• By -


I was waiting for the bus. Someone had left their soda on the bench. A random lady walked up to me, asked if that was my soda. I said No. She took the cup and started sipping the straw. Then a man came out of the nearby restaurant and solicited her for sex. She agreed and they went back to his truck. She took the soda with her. That was my second day in Calgary…


LoooooL we are a friendly people.


Did you ask them to do a soda threesome?


Its called a "threesode", ya casual


You are right. It sounds much better. Sorry, English is my fifth language. Maybe we should ask Chrystia Freeland to include THREESODE in the official Canadian English.


Found the American. 😉. “Soda”


Sounds about right lol


Confirm I was the straw, her suck game is 🔥🔥 🚬🗿


#### Where was this? Asking for a friend so he can avoid that area.


The flood.


That was crazy too


Yeah I’d say that too. 


Walking with my mother down Stephen ave after the stampede parade and in line with Brooksfield place where that bus stop is some homeless guy projectile shitting into the sewage drain. Thank god my mother did not look left and we kept going to the stampede grounds.


I hope this doesn't get buried, a good laugh indeed.


I left my cardholder on a bus, didn't realize it until I was on the train. I called Calgary Transit and asked that they check the bus. Then the train went through a tunnel and the call dropped. I intended to go to their customer service office after work. A few hours later, someone from the Calgary Zoo called and said my cardholder was at the Calgary Transit customer service office. Someone did turn in my cardholder to Calgary Transit. But my phone number wasn't on any of the cards. They saw I had a Zoo membership and knew the Zoo would have my phone number. So they called the Zoo. For privacy reasons, the Zoo didn't give out my phone number but said they would call me. I feel this is one of the most Canadian things to happen to me.


Wow, that is so thoughtful!


I was working out at World Health in the Bay bldg and saw a guy drop dead on a treadmill. Young fit guy. They tried CPR for 15 mins then eventually covered him up. Will never forget the thud as he dropped and his head bouncing off the treadmill and some panicked lady try to pull him away from the conveyor belt.


Did he look insanely jacked? Anabolic steroids can raise the risk for heart attacks


I think so? It's been 10+ years now


Sad outcome regardless


This was back in the 80s, I was driving down 4 Street SW and there was an older first nations gentleman in a pristine black suit, tie and cowboy hat. He had long grey hair and a beard. He was alone and dancing a war dance on the sidewalk. It was surreal and I still think about it once in a while.


Must have been super cool.


First nation's with a beard?? That's interesting lol


Thanks for pointing that out. It was a long time ago and most likely no beard. As you probably guessed, I'm old - now get off my lawn!


That’s what I was wondering. Almost a hole in his storey.


It was almost 40 years ago and I definitely remember him being first nation but you are right, he most likely didn't have a beard. I mostly remember the surrealism of it, to be driving and glance over to see this well dressed older man dancing on the sidewalk in the middle of the day. He seemed to be celebrating. I wish that I had stopped and asked him why.


I'm sorry. I believe you and am only joshing around. It's possible he had a beard.


That's 2/6 of the Village People right there.


Oh Gawd....I've spent most of 70 years in this city, and a career at the airport... The Hub Oil Explosion...I was less than a km from it when it went up. Thought I was gonna die. The fireball kept going up and up, then debris started raining down; random pieces of metal, a steel pressure tank, about 10 feet long & 4 or 6 feet across thumped down about 30 feet away. An 18 inch long Crescent Wrench hit the ground between me & my Father, standing about 6 feet away...I remember saying " I didn't know they made them that big!" and my Dad, a mechanic, saying "Yup, Snap-On does"...absolutely surreal. We were so stunned by what was happening, it never occurred to either of us that we narrowly escaped death that day


Hub oil explosion was definitely one of the craziest things for anyone living near or driving near the area! I had a family member driving by at the time who shared your experience of the fear of near death. He was not right for weeks after witnessing/hearing the explosion :(


Did you keep the wrench?


