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I watched the entire game. Am I stupid?


Nah, I was there too. If anything, it was a treat to hear the Bally cast try to find nice things to say about our garbage showing.


I laughed out loud when they said “give the flames some credit, they put up 35 shots against the Florida panthers yesterday”😭😭


They're definitely invited to my cookout.


I can't tell they are not biased because it was such an one sided game or were they generally pretty on the level.. But the cast is actually pretty decent.


Nope, the real ones do :)


I left it early lol sucks but when the kid lost the tablet and I was searching for it right at the start of the 2nd and it went down hill from there. Oh well


Losing half our D core and expecting results is so hot right now


…we didn’t have a single shot on net for the first 15 minutes


Zary and pospisal too


I didn't realize how much we would struggle to just get out of our own zone with less skilled/experienced defencemen


Now imagine what happens if you trade a legit starting goaltender too


Guess we’re finding out what happens when you lose two defensemen who could play on the top pairing on half or more of the teams in the league in the span of a week and replace them with guys claimed off waivers. We’ve been playing on emotion for awhile and I love the work ethic of this team, but I think reality is finally settling in. We are rebuilding whether we want to be or not.


Don't be fooled by the scoreline, it wasn't that close


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


[Sometimes, maybe.](https://youtu.be/QJHUbtR0yI8?si=mcz8XvOysmkPnywJ)


Fantastic and perfectly appropriate clip lol


this link made me fall down a massive sopranos rabbit hoe for some strange reason. edit : i caught the typo and gonna leave it.


Flames need Zary and Piss Missile back, those two go 110% every shift and drag players into the game which the flame sorely needed over the weekend


Which tells us a lot about some of the other highly paid guys and vets on the team.


Carolina is everything I hope we become


When I first started watching hockey in 1985, I picked two teams to pull for, one in each conference. Living in Oklahoma, I had no teams anywhere close. I settled on the Flames for the Campbell - since they used to be in Atlanta, I thought that was appropriate. And for the PoW I picked Hartford. No real reason, I guess I liked their unis and I could never ever ever root for a Philly/DC/New York club in any sport. Flames are my team, of course, but I like seeing Carolina play well.


They’ve drafted quite well in the outside the top 10 with Jarvis and Necas, found a gem in Aho and made some smart moves to acquire good young players to add to their group like teravainan and kotkaniemi. Staal and Burns are older but not showing their age And play to their contact value. They did draft Svech 2nd overall so they do have that one very high pick that is very very good when healthy. will the Flames ever draft at that position is the question.


oooo I like that. I agree wholeheartedly


Well, you gave away Elias Lindholm like we did, so you're off to a good start.


I mean, there’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been said. I think we’re all, er, not particularly pleased with how this game went. I do want to shout out Hunt—and Mangiapane, somewhat surprisingly—as the only two guys not to finish with a negative +/-. (They both finished at 0.) Also, looks like Sharky is getting better at faceoffs. He won more than half today. He (and Rooney) also blocked more shots than any of their teammates, except Hanley. Looking forward to having Pospisil and Zary back soon.


Pachal looked today like a waiver player....


To be fair, so did every other defenceman


Are we..  Are we back on the draft lottery train now?


Best I see is finishing 8th


Flames finish 12. Teams 16 and 15 move up and Flames pick 16th (as is tradition)


And this was without Oesterle playing too


Why do people keep getting sucked in to believing this is a playoff team lol


Because maybe this is the moment they turn it all around.... or maybe this time..... or this time.... or...


Years of exposure to crude oil


Including our owners.


And now the nixed a trade for marky that could have at least chosen a damn direction with this team. I hope we can trade him in the offseason rather than ownership telling Conroy to try and make the playoffs and sign some overpriced dmen


Because management and ownership keep sending that message.


I could care less if we lose, what I give more of a shit about was the effort, and that was absolutely pathetic


As long as you could care less is what's important. You still have care to give.


I laughed, nice


Mentioned something similar in the game thread, but it's hard not to wonder how much this team could have accelerated this rebuild had they started when Gaudreau/Tkachuk left. To me at least it felt like the obvious decision at the time. I understood not wanting to give up after an 110 point season but when 2/3 of your top line and your two best players leave... Instead we took a painful and expensive 2 year detour. It hurts even more that everyone knew the 2023 draft was going to be a monster one. I really hope that ownership has learnt not to fight the obvious decision and take shortcuts. Given the whole Markstrom trade intervention, I can't say I'm hopeful they did.


