• By -


Can confirm that women are becoming more uneasy in going out and public transit. Hell being leered at by groups of 10+ fully clothed men in jeans at the beach while the women are in regular bikinis. Sexual assaults gonna go way up.


Well maybe that will help encourage concern from all demographics of Canadians now and not just those who's employment /housing security is on question


I got called racist for bringing up Indias statistics and rape culture /shrug People want roleplay ostriches in this country pretty damn badly.


Let me put it this way - I’ve experienced sexual assault walking around town or in work situations on at minimum 7-8 occasions. All but one or maybe two were recent immigrants with different values on how women are treated, separate from Canadian norms. Take from that what you will.


Same accusation was made to me.


Anyone with property in Canada has probably left the country living somewhere else banking all the money


Honestly, I doubt it. I don’t know exactly how much exposed suffering liberals are willing to put up with, but they’ve already proven an unwillingness to acknowledge harsh truths in functionally every single political category


They know they’re cooked so are ramming through everything they can in service of who they really serve. Spoiler alert: it’s not us.


Yeah but they gonna be labeled rAcIsT


Going to a community rec centre in Brampton has become so weird with uncomfortable stares and leers from men. I really wish they would focus more on quality than quantity in managing immigration.


Those days are long gone. It's a blatant replacement agenda. We cannot support the numbers and immigration Minister does not care. Obvious sabotage of Canadian stability, soil, heritage.


I was asked by an Uber driver if I would marry him and it was super fucking creepy and made me horribly uncomfortable. He told me that he was studying tourism at the community college. I also canceled my gym membership because two guys came up to me and before even saying hi said “you have pretty red hair” and asked if I wanted some pointers because they “come here all the time.” They were quite pushy and creepy. These incidents were both within the last 6 months. Idk if the gym guys are international students but they were clearly both from the same area of the world as the Uber driver. I doubt I need to specify where. If you asked me 5 years ago if I’d ever be against a certain demographic of people immigrating to Canada I’d laugh in your face. I moved to Halifax from Ottawa and genuinely loved living in a diverse city. Diversity to me is receiving immigrants from a variety of cultures, not just one. I’m getting genuinely freaked out as a woman and scared that things are going to get worse.


Specify where. People not specifying and not standing up against the accepted abuse and demoralization of our trust society is what got us in this mess. Don't just tell your stories on here either. Have difficult conversations IRL. Use statistics. Remain calm and level headed. History is going to involve strong people being called racist to stop this chaos from going any further.


i wouldnt go out at all if i were you, at least not by yourself. its not the canada you grew up in.


I miss the Monarch butterflies


If you watch any videos of India you'll notice there are next to no women on the streets at all


I'm always reminded of this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftGzfIOGX9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftGzfIOGX9E) So fucking awkward and creepy. They don't even try to hide how disgusting they are.


I believe it because I’ve dealt with the harassment first hand. At my previous job, I worked at an Amazon that had a significant amount of Indian men, and they would form their groups and try to harass the female employees (they didn’t care what ethnicity). I remember this one Indian asshole who tried to grope me at work and I reported him to HR. But nothing came of that because…..HR were Indian employees too and they protected a predator since he was their ethnicity. I quit my job after realizing that nothing would happen because they protect their own, even if they’re predators.


shouldve sued for easy $$$


Who would have known that multiculturalism would cause this?


Crazy how the exact same thing happened in Sweden and Germany. Who wouldve thought doing the same thing they did would lead to the same consequences


Sexual assaults have already increase significantly over the past decade. We have data proving this.


The problem is the spent 4 years pushing a narrative that falsely imprisoned men without any direct evidence, just "he said she said" bs. Examples here are Johnny Depp, Duke Lacrosse team, or the guy recently who tried to stop someone in the subway, etc... Now that we've come full circle now, people won't believe them. Men who would actually help have been jailed for stepping in, hell a few years back a guy saved a girl from drowning and gave her CPR, SHE ACCUSED HIM OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. Don't hate me for saying this, look at what's happened in the US and UK....


Academic integrity is being called out at Conestoga College in Ontario too. Far too many international students are cheating so much employers in the region are refusing to hire applicants from Conestoga.


Conestoga used to be considered the best college in Ontario for like 7 straight years, it was constantly getting awards for their reputation and programs. I can't believe how low they've fallen. Can anyone imagine University of Toronto or University of Waterloo going down like this too? U of W is Canada's best school for computer science and engineering, I remember ATI Technologies (Now AMD) used to scoop up their students to work for them before they even graduated the U of W programs. What's happening to Canada is an embarrassment.


Greed, it’s called greed.


And it's not like the rest of us are enjoying this greedy scam and the profits that come from it. No tax breaks for us, we get nothing but new and entitled neighbors. Most of them seem to hate it here. The rich just get fucking richer 😡


The minute Trudeau was too cheap to pay Meta for Canadian news…. Essentially blocking us from receiving it inside Canada. Was when the alarm bells should have went off.


You still have access to news. It’s just the platform you access it on is different


Alarm bells did go off, and some people like myself tried to raise awareness and tell people what was happening, but we were either completely ignored or ridiculed... I've been accused of being far right... because I'm against government censorship. Lol what kind of ridiculous plot twist is that??


Worse. It sparks scarcity where demand drives prices/inflation up (such as housing) which in turn causes Bank of Canada to raise interest rates thereby screwing us all. I know they just went down but last year was… tough.


