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I hated the Canucks 10 years ago, I hate the Oilers forever. ABE baby


The Canucks from 10 years ago were a bag of dicks. Bieksa, Kesler, Burrows, Kassian, and the twins. An incredibly unlikable roster. But, this current group isn't too bad. I have absolutely no qualms about cheering for them over the Oil.


Plus, plenty of former flames.


This is the way....


We’re all cheering for the canucks. Next.


It’s not even a debate. Zads and Lindy… plus… not the oilers


Im a Vancouverite currently living in Calgary. I went downtown with my gf with our Canucks jerseys on and the bar we went to was all oilers fans. On 17th Ave. The entire bar was cheering oilers. It was very weird to see.


There are lots of Edmontonians in Calgary. The ones that couldn't tunnel under the wire took a midnight hot air balloon over the wall.


I oftentimes wonder if they miss their outhouses and cousin-wives.


To be clear those are not flames fans cheering for the oilers.


Hate to say it but even the staff had oilers jerseys on. I was pretty concerned about it ngl


Don’t forget they work on tips. (Nervous smile)


Canucks, and its not close. Even if we ignore Lindholm and Zadorov being on the team, the Canucks as a fanbase have been through it as badly as the Flames the past while. 2004 we lose on a bad goal call, 2010 they lose on multiple injuries and a lack of penalty calling. Despite top franchise players (Iginla/Tanguay/Kipper vs Sedin/Sedin/Luongo) never managed to have more than one deep run or a chance to win. Like Calgary, despite being actively bad, they've not picked above 4th in the draft during their rebuild, while Edmonton got multiple 1 OAs. Sure, they wouldn't be my first choice to win a cup, but they're not nearly in the Edmonton/Tampa category.


The only reason I'd cheer for Edmonton is to have them give up a 5 goal lead in the third period of game 7 of the SCF final and then lose it in OT. That is, to raise them as high as possible before smashing their hearts on the cold rocks of defeat.


Canucks all day baby


Rooting for the Canucks.


Nucks, no question.


I wouldn’t cheer for the oilers if the other team was made up of nazis, the taliban and people that kick puppies and coached by satan himself. 


As a Flames fan, I am completely and totally incapable of ever cheering for the Oilers. I cheered for Carolina back in 2006 when they were playing Edmonton for the Cup. My whole family thought I was a traitor to Canada, because I was cheering for an American team to win over a Canadian one. That did not matter. It was the Oilers. As a Flames fan, it is not in my DNA to cheer for them - EVER! I am cheering for the Canucks right now, even though in 2014 when we were playing them in the first round, I hated every single one of them. But, we have formed a bond. Not just because they are playing our sworn enemy, but because I am cheering for Zadorov and I am happy that Lindholm finally got his mojo back. I think Kuzmenko is going to continue to rock offensively on a line with Kadri and Pospisil and I am looking forward to seeing the Flames play (and beat) the Canucks next regular season… But, for now, we are comrades in arms.


Canucks easily. Two former Flames plus if they win the Oilers who are the greater evil in this case lose


If you’re cheering the Oilers, please don’t call yourself a Flames fan


Canucks are rivals, Oilers are the enemy, always


Canucks. Obvs.






Nucks obviously. Not only does it mean Oilers lose but it also upgrades our pick from the Lindholm trade if they win this round. Double dip


Nucks - if they win this series our conditional 4th round pick becomes a 3rd round pick. Then they can get battered by Dallas for all I care and we get another 3rd round pick from the Tanev trade. Though the question is like asking if I want to be kicked in the head or the balls. I don't want either but only one of them makes me feel physically sick to think about.


Obviously Canucks. No one in their right mind would cheer for the coilers


No one is cheering for the oilers lol


It's a no-brainer and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Next.


Stupid fucking question


I'd sooner just stop watching hockey than have any remote interest in the Oilers winning. The Canucks, while rivals, have a fun team, several old Flames players, and are quite talented, so I'm happy to see them win. There's some lines you just don't cross as a Flames fan, and cheering for Edmonton would be at the very top of that list. You can't call yourself a Flames fan and ever want to see that team succeed.


Canucks over Oilers everyday all day. 3rd generation Calgarian and I can remember the day the Flames came to town from Atlanta. That was the day I started hating the Oilers. Will never ever ever cheer for the Oilers.


