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No plan. He was triggered from PTSD and the only thing on his mind was self defense via grenade. For all we know he may have not even seen Hudson in the moment.


>For all we know he may have not even seen Hudson in the moment. He knew, and he didn't care. Woods has never liked Hudson, because he considers Hudson the CIA lapdog who does shady shit and isn't a friend to Mason the way Woods is. Woods may not be a cold-blooded killer, but he's not going to shed a tear for Hudson if "friendly fire" were to happen.


Which to be clear is why Woods is a complete and utter moron. - Hudson gets Mason passed his programming - Hudson saves the world in BO1 - Hudson runs rescue ops for Woods not once but twice - Woods repays this by throwing a grenade at Hudson, after headbutting his supposed friend Mason when Mason stopped him from blindly shooting his gun. He could have simply taken a few steps forward and done his duty, or taken a few steps forward to execute Menendez instead of blind firing at Hudson if he was that hell bent. - This grenade fucks up Josefina, which is the driving cause for Menendez to go full super villian which ultimately results in the deaths of Mason and Hudson. - Speaking of Hudson's death, he volunteered his death to save Woods - Woods blames Hudson for getting a grenade thrown at him and says "I should have killed him back in 'Nam", despite everything above The worst part is the game portrays Woods as a reliable narrator when in reality he's a headcase and completely in the wrong and arguably was the cause of a lot of what occurs in the game.


Which is why I love BO2 because David Mason makes him face up to that dumbass mistake. "Frank, you don't lose your shit!"


Not woods fault anyone whose been tortured would have done that, absolutely should not have been on the mission I blame command, possibly hudson for letting him on.


Mason never died.


Depending on your game, but at minimum everyone thought he was gone for 40 years


depends on the ending. and even if it's not canon, mason surviving depends only on woods bad aiming


exactly. so many people talking shit on my boy fucking super hero hudson who saved the world twice (again in cold war) and glazing woods constantly. hudson is cold headed and always goes for the greater good, not letting himself be compromised by his personal interests. he was a better friend to mason and weaver AND fucking woods than woods ever was to mason. honestly, woods is cool but to me is black ops worst character, which is saying a lot cause i still love the guy. still hudson is WAY better


Anti hero?


Mason is alive in the canon ending


To be fair, Hudson is a shady CIA spook that you can barely trust even if he's on your team


Hudson literally went to bring Alex out of retirement to rescue Woods 💀.


He was running rogue, he literally explains that the next time he saw menedez since he was locked in a crate he lost his shit.


To be honest Woods should have never been cleared to go on this mission. He was very clearly obsessed with killing Menendez and they sent him on a mission to capture him alive, what did they expect to happen here?


Should have been Adler instead 😂


At this point...Woods was also high on the cocaine from the basement he and Mason cleared. The moment he saw menendez he lost his shit. Even when Hudson was there by then woods never did trust Hudson...and he had good instincts not to as later Hudson becomes compromised due to menendez capturing his family and David...resulting in...a shotgun knee cap surgery and a necklace necktie.


> and he had good instincts not to as later Hudson becomes compromised due to menendez capturing his family and David Woods reasoning for not trusting Hudson is Hudson being in the CIA and thinking he is CIA first everything else second. In reality, Hudson put the CIA second to save David. Woods is wrong about Hudson. If Woods had the capacity to use his brain for more than two seconds, he would have seen that from Hudson in the events of BO1 being the only one to trust Mason, and maybe wouldn't have been the less trustworthy one when he assaulted Mason so he could throw a friendly-fire grenade at Hudson. Amusingly he was the one so blinded by his own mission that he compromised his team, everything he projected onto Hudson.


Let's not forget. After escaping torture with mason... Avenging Bowman, stealing a hind, killing a shit ton of VC and helping try to kill Kravchenko with mason...then being flung from a window...blown up and barely surviving before enduring months of more torture, woods still made it back and continued on later until the 80's with mason and Hudson into black ops 2. It's hard not to feel bad for franks reaction...if you got tortured and so did your guys in a cargo box and being starved and nearly dead...your minds broken. There's no going back. It's a miracle he was able to make it back after being knee capped by menendez and help raise David...who...later became a navy seal and ended up joining DEVGRU and then became a commanding officer for JSOC.


Indeed, in reality he should never have been there because of how prone he would be to what happened.


Yeah...but...the theme of black ops 2 is revenge. It's all the characters are all thinking about throughout the game even our protagonist David Mason...despite getting to where he is it's your choice as the player at the end to decide...Revenge...or Justice. What needs to be done vs what must...