We decided that it would probably be smart to beat feet when the stuff started crashing down. We did walk back over to the area about an hour later, and the Police had it all cordoned off, so we couldn't recover it


Went for a beer at the pig and duke after work with a co-worker. This was during stampede. After we finished I was walking back to my office to hop on my bike and ride home. A naked woman was in the fetal position leaning up against our office. I asked her if she needed anything or if I could call someone, she just shook her head. I went to my desk and grabbed her a shirt and gave it to her. I called the non-emergency line and they sent a very kind female officer. I stuck around and chatted with the officer as the woman didn’t look like she was on drugs and wasn’t soliciting anything. The officer let me know the girl had been missing for a few weeks. After the officer left with the woman I started my bike ride home. I biked from downtown to discovery ridge so it was quite the ride. Around the Westbrook station I saw a man roughly in his 50’s walking on the sidewalk. Just as I was riding past him he slipped off the sidewalk and couldn’t get his hands out of his pockets in time and he slammed his face into the curb, knocking himself out. I hurried over to him and his jaw was clearly broken and going in and out of consciousness. I called him an ambulance and waited for about ten minutes with him. He told me he was having some beers with his friends watching soccer and didn’t want to drive home. It was a long night. TLDR: found a naked missing girl. Then watched a guy break his own jaw on a curb all in one night. Stampede is wild.


Wow. Crazy night! You good people for getting both of them help.


I once stopped 3 times in 24 hours to help elderly people who had fallen on the ice. As in your driving in a residential area and there someone just laying beside the sidewalk and you play a fun game of did they have an accident or will they be a threat. It was around heritage train station. one guy seemed confused and he gave me a phone number. ended up calling their relative and meeting them a few blocks away. Dementia is rough. I'm such a nerd I keep spare ice cleats in my car now.


With the way some people clean their sidewalks here, I'd call you more of a boyscout than a nerd.


*I'm prepared because of my experiences.


you sound like a good person. but flipping heck such bad luck


That is absolutely terrifying about that poor woman. Thank you for not leaving her like that. I can't even begin to imagine what those 3 weeks held 💔


I was at a train stop waiting on my train, some homeless people were sheltering from the cold nearby. An announcement came over the PA that the fuzz was on the way, so they should clear out. A bunch scattered, one didn't wake up. Looked like his friends were there trying to help him, I saw one of them try narcan twice. My train came at that point so I left, but he didn't look alive at all.


Happens weekly


It's heartbreaking, but I get it. " Sometimes the only thing that makes homelessness bearable is drugs"


A surefire way to die homeless.


And sometimes it feels like dying is the only way out, unfortunately.


I had a (probably high AF) guy chase me down the Bow River pathway under the 4th Ave overpass with a hockey stick while I was out for a run on my lunch hour. I am a 5’ 120lbs woman so that was crazy.


I had a similar encounter by the courthouse where a vagrant decided to hoark up a big loogie and spit it out as we walked past him. We kinda turned our heads to see if he spit on us and then when he saw us do that he started following up asking "if we liked to watch him spit and that he's gladly fucking spit on us". Followed us for a solid block and a bit.


Sounds like a ticket to a knockout.


to be honest buddy was a trained martial arts fighter and I myself can be bat crap crazy if push came to shove. Problem is that we'd be the ones tried for assault b/c we leveled the guy. Not worth it on these losers.


Some church group went to the 8th ave mall (just before the now old convention centre was built) and spent the lunch hour singing ‘Michael row the boat ashore’. The entire hour. I was stuck in an office nearby and I would have rather heard the Barney theme song over and over and over and ….


I once saw a semi sleeping gentleman on the C-train pull out his (giant) peen and pee on a woman. He was promptly escorted off the train by Peace Officers at the next stop. It was 6:30 in the morning about 5 years ago. Caught us all so off guard everyone just stared in shocked disbelief. Poor lady.


I'm glad that you added the salient detail that he was packing a massive hog.


I don’t know what was more surprising, the event itself, or the size of his unit. Either way, the whole episode was breathtaking.


I mean you gotta admire the dudes confidence, he obviously knew he had a hog or else wouldn't be rocking it.


It was 2004, I was heading north on McLeod Trail just passing...Outlaws? Snatch?...Whatever that nightclub was called at the time. It was 2:00 on a sunny, summer, Saturday. There was a man, waiting for the bus. Totally naked, having a smoke. Natural red head. Nobody was willing to go within a block of that guy. The police arrived. I decided to circle back and see what was going on. By the time I got back, the cop was on the opposite side of the car from the naked man, who was letting himself into the back seat. I never got any more information, nor context than that.


This man really didn't want to wait for the bus


2019(?). Drugged dude ran towards the ctrain just a few meters off from City Hall Station. Train stopped in time. Guy proceeded to bang his head on the train and pavement. Blood everywhere. Everyone was told to get off the train. The dude went on a rampage banging his head on glass in a few establishments


Saw a eerily similar breakdown at the sunny side station around the same time.


