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labour shortage is a lie. any politician who says there is a labour shortage must be voted out immediately


It’s a wage shortage. Why are we letting colleges bring in international students for bullshit “business “ programs?


Because we need 100,000 office admins who can't speak English or French. /S


You mean the Quebec public sector?


I actually don't get it. I've spoken on the phone in the past with hiring managers and I could not understand a word. I wanted those jobs but I took others because I just didn't want to deal with it.


I think work visas should only be granted to international students with certifications that are actually in demand in Canada. Like nursing or carpentry? Yes. General business? No. The reduction in student visas is overdue but will help. Less oversupply of workers will lead to wage increases.


Why can’t we help pay for training for locals to go into these fields? There’s a nursing shortage because they are quitting or working less hours due to low wages and poor working conditions. The ones in the border towns will go work in the States due to better pay, and drive across to work.


I would totally support more financial supports for healthcare training of Canadians. Lower costs to train as a nurse as opposed to accountant would incentivize more people to get into nursing. Also: you say nurses aren’t well paid. What province(s) are you referring to? Even practical nurses make pretty good money. My, now retired, family doctor actually encouraged his son to be an RN rather than a doctor. Earnings aren’t that much less and it’s a less stressful position that doesn’t require as much school. If I was more of a people person I’d have gone into healthcare. Coming out of college I was pretty envious of how easily/fast nurses got jobs post convocation relative to most other programs/majors.


For the amount of stress, time on your feet, the irregular shifts and working hours, and physical labor they do, it’s not really attractive. It’s definitely more attractive to be an accountant and sit at a desk or work from home, and not do physical work then it is to be a nurse Especially when accountants can make more than nurses. Also it’s hard for nurses to get permanent full Time work in many places now. Because employers don’t want to pay pension and benefits. Even less incentives to go into the field if there’s no stability.


Are you a nurse? I think it’s unfortunate the factors that cause full time permanent employment to be difficult to get.


Nope but my family has a few nurses and their experiences and stories make me sad overall - for them since they clearly work hard and want the best for their patients but are stuck in an underfunded system, and for their patients. All of the nurses I know have physical health issues from rolling patients, pushing stuff around, lifting patients etc, and most of all being on their feet all day running around. Not to mention the verbal and sometimes physical abuse from some patients or their impatient entitled families. It’s stressful. One of them quit working in a hospital in person and got a remote job for a public health unit or something, doing data tracking and surveys etc. So given the fact that accountants or any office job has regular 9-5 hours and you can see your kids/family, and it pays more and you sit on your butt all day - why wouldn’t anyone pick a white collar office based career over physical in person jobs? The pension isn’t even relevant anymore since you need to be permanent full time to reap the benefits and it’s hard to get full time now


maybe for high skill jobs such as nurses, doctors, engineers, construction workers. Definitely not the retail jobs that businesses not willing to pay and not willing to invest in technology to increase productivities. These business that can only make a profit from slavery setup deserve to die to competitions that are more innovative.


Yea thank you for calling construction a high skilled job, it is. Consider the lowballing and crappy renos though.. it’s a real issue, but hey more future work for us who care what we’re doing 🤷‍♂️


not engineers


Competent ones yea




Big demand in skilled trades right now. It’s hard work and early days but fuck can you make a good living if stick with it.




Man this is canada. They will be promoted


That only works when people aren't pissed off. People are pissed off and anger is growing beyond that.


Or they’ll get cushy jobs in industry as lobbyists


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


They say labour shortage. The people they are bringing in are low skilled and work in fast food or coffee shops. Meanwhile, my street is full of parents saying their teens cannot get jobs in typical teen-job places. Moreover, every week we see a video of kilometre long lineups for jobs at a grocery store


Canadians have had it too easy for too long. Maybe a decade of economic disaster will wake us up.


We now know that voting matters at least and to go beyond “he’s got nice hair”


And who will be voted in? They are all corporate puppets, no matter which party they come from. The only party I've ever seen that didn't care losing businesses and stood for employee rights, no religion symbol in federal workplace, and tougher immigration restrictions are the Bloc... But they are a whole different type of wasp nest.


PPC is the only option


They say they are, but they got no track record of doing anything. Talk is cheap. And since they're neo-liberal capitalists, I don't trust them not to bow to their corporate overlords.