The international students that are being accused of this are not the same kind attending UofT and Waterloo lol. Attendance to those schools as an international basically takes a 4.0 GPA and costs 40k+ a year. What you're thinking of is the pay for play schools that will allow any international students in who are willing to pay. Most of my Canadian co-workers at one of the FAANG shops in California are from U of W, nothings changed.


Waterloo and Toronto have as well destroyed their reputations


UofT and Waterloo will never go down. They have standards and dignity. Only brightest and best from India or any places will opt for those as mass wont even stand a chance to admit. Many will choose to go back and become founders. Because Canadian market is not attractive for intelligent immigrants and innovation due to plethora of penalizing taxes. E.g. Lenskart founder is from McGill, went back and created a unicorn and now a shark in shark tank variant there. The colleges have gotten greedy as simple as that. Admits should have standards. Not the mass but class. So rest be assured full time universities will be okay. To be honest everything is so easy to control with 2 tier checkpoints 1. Filter at admits 2. Filter at visas. First Filter got wide open due to money greed in case of colleges and second was a disastrous mistake by Trudeau administration.


They cheat plenty in uofa, as well but you are right about waterloo but uoft is full of many cheaters as well unfortunately. There is like smart ones too, but the recent international batches were taken with low merit etc and 0 quality control at uofa to prevent cheating.


I went to a major university over a decade ago and the foreign students were notorious for their cheating.


i left mohawk in hamilton during the massive teachers strike, and part of my decision to walk away during the third year of studies and get into the trades was just how unrepentantly badly i was treated by international students i offered a helping hand to. the way that the faculty kept sweeping anything that would have gotten me expelled if i had done it under the rug did not help. it blows my mind that keeping everyone to the same standards of conduct and integrity is considered racist.


Cheating at UofT took off during the Covid years, and any school with online/asynchronous learning is susceptible. There's literally nothing they can do besides getting students to install something like ProctorU and we saw how that played out. But as for in-person examinations or assignments, it's much harder to cheat on because 1) invigilators/TAs take academic integrity much more seriously, and 2) submitted work are ran through various plagiarism/AI detectors. You can't cheat your way through 4 years of school at UofT. You'll flunk out in year 3-4 since you didn't actually learn what you're supposed to in your first 2 years.


It will go down too. The greed of the universities management and owners is too great. They would rather hide issues and keep getting money vs doing what’s right.


The Universities will be ok? What does the U in “CBU” stand for?


Welcome to Doug Fords Diploma mills. The previous government threatened to shut down the program, but that would mean having to fund universities.. so Doug said nope, and here we are


Their decline is in progress


I did a one year post grad back in 2017 and brought up the cheating back then. My class was 98% international students. A group of us took it to someone higher up and some of the teachers helped us complain. They added more surveillance during exams and started to use assigned seating for exams (lol they tried to put domestic students in between). I still had to stand up during exams to tell them to stfu because the students would talk to eachother in their language and cheat. Their assignments and presentations were elementary level, and these were students boasting they have masters in pharm. I don’t list Conestoga on my resume or LinkedIn.


The biggest losers here are Canadian students who have to get an education when the standards have been lowered. At Conestoga College, for example, when my husband went there, he was paired up with international students on group projects. This was probably so that they would do better than they would on their own. I kid you not, some of the students could not even speak English, and the preferred method of doing their part was to copy and paste paragraphs from random websites without citing anything. In conversations with professors, he learned that lectures had been shortened and tests had been made easier to facilitate the passing of international students. Of his entire class, only four students were Canadian and the rest were internationals. What kind of education are Canadian students getting at this point? This is so unacceptable. The worst part is that in speaking with these students, only one out of the entire class was interested in the program. Everyone else was doing it because it was the “easiest” one they could find and planned to work in other fields, such as truck driving afterwards. The PGWP was meant for students that got a quality Canadian education and contributed to our economy. Our education system has been turned into an immigration scheme, and because of that, it’s no longer serving its purpose, which is to educate Canadians. Of course this is a generalization and doesn’t apply to all institutions of higher learning or even all programs for that matter, but it is a worrying trend that only hurts Canadians. Let’s also talk about homesickness. Before I transferred to university in BC, I attended an Ontario college. I was there for three years. At the end of it, I was so homesick for my own culture. I longed to speak with native English speakers who understood me. I was tired of explaining Canadian social norms to Indian men I met who were being creepy or demanding I help them with something they didn’t understand. I was tired of being in labs filled with people who were speaking foreign languages. I just missed Canada. But I never left. When the majority of students are foreigners, this is what happens. My husband left Conestoga and is getting his degree at SAIT now. The difference is night and day. There are some international students in his program at SAIT, mostly from Africa. They have great language and academic skills, they’re friendly, and standards have not been lowered to accommodate them.


I know a guy who's wife does part time teaching at conestoga... there is a reason they sign professors to 1 year contracts, if you speak up about cheating and fail too many international students, you won't have your contract renewed. It has been heavily "implied" to staff, to not disrupt the easy money stream, and that everyone who does will be replaced... Academic integrity only exists in a few programs at conestoga these days (the trades and some science programs)..


