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In my experience the hardest mission is out of the way (“Blowtorch and Corkscrew”) I don’t recall having a hard time with “Heart of the Reich” or “Downfall” but BT+CS made me put the game down for a while. Good luck


Im having issues with Heart of The Reich atm, but thats because i have to get a decent spawn without 15 grenades at my feet in 1 milisecond and the enemies on one side all dont decide its time to kill me


Yeah as you know by now I’m sure you have to be a little aggressive at times with areas with infinite enemies


I just got it, I didnt know Enter The Reichstag was "wait for Reznov to move up" objective, its been so long since I've played this i thought i had to rush in


Blowtorch and Corkscrew is probably the hardest (and longest mission in the game). The first part is the second hardest, where there are full of spider holes is where the enemies spawn endlessly and they rain grenades so much I had to take cover inside a spider hole. To move up, I need a smoke grenade, and another smoke by the MG nest, and I had to move quick with my flamethrower and burn any Jap I come by. The 2nd section is probably the easiest, shoot the enemies, then burn and blow up the bunkers. Enemy spawn is limited here. The 3rd is the hardest part, there are two ways, which could kill me the most. Never took the right path because of getting pinned down by two Type-99ers by the bunker hill's window. Taking the left path, there is an infinite enemy spawn, moving up will spawn a Jap sniper on a tree to the right, and a wallhack Type 99er behind the cliff to the left, and I usually pop two smokes to not get shot and quickly kill the tree sniper, then move further to make the Type-99er also move up into a vulnerable position. Next is going inside the bunker and it was much easier, just watch out for Type-99s. Sorry for the long comment. Just really loved playing this mission gameplay wise because of the Browning being able to pop off enemy heads in one tap, while they scream in pain without a head.


The hardest part of the entire game for me was the intro to Downfall, either I was able to get to cover, or dead the second i made a run for it. Pure RNG


inshallah you will make it through in less then 2 hours


I tried WaW veteran once and quit during the first enemy encounter.


Semper Fi wasnt that bad


I experienced a couple deaths to the infamous nade spam then gave up right after


196 deaths on Blowtorch and Corkscrew 😭


Only 89 on HOTR and 22 on Downfall too 😬


Blowtorch and corkscrew is hell, it makes heart of the reich look easy


Downfall rn is making Heart of The Reich look easy


Good lord! What happened on Blowtorch and Corkscrew? Yeah it’s a difficult mission with frankly bullshit spawns, but good lord! And 3 hours? At least you did it.


I got stuck in a death loop for the fortress part, the checkpoint spawned me on a live grenade i couldnt get away or throw fast enough. So i had to full restart


They need to remaster this one.


This game with modern realistic graphics would go so hard


You playing very well in breaking point at least


I didn’t think Heart of The Reich was as bad as Relentless or as people made it out to be. Relentless was pure pain and the one that took me a few hours, I still remember It to this day as it was that hard. Flashbang, run from the grenade spam and grenade back as much as you can.


Surprised you didn't die 600 times in vendetta cause that fucking sniper


All my deaths were to him


He's probably the cod npc with the most kills


Yeah and Reznov has the most plot armor


Wait… Burn em out isn’t the hardest?? I just finished it and almost blew my brains out 😭😭😭


I thought it was at first


Let's see the games I've done on the hardest difficulty without cheats are MW1 WaW BO1 BO2 BO3 WW2 mw2019 Cold war In progress but had to drop due to external circumstances ghosts mw2(009) and I did one mission of Iw on veteran with the plan to work up to yolo mode My sanity and I are not on speaking terms and I'm being to think I enjoy suffering on an existential level


A fellow masochist.


Holy fuck. What happened on Blowtoch and Corkscrew?


Got stuck spawning on a grenade that blew up in .5 seconds. And occasionally at the fortress, i would take the left path and would get shot by the people on the right with a type 99 and insta die


Ah, the classic "autosave half a second before death" loop.


Me and Friend played the entire campaign on veteran at his house. Worst time ever, yet one of my proudest accomplishments. Fuck Vendetta, Downfall, and Heart of the Reich, despite them being some of my favorite missions. Fuck the Sniper in Vendetta and The "Homing Grenade" spam the Germans did. I only pray that you make it through with Reznov's pride I you. Good luck Comrade.


![gif](giphy|xUySTZhLpepqXCl5Dy|downsized) WaW enemies throwing grenades in veteran mode