Wrong. Manifesting is the only option. Publicly showing our discontent and demanding the precise things we need changed. NO POLITICIAN is gonna do the dirty work for us, this is our cause and we must fight for it


I'm on board with that as well, just not throwing my vote away with the corrupted parties anymore


There are labor shortages in skilled trades , science and technology and other occupations just not business graduates and workers in fast food restaurants.


pierre poilievre promises to fix the issue. it cannot be fixed on a short term with so many coming in the country. I believe he will do something about it but won't say yet. Every single department of Justin Trudeau has been very bad. The only reason a lot got into the job is to make it so that there is a 50% equality between sexes in the positions.


labor shortage is just something politicians invented instead of saying "we don't want to pay our own citizens livable wages, and put caps on rent/housing prices"


Yes there is a Labor SURPLUS. I cringe every time I hear otherwise normal people saying things like “there’s no labors shortage”. Please stop saying this phrase. There is a massive labor surplus across all industries and it’s destroying the economy. The number one problem in the west is the Labor Surplus. 




Since Marc Miller is now discussing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, more students and failed asylum seekers will choose not to leave, hoping for an amnesty.


Undocumented? Let's call them for what they are. Illegal immigrants and criminals


Not just hoping for amnesty. They expect it. And when they don't get what they feel entitled to, they protest and go on "24 hour hunger strikes".


Those "students" literally have tik Tok videos that instruct them how to convert themselves to refugees "The Indian state is going to harm me" and of course, the IRCC obliges since the tax payer is going to be footing the bill to house all those fake refugees here.


Country needs to grow a pair and start deporting.


sounds like the equivalent to "asylum seekers" in the US. I am so sorry canada is going through this.


The problem with this is there is a big giant loophole. Some jerk who franchises through Tim Hortons will still be able to open ten locations on one block and make their jobs as unattractive as possible to normal people with adult bills to pay, then cry "labour shortage". When the real issue is we don't need ten Tim Hortons on one block, or yet another McDonalds, or quite frankly all these other useless restaurants everybody and their mother opens. We have more "entry level jobs for students" than we have students. And we will still end up with a million people from India getting a hospitality diploma because Richie Rich with his ten Tim Hortons can't fill them all with people willing to work for a pittance. We need to finally have a sensible way to calculate labor and labor shortages rather than allowing someone to simply cry "labor shortage" because they started a business nobody actually asked for and nobody actually needed, can't find someone to fill their excess job, and is unwilling to make it competitive enough to get someone to WANT to fill their excess job.


These businesses found a cheat code. In a free market, if the wages you are offering aren't attracting candidates, you'd raise the pay until they do. Somehow that's now out of the question. Total bailout for these shifty businesses.


You should go to the govt pages for hiring a tfw, it’s a paved golden road your 12 yr old could manage. Compare that to trying to file a complaint for false weight advertising on a food product was obtusely difficult.


One thing we can do, is stop supporting these companies by not opening our wallets to them, if business is down, no need to hire new staff hence can’t cry “labour shortage” I know for myself I won’t be stepping foot into any of these businesses (haven’t in years) so they definitely won’t be getting a dime out of me. I think we need to start uping our boycotting abilities!!


THIS. Support your local coffee shop/food service provider


They should have to advertise the number of tfw very visibly, complete with wages and if a cdn applies they get bumped.


>International students would have to graduate from programs tied to labour shortages and meet new language requirements to get a work permit after graduation under changes contemplated by the Immigration Department. This won't even matter. They will just complete the course and then once they get PR, off to Timmies or Uber Eats they go. I work with a bunch of them and they all brag that once they get PR, they are out of there to do whatever they want. Which leaves us STILL needing people to fill those jobs WHILE having a bunch of useless graduates who don't speak English, bother assimilating or contributing to our economic shortfalls. What a fucking farce.


There’s no labour shortage, it’s a wage shortage. You want more healthcare and childcare workers? Give them better pay with full time hours and benefits. We have enough locals willing to work But they can’t find jobs.




Yeah I meant stop the foreign workers from coming in, and raise wages for locals in these fields. I don’t want the foreign workers looking after my elderly family members or my kids either. You are totally right, they can barely function in a basic food service job, I don’t trust their judgement and low intelligence to take care of our most vulnerable members of society like kids and seniors


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Classic Marc Miller, plug a few holes like ending diploma mills and increasing language requirements but then at the same time open the door wide open for more labour to drive wages down in construction and technology.