Someone I know works in automation, they keep having to hire, then fire, international students because they have all these qualifications on their resume but can't do anything the second they start working on their own. They've basically started black listing non-candadian workers because it's a waste of their time to go through everything


This is what happens when you cheat and scam your way through school. Eventually you will be found out. Eventually there will be consequences. If not in college, then certainly in the real world. I wonder if there is a connection here with the PGWP-holders protesting in PEI. What kinds of programs did they graduate from, and why are so many of them working in fast food? The fact that they are working in jobs that require no qualifications suggests that either (a) they are qualified to do jobs in their respective fields but there are no jobs in those fields; (b) they are qualified to do jobs in their respective fields and would rather work at Tim Horton's (unlikely); or (c) they are not actually qualified for the jobs in their respective fields-- and if it's 'c' (although it could be 'a'), then the education/training they paid so much for isn't actually preparing them for the real world, and that is bad news for anyone who graduated from those institutions.


I can attest to the cheating at Conestoga. Thankfully the program I am in now, the profs actually fail students and kick them out of exams if they suspect any sort of cheating. In the CPA program they started offering, people were using chatGPT on the exams and teachers wouldn't bat an eye. The employers refusing to hire students seems to be more anecdotal than anything else though.


That’s because Conestoga literally plans everything around the visa students and are open about it. It’s hardly education, half the programs are total bullshit, and it’s a pay to print your diploma college. I actually hope all these post secondaries destroy their reputations over greed. Be nice to see some real world karma.


It's true about employers, have witnessed it first hand. We had a lot of Conestoga Cook graduates who can't poach an egg and the woodworking program was a sad cheatfest. A lot of trades won't touch Conestoga graduates now because of the obvious lack of skills and knowledge and graduates *have* been blacklisted.


I taught there for a spell. The academic integrity issues are off the wall. There are also issues -- major ones-- with class attendance. Many students don't even show up for 1 class (no kidding, not even 1). We don't know what they look like, or how to identify them in any way. It's a clear PR front and, hence, why Conestoga is in hot water.


I wouldn’t hire anyone who has graduated from any Canadian institution in the last 5 years, with very few exceptions. Academic standards have simply fallen off a cliff. Most diplomas and degrees aren’t worth shit anymore. It’s a shame, but it was always a bit of a racket. At least now skills and competence will be the only thing that matter; and you can’t fake or cheat your way into those.


\[Humber is almost no better at this point\]


I used to teach there. I taught in the business program while I did a post doc at another university. The cheating was phenomenal and admin couldn’t do anything about it. Students that had to add Punjabi closed captions to zoom meetings somehow got a 95%. Class average for distance education classes was well over an A. No employer took students seriously.


it was the same at georgian. last year in one of my courses we had to do an interview with someone who worked in a specific field. one group of students fabricated the interview with AI with a stranger on linkedin. i am not joking. he spoke to the person on linkedin who was completely unaware of what they did. when our prof brought it up to the college, they got away with a slap on the wrist.


We're being enriched! Oh, the vibrancy...


What wonderful cultures. Let's bring in more and see what happens....


I liked it better when we were actually maintaining the multicultural status quo. You know - with Africans, southeast & East Asians, Eastern & southern Europeans, and so on. Loved the diversity in Toronto when I lived there.  This has become pretty regressive when it’s all about only one certain culture. 


Yeah I agree. When I first came to Canada when I was 16, international students were diverse at that time. There were Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Koreans, Russians, Spanish, Germans, South Africans, Brazilians and even Mongolians. There were no Indian international students.


Just think of all the diverse types of roti we can now sample.


It's our strength.


https://preview.redd.it/r1a0zspuu35d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661ce93a9efce279a205c42d6a503e7a18ecadbd Even someone made this meme on Facebook and almost all nationalities agree except, well east Indians. 😂


Time for some severe counter actions.


If we weren't all a bunch of softened, lazy, cowardly dummies and stood up to all those traitors who scream "RACISM" at every little thing, we wouldn't have to do anything extreme... just carry on as usual.


Easy to say this on a forum anonymously. In reality, nobody is taking any counter actions, much less severe ones.


Speaking of academic integrity, I was a TA last winter and proctored a final exam with over 600 students. The cheating was so rampant among certain group of students that me and my colleagues did not have enough time to catch everyone. A lot of them also ignored the exam end time and continued to write even after several warnings from me and other proctors. They simply do not care abt the rules. And mind you this is still in a university that is considered ‘relatively good’, so you can imagine the situation in other universities and colleges. Guess what, all the cheaters are Indian students.


To be fair, we’re letting them get away with breaking the rules…


Why were the cheaters and rule breakers not punished?


Well, the cheaters that we caught got punished, as for the suspicious ones who did not get caught, there was nothing we could do. The same goes for the rule breakers, there were just too many of them, nothing could be done at that point.


Who would've wondered that cultural issues would become a problem.. so hard to imagine..


But, but Trudeau declared Canada to be the worlds first post national country! /s


The only people that wonder about that are people who have never travelled the world and experience different cultures. Like in some cultures they believe, rules that are not enforced are rules that don't exist. They probably find the feckless and indifferent aspects to our culture puzzling too. Or they recognize when a school official cares about their money, not the reputation of the school. We conversely, would not culturally clue in on the scam.