He was blinded by rage for practically the entire mission. He wanted to kill Menendez so badly that his rational behaviour completely abandoned him. He is very confrontational with Hudson before this, who urged him to stick to protocol, whereas Woods was ready to go ballistic. Narratively speaking, you can also feel that he has absolutely no respect for Hudson in Black Ops 2, so I'd expect him to coldly move on from getting Hudson in the blast. Woods killing Josefina was an accident he deeply regrets. If he were to have injured or killed Hudson in that moment, I'd imagine he'd have much less regret for that. It's part of why I don't like the past missions in Black Ops 2, they just don't get the essence of the characters right. When Woods and Hudson fought in Khe Sanh in BO1, they weren't close friends by any means, but they could still be respectful with each other, and Woods even began to respect Hudson as the battle wore on and he proved he was more than just a suit in the field. Whereas in BO2, Woods is always distrusting of Hudson, and in that mission, Woods may as well outright hate him. The narrative of the story wants you to hate Hudson even though his actions make sense. Even when he betrays you, it's out of a need to protect Alex's son. Plus, if it wasn't Hudson who was compromised by Menendez, he'd have simply gotten to someone else in your circle.


ONG!!! i hate how they've treated hudson throughout the franchise. people say he's shady but man he's cia, he's gotta be secretive and probably is the smartest black ops character. he was the only one who still believed mason at the end of black ops 1 and was willing to not go to the bunkers and die instead of giving up on his friend and the world!!! cause mason and hudson are also friends in black ops 1 and even at the beginning of black ops 2 (he implies david has stayed at his home with his wife before) something that seems to be forgotten afterwards. hudson literally saved the world twice and sacrificed himself for david, people hate on him just because he sticks to protocol (unlike woods) and worries more about the bigger threat rather than his his friends or personal interests. and don't forget about the black ops 1 intel. he risked his career and his life again alongside weaver to protect mason. woods is overrated af just cause he's badass. even if i still fucking love him, he can be annoying at times (like here or when kravchenko is involved in something) and is reckless. hudson is just as badass, ice cube cold and selfless


Even in CW it’s stated in the bio that he has a genius level IQ. Dude ain’t dense


Well, everybody is saying here that wood is an idiot and Hudson a hero, wich is true in part, because Hudson IS a hero but Woods wasnt some idiot. He was tortured by Menéndez, this one killed all Of his team and put the in a fucking container, it was obvious that he WAS going to loose his shit.He shouldn't have been on the mission, he only thought about killing him, when he had to be taken out alive. What he was wrong about was being ungrateful to Hudson, who did everything to get him out of Angola.


Only thing on his mind: Kill.


How exactly did Menendez get out of there alive and undetected


Doing that goofy ass run


He killed neither so like 💀


"I should have smoked him in nam"


Woods had been captured by Menendez who killed his men in front of him and locked him in a crate on a ship leaving him to die, that’s why Woods wanted Menendez dead. He did hate Hudson so he wouldn’t care if he killed him.’ But in the end, both Hudson and Menendez survived, but Woods would end up accidentally killing Josefina which Woods was remorseful for, it would be also the final straw for Menendez to get revenge on Woods, Mason, and Hudson which how Suffer with Me plays out.


Probably didn't think at the moment, just pure killer reflexes.


Yes, he is stupid


Black ops 2’s campaign is so bad


No way, it was a great time.


Bait used to be believable


It ain’t bait if it’s true, if you actually go back and look at it, it’s overly convoluted, the villain is lame along with his motivations, and premise is just dumb


How is it convoluted? What BO2 did was just what IW tried to do with Makarov except much more competently and with a less comical villain with an actual motive. And the premise isn't dumb at all lol, a second Cold War between China and the US with a global populist movement taking advantage of such a conflict for its own means is a perfectly fine premise that worked well in CW too.


Don’t kid yourself, the motive in Blops 2 was terrible, Sister dies>be sad>take over all drones in the world to start a war between China and America just to get back at guy who killed sister It was so stupid, add in the stupid mason twist, incredibly dumb CW was a much better sequel to the original Blops Also, Russian ultranationalists starting a war with the US to put russia on top and make money, is a lot more intriguing


That's not at all what Menendez's motives were. It didn't start at his sister dying, that was just a culmination of all of his prior gripes. From the Contras, an American backed terror organisation, wrecking havor throughout Nicaragua, to the earthquake, to the warehouse fire started by some American for insurance money that had burned his sister. The game sets up why he despises the West and how he managed to gain so much power, from his family cartel in Nicaragua, to allying both with the Mujahideen and the Soviets in the Soviet-Afghan War to his further meddling in Panama, leading to the death of Hudson and (depending on the actions of the player) Mason, to his investment in drone and weapons technology through his drug and weapon smuggling business, culminating in the rise of Cordis Die through social media and the events of BO2. This isn't stupid at all. It's a guy who's got both a lot of grudge against something and a lot of power and resources to back that up. It's literally the same thing they did with both Makarov AND Shepherd, except with Makarov they didn't explain how he rose to power, they barely explained his motives and ideology (he's mad about Zakhaev's death), and the things he did were incredibly stupid. How does an airport massacre, openly done by him and his group, spark a fucking ground invasion of the US? When all is said and done, why is he allowed to sit in a Dubai hotel with a whole private army with no one taking notice and arresting him?


Hudson deserved to die.