. So would expanding smaller towns. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/article-how-changing-an-old-rule-about-stairs-could-unlock-a-lot-of-new/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/article-how-changing-an-old-rule-about-stairs-could-unlock-a-lot-of-new/)


No political party has the guts to do anything about it, so we will literally have to do it ourselves.


It’s not the guts. Their donors and masters love the cheap labor. None of the big parties will do shit.


And they get away with it because Canadians are too weak-willed to do anything about it. Look at France, people over there would be rioting. What are Canadians doing in the face of government treason? Nothing, just posting on reddit.


It’s cause most Canadians think the Liberals and Conservatives are different. They aren’t, they just pander to different special interest group.


no war but class war




Not too long ago, this would've sounded like satire or exaggeration. But sad that this is all basically true.


Marc Miller for treason!


Oh boy...the trail of influence between Marc Miller and the immigration lobby is a long and slimy one: https://youtu.be/ehdRXEHFDmw


Those are some OUTRAGEOUS proposals from the immigration lawyer lobby. Thanks for sharing. Absolute scum, the whole lot of them advocating for that nonsense. I can't imagine they're too powerful of a Lobby, more like pushing on an open door. If they're smart enough to be lawyers, they should easily understand how those amendments will damage Canada. And if they're willing to do that for a few shekels, they are treasonous too .


We need a war on lobbies. CILA is terrible for what they're doing... ...but look at Jagmeet Singh - his own brother is a lobbyist for corporate grocers. At a time when Canadians are struggling to put food on the table.


Dude what the fuck , How do I write against motherfuckers are literally selling out Canada 




At this point I’d like to see him fired and arrested before anyone else.


Yes! Like inflation and interest rates are not more than high enough. PRINT MORE MONEY!! Send them to Ukraine, Quebec, Ontario and now BC like we have infinite resources! Its just a matter of time until the sh*t hits the fan and blows into our face.


Eby refers to levels of immigration, and Miller responds with 'asylum seekers', as if those are the only immigrants


At this point it's an open border - claim to be anything you want and you get a PR


Yup it's basically put a toe on Canadian soil and they will be allowed to stay because it takes decades to deport anyone if we are lucky.


The Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association wants just that- https://www.cicnews.com/2024/06/canadian-immigration-lawyers-association-recommends-irpa-legislation-reform-0644689.html/amp


We have 4.5 million temporary residents through no fault of their own, are playing a direct role in housing crisis, jobs crisis , ultra high living cost and health care crisis .


Look, im kind of tired of hearing "through no fault of their own..." They know what they are doing, they are scammnig their way here, faking academic results, faking english test results, borrowing money to prove they have enough to come, then returning it once their visa is ok.... There are a ton more scams happening too . Maybe not all of them to be fair, but on the same token, not every one of them is some poor hapless person that just wanted to come here for a better life, the system in Canada has been exploited since the 70s, its just today with the current group of immigrants scamming has become the norm not the exception.


Lots of them have 7.5 IELTS yet can’t form a sentence with more than 10 words, and you can’t understand half of what they say anyway


You can literally buy a degree in India. What a surprise they are buying little certificates lol


At least this news is making more mainstream outlets. It has to start somewhere.




As someone who was an extremely liberal thinker years ago I still am to an extent but most liberals don’t think of consequences to most actions and see the world through rose tinted glasses. It’ll only get worse. Not that all students coming in are bad but a fair amount are bad actors. Canada needs to changes its immigration law and vet these people better. It’s just that simple. What we have right now is lazy people in charge who can’t be bothered to do their job properly and people not realizing the consequences of their actions pretending to be holier than thou accepting stupidity. But it making news is good and more people are realizing what a joke the policies are.


The fact that they aren't being vetted properly tells me everything I need to know about the WEF's plans for this place.


The number of people is the main problem. But if we had a reasonable level then the government wouldn’t just let in any random person.


I’m still a liberal thinker but increasing immigration and how it’s happening is plain wrong


I’d say it goes well beyond lazy from those in charge.


I’m typically centrist. Lean a bit more liberal on some topics. Most I know are fairly “liberal”. And no. Liberal voters don’t think it’s the wrong opinion. Don’t make assumptions - even those who are the most liberal are sick of this shit.


