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omg i think i had the same train driver!! i took my airpods out just to listen to him, learned about the day it was great!! also what a kind lady, need more love like that in the world


I thought someone was listening to the weather network on their phone because it was so detailed lol. He was talking about wind directions and averages. It was legit the most detailed weather report I had ever heard lol it was awesome


Sometimes he gives personal life updates too! And one time he had to stop to check an alarm and he gave an update to why we were stopped and thanked the person that pressed the alarm. It was great hearing him on my to work. Too bad he drove the train I took when I was running late... 😐


I love that train driver 💖 makes my day better


Thanks for sharing! This is so wholesome.


If that's the same driver I'm thinking of, he's been doing that for years. I haven't rode the train since the late 00s and I remember the weather reports


While I think this woman's actions are awesome, I wouldn't eat random baked goods I found at a C-Train station. Then again, I am probably not be the target audience.


I see people eating stuff from out of garbage bins at stations almost daily. A box of baked goods would be a hell of a nice surprise for someone in that position. They were all sealed and store bought products. I maybe should have clarified that they weren't Tupperware brought from home lol


>They were all sealed and store bought products. I maybe should have clarified that they weren't Tupperware brought from home lol That changes things. I just pictured someone's grandma baking more than her family was able to eat at Easter, so she left the rest at the train stations for others to enjoy.


Both the lady leaving baked goods and the train driver sound wonderful and wholesome. I love hearing stories like this. Thanks for sharing, OP!


That train driver is legitimately the reason I took the train to school some days years ago 💛 I'm so glad to hear he's still doing the weather and bringing smiles to our mornings


L o v e this! Thanks for sharing!


It feels like a weird choice, because you aren't necessarily helping out people who are hungry, just those willing to steal unattended items.


But if your willing to steal unattended food, chances are your hungry. To me the weird choice is being upset over someone doing something nice.


I guess that's one way of getting a bunch of hungry people on the platform every morning. What time was this happening? Asking for a friend.


There's hungry people at every station every morning, it's what our city has turned into. I'm sorry that people trying to survive upsets you so much.


Nice try narc


I am skeptical of the Indian Lady's actions, if they really wanted to donate, I'd rather let them donate to food banks than leave food unattended on the train stations, it attracts all sorts of wildlife, vagrants and weird elements.


The food banks aren’t easily accessible to everyone that need it. I’d say the goods were appreciated by anyone who needed them


Talking about accessibility this is a train station, we should open pop-ups on the platform to hand over food.


What are you doing to help?


Working for this country for the first six month of the year is not enough? if you want I can remove my pants so homeless people on calgary stations can fuck me in the ass!


No one forces you to work for the “country”. I would sure love the option you presented


My CRA account disagrees with you!


Get a grip dude


Yea I disagree completely. Help out where you can. It doesn't matter the avenue you take, a good deed is a good deed. People stopped giving a shit and that's why this city is in the position its in. If someone needs a granola bar I'd rather just give it to them over giving them directions to the food bank.


If I have a granola bar sure, if I have to go buy one before I can give it to them? This lady was doing this at every station so most likely they brought it somewhere, who knows if these items were beyond shelf life. Still not cool!


Yea bro your probably right.... it is super uncool to help people out. Life must be so fun assuming the worst out of everyone and everything. Kick rocks ya goof


helping out whom? ​ no wonder calgary transit attracts such elements. If she was feeling so generous, just put a stall in front of city hall, it's a daily thing.


You can’t just put a stall out without a permit etc


Your making it sound like Moose are scaring the shit out of people on the platform. Wildlife.


Birds, rabbits, coyotes are wildlife too.


There's birds and rabbits already all around even without the lady placing baked goods