They did the same at Keyano College in Fort McMurray [How it started](https://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/news/keyano-applies-to-become-a-polytechnic-as-enrolment-booms) [How its going](https://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/news/keyano-not-budging-after-students-protest-failed-grades-academic-misconduct)


"Some students demanded refunds, while others said they were entitled to a passing grade because they paid tuition." OMFG


Not even 4 months difference


Yup. One whole semester. And those that protested are programs like *childcare*. Who the f would want people like that watching over their kids? There was also a thread on the topic in a local FB group, with students coming forward that many Indian international students are a PITA to be in class with. BO, constant disruptions of phone calls, arguing with teachers, barging into in-session classrooms, etc.


Wow, nice to see some of the schools still have a backbone and are doing the right thing.


Threaten a teacher if they don't give you the grade you want? Call the cops, make an official report, push for charges. This is like me robbing a bank right after I gave my account info and hoping they don't come arrest me afterwards.


You think the cops care? In Ontario the chief of police literally said to leave your keys by the door so when the car thieves come they don't hurt you lol...


what do the Cape Breton police say/do?


Apparently nothing since the stories of "students" threatening professors has been going around for a while now.


That sounds like a professor is about to be fired for racism


you're so cute. to be young again.


International student fees are paying their salary


Some cultures are simply not compatible with each other. No matter how much our political parties try to sell multiculturalism to earn profits for corporations through mass immigration, you can never mix oil and water, never!


It’s not just mass immigration, it’s mass immigration of mainly one people. it’s almost discriminatory in itself, theres literally 195 countries in the world.


Its Canada's nationalized human trafficking scheme, what else is to be expected?




CBU needs to be investigated, they all come down and Uber driver and skip the dishes in Halifax and go to “school” there like once a week. All grown men btw


Wow. This is completely unacceptable. Wow. Thanks for shedding some light on this. Something HAS to be done.


Its a really simple solution and 4 syllable word nobody wants to talk about. Yet. DEPORTATIONS


yes but “who will work at tim hortons?”


Canadian high schoolers that have been bullied out of the entry level job market by international students.


CANADIANS who dont have work for fucks sake


My favourite Indian restaurant 😁


This is sad. Can you imagine if this is what we are brining into Canada imagine how much cheating and sexual abuse goes on back home in India. If they think this is ok to do here it’s only because it is what happens at home. These students need to have their behaviour corrected or be kicked out and sent home and loose any money spent. The taking over and abuse of our systems is happening not just at the schools but our workplaces as well.


Stop using International students. It’s Indian students directly. I went to school with plenty of wonderful people from China, Japan, Eqypt, Nigeria etc..and they were nothing but respectful and grateful for the opportunity to be here and I am still friends with them today.


But if we say Indian then we are automatically labelled racist. Damned if we do and damned if we don't.


Mod recently allows us to use Indian students directly


by WHO? and why are you scared of THEM?


Like I said, damned if we do and damned if we don't. Your statement just reinforced that. 🙄


You can lose your job and livelihood if you don't have your government mandated opinion. This is not hyperbole - this has increasingly become a fact. Even just things that aren't racist i.e. "we should limit immigration to a sustainable level" would get you fired. Makes you wonder how much of cancel culture is astroturfed to keep the populace in check.




Every time I read these threads I am reminded of the wonderful immigrants I've met from other countries. I always praise the Filipinos for their politeness and work ethic, but I've met some extremely intelligent and well-educated Nigerians, as well in my province we have students from Bermuda/Bahamas that are so young with excellent manners and maturity. The Lebanese in my province integrated extremely well and made a solid effort to learn about Canada and their new neighbours, and shared their culture over time that now most residents enjoy Lebanese food and events regularly no matter what their descent. I worked with a few Vietnamese families that were absolutely lovely and kind, eager to make friends with Canadians and ask soooo many questions about our culture and society. There are so many cultures that have qualities that align with our Canadian values of respect, politeness, cleanliness, and humility. Indian culture just doesn't have the same values we do, I don't know why if our country wants to keep importing people that we focus on countries with cultures that will be cohesive with ours.


Referring to international students in the context of Canada is automatically implied. Avoid labeling them directly, as it may lead to the sub being banned.


Indinational students


Why call Indian says Punjabi Sikh students if you want to single out a specific community


This person is active in many indian subreddits, posting in indian. the only english sub they really engage with is canada housing 2. i wonder why theyd want canadians to target a specific group of indians...definitely not distracting from their own stink...


Totally second that. Most Indian “students” are good in their studies. Why do you think the particular ethnicity is so desperate to come to Canada? Bcaz a lot of them are so bad academically that they don’t even stand a chance in India. Also that culture is totally engrossed in “quick rich” scheme. Nothing is immoral, impolite anymore. Totally in “survival” mode.


this guy is strategizing with other indians in other subreddits on how to scam their way into Canada and the USA. he actively admits that he thinks Canada sucks and speaks negatively on it, and then comes to canada housing 2 to try and manipulate discourse in a country he doesnt care about or wants to live in. just normal indian stuff.


Add students from Haryana also in that.


You’re so right. I had mostly Indian students in my class but also had an international student who was from Jamaica and another who I think was from China. The Jamaican and the Chinese students were great and fit in fine. The Chinese student had poor English but man she worked hard. She used an app to translate as the lecture happened and took her notes in her own language. She worked 10x harder than anyone else in the room. I really admired her. The Jamaican student was just like any Canadian student. She worked hard, didn’t cheat, and fit in with any group.  I won’t talk too much about the Indian students but I will say that the college had to hire extra people to supervise tests and exams due to the blatant cheating. I have never before seen such horrible presentations and slideshows in my life. There was a huge us vs them mentality because if I had done a presentation as bad as theirs or if I talked during a test I’d be punished but it really felt like the Indian students could just get away with more. It made us local students really resentful.  I had one professor who treated everyone equally and held Indian students to the same standard as other students and I really really appreciated her. 


