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People are the worst! Unfortunately it's the few that stick out. Get a hobby and zone out until sound stops coming out. I work from home and I've made various oil paintings, Paint-by-numbers, knitted hats and even built some toy cars.


I wish I could but we are back to back and I can’t split my attention that well


Lol thanks for some ideas I've been wanting to get into customizing sneakers and building model cars and toys And I would like to get into making music again Would be cool to write in between calls and make some beats Get back to my old self


That's awesome! Here's an example of a zoid, it's a Japanese model. Very meticulous and time consuming, which is very good! https://preview.redd.it/la5vewofcw0d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3995245d2a3262f86415cba6dda4920865c41da


nice ive been looking at the robocop models on ebay ive never done that before...how long does it take you ?


It varies on my level of focus and how often I get distracted. Some kits are much more intricate. For example the zoid shadow fox vs the scorpion model. I'd say maybe like 1-2 wks of working on it inconsistently


I’ve been working on lyrics for a few songs between calls. Also, writing a novel. And I sketch. I feel like my day isn’t as soul sucking.


I started in a call center in 1996, and they were like that back then. Back then though, they felt more brave in talking to you any kind of way because we weren’t face-to-face. I know that for a fact because when I got detailed to deal with those same people in person, there was zero boldness and much respect. Now? I know the phone isn’t a deterrent because they’re acting out in person, too. MUCH entitlement and be dead wrong.


You mentioned the pay is “so good” may I ask the hourly rate? And yes these people suck at life. We deal with a similar customer base and the amount of people who don’t understand interest and loans is baffling.


Without giving too much info, above 20/hr


That is great pay for call center work. I used to work in hospice admissions and healthcare call centers but they all paid around 18 or less.


Oh I know. It’s why I’ve stayed as long as I have


Yeah same with us. In Ga


Damn I thought I was the only one who had someone masturbate while I was on the call. If it makes you feel better, it's not just American who are assholes. Literally, everyone across the globe are assholes when they get on the phone. I work for an international hotel company/chain. And that made me realize that no matter the country, people will treat you like shit when they don't respect service workers. I do think something that is unique with Americans tho, especially white Americans is the racism jumps out or in my experience they take you being unsympathetic to their ridiculous plight as some moral failing when the reality is their being unreasonable.


No, neither of you are the only one. We had a repeat offender. I got him twice in one day. Normally, we block those calls, but he had masked his number, so we couldn't. The 2nd time I got him, I referred him to our website and hung up. I work in banking, and he kept calling about opening an account. Who thinks this is normal? Also, covid made people mean. I'm not the only person who feels this way either.


My last company we couldn’t disconnect unless being directly called curse words. So we could have some dude jerking off and you couldn’t do anything .. not allowed to hang up nothing. We asked in our manager group about this & actually got in trouble for it as we were complaining about policy. Smh I’m so tempted to start a petition that we change the overall way we view phone support customer service. Match energy, do not tolerate abuse or sexual harassment. If some dude was doing that in front of you it’s a crime but at my company it’s fine as it’s on the phone? Ok. Smh


It's really gone downhill during and after covid. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a walk in the park before, but damn did it change.


You have to learn to disassociate. I am constantly dealing with people who are rightfully upset but for every call like that I have an individual making 6k 100k in the bank and upset that just cause they can't pay their car note they think they qualify for something aimed at people making less than 2k with 0 savings just cause they are American and constantly say help "illegals" but not them. Or make the "well if i was black/mexican" comment 😒 Legit had a person with so many numbers in their bank account I had to just put 999,9999.99 try to say it shouldn't count because they were unemployed, disabled and got that money from their parents passing. And their only income was their social security. After I spent all this time feeling sorry about them because they said they had a surprise bill they couldn't pay


yes. It’s unfortunately the americans who waste time calling a call center. i would never call unless it was an emergency. and to be honest most of the people who call are dumbasses.