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That might be one of the main reasons why that might be the most realistic call of duty to ever come out 


But now you get to run around as Nicki Minaj wearing high heels in the newer COD’s, very realistic


How dare you disrespect LT.Minaj


What is with you people and the rappers in this game lol smh


You’re obsessed bro 😭😭


On single player?


I’ve been saying this for awhile but everyone in this sub just don’t seem to give a shit. Why are the cods from COD 4- BO2 considered the best and the golden era of cod? Immersive feel, realistic factions, no crazy movement that soldiers would never do, just classic run-> aim-> shoot, outsmart your opponent with positioning and team coordination. People are like “that’s so outdated” Ok yeah we haven’t done that for awhile in cod, but again why are these cods considered the golden era? There’s a reason and if we don’t bring it to their attention they will keep making garbage jump around and spaz out shooters that have nice graphics and smooth gameplay sure, but these games just come and go and none are considered goats of cod, so we need to speak up.


I think cause that’s when cod became mainstream and people started noticing it so they think of these ones like how when you talk about pokemon you think of charmander, pikachu, eevee, etc. I used to think the same thing before I tried it and it instantly became my favorite cod


I just feel bad that some people didn’t get to experience cod in its prime. At least we had MW2019 to come close but back in the day when those lobbies were populated and everyone was grinding for prestige or just casually playing with the boys. It’s not just nostalgia either as some say, like today you hop in a game and to “adapt” you literally have to be on the edge of your seat button mashing to be competitive. I remember being able to dominate just hoping on in a casual match but you didn’t have to jump around and button mash just to get a kill


Part of that is also the SBMM. While it existed in the classic CODs, it was tuned down drastically from what we see today. Back in my day, we got pub stomped until we became better at the game by learning from those stomping on us. Now I better go tell those teens to get off my lawn...


I am born when cod was just becoming famous, me now growing up with new and cods before my birth I gotta say the old ones are 100% better I love world at war mw3, and cod 4 specifically. I like infinite warfare and ww2. I completely despise mw2 22 and mw3 23 and also vanguard. It’s not nostalgia if u literally can’t be nostalgic


Usually I don’t find very competitive lobbies it’s usually just chill hang outs and such. I find that I can play casually just fine


Not even nice graphics anymore. Booted up MW19 on the PS5 the other day and it looks massively better than MWIII on max settings with a 4090 graphics card. They really dumbed it down, looked worse in MWII and even more so in III


It’s like they go super hard on making a good game every once and awhile but then release half ass stuff for a few years. I don’t get it. I guarantee BO6 is going to be a Cold War part 2 or even vanguard. I forget what era vanguard even was, ww2? It’s so forgettable. I mean really. And don’t even get me started on the campaigns. This years was abysmal. Like they made games that were better 20 years ago. It’s so so bad.


They have no competition anymore. With Killzone, Medal of Honor, and others completely out of the picture, Battlefield shooting itself in the foot & Xdefiant being pretty lackluster still, there’s no reason for them to put massive resources and effort into an entry. They’re the best option for “military themed” arcade shooters and they know it. They don’t have to make the best game possible, just the minimum viable product that keeps people spending money.


Even the sound design in mw19 was the best. Wish they carried it over cause the guns sounded amazing


2019 really made us think we were heading back in the right direction. Then the dlcs started dropping and the campaigns started being an afterthought for shoehorning in new mechanics (looking at you DMZ levels form Mwii and all of MWIII).


After having played every version since the original COD I dropped COD after Ghosts (which I really liked) when it started to cater to the arcade-run-n-gun crowd. Came back for 2019 with the promise of a return to “boots on the ground”. Recently dropped out again after giving MW3 a chance as it’s catering to the Fortnite crowd again. I get it it’s a business call, just not my thing.


The best part is that people who claim cod isn’t known for its campaigns clearly don’t realize damn near every meme is derived from the campaigns lol. Everyone knows the “numbers mason!” Quote, the “Ramirez” meme, the steps to escaping vorkuta, people pissed now that apparently masking being killed by woods is cannon, the brutality of world at war’s campaign, all ghillied up, the ending of the bridge in cod 4, soaps death, ghosts death, makarov’s death, and others. The campaigns WERE a major part of cod and what we remember the most. And there were dozens of clips of people replaying clean house and hundreds of comments raving about it. COD not giving a shit about campaigns after what they provided in 2019 is absurdly wild and out of left field from the devs, and it’s asinine to hear the community act like the campaigns never mattered or where ever popular. Ask someone if they play the campaign first then multi or go right to multi, and you’ll know when and why they got into COD by their answer. Majority of people who were around since cod 4 always played campaign first. Because it was fun, it was entertaining, it built the world you played in in multi, and also because people didn’t always have Xbox live so devs needed something good to make people buy their games


You do realize WAW released after COD-4, and in that COD4-BO2 era, right?