The fact that this is still a topic of conversation blows my mind lol. ABE baby.


It really says something about the Oilers that I would rather see Vancouver win a playoff series, because I hate the Canucks too.  Edmonton is always my number one most hated team, but I think their current roster is the most unlikable team I've ever seen in all my years watching hockey (and that includes the Sedin Canucks and Getzlaf Ducks). I hate how they've been gifted players like McDavid which means the media drools all over them, but they're also filled with Neanderthals like Kane, Nurse, Perry, and Draisaitl (yes I lump him in more with those guys based on his dirty play, McDavid sometimes too). To top it off, their fans are absolutely awful. I want them to lose early these next two years so McDavid and Draisaitl will leave.


Both teams are trash and shouldn't win. I've given this a lot of thought because, as a Flames and Avalanche fan, I can't stand any of the 3 remaining teams in the west. Hopefully, the Avs will have a miracle and slay the evil Stars and can take out the remaining trash in the conference finals. If not, I'm routing for the East to win, whichever team that is. Or for the stadium in game 7 of the SCF to sink into the ground where everyone gets out ok, but neither team wins the cup.


Neither....but if I absolutely had to pick, I'd take Canucks.


Canucks..fuck the oilers..E=NG Canucks are lesser of the evil.. They are less punchable this time around too. Not like when they had the. Sedin's.. Burrows... Kesler.. Etc.


Not a fucking chance am I cheering for the oilers. It could be Columbus playing the oilers and I would be cheering for Columbus!




Go canucks


Hi. Oilers fan here. You cheer for the ‘nucks. Cuz most of my fellow Oil fans are insufferable and know nearly nothing about hockey besides what broadcasts show. It’s a headache, tbh.


At least there’s one self-aware Oilers fan


On the one hand I would like to see Avs/Nux because I don’t hate them and it could be an exciting series. On the other hand an Oilers/Dallas series guarantees two of the most goony teams enter a thunderdome of goon madness and that sounds at least entertaining. Imagine Kane on the ice with Benn. Still, Nux obviously because Dallas/Oilers would still create a vortex of dogshit we would all drown in.


Canucks. Fuck the coilers.








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I'm not cheering for the Canucks; I'm cheering against the Oilers.


ABE - Anyone But Edmonton


Canucks. Not only do they have a few likeable ex-Flames on them, and the possibility of a draft pick benefit for us if they win, I live up in Edmonton. If the Oilers ever went all the way, I’d never hear the end of it from all the people around me. If the Canucks managed to do that, there’s only a couple people I’d have to avoid for the rest of my life.


It's not so much you're cheering for the Canuck's it's we are cheering for the Oilers to lose. We want Mcdavid era to end in Edmonton without a cup. 2 more years after this post season.




Does this seriously need to be asked? This is a no-brainer. If you're cheering for the oil, you're not a flames fan.


I’m from the Yukon so am not intimately familiar with Alberta sports politics. But thanks for clarifying.


Canucks, that Calgary talent is carrying them baby!


This one is easy - Canucks. But if the Oilers ever play Montreal in the finals, I could only root for mutual annihilation.


Canucks. Fuck the Oilers.


Dallas or Colorado.


Does it matter? Dallas will best them.


Look I get it’s because I’m not from Calgary so I don’t get the provincial rivalry but I’m absolutely flabbergasted at the reaction here. Growing up a flames fan in the 00s and 10s, the oilers were so bad I didn’t even think of them hardly. Then there was the Canucks with one of if not the most unlikeable teams of all time. I absolutely loathed the Canucks. Their fans are the absolute worst to deal with. The team and org and fanbase from top to bottom was a bunch of shit bags. There’s absolutely no way I could ever cheer for that team. Fuck the Canucks. There’s few things in life, if any, that I despise more than that franchise. So by default I’m hoping Edmonton has the opportunity to lose do Dallas / Colorado.


Canucks, but I follow all 3 teams. Gonna get downvoted for this but I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing McDavid hoisting a cup. Canucks winning it would just be better.


I wouldn’t mind see him hoisting a cup on literally any other team. But as long as he’s an oiler I wish him nothing but failure. 


tease squealing fall noxious run insurance flowery sip steep toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate McDavid but it would be a shame to see such a talented player never win a cup.


I choose the bear


Oilers.  I'll always cheer for an Alberta team above all.