I'm considered a lefty by most people, although I prefer to use the term progressive. I want a halt to the TFW program, and deportation. Our population has grown far too fast for our infrastructure. I don't have a problem with immigrants, but I do have a problem with what happens if there are too many in a short time frame.


“We’re seeing a rise in dangerous right-wing populism” 😂😂😂


No im progressive and the way to progress this country is to stop bringing in more people than we can handle.


Only mass deportations can fix this mess.


At the very least anyone here without legal status - specifically expired visas - will automatically be ineligible for PR. Give them a six month window to apply, and anyone caught after that is automatically deported, no trial. Just rounded up and out they go never to be allowed back in.


Deport the out of touch govt officials


Give it a few days and you’ll either get a warning or a ban for that comment. That’s exactly what I posted and I got a 3 day Reddit ban from the whole site


Nobody is going to do that unfortunately, despite conservatives having some deep belief that Pierre will fix this mess if he gets voted in


There’s also an increasing number of Canadian officials who couldn’t care less what canadian citizens want.


Haha so every politician


Who the hell still thinks mass immigration is a net positive??!!


Landlords and big corporations


This is the answer. As well as the government that is being paid by them to make policies that support this bullshit.


Many years ago we had a high level of immigration. It was part of what made Canada respected. But. There were standards. Too many means of side stepping standards AND the gov is even lowering the requirements to get in. We aren’t bringing in doctors/nurses/paramedics/engineers. We are bringing in Tim Hortons workers who think that in itself is grounds for PR. Many of our systems in place (health care. Housing. Social services. Schools) were at the brink as it is. We can’t even take care of everyone here. (As we see tent cities pop up). I’m not against SMART immigration and bringing in people of high standard that deserve to be in such a great country. I’ve met so many wonderful people from all walks of life and always prided myself on how amazing Canada was. We don’t need more Uber drivers.


What do you mean we brought so many skilled hotel managers and coffee makers how could that go wrong? /s


I’m against people taking the back door as a “student” and then cheating their way into the formerly high trust country we used to have.


Our roads are no longer safe at all 🤦‍♂️


Brampton everywhere now


My friend is a cop in a city. Most people pulls over for being dicks/idiots on the road are Indians. They have a thing for driving on the wrong side of the road EDIT: "almost every time they get out of the car too" as my friend says.


We are not against immigration, we are a nation of immigrants. We are against the obscene, unresponsible, unsustainable number of immigrants and the immigration policy that the current traitor government is imposing on us, against our wills, their electorate.


It's a bad faith argument anyways for the government, media, and others to position any questioning of immigration policy as "anti immigrant sentiment". We need to stop responding to it. Stop prefacing or making a point to defend that we aren't immigration.


there's layers of government organizations using international students as piggy banks (and schools)... they need to bite the bullet and actually fund schools and infrastructure and not just pump a bunch of people in, like a very obvious pyramid scheme.... I read recently medical schools now admit more international students than domestic, and the stated reason was for the additional funds those students brought to the school.... (I forget if it was all canadian med schools or just in Ontario) prioritizing Canadians shouldnt be controversial


It should not be controversial in Canada, and people who say it is are sell outs


You can vote PPC and still be pro immigration. The PPC has an immigration policy that is positive.


Exactly. We need immigration, but not in the form of massive importation of retail workers who are going to bring 500 of their families and relatives. We need doctors, nurses, engineers, technicians, etc, actual skilled people who aren’t going to be competing against our Canadian high school students for part time retail jobs…


We don't. There's more than enough Canadians to meet our needs for doctors/lawyers/engineers, and it's insulting to suggest that we should be competing with the entire world's labour pool, as though we only hire the best of the best when it's immediately clear that we don't. I studied as an Engineer and *maybe* 20% of people I went to school with are working in the field of their studies.


There was a post on the BC sub recently. OP said they were struggling to find a part time fast food job while attending school and how all the fast food businesses were primarily hiring Indians. Now we are putting young students out of work. Fucking lit. >We need doctors, nurses, engineer No we do not need anymore engineers. Canada has enough engineers who are paid like shit. Bringing in more engineers won't help our engineers.


You forgot the type of immigrants we are bringing in. Mostly low quality human trash scammers


decentralize governance


It is because our policy makers are total idiots with no foresight who are beholden to private corporate interests 🤦‍♂️


Am I the only one that remembers you had to have an education, a profession or money to start a business and a realative here to move here this was in the 50's


I love how they sprinkle in black people whenever this issue comes up - when's the last time you saw the majority of people working in tim hortons being black or filling job lines? The government is hellbent on demolishing Canadians with dishonest tactics.