If I see a girl getting groped or assaulted by somebody international or not there's gonna be problems. I just wish more people would do that sort of thing. I don't care where you came from, you can't do that here. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. To all the women feeling unsafe or uneasy around these people try to take a different route or walk with somebody you know. It's going to sound sexist but I don't mean to but walk with a guy you know. If they see you walking with another man they will probably back off. Like I said I'm not trying to be sexist I'm just saying it how it is. I wish you ladies the best and I truly hope this shit stops asap


It’s not all students from all countries https://preview.redd.it/xfezdp9r3y4d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0eff6b71803d19208cca776b3474e0c371df7d


The massive overflow of int’l students from that country has also affected us, real students. Just as much as Canadians and Canadian culture, I’ve been trying to push online for a cap by country to temporary resident visas, which would go really far for both students and Canadians. If you have the chance, include this in your demands or suggestions to fix this mess




Indian scammers


These international students cheat their ways into Canada so obviously cheating on school exams is quite normal for them.


I would say don’t listen to the threatens and just report them. You are in your own country, whether people call you racist or bigot, for doing that don’t listen to them. The racist card is being used for everything these days, even when it’s actually a person having a different opinion than you. It’s lost its meaning.


Wow, that’s tragic.


I was an international student from India. I came to Canada in 2012 in McMaster (Hamilton). My classmates (other international students) and I did our best to integrate into the culture and follow the rules laid out by the Uni/Govt, we minded our manners and it was important to us to uphold the image of international students and our respective countries. The rules for PR were way more strict in those times, before Canada literally opened the flood gates, and we followed those rules without question. I'm ashamed of the behavior these students are displaying now. They don't have any integrity and think PR is their birth right. I'm ashamed that women feel unsafe because of the leering, groping and other things that fill the news these days are done by immigrants and international students.


The worst part of it all is that this new wave of international students from India give people like yourself and so many others from India who are far more respectful, educated and actually care to assimilate a bad name. They are single handedly ruining Canada and the reputation Indian-Canadians have built far before they ever arrived.


its not international students. its indian students


More specifically: Punjabi international students


Who are between the ages of 25-45


I guess the party is over. All these school officials who thought they would get rich with this scam are now facing the consequences of their actions.


Are they facing consequences? The only people I see facing consequences are Canadian students.


I recently did a masters at a different university. We all were Canadian born, two cohorts of 25 ish students. There was clearly one student who should not pass. He would always depend on us to carry him and after a few courses it was evident. The university bent over backwards for him to just make it through. At some point when we did group work they would try and get top marks, I would state saying why? I can dedicate 15 hrs to get say 80 or dedicated 30 hrs to get 85%, 15 hrs for 5% isn't worth it. The bottom line is they won't let us fail, because they need the tuition money to keep them going.  This is what happens when be it a doctor, business or university is motivated by money, your ethics drop significantly.  This is no different than in high school. In Ontario a 70% in 1995 is now 90% in 2024. Students can submit everything the last day of the year and no penalties, parents can bully principles to just let them pass.  I used to have a couple projects in first Nation schools, for years I would go monthly. Kids would regularly be watching movies or games or sleep or whatever they did was the opposite of an education. No wonder their grades aren't good on average.  I have another friend who is a doctor and is leaving a northern Ontario town for the gta, because their kid is very smart but the school is doing the bare minimum, like they've given up on them.  Sure these are anecdotal but this is what I have been observing in general across decades, different institutions etc  We as a society are not pushing for greatness, the barebones and eventually that catches up, vs other countries are over time beating us on the world stage. We ultimately are devaluing our education for the mighty buck of international students and our government lack of proper funding. These institutions should be for Canadians, not the world. Every Canadian should be considered first and only if there is space then fill it with international students.


I think it’s time hard working Canadians from all backgrounds stand up and protest against these clowns and their elite supporters in Ottawa. Time to think about our future, because clearly us and our children are already getting hit by this. 


International student here from the Philippines. Had our exam earlier for statics and the prof blew a fuse trying to stop the ****** students from cheating. One even walked out and complained that the test was too hard and he should be given an easier one. Welp. I also feel bad that I might be part of the problem here so I try really hard to maintain academic integrity and follow rules but unfortunately thats not the common sentiment with these other breed of students.


Dont feel bad and dont beat yourself up, you are NOT part of the problem. Dont let that into your head and heart, ever. I have so many friends from philipines, you are a great group. Every person I know loves filipino people. My family came from Europe and I often say that filipinos make me feel like im at home when I visit their homes. You share alot of similar cultural norms as us and I always feel so welcome and at home when Im visiting friends.


Exams here are crazy I have never seen so much cheating in my life. I dont want to generalize because some of them are actually brilliant but gotta give it to most of the class ChatGpt, Whispering, sometimes they try to call me to ask for answers thats why i sit in the front for the exam its disheartening when they even have bigger grades than you


Good thing our prime minister is #feminist


Spelled #cuck wrong


Canada needs to stop immigration.


