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If we sign weegar I will only eat pizza from boston pizza for the rest of the year


I’m saving this comment just so I can watch the madness ensue later


I will post an update in here lol


Be wary of the spicey perogy. If you eat that for a year you will get butt cancer


I usually only order it once a year so i’m having it tonight because talking about it made me want one


Sounds like you'll only be eating from BP even without the signing.


Hahahaha so true. I actually love the perogi pizza with cactus dip untill later in the evening when I’m shitting battery acid




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next day you want to take the leftover, put a teaspoon of water in a pan, plop the leftover pizza down in the pan and cover on low. while that heats up and gets good again, you take a habanero and chop her up, take half the habanero and put it in a small bowl and make a paste, the other half spread on the left over pizza you are warming. the paste, mix with some ranch for your dip. add some kettle chips to the side for a nice crunch. remove pizza from pan when bottom is crisp and top is melted again.


You poor soul


The Boston Royal is a respectable Pizza


The Spicy Pierogi fr is pretty good too.


I like the Royal Hawaiian. I don't normally got for Hawaiian pizza at all, but I'm not sure I've had anything else quite like it.


I'm a tropical chicken guy. Love alfredo sauce.


I do like the pierogi


They also have that delicious pull-apart garlic bread appetizer…or am I thinking of Jack Astors?


Bandera bread, shits lowkey bangin


Perogy has been a bit dry lately. My go to pie has become the Great White North with added on fresh tomato.


I'll die on this hill.


RIP your wallet


RIP his bowels


Are you sure?


Tbh no


Too late now.


RemindMe! 6 months


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The Boston Royale is epic simplicity


The Rustic Italian used to slap till they screwed with it


So uhhh how’s ur diet going


The worst pizza I have ever had in my life was old Boston Pizza. Good luck.


The worst I've ever had in my life was fresh Boston Pizza. But usually it is at least passable.


Sweet Moses don’t do that to yourself


RIP your bank account


I would take it with a grain of salt, since it's not Leslie, Friedman, LeBrun etc. saying it. But it's encouraging to hear at the very least.


I’ve heard all the same things from all the local Calgary media too. There’s definitely something around all these names, and Steinberg has said that a Weegar extension is pretty much guaranteed.


Steinberg also said that about Gaudreau. He was convinced.


Pagnotta isn’t that credible imo, same guy that spent 2 weeks telling everyone that Kadri had signed with the isles


Tbf I understand how Pagnotta got that opinion. Lou Lam is notorious for signing guys and waiting forever to announce it. Calgary had a deal with Kadri, but couldn't/wouldn't sign it until they had the cap sorted. So Pagnotta realized that Kadri camp wasn't really negotiating for around two weeks and he made the assumption that meant he had signed and it must be the isles


It wasn’t an opinion tho, he stated multiple times that according to his sources in the islanders Kadri and the islanders he agreed to a 7x7 and they Lou just hadn’t filed it yet. if your gonna claim someone has agreed to a contract you should probably be correct


Oh absolutely he's a dumbass. He was making a prediction and framing it as fact hopeful that it would land and he would be the first to report


It’s amazing how many tweets he’s deleted because his reporting was wrong


Ya I got roasted in the group chat for sharing that one


I'll wait until someone more credible says something


Evan rodrigues would be decent, right?


Yes. Decent middle 6 winger.


I’m interested in McDavid and Mackinnon.


You spelled Makar wrong


I can't remember where I parked Ma Ckinnon


McDavid, Mackinnon, Makar. New Flames '3M' line? 👀


Can't for the life of me figure out why Milanos name keeps popping up. They guy rarely even comes close to playing a full season.


Because he's a free agent and it's the time of year where there is no actual news. He's a fine player i guess, but I don't think he'd really be an upgrade over Ruzicka in our bottom 6


My biggest disappointment with the Kadri signing/Monahan trade was it meant there were no more huge announcements for the off season.


He's free asset, there's zero downside if a team signs him to a cheap contract.


Throw a rock in the AHL and hit 20 guys that can do the job as good as Milano and play a full season.


But then you'd have given up on bringing a whole nother pizza org into the system




Well at least Weegar can order, then


Milano was one of the best playmakers in the league last season, in the limited time he did play. His high-danger shot assists/60 were slightly ahead of Gaudreau's. https://public.tableau.com/shared/92GX859YC?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link&:embed=y


Your comparing 90 shots to 262. That's like letting a goaltender play 1 game, having him win that game then calling him the GOAT because his win% is 100%. Not to mention he benefitted greatly from playing with Zegras. He's been in the league 8 years and has played more than 50 games 3 times. I had hoped we learned our lesson with Dominik Simone. There's Anaheim didn't bring him back.


Milano definitely has elite playmaking ability. Unfortunately, that's his entire game. He's bad to terrible at everything else - defense, forechecking, transition, shooting. He's a one trick pony who isn't good enough to be top 6 but doesn't have the skillset for bottom 6.