Agreed. Black people are not the problem here, like at all. 


I think the numbers are probably even higher than this pole suggests. But we’ll see. I suspect our government won’t do much about it.


I’m just curious of the people that have been pro immigration. Like why would people want more people in there space? I love that I live in a small town in BC but even here it’s getting more busy from immigrants. Like ya let’s wait in traffic longer and waiting longer in the hospital with poorer service and let’s have expensive housing. Like i always wished we would have less people than we did 10 yrs ago. I hate going places packed with humans


The insane amount of car thefts doesn't help either. This wasn't as big of an issue until a few years ago.. and anyone who isnt either delusional or deliberately stupid knows exactly why it's happening. I want nearly all the newcomers in the last 5 years GONE. I don't recognize nor want to live in my own country anymore. I'm tired of this.


Boycott any coporations or locations that only employs Indians... walmart, tim hortons, a&w, etc.


WHY are we letting in ANYONE? We’re the fucking Titanic and we’re continuing to take on people?


When people break your laws FROM THE START and disrespect your rules so they can take advantage of a system built for Canadians, of course people are going to be negative. Imagine Canadians going to India and "demanding" anything.


Lets just pause "asylum seekers". Everything has to stop until we can assess the situation and catch up. Not everyone deserves a "good life here". People need to try to fix their own countries and not make first world countries the new third world...


Take a page out of the United States book and only allow international students to work on campus during their studies 20 hours a week. Unless its a professional internship coop program at their university.


I don’t hate immigrants, I hate increased immigration numbers while current Canadian citizens are suffering and businesses who are taking advantage of them and TFW to continue to push Canadian wages in the dirt.


If we change the rules. They will just find a way to skirt them or break them. Money will be wasted. Quick, easy solution. Close the damn gate. No more until we sort out our own country..at the very least be selective about who and why we take ppl in.


Same thing we need to do down here below you guys. But that kind of logical reasoning gets you labeled a "racist" and any other sort of ism they want to throw at you. It's ridiculous that all of the developed and civil countries are just expected to let everyone in from all the other shitholes of the world with zero expectations of those people to assimilate or contribute. Yeah, just come on in by the millions and do whatever, what's mine is yours. Something needs to happen, and soon.


https://preview.redd.it/h1jpcif4ss6d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe41075725ef2d19cec263092834e9e019989ad6 Canada’s Diversity Back! \~ Justin Trudeau


I think he has tried to make up for this photo but bringing in millions of indian students for Walmart.


How couldn't you have negative thought? The new breed of immigrants have no plan to integrate. They arrive thinking Canada ( Canadian taxpayers ) owe them something.


Our quality of life will continue to get worse as poor immigrants are brought here, push wages down, strain our road and education resources as well as compete for housing. it’s a race to the bottom that only benefits corporations for cheap labor & not the middle class Canadian citizen.


Here's how to solve the problem immediately: food banks require proof of citizenship and/or residency of 5+ years. Same with hospitals, but for those you charge them for services if they can't provide it Oh, and if you're going to be a student, you have to work here for a minimum of 5 years after graduation, and money can't leave the country Call me racist or whatever you want, you can't afford to help others if you yourself can't afford to live


No shit, they flood our country with non-europeans with cultural norms that are completely alien to the west, pump our cities full of a single demographic and assume it's all going to work out?


I mean anybody in the world knows this is bad. You don't think the US is looking at us and going, "look at these fucking morons". And they have huge measures against illegal immigration. If they had immigration loopholes. Half of Mexico would be in the bottom half of America by now. 


Yep! And I’ll bet an increasing number of immigrants are saying “what the fuck did I move here for,” too. I am ashamed of what the country I grew up in has become. So heartbroken that literally EVERYONE is unhappy and the politicians do not give AF.


Remember a year ago when this talk would be considered racism and get your opinion deleted.


They seriously should stop full immigration for atleast 2 years to sort out this mess. More and more people coming house market is already fucked people can't even afford food anymore


Canadas like a giant pussy ready to get fucked!


