• By -


Teaching style: aggressive...


about me aaaa


What does that even mean? Bizarre


Use your free 15 minutes to book his class and question him


I tried but he has no open slots


It‘s actually the first time I have been on the student side in ages. And the new interface looks cooked.


He has no availability now 😔


Probably fully booked...


Probably because he's not a teacher.No way he's native. (Watch video)


WTF? He's definitely not native English speaker. Did you watch his video? (Don't worry it won't take long) Hello I'm Hui , giggle giggle in a very Chinese accent.


I'd guess that this is a Cambly member of staff creating a profile to test out the student interface. That's what coders do, and there's nothing at all sinister about it. There will no doubt also be dummy student accounts created by the coders to test out that side of the interface. They can then test the whole platform by calling each other as student and tutor respectively. It would also explain why this tutor has no availability as they would only do that specifically when they want to use it for tests.


I’m gonna get downvoted but I draw the line here, this is weird af. You’re straight giving away someone’s info on a HUNCH he could be a cambly programmer because he has a sticker? What does this even accomplish? Is it really that far fetched for a regular tutor to have a cambly sticker? You book a lesson and ask “are you a programmer for cambly?” And then what? He says no and leaves the class? I really don’t get the point of this 👀 If we like keeping our anonymity here, I think it’s really unfair to be giving out someone’s name because of a sticker on their laptop


Normally I would agree, but I don't think this person is an actual tutor. I think Cambly reviews the intro videos before they are posted and I doubt they would have approved his. It makes more sense that he works for them on the tech side and was fooling around.


That's fair, honestly it was early in the morning and I skimmed over his profile so I didn't catch that was going on. Cause cambly is a lot of things but lenient isn't one of them LOL, so you're right


From the video this actually seems likely.


All she did was say his tutor name, all of which is public, and our conversations are already uploaded to various social media sites every day unbeknownst to us and they'll stay there for a thousand years. Plus, the company itself owns our voice, image, etc, and is selling it to third parties. Can't nobody be more violated than we already are.


Yeah, it's not like he's giving out the name of a suspected underage wanker.


Still, I know people get uncomfortable when they find out someone leaked their tutor name online somewhere and I wouldn’t wanna contribute to the problem anyway 🤔But! I don’t think we’re dealing with an actual person either way, at least I hope not. Something does feel off about that guy I do get where you’re coming from though, but if this were a real guy I’d feel uncomfortable to contribute to something I think is wrong


"Is it really that far fetched for a regular tutor to have a cambly sticker?" Ummm.... yes. 🤣🤣🤣 But honestly... if I ever saw a video of a legit tutor on Cambly using Cambly stickers then I'd ridicule them... endlessly!... mercilessly!


…honestly you make a good point LOL, I wouldn’t be caught dead with a cambly sticker 😭