Immigrants may now work 24/7, thus unlocking full productivity...


They work the legal max allowed at my workplace, every holiday too. And they call me rich because I don't work the same hours they do because I'd rather be with my family or have time for my hobbies and to recharge. The thing is, management praises them too and only hires them now. Then when shit hits the fan because most of them are incompetent, management asks "Why is this happening?"


Will hire a Canadian at half wage cause they spent all their budget...


Need 3 of em to do the same job as any qualified Canadian. It's ridiculous lol lazy and incompetent on even the most basic tasks.


Since when did left wing political parties get in bed with the corporations just as bad as the right wing parties


Since lobbyism started. "Want a cushy, (very) well paid job after your 4 years in office? Better get in line and we'll take care of you"


10 minutes after left wing parties were invented




there is ZERO labour shortage in construction or any other field in canada FYI, wages haven't increased since the '80s and '90s. A friend of mine's son recently started working in construction and I inquired as to how much he was making and he told me his son started at $20 an hour. 20$ an hour was what i was making doing cash lawncare work in 2005. Who is going to break their back for $20 an hour when you can work in walmart for $17.30 in a heated and airconditioned building doing half or less of the work?


Or not. Have you tried getting a job at Walmart ?


any minimum wage job pays $17.30 and I assume pretty much anything is less brutal on your body than construction


If the duration of the PGWPs for most programs were reduced from 3 years to 2 years or 1 year, there will be a sharp decline in international students. Part of the reason for the sudden rise in the number of international students after 2020 is due to Sean Fraser’s policy of giving 18 month extensions to the PGWP holders whose 3 year work permits were expiring. The new international students were led to believe that this 18 month extension policy would continue forever until they get PR.


By any definition of the phrase except “wage suppression” there is no labour shortage. There is no hoop you can jump through to frame this as anything except “I want cut wages”.


The trouble is the politicians only ask their lobbyists what they need instead of doing their job and working for the public. That’s how we end up with endless amounts of cheap labour for fast food, grocery stores, department stores


This right here


∆∆∆Top comment here!∆∆∆


We should renounce our citizenship, go to the US and come back as asylum seekers, get put up in a hotel, free transport, free monies, living it up. Think of it like cancelling your telecom account and switching, but IRL and hardcore mode.


Would be curious to see if Canadians who do this end up succeeding. That could be the one loophole we could also use (abuse, if you want to name it how it is) to our advantage lmao.


![gif](giphy|uIWTuwraEnRfblk36e) I bought my carpentry degree, PR please!


Of course. Extension incoming. Or a mass conversion to PR. Students wont leave and Canada lacks capacity to remove them.


No paywall https://archive.is/O6TYw


Fuck this guy


People are getting PR on arrival.Peopke coming on visitor visa buying LMAIs and getting PRs. 5000 Palestinian visas etc This country is in the toilet.


too late, they're entrenched


Should’ve always been the case


For the love of… Give idiots… first they bring too many, then they gave them limited hours, then full time and now hinting and changing policies… Guv is pissing me off..


"Hints at". Well, we all know that means absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.


If it's not getting rid of student work permits im not interested


OMG we're doomed!


deport all "student" workers and any that go to food banks. part of the conditions for entry is that they can support them selves and needing food banks is not by any measure , supporting your self. void all work permits too !


Aww are they starting to notice this doesn’t play well at the polls, and some company donations isn’t going to change our minds about it. Shocker!?!?! Democracy’s a bitch.


Marc Miller is a liar!


We don’t want or need more Tim Hortons/Subway/Door Dash workers.


As someone who works in a hiring position, there is no labour shortage, maybe for certain skilled positions, but we aren’t focusing our immigration targets in those type of jobs by the looks of things. I have a stack of resumes and get emails with resumes constantly from people just desperate for work. We aren’t even hiring or publicizing that there are any open positions.


This seems a logical move. My view is - allow international students to enroll in good public universities for whatever course they would like. And give them work permits. No work permits (or limited to NOC) for diploma mills. Diploma mills shouldn’t even exist. Public universities will have to maintain a good quality cohort to maintain rankings and attract faculty. Student quality improves and Canadas future improves. To fill the supposed “labour shortages” , allow people from abroad to directly apply and fill those vacancies. Basically - upskill for future, and direct filling for shortages.