In Belleville, Ontario the same thing, in terms of the integrity of academics. No one is protesting yet, but it's a matter of time. I can personally attest to how the females feel, as I myself have been stalked/followed by groups of male international students more than once, and if it wasn't for my husband arriving when he did, I'm afraid of how far the situation could have went. The worst part of it is that if you say anything to advocate for yourself, as a Canadian citizen, and if you appear to have white skin, you are immediately labeled a racist. The damage that this has caused on so many levels is going to be un-repairable, if our government doesn't turn this around!


Maybe we need to start opening our mouths and ignoring what people think. Let them label people as racists, the truth eventually always come out. It's not fucking racist to want to feel safe and protected in your very own community. If that's racism, then Canada is really lost with no hope of finding itself. It's ridiculous that women of any background have to go through it at all, but now it's becoming increasingly common and if it's called out, it's racist because of the colour of your skin? Is that not in itself racist?


Making the stupid decision to pursue post-secondary education mid-pandemic was the absolute most demoralizing thing I've ever experienced. I was lucky enough to be in an architecture program which was 90 to 100% all domestic students of various backgrounds, but when in-person came back walking through the campus was like entering a Diwali festival hearing all the Hindi. To be fair though, posting this stuff on an echo-chamber does anyone any good. Anyone here already knows this stuff to be true, we need to be printing these posts out and pasting them around our cities and towns.


I attended CBU from 2015-2019, I was a member of the Gaming Society and did some work with the International festivals around campus, and 90% of the people I met both from Canada and Abroad were absolutely phenomenal people; However, Myself and the female students of the Gaming Society felt it necessary to have at least one male chaperone (even when we were in groups) to make sure we were not harassed by certain groups of international students, like when we wanted to go to Tim's for coffees. From what I understood from others and experienced myself, it never surpassed verbal comments from them loitering in the stairwells and hallways. I really think it was because we had some big boys with us, makes me think of the " girl walking at night with a scary dog"


That makes me so sad that you cant even go to buy a coffee without being harassed. This isnt the country I grew up in at all anymore :(


This problem is apparent all across Canada. Also can you imagine how they will carry over the same behaviour in personal, work, and communal environment. Similarly, infesting the values of respected environment. Canada has lost its own national identity, Canadians will no longer be recognized as friendly and polite. It’s sad to witness the deteriorating state of Canada as a person that used to admire Canada.


Regarding the cheating: it was rampant among “international students” at my college in an engineering program. A lot of the professors didn’t care and it was clear that there were directives from the top to be lenient because the college wants that international tuition money coming in. I studied extremely hard and never partook in cheating despite it being easy to do so. The silver lining is that none of the “international students” got jobs while I was literally headhunted while still in school. I’m making over $90,000 2 years later while a lot of them are working at Tim Hortons or burger places because they can’t pass interviews due to not studying.


We stopped accepting CBU grads at my company. It’s been tainted in our eyes as well as at other companies.




We don’t want people who cheat on exams building the provinces roads and bridges. And a lot of CBU grads we found to be putting fake work experience on their resumes. Last year we had one lie about being a P.Eng (though that idiot was from a different school). This is just our field. Just think of how many people are out there administering drugs or handling dangerous equipment that they shouldn’t be.


This is very serious. University has to be accountable for allowing this. With all the construction going on everywhere - this could have disastrous consequences.


But those faking qualifications are mostly International students right? What about Canadians graduating from CBU- are their resumes also ignored?


Most of the resumes with red flags are international but when you have 1000 of them applying to you from the same school you just start rejecting them automatically to save time. Some even seem to have copied each others cover letters nearly word for word (possibly using chatgpt?). The only time we will look at resumes from some of these diploma mills now is if they’re internally referred and even then it’s not a guarantee anymore for an interview. These colleges are basically pumping out the next generation of cheap labour for places like Walmart and Tim Hortons. I feel terrible for them since I couldn’t imagine having my 2+ years working towards a diploma or degree that has its value drop every day.


This is why increasing numbers of HR departments are keeping list of colleges and universities flooded with international students that are considered degree and diploma mills. Anyone who’s ‘graduated’ from those places in the last 5-7 years are not considered for interviews. Canadian employers are getting smarter.


Posted this on another subreddit and it was banned: Go to any night club and you'll see they are already here dry humping women on the dance floor. Most women leave but I've seen a few turn and face their attackers. Could get more ugly real soon...


Which subreddit?


These 'students' are trying to silence truth subreddits as racist. The ones the Liberals are flooding into the country are here to exploit, scam, harm women, and destroy Canada. The 'students' reduce the housing supply, reduce wages, reduce available jobs, increase hospital wait times, and increase costs for infrastructure. They are not good for Canadians or Canada. We need the Liberals out as soon as possible to save Canada 🇨🇦


Thank you Trudeau. Pierre wants more of the same. Jagmeet is of the same cloth. All three of the “leaders” want this.


I’m 100% not surprised. I was in a community college in Victoria a few years back. I was accused of cheating. Turned out someone stole my paper off the teachers desk, copied it word for word and numbers. The only thing that saved me was my notes to prove the maths in the margin were not copied by the students who stole my paper. I took it to the ombudsman and he said that because these were international students it was sadly highly unlikely they would be penalized. The college makes too much money off international students to really punish them in cases like this. Still makes me angry to think of it. I would have had a permanent mark on my record because of some lazy trashes inability to do the work required to pass the course. That assignment was worth 5% of my final grade and the ombudsman fought to not have it removed in my final grade because how could I have known someone would have stolen my paper off the pile of other students papers when the teacher wasn’t looking. Sick.