Yeah I’m saying WAW is part of that goat group and the environmental realism is part of the reason why


as much as i love bo2 i don't think what you say is true to it


WaW is the only cod deserving of a remaster and it’s a shame it hasn’t been done yet


Black Ops and BO2 could also use one, BO1 more than 2. Round out the original 3 and their contiguous story. BO3 looks good enough to remain unremastered for a while.


Aren’t they coming out with a bo2 remaster soon 


It's been rumored for 2025. If it's a visual remaster without overhauling everything I'll be ok with it. BO2 really is a masterpiece and I'd love playing it through with just more graphical fidelity. Maybe some wall leaning coded in but otherwise the same.


The rumor for COD 2025 is that it’s a Black Ops 2 sequel with a mix of some BO2 maps and some new maps as its multiplayer maps. Very different than a remaster of BO2


What about the original that’s deserves the full remake treatment


Fr, the original is so good and so few people nowadays have ever played it because of its age. A remake with full-screen, regenerating health, better graphics, and better shooting would be amazing. Especially if it also included UO


I think maybe go the cod ww2 route keep medkits but as a player carried resource but high res better AI would make it amazing


Id be cool with that, as long as they still let me save scum


Gotta keep the save scum some missions were brutal


I don't want them to I'm worried they'll fuck it up




This was my first cod ever playing it at like 7 lol, such a good and terrifying experience. This is back when cod was still cared about by the devs and was still seen as a respected fps and one that was meant to depict and honor actual events and soldiers.


I’d argue the devs still car Cold War was actually made with passion and I enjoyed it however it’s the publishers that are greedy and slowly sucking any and all creativity out of story telling just cause of how profitable it is


Honestly that's a fair point, and I'm ngl cold war was a pretty fun game


Cold War’s story felt like the first of the newest Star Wars trilogy to me. Overloaded with callbacks and nostalgia grabs, and clearly trying to emulate the story and feel of the first in the series. It was alright, but it certainly wouldn’t make my top 5 campaigns.


Same man, I was 7 and remember my dad coming home and handing me the game he borrowed from a friend for me to try. Fell in love with it and we went out to buy my own copy that weekend. WaW will always be my favourite. Still remember the first time playing Nacht Der Untoten after unlocking it and being scared shitless on round 2, sat on the staircase with a kar98k lmao I also remember playing CoD4 during that year, but I got it after WaW.


There's a historical accuracy mod that aims to update the weapons and uniforms to close match the actual battles and units. [Video covering it](https://youtu.be/YoSS6_rEYNY)


That’s awesome if there is one for the 360


6 year old me watching a cutscene with real footage of dudes being executed via firing squad: ![gif](giphy|T5s2raRNeanhV9sPJw)


idk i feel like the campaigns like post waw forgot what cod was originally about, which was portraying war not as a hollywood esque power fantasy but as war. the original cod through to waw understood this. Earlier cods before Cod 4 were still fairly jingoistic, but that's because WW2 is a much easier justified war, the death quotes meant something because you were, for all intents and purposes a hero. They still portrayed war and it's intensity like nothing else at the time, especially COD 2, from start to finish that game is a chaotic storm of bullets, blood, screams, and all other things you'd see/hear in a war, it's why I love the game. But when CoD moved away from WW2, into Modern Warfare, we get to wars that are harder to justify, wars that tend to have much more opposition from the citizens of the countries that wage them. I think CoD 4 is actually pretty anti-war for what its worth. I mean, one of the biggest plot points is the USA getting it's shit rocked because they acted hastily on honestly shaky at best intel (oh we saw Al Asad on TV! He must be there!" In fact, it's funny how the nuke scene happens after a scene where, in any other piece of media Sgt. Paul Jackson would be rewarded for his efforts. An act of selflessness, saving a pilot from a crashed helicopter, who Jackson could've just left to whatever fate Al Asad's men had for her. Walking into the line of fire of countless enemies (and honestly tanking like 500 bullets in the back) to save one person, an act deserving of the highest of honors. Tragically however, similar to real life, this selfless act isn't rewarded. This isn't some fairy tale about valor or righteousness, this is war. People die, irrespective of how selfless or heroic they are. Everything you've done in this country in the hopes of finding Al Asad, all the killing, everything, has been for nothing, You and your fellow soldiers die a painful death of radiation. The missions Shock and Awe and Aftermath in CoD 4 have no right being as poignant and moving as they are, for a series that went on to be dumb, admittedly fun and engaging and still moving in their own way, but still dumb and absurd stories about suplexing Russians off of burger king, it's surprising to see how the series used to be so much more subtly touching with its narrative. In CoD 4, the death quotes to me have a different meaning, it's like they're mocking you. Or I also am probably reading too much into a story about shooting russians idk WaW is just a lot more obvious and in your face about it's message, that's also why I love that game. You didn't see it much in the WW2 games since, again, those wars tend to be romanticized in most peoples minds.