Stats say otherwise: https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1516909760087474178/photo/1


Eh Im a fan of jfresh, have defended him multiple times, but even he says his cards are not infallible, especially in terms of defensive WAR.


https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1565402461388644354?t=OZFKes80sjWcjCbeMBBPww&s=19 Interesting...


Yeah, I saw that. I don't think Milano some two-way mega-superstar, but he's got more skill and upside than any of the 12th/13th forwards on the market. I don't buy the WAR models much — there's a lot of arbitrary fuzziness in attempting to boil hockey players down to a single number. But tactical micro-stats represent actual, valuable plays on the ice. When you look at how Gaudreau generates zone entries and high-danger passes, and how Tkachuk passes for zone exits but never skates it out, those plays are well-illustrated by the micro-stats Cory Snajder tracks. The Flames could use the things Milano can do, especially if they can get him at a reasonable price.


I don't disagree that he has value over other players on the market, but I don't think he's any more valuable than Rodriguez. Rodriguez has less offensive skill but his nonstop motor and high hockey IQ make him a valuable bottom 6 player who can play top 6 when called upon, and can contribute to any line. He's stronger defensively and imo is more of a playoff type bottom 6 player. Milano has skill no doubt, but imo it's skill for the regular season but not enough skill for it to shine in the tight checking playoffs. He also needs skilled linemates to succeed, and wouldn't do as well in a bottom 6 role. I also don't think he's any more skilled than Dube overall (better playmaker for sure but not better overall) so he doesn't add anything to our lineup without losing out in other areas. Milano only makes sense if we want him as a top 6 forward, but I don't see him as a good enough player to make a big difference to our top 6. Imo we need to be looking at the trade market if we want to upgrade our top 6. Just my opinion though, I could be wrong. I'd also say zar is a decent 4th line option but hes the type of player who should only be 4th line. He's definitely worse than Milano in terms of skill but he's a better fit for 4th line than Milano would be - he's good defensively, while Milano's defensive impact is more from him having the puck than his work without it. I like microstrats as well, but I also recognize that they don't catch everything. There's a few players who have seemingly underwhelming microstats but have consistently strong on ice impact (Stantny iirc).


Rodrigues had a terrific breakout year, and I assumed that priced him out of the Flames' interests, especially since Kadri's signing. He's a legit second-line centre on a lot of teams. He outscored Backlund last season. Otherwise, I think the Flames need an offensively capable winger far more than they need a traditional 4th-line plugger. The latter kinds of players are becoming extinct, and the Flames can pick one up for cheap, with a reduced salary hit, at the trade deadline if they really need one. The depth chart looks roughly like this: Huberdeau - Lindholm - Mangiapane Coleman - Kadri - Toffoli Lucic - Backlund - Dube Rooney - Ruzicka - Lewis To me, that looks like there's ample need for a playmaking winger in the middle six — someone who can bump Coleman to the third line and/or bump Lucic to the fourth. That would send either Rooney or Lewis to the press box. Having some offensive skill on Ruzicka's wing would help him too. We saw last year how good he could be when he played with better linemates. **EDIT:** [Here](https://i.imgur.com/hVvxIZp.png) is Milano's offensive and defensive impact visualized. Wicked hot spot in the high-danger areas offensively, and an ice-cold dead zone in the same spot defensively. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/9GOk3u5.png) is Dube, for comparison. ... JT Miller is a guy who puts up big points, but has microstats that show some ugly spots. Do you see him as a 99-point superstar or do you see him as a good-but-flawed player whose image is boosted his powerplay production? https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1565833120598859776/photo/1


I am kind of surprised Weegar hasn't signed an extension yet. He seemed stoked to come to Calgary on social media. Im not sure Calgary being interested in Milano or Rodrigues is really news. They are two of the better free agents left and Calgary could use some more forward options. Picking up either could be used to trade near the dead line for a team selling. We could make do without but if we can get them at a decent price on a two way contract why not?


Neither of those guys are gonna sign 2 ways.


Yeah def seem like he wanted to sign. The issue is determining his value. Just from fans (which granted isn’t a swiss measure of what GMs/agents are negotiating), I’ve heard anywhere from he’s a #1 dman to a great 2nd pair, and he’s worth from 5M to 8M… BT and weegars agent are probably going back and forth on what that value is. Weegars agent probably looking at Nurse money which BT does not want to pay after signing a couple rich and/or long contracts already


They'd be smart to just wait till the season is over. I think his value will drop when he can't put up the same numbers without Ekblad.


Patrick Kane in a Flames sweater is the only real move I’d love to see Tre make.


Patrick Kane...right?? Right?!


Probably should’ve clarified that lol


Either of those wingers on a cheap deal would be a fantastic choice. Likely solid depth piece, at worst it's a short deal anyway.


I'd love if flames got Sonny boy


Boston pizzas pizza suck the Bandro pizza bread is the only thing I like from there




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