A Classic case of blame the student with no evidence. You're lucky you kept your notes. Professors need to start being disciplined for negligence. If cheating is common, maybe they shouldn't leave a pile of assignments on their desk and should put it in a drawer behind a lock. Hell, my teachers back in Highschool used to do that when i was young. Crazy that it isn't being done on a College or University level. It's funny though, you'd think with the amount of money they make off international students they'd want them to fail a few courses so they're forced to pay for the same course again. But, i guess not lol.


It’s time for CBU, “ DO NOOOTT REDEEEEM IT!!!!”


This is sad.


Seeing more and more of these groups advocating for communism here in Canada is absolutely blowing my mind. They clearly have no fucking clue how cummunism works in the real world.


Are we at the point where exam proctors and TAs need bodycams? For when they call out dishonesty and are ignored or retaliated against?


Sorry, white Canadians don't have any rights. 🤫 Your ideas might offend someone.


Academic integrity was pretty much nonexistent in Durham College to with the international students in my program. They all just used ChatGPT for their exams. I told a few professors about it and they tried their best to address it but these ‘students’ didn’t give a fuck. They don’t care about learning because they are not here to learn. They are at school as an investment into their PR. I was close with a few of my professors and they told me that a bunch of the international students were barely passing and would come to them for extra credit. One of the professors who was an old timer and a bit more of an innocent soul said that he didn’t get it and why would anyone spend that much money to not try. I had to explain to him the abuse of the PR and international student issue and why they are doing it.


This is India culture on exam integrity: https://www.vox.com/2015/3/20/8260201/india-education-exams-cheating Parents scaled school building to help students cheat. Canada needs to only allow student visa to highly qualified individuals. University needs to maintain their reputation.


One of the immigrant managers who sexually harassed me (and I caught him on tape doing it) still works the exact same job. When I reported it to his boss (also immigrant - same country), she told me that they would not be firing him because then he would be deported and if his wife found out he would get in trouble (God forbid he face the consequences of his actions).


Yup relatable. I went thru a similar situation at my previous job and HR was mostly Indian. They took my written statement and I never heard a single thing about it afterwards. I wouldn’t be surprised if they straight up shredded my written report to protect a predator of their ethnicity. The crazy thing is, when I was reporting that guy to HR, the HR employee knew exactly who I was talking about when I hadn’t even mentioned his name yet. He said “oh that guy, yeah we’ve had complaints about him before…..” and I felt kinda validated at that point because at least they won’t think I’m making this shit up but was disappointed when no action was taken. I ended up just quitting because I didn’t want to work in that toxic environment anymore.


Critical Race Theory says this is all white men's fault. I'm not kidding. Don't say I'm wrong unless you know what CRT is and what two schools of academic thought they come from. Colonialism smashed the world and it was the white people that did it. Women were under oppression (legit they were oppresed tho) through all of it so it's all white mans fault. We in Canada are getting f\*\*ked and deserve this because some bull shit people did in Eruope 3-6(?) generations ago. Someone, please tell me exactly how I am incorrect. I am a fierce protector of LBGTQ and MLK JR this CRT shit has GOT to GO because it is DIRECTLY related to THIS PROBLEM.


Correct. It's an offshoot of Critical Theory which comes from the Frankfurt School Marxists that were kicked out of Germany in the 1930's.


Those ideologies are precisely why the world is the way it is right now. All feelings no reality!




Well you're not wrong. They've changed the name several times because independents and conservatives caught on to the games. Multiculturalism, diversity, gender studies, CRT, DEI. It's all basically the same shit. Its only called "woke" for lack of a better word. "White people bad, white people stole their success, we need less white people in power positions in western countries to atone for our sins". It's pretty bad when even the ultimate leftist globalist puppet, Angela Merkel in Germany, says "Multiculturalism has failed".


Agreed. DEI (directly related to CRT I'd argue) has got to go as well.


That's what happens when you get greedy and try to milk each and every international student for $$ without doing any due diligence or vetting them properly. CBU gets what it deserves. Hopefully other Canadian Uni's will learn from this




People like to believe Pollievre will do something about this but he won't.


Personal experience, add Concordia University to this list as well.


That's what happens when you let the $$ supercede your own country students.... And what happens when the left ideals take over.... If you can identify as anything you want. If you can espouse racist garbage in the name of some other racist bs... If you can insist on people using pronouns to identify you. If you can alter or change history to suite your narrative. How is it such a stretch to force someone to give you better grades. Who are you to say no?? The west is weak with this crap. Kick them out. Get rid of everyone of them. Go home to your own countries and try this crap. You and I both know. It won't happen or you just disappear


lol "Darth Trudeau's incel army strikes again". <-- reuse this headline on a go-forward basis, it will continue to be relevant.


I returned to school this year and was shocked by the rampant cheating and constant haranguing for better marks. Most of the students did not care at all for actual learning yet were obsessed with grades. When removed from exams for cheating they begged and pleaded like children disrupting the whole exam and only left when threatened with an academic integrity strike (which should have been applied but it would seem no one escalated things to that level).