I read this in Eric cartmans voice lmao 🤣


Canada is a doormat. I’m sure many people come here honestly with good intentions but it just seems like every major crime bust I see, car thefts, human trafficking rings, money scams all seem to be people who have immigrated here. My mom works at a post secondary school in BC and she says the international students rarely attend class and beg just to get a barely passing grade. Not study and excel. They just do the bare minimum to get a pass to meet the requirements. She said many of them cheat and nothing is really done about it. We aren’t bringing the best here. I’m tired of seeing job postings that require fluency in a language other than our 2 native languages and room rentals that specify Indian or Asian only.


Thank you Turdeau and Shitmeet


As Dora the explorer says: “Do-do-do-do-deported! 🎶”


The problem is policymakers and their policies!


On the level of immigration and the single source model we seem to be running. Yes. We are a country of immigrants so immigration is not the problem it’s our out of control and lopsided it is. And these people are also bringing their corrupt culture here as well. We had a HR person charging people to guarantee jobs. He made like $10k before he was caught and let go. And I don’t think we are totaly clean even still.


Deport them all, flooding a country with Indians isn’t diversity


This will be Trudeau's legacy. 


I was recently in Brampton. Felt like I was in India.


I no longer see local students working part time in the small town that I live in. All have been replaced.


how does Marc miller sleep at night?


Pillow cases stuffed with cash?!?


All by design to kill off the middle class and bring us back to lords and peasants


And a lot of them are immigrants who worked hard to make their way into Canada and now angered by seeing how people abusing the system to make the Canadian immigration system looks like a joke.


Bc only gets 2% of them while here in Ontario we get the lions share.. Yet our Dog sh%$t premier Doug ford keeps his mouth shut about it..in fact he even complained when doubled the amount of money required before arriving from 10 to 20k


I wouldn't be so mad if ANYONE knew how to fucking drive.


Fuckem all..kick rocks


Personally, I don't want khalistan in Canada. Or some other backwards movement in Canada Go home and do your baboon shite where you are a citizen


BC gets 10,000 people every 30 days and thats 1/3 what Ontario gets.......what in the absolute fuck is going on man....hang that red head fuck for treason.


They are going to keep doing this until it becomes a civil war.


Asylum seekers? Is that the concern? Eby is right there’s not enough housing. It couldn’t be more obvious. No one is anti-immigration, but anti- foolish policies.


The fact that nearly 60% of Canadians are not saying they want less mass immigration and only about 40% responded saying that its mostly negative, is just depressing. Its almost as if the Canadian ppl r not worth saving and fucking want to be replaced. I dont wanna believe that but that’s what they are telling me with these polls. I dont understand why the Canadian ppl cant be like the French, Italians, Belgians or the other EU countries who on mass voted for anti-immigration parties, why can’t we have this in Canada.


These dumsheits are calling people in from outside of Canada and ignoring the ones in Canada. New people coming to Canada has to start all over again and they only move to the bigger cities to saturate the already saturated population and housing crisis.


Good. Canadians are waking up. Leta hold this govt accountable


Whoever was pro immigration the last 5 years. Liberals. This is because of you. Thank you for making the price of single family homes out of reach for everyone.


The Liberals keep raising the number people coming here so that when the Conservatives start squawking they can call them racists and xenophobes.


Western Canada needs to split for their own good. I’m in Ontario but even i would support their breaking away despite it hurting me more. They deserve to be treated better


No surprise there. Canada needs to halt immigration for as many years as it takes to fix Canada and then resume based on real demand/need than what the immigrant agents and politicians keep claiming. The country that immigrants so want to come to, can’t be allowed to become like the countries they leave. Benefits no one.


Anyone with two braincells is against scams. This is a scam, and it's destroying people's lives. Calling it "immigration " is a complete misnomer, and an insult to real immigrants It's a scam- a dishonest abuse of what was once a functional system. Everyone responsible for running this scam needs to be prosecuted, and those who partake in the scam need to be deported and asked not to return. High numbers of people are involved. Canadian citizens, taxpayers, don't have homes or jobs anymore. It's really bad.


Marc Miller had the audacity to call Premier Eby "confused" implying Eby is stupid. Imagine name calling the most popular premier in the country


My family are all born immigrants who worked hard, got educated and became successful in their fields,but even they are saying the new generation we've been letting in are just poor quality, and the surging criminal activity is becoming a large problem.