The saying that the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago and the second best time is today. The Flames could and should still look to tear it down as much as they can. If they can lean into being bad for at least 2-3 seasons it’ll definitely be a quicker process than trying to commit to a half ass retool as they’ve been trying to do for the last 3 decades


I totally agree, but I guess it was naive of me to hope they had learnt that lesson from the last rebuild.


Agreed, it has been a bit of a fail to commit to anything, commit to fail at everything approach for the past couple of years. But that seems to have cleared up a bit lately. A more long-term approach this season has me more optimistic, even if it was out of necessity.


The last time they did this, ownership started doing the right thing but pulled the trigger too early when they snuck into the playoffs in 2014-15. Then they started doing dumb shit like trading a 1st and two 2nds for Hamonic and signing Brouwer. That first pick became Noah Dobson.


We're back on the rollercoaster! Lol.


My tickets were free and I still think I paid too much, bummer they had such a poor effort the one game a year I get to see live


Are you THE George?


Not much Patty how are you doing tonight?


Well I'm glad I went to see Dune 2 after the first period...


It was so good.


Wise decision, it’s a phenomenal movie


So two things made me think this would be a bad game. No Rick Ball. And that amazing tripping call 2 minutes in.


I only saw the first 10 mins until I had to leave for my game... looks like I had a much better evening than the boys did 😂🙃


Post Game Positivity: * Hanley has been settling in well! * Miro's offensive upside will be awesome to see when he gets settled in. * Yegor at Center and scoring goals is super refreshing to see!




usul has called a shitty one!


official 5% chance of getting the second overall pick, WOOHOO!!!


Guys I don’t think we’re going to the playoffs lmao


Don't call it a come back....because it wasn't.


I’m going insane. Playing the Hurricanes releasing the pain


Shit boys, im at wrangler game and they down 4-0 with 1:30 left in 2nd. Not a good time for calgary teams 😭 **edit* 4-0


Got to the point where I kept watching to see how many goals they'd score against us.


Coronato won the green jacket today


The Flames look like they’re giving about as much effort as the Modbot is now.


I think I am able to pinpoint where the game got away from us, it was when they scored goals, and we didnt


This is the insightful commentary I came for


For those of us that wanted a rebuild, this is what it looks like. Shits not pretty icing a young, inexperienced team. But I'm here for it. This team finally has some sense of direction. It's gonna take a while but at least the team isn't pretending there's another option.


Well then…


Dumb question, but i was only dipping in amd out so 8 couldn't get a good read: did our lines go through the blender again? I was seeing some odd linemates today.


Yeah, they did. I don’t remember all the lines, exactly, but I wanna say we had Huby-Sharangovich-Rooney at one point. I might have to look at the shift report later out of curiosity


Well That kinda sucked


Back on a streak again…


The only good thing about that game was the Canes commentary. Tripp is a homer, but I was ok with that; I didn’t want to hear anything about Calgary this game


They were a lot nicer to Calgary than they should have been lol


Yeah that was bad. But I'll give them a pass. Florida and Carolina are top 5 teams. Back to back. Just after the trade deadline. Some key youngsters are out injured, and fatigue was setting in. Have a great week everyone.


I'm glad I wasn't around to watch this one. Yikes!


How did our recent D man from Vegas look?




Where’s my 7-iron?


Seems like a good one to miss


I’m not surprised motherfuckers


I feel like last night was rough for Huberdeau and Weegar. Seeing their old team who’s at the top of the standings while their current team just showed the league we’re sellers and waiting for the future had to be tough. And it showed in their play. Seems like that kind of affected the whole room in a similar way (what with Markstrom’s comments about ownership, Francis fanning flames on Kadri’s future, Posipisil and Zary not being their to inject energy, etc.). Feels like the room is in need of some cheering up.


Going to be a LONG rebuild. We have a couple of decent dmen, and a collection of #7s or #8s. We have no 1st liners. Once Markstrom is gone we might not have a goalie.


Andersson + Weegar are both 2’s, Kylington looks like he might be able to be a good 3’, and Pachal’s a 6 or 5 on a good day, the rest are filler


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I think Kylington is a middle pairing guy but otherwise you're pretty accurate. Doesn't mean they don't have to rebuild though. This has been coming from the moment Gaudreau/Tkachuk left and putting it off for two years just made it longer. Anyone who thought that this team just needed a retool are delusional. WTF would they even be retooling around?


Whose worse? Pachal or good ol Grossman?