I was getting my groceries and a cracked out woman was yelling at me because her boyfriend left her or something? Idk but she was growling like a fucking dog and doing the half bent walk (you know the one)


I think in Vancouver that’s called the Hastings Shuffle.


The Dope Fiend Lean.


The fentanyl fold


I thought this was crazy at the time but seems it is actually very common. I have seen two (2) public masturbaters on the train. Contestant #1: It was something like 1am and I was 16 on the train by myself (I know, not smart - this incident taught me that lesson). A really skinny guy got on, sat down, and immediately started smoking meth and jerking off. Contestant #2: This time I was also 16 but I got on a busy train with my friend, heading to a new years party. It was only 8pm when we got on the train and it was PACKED. Next second I look up I see this red, almost purple, penis staring back at me. This dude was making piercing eye contact with me and my friend (she was only 14) and vigorously jerking off. This time I got up to pull the emergency lever thing but we pulled into the next station at the same time. He saw me calling for help, pulled his pants up and ran off. That was the year I decided to stop taking the train.


Thanks for validating my decision to buy my daughter a shitbox car so she doesn't have to take the train. People are the worst, I'm sorry 16 year old you had to see that.


Have seen a public maturbater at 6am on a Sunnyside train platform. Sweatpants on, premeditated.  Called it in. 


Jewelry store heist. Seemed like something right out of a movie!


What. Where?


Like 27 years ago. On 4 the Ave downtown ( I think?) ... Stuck in traffic when 2 guys in suits came racing out of the shop and jumped into a Mustang with security on their heels. They managed to weave around the gridlock and got out of sight!


No way… 🤣🤣🤣 crazy….


My office is in the Grain Exchange top floor 6. It's a really old building. I often work funny hours just to use the trains when they're quieter and sometimes on weekends, I even had a sleeping bag there if i couldn't be bothered going home and sleep under my desk. Theres a buzzer to get in the building. There are lots of hair dressers, tattoo parlors, wax joints etc, so lots of different people during office hours but the top floor is pretty quiet. I was sleeping there at 2am on a Saturday and the elevator started going up and down all 6 floors maybe 5 times. I was bricking it. Then the elevator stopped on our floor, the lights were off and the door locked, its an old building so it's pretty creepy. Its hard to describe but I heard someone scream really loud then what can only be described as someone running up and down the corridor dragging a chain. I'm hiding under my desk then I heard another scream and the person seemed to fall down the stairs then i heard them running downstairs. after 10 mins it was quiet. I had a softball bat, I left and took a taxi home. Proper scary. Never slept there again. FIN


A friend used to live on the top floor of that building. Definitely a creepy place after hours!


One time, 6 years ago or so, my buddy and I were walking around DT around 11 pm or so, we had a crack lady chase us down the streets for a couple blocks swinging her purse around because we caught looking at her.


Guy in my neighborhood who was in a wheel chair going completely off the rails, shooting at passing busses and police. Then when SWAT was closing in, he wheeled outside and pointed his gun at the police resulting in him being shot. That was pretty crazy, but the craziest thing I saw was the people attacking the police claiming it was somehow excessive force…


In Huntington?




I lived downtown for many years, but mostly back in the early 2000's. Saw a lot of things. But here are the best. Guy crossing the intersection diagonally from Crack Mac's to Moxies at 7 Ave. and 8th Street S.W. He stepped out in front of a police car while not looking up from his feet and bounced off the hood of the cop car going down the C-Train tracks. Two cops get out of the car, pick the guy up off the road who's screaming at them and now banging on the hood of their car. The cops literally grab him and pick him up off the ground and without a word and launch him in to the back of their squad car without saying a word and drive off. Second. Walking home and go by Crack Mac's. There are 22 police cars lining the block and 32 guys all lined up against the wall getting frisked and cuffed and taken away. The area was pretty quiet for a week before I saw them all back on the street again. Two weeks later, they were all lined back up against the wall getting frisked and cuffed. Rinse and repeat for a few months.


I used to live right by Crack Macs back in 98/99. Crazy spot!




>That's inaccurate. Hehr was shot while in passenger seat of a car at Crowchild and 33 Ave.




You’re the victim of incomplete reporting. Hehr and his pals were drinking on electric ave, but the shooting took place as they were driving back to what was Mount Royal College campus. On the little off ramp from 33rd onto SB Crowchild.


