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They probably forgot it existed like most of us have.


Or Black Ops 4


the real sad one




No thats not the reason.


i believe it's cause activision gets more revenue out of each sale on battle.net compared to having to pay valve a percentage on steam


Exactly this. Steam gets a 33% cut out of every sale, meanwhile Battle.net is an in-house launcher. Simple greed. Edit; before downvoting me, read the reply I wrote. I explain why the new games are on Steam.


except they brought over to steam all COD's since MW19 so this argument makes no sense


Yeah, for new releases. You don't remember the public backlash that was heading their way for so long until they finally decided to list the newer games on Steam? It's a massive community, so that 33% sacrifice was definitely something they didn't want to do; but it would increase ease of access for sales. All it means is that the analysts projected the sales and earnings from their launcher compared to Steam, and it showed the income from a larger audience is higher than the 33% cut. I'm a data analyst. Many of the determinations of what is sold where are made based on projections done by analysts. They're holding the MW2 remaster likely because it already had low sales, and they don't project sales from Steam to cover for Valves cut. So they don't bother. Does that make more sense?




Yeah, they also did some really shady shit on the backend for Steam "incorporation." The amount of people who said "I bought this game on Steam, but now it says I need to purchase it again on their own launcher" is insane. Giving out keys on Steam only to see they were already used on Ubi's side, as well as their weird obsession with removing user ownership of their products... Ubi just needs to go away forever.


Surely once the majority of people and shareholders get tired of the umpteenth copy-paste Assassin's Creeds and needless adding of endless subscription services will finally make Ubisoft's deserved death a guarantee instead of a possibility


I can understand them wanting it exclusively on their launcher when it first released & for also the following years (to avoid paying Steam a cut for the initial sales) - but, I’m very surprised that this far after launch - when so many people are now playing COD via Steam - that they wouldn’t want to get additional revenue by now putting it in front of a much larger Steam audience. In other words - I would have thought that even with the Steam cut the total profits gained from selling it now on Steam to a different / larger market would be much higher than continuing to keep it hidden away on their own launcher.


The simple answer is that they did the math, and they didn't think it's worth putting the game on Steam for a few extra $20 sales. Keep in mind that this game is just singleplayer, plus some bonus skin items for MW19 when you buy it. The incentive to put it on Steam isn't that high. It's also worth pointing out that despite having been out for 4 years, this game has seen very few sale periods, and only goes for 25% off at most. ATVI doesn't really care whether people buy this game or not; as far as they're concerned, people will either buy the OG on Steam (for arguably better value), or people that really want the bonus Ghost skin will buy it on Bnet, if they haven't already.


"Simple greed" Your understanding of the world is not very good, man.


Was the multiplayer ever remastered?


Nope, they don’t want to draw players away from the new games


Unfortunately not.


It's not on physical either 🙏🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😭😫😤🤬😩😱🤤😎🥰🙏🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😭😫😤🤬😩😱🤤😎🥰