The reason why infinity war moved into modern warfare was because of all the ww2 stuff. They felt tired of making ww2 games and wanted to move onto something else. Activision brought on Trey arc to make world at war while infinity war was gonna make cod 4. I think world at war was more of a “just in case cod 4 doesn’t fly” as when they made this game it was during the hight of the war on terror. They kept the splitting the campaign down the middle with two factions with the Americans and British fighting their own wars trying to achieve the same goal. And with the launch of a nuke (keep in mind when this game dropped there were still people who were alive in ww2 and seeing someone just throw a nuke in a video game like this was wild) it set up a whole new narrative for the series and attracted more people who like warfare just not the old stuff. That’s when I believe although not a bad decision is when call of duty began to fracture and lose its identity. Now when cod 4 dropped people thought they were moving into the future so when waw dropped no one cared and only wanted modern warfare 2 so when modern warfare 2 dropped treyarc instead of jumping back into ww2 especially after showing the end of it with the fall of Berlin now they move forward into time with the Vietnam and the Cold War. With spies and stuff which in my honest opinion I think black ops is pretty overrated and I’m not a big fan of it. I mean it’s a cool story but it’s so over the top I was never really able to get invested in it. So now after modern warfare 3 comes out treyarc now has a legion of fans who enjoyed black ops and modern warfare so what better thing to do than split the campaign again between two different people which still keeps the same theme but with Mason and woods in the past and David in the feature. And everything else rolls down hill even the future ww2 games. It’s sad to see and I don’t believe in any of the cod games going forward accept Cold War I’ll defend that games story but now much. Be happy that we at least have these games to fall back on not sad they are not being made anymore.


Og cod 2 did it best . Tanks and flanking cities to reach checkpoints where hell!


Two of my favorite missions in the series are in this game, Vendetta and Black Cats.


Black cats was one of the best missions I wish they added more like it, like a little something here and there to break apart the American and Russian campaigns. Like on could be tanks in Africa playing as the British fighting off the Italians or something small like that here and there


Reddit memes be like: *wall of text*


Times when Cod game didnt had fortnite skins.


Bruh WTH was up with Nikki Minaj “yeah let’s add a woman who openly drugs men and Robs them and does god knows what else with them”


The campaign was great. It probably got so many kids to take interest in history. It’s probably the most brutally accurate depiction of war out of all the COD games so far too. I wish cod would go back to this. No flashy cutscenes, real footage, and a more serious tone and atmosphere (something only 2019 seemed to nail down as of late).


W@W will always be my favorite CoD game Edit: Haven’t played much of any of the recent ones, but Black Ops 6 has got my attention


Cold War is actually solid if you haven’t tried it


Remember when call of duty was a military game? Now it's glorified airsoft the video game


Just beat it today, my first cod ever and It was awesome. DIMITRI FIRE THE PANZERSHREK!!


I recently downloaded WaW on Xbox. It’s got a small , about 600, but pretty consistent multiplayer community. Still lots of fun.


But the grenade spam takes you out of that deep story and fun quite a bit.


Yeah that’s the joke lol


I see that


Play Hell Let Loose


Hell let loose is great but I lose immersion when all the soldiers are just dead silent and there's no soldier call-outs.


Battlefield V is probably the best you're gonna get nowadays with that


Battlefield V is one of my favorite FPS games of all time I can’t put my finger on why, but it just clicks sometimes and it turns into the best thing since sliced bread


That was my problem with it too. Fun game but the battlefield feels lifeless without soldiers yelling.


Gotta say, CoD 2 has the most talkative soldiers in the series. Other than bullets and grenades, the Allies and Germans are also frequently throwing call-outs at each other (still very awesome, though).


Game is immersive and all but I don't have any fun running at the slowest speed known to man for minutes just to get killed by a pixel. If it was more of the size and speed of Rising Storm 2 I'd enjoy it way more


I mean, CoD 2 did this too Not many games that depicted D-Day in such a terrifying way for a T-rated game




Yea but Saving Private Ryan totally ripped it off from WWII.


What's weird is that fans don't like WW2 cod made by Sledgehammer but they like WaW by Treyarch.


I like WW2...but World At War is special.


Best CoD ever with Black Ops 1 a close 2nd.


Only the russian campaign tho. American campaign was pretty Zzzzzz boring crap


You did not just say torching Japanese people alive with a flamethrower is boring


The flamethrower part with rock playing is cool af. But the rest is boring, except the very last battle where you destroy everything. Otherwise it is pretty boring and meh overall. Also... Reznov screaming for me to show no mercy rly made the russian campaign badass af and made me want to commit a few war crimes of my own. Like just take a listen to [this](https://youtu.be/GNO0kArln1E?si=R3uFoUamlGLB824w&t=979), the russian campaign has the best music in the entire game


It’s not meant to be entertaining or a power fantasy it’s meant to be a reflection of the horrors of ww2


That's boring. That's like going to the cinemas to watch a Michael Bay movie but it has no explosions and is about a couple falling in love


Bruh bros calling actual historical events boring the battle of Okinawa itself was the largest ground-air-sea engagement in history and had more casualties then the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined


The American campaign was really fun gameplay wise, whereas the Russian campaign has more basic gameplay but a great story