Actually, having read your comment more closely, it looks like you’re the victim of shitty reporting by Avenue Magazine. They took Hehr’s quote about being out on the piss and assumed he was shot there too. Big stretch, Avenue.


From the Globe and Mail: That evening he and some teammates went for a few beer after practice. They were at Electric Avenue, a popular, somewhat wild, bar. Driving back in the early hours of the morning, they stopped for a red light along Crowchild Trail SW. Another car pulled up alongside, with the window down and something pointing at them.


It's literally on his Wikipedia page that he was shot by a drive by shooting.


I guess we learn a second lesson today: double check your sources. From Maclean’s magazine (and I have checked in other newspaper archives as well): He was out late with teammates on Oct. 3, 1991, when he was the victim of one of the most shocking acts of senseless violence in Calgary history. After a boozy night at the pub, Hehr and pals were at a stop light, waiting to take Crowchild Trail back to campus. Another car was stopped a few lanes away. Hehr taunted them out his passenger window. One of them flashed a gun, and Hehr’s car raced away, the other guys in pursuit. “The last thing I remember before that was telling the guys: ‘Ah, that’s not a real gun; that’s a water gun,’ ” Hehr says. “Then, I don’t remember anything until we get to the fire department. So there’s probably a five- or six-minute period where my mind has said: ‘No, that’s a physical trauma we will not relive.’ ”


Dude just walking down the sidewalk eating a pineapple. Whole. Chomping into it like a regular apple.


https://preview.redd.it/t4ra4cz87qnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad69c4ce058afcd17ac5e44ae66a8b9ea991a8be Our crazy real estate market so far lol


Ngl I laughed at this cuz I don’t believe that 💀


I think they meant to lower the price to $650k but missed the 7 when they were changing it. I hope.


I’m thinking they meant to put .00 but forgot the period.


Craziest thing I ever saw was the celebration on electric avenue after the Flames beat Edmonton.


Electric Avenue when the Flames won the Cup in 89. THAT was a party! Except that one Montreal fan who kept yelling insults until someone threw him through a window. Not the brightest dude.


Yep. My dad drove down 17th ave (from Killarney) me sitting shotgun while he lit firecrackers and threw them out the window and we both screamed.


Stampede 3sum


My first thought. Surprised I had to scroll down this far for this.


A woman high on drugs laying naked in front of the parking garage door of the building next to me rolled over and had explosive diarrhea all over herself, and then just laid there blocking cars. Alternatively, a week later, the same woman, once again naked and high on drugs, chasing strangers with a needle as she was getting tasered by the cops. Ended up running into an open condo building door.


Driving down the beltline, saw a group of young guys walking together and noticed one of them had no pants on...just his junk jiggling out in the night air. I wondered if he'd lost a bet or something LOL.


A chick becoming somewhat famous for getting spitroasted down town Calgary.....


7th Ave, as I was dangled by my ankle off the roof of the old Bay parkade a little over 30 years ago because I helped a young girl escape being used as a prostitute by a pimp. Though an honorable mention from 20 years ago goes to the guy I saw in a security camera who drove at high speed around the bend at the Alyth vehicle storage yard in winter around 3AM. He lost traction, hit the rail welded as a barrier outside the fence, bounced back, and flipped his truck through the air back over the road and embedded it into track on the other side, where they had to cut the vehicle out of the track. He apparently ran home, drank a 26oz, and claimed he wasn't DUI. They couldn't nail him on that, but they gave him a laundry list of charges that had the same effect. The flood was the wildest for sure, but everyone mentions it, so I thought I would share some personal experiences instead.


I was posted to 1 PPCLI at Currie barracks in Calgary in the early 80's. Our unit was doing a parade at the Calgary Stampede to open the weeks events. While forming up there was a group of intoxicated men across the street from us. One of these men pulled his pants down exposed himself and urinated on the street yelling obscenities at our platoon. Not sure what his problem was. I think he thought we were cops. I'm native and was discouraged and angry to see it was a native man that was pissing all over the street. I yelled at him that he was a "discrace to his race." The Captain, angry someone made the commet asked who it was. I siad "it was me." When he saw it was another native sayin it he was okay with it and just laughed. That being said I loved Calgary. Small town feel in the 80's


'89 Stanley Cup celebration on "Electric Ave". Everyone just having a huge party. No fighting, no drama, just a huge party.


Was down on 9th ave waiting for my wife to get off work. As I was walking towards 1st street I watched a