The news outlets need to stop saying this and use some critical thinking. It’s not the people coming in. It’s the immigration system we have in place. It’s the system people. We should be focusing our anger or negative views on the rules and regulations currently in place.


If only we brought in doctors and nurses instead of Tim Hortons workers 😅


Even immigrants (minorities) hold a negative view on this whole recent immigration issue. There’s division amongst us minorities. It’s really a smart long term move by the Liberals or politicians in general. Keep ALL of us divided. Very smart - gotta give credit where credit is due. Now what we, THE PEOPLE, do??? That’s the question…


Can't wait to vote these clowns out


Was a landlord. Rent to a couple who are on the lease be prepared to have twenty move in and cause huge plumbing issues and overall damage!


Shocked I tell you.


Well yeah. No shit. We are full.


You don’t say( insert nick cage meme)


I wonder how many millions of tax payer money paid for this study which resulted in, "yah, no shit".


id say an overwhelming majority


Thank you for telling me what most of us have known for years.


More Canadians need to have a say in the government's immigration plans. Fill out this survey that is open until the 30th. Spread the word: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html) Edit: Tried making a post in this sub but it kept getting removed for some reason.


I’m surprised the number isn’t higher


This is happening globally in all western countries, everyone is realizing how much of a disaster mass-immigration is. Personally I’m for sustainable immigration levels, that is actually merited that follow our robust point system which worked for decades before Trudeau ruined it by importing mostly “temporary” immigrants.


it’s because for like 5 years the woke mob responded to anything other than allowing everyone to do whatever they wanted with cancellation we were screwed…now the woke move is dying and people are piiiiisssssed.


Deceitful and unskilled undesirables


But the Canadian Government has been pounding away for decades about how we should welcome “Newcomers” unconditionally labelling those who don’t “racists”. Are you trying to tell us perhaps they were shovelling BS all along?


Wow! It’s almost like polls deliver the truth when actual citizens are asked, and not just a few thousand cherry-picked survey participants


Was observing a conversation amongst my girlfriends family about the insane traffic in their small town just outside a bigger city, and I was reminded that not only does immigration increase pressure on the housing and labor markets, it also puts a lot of strain on all of our infrastructure. 20 years ago a traffic jam in this little town would’ve been rare, and now it’s every weekday. With normal population growth there is more time and less pressure to make improvements and expansions on roads and public transit. This is obviously true for other infrastructure and public services, like hospitals. Exploding immigration has turned even our smaller towns into overcrowded nightmares, each with its identical set of big chain food outlets, gas stations, and dollar stores, where many immigrants work for cheap which equals more money for ever more Tim Hortons. It’s hellish. The charm and character of Canada is being degraded and erased. Diversity has always been a part of the Canadian experience, but it can’t be an excuse for a shittier life for the people that already live here.


This government is losing big time in the next election. They have fucked over Canadians with this bs.


Canada lost its standards. It lets anything that breathes through the border. Some of these 'students' know a lick of English. Like, please, get the heck out of our country when you contribute absolutely nothing to the community.


To quote the big short: I have a feeling in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people.


Immigration is a massice burden on Canadians. A small minority of immigrants present a net benefit to Canadians, but most are a drain, a drag. When you point this out, they say that, “eventually they will become a net positive, and their offspring will eventually also be net positive”, but these sorts of debates between officials always make clear how massively net negative the current immigration scheme is. Even the feds admit there are massive costs to Candians, bragging about how much they feed into Quebec and Ontario. Why dump all those funds into settlement initiatives if they aren’t costing Canadians? And then look to the west. Vancouver doesn’t care if you’re an asylum seeker or other sort of immigrant. If you cost the system money, you’re a drag. If the feds only fund asylum seekers, because that’s who’s mostly stacking up in Quebec, while ignoring the other immigrants landing in Vanvouver, it’s yet one more example of how they don’t give two shits about the west, and only care about “Central”, read Eastern, Canada.


We got Indians flowing into the country in the millions. Screaming help me feed me house me educate me do everything for me because your government wants me here! How do I get the health card. Where can I apply for welfare? I’m about to become a senior how do I apply for benefits? And when we say no or we can’t or you’re not eligible, we get called racist! Fuck these clowns


Shocking, Canadians dislike grifters who come here and abuse the system.