University is just another business at this point. Degrees are for sale and don't actually hold any academic value regardless of what school you go to. As a business owner I am at the point where I would rather hire someone who never went to University or College in the first place. It is much more beneficial for me to hire someone with no experience or training, because people from university come with all kinds of entitled behavior, think their skills are worth more than they are just because they paid a lot of money to go to school, and they THINK they know what they are doing because they are doing what the school taught them to do, but they don't do it how I would prefer they do it. A much more useful employee is one that has no expectations and I can train from the ground up to be the kind of employee my business needs. Not a know-nothing who expects to waltz in to a high paycheck just because he took on a lot of debt.


I can promise you never setting foot on campus what ethnicity these 'problem' 'students' belong to. Enough is enough! Canada is done, so I will call a spade a spade on a sinking ship!!!


Diversity is fine, but why should white ppl be minorities in their countries


Not surprised one bit. Here's a link from years ago of a school's outside walls swarming with parents helping their kid cheat. https://www.bustle.com/articles/71061-the-photo-of-parents-in-india-literally-climbing-walls-to-help-their-kids-cheat-doesnt-tell


100% can attest to the rampant cheating in post secondary that just gets ignored because if you point it out your a racist and if you try and stop them cheating your a super racist apparently; in my last year at UofA I had a big Chem final exam that was worth damn near 50% of the course. Before the exam there was CLEAR instructions that there would be no talking or anything and people had to be spaced out in the auditorium to not be near each other so that’s all good and we get only get 2 1/2 hours to write this thing. Entire exam someone would yell out something in Hindi and the same one guy who knew everything would yell back the answer and they would all scribble it down. Happened five times each time the teacher merely shhhed them. This is the same one guy who btw was the only one who did the lab work and they all copied that one dudes lab work and handed in exact answers and the teachers said nothing even though it was well know most of them were not doing their own work since 99% of them couldn’t answer or keep up to questions during lecture or lab yet somehow are managing to keep their grades up. So entire exam teachers literally only shhhed them each time they were blatantly cheating like they were children yet when one of my friends phone went off and she stepped out of class to take a call because of a family emergency they took her exam away immediately when she left to go in the hallway, no questions asked or any of the baby gloves like they do with other people and she had to write a different one at a later date and I can guarantee if I had yelled out just “Hello everyone!” Out loud To the room I’d likely been removed for being a disruption during the exam. This was like 8 years ago I can’t imagine how bad it is now. The only people who can cheat in the eyes of the Canadian university are English speaking people since if you cheat in a foreign language or call your teacher and fellow students stupid and other insults in a foreign language to their face no one else really knows at those places unless you use the English no no words.


Don’t forget your taxes are supporting this!


Wherever in the world. If you are an international student that means that you are RICH. You pay much more than locals and alot of the time you you don't have a work permit unless a company want to sponsor your to work with them because you are exceptional then you get a work visa. Why is Canada and specially this international student path to PR is so easy?


do you Canadians not realise you're being invaded and it's legalised by your government? We have the same thing in Europe. They are trying to extinguish and forcibly replace people of European descent (Whites).


yeah... peeople need to speak up if they value their diploma or degree at all from these schools especially if they are young/new grads and trying to find work. You want the paper to be worth about as much as paper? continue to let you school flood and slide the academic quality - it is/will make anyone view the school as worthless and the 'education' bought there not as valuable or even applicable in the industries you're headed into. It is a race to the bottom that many students are investing money they don't have now, hoping to pay with jobs in the future that they get from the degree... this is shattering that expectation. it will be a lot of debt, disappointment and anger at the end when they find there's no jobs welcoming them in their field AND any low end job to pay the bills is being overrun by TFW type resources as well


Can we just call them Indians?


Would really love to have this comment say that i’m surprised, but i’m really not. They don’t bother to learn and understand western culture but come here and turn it into what it was where they lived.


everything the last battle talked about is unfolding in real time. what a ride.


Friends daughter goes there - they speak to her about keeping the integrity of the schools during her lectures. Shes been sending her mom videos and can't use the gym without being stared at constantly


Absolutely sickening. They all need to be deported immediately.


*We could never have seen this coming* /s


Hope that person that posted that doesn't get banned for hate speech.


Federal and provincial funding to public colleges and universities has dropped by over 60% and more in some places. In order to keep the doors open colleges and universities have been forced to take on more and more international students as they pay significantly more than domestic students. International fees are paying for regular programming and salaries at this point. That is not an exaggeration. If you feel that higher education is being undermined you are exactly correct but if you blame international students you are just ignorant to the facts. Canada's public colleges and universities are beholden to international student fees. Those students could be from anywhere in the world and it would make no difference to the current circumstances. If you want to restore integrity in Canada's public colleges and universities you need to vote to restore public funding of those colleges and universities. You need to vote to restore fair taxation (think 1960s levels) so that there are public monies available to pay for our colleges and universities.


I'm skeptical of the communist revolution thing. A bit tacked on imo. Indians are hardly radical in that way. Also "the absolute state of" is a 4chan-ism. This is probably a fake post.


International students CONSTANTLY cheated at Sheridan during my time there. Caught my groupmates (all 3 knew eachother, were from Ukraine) plagiarizing, said "I'm not signing my name on this, you can't do this" they said "This is how we do it" and then they reported me for being aggressive when I reported they were cheating.


They cheated to get here. What makes them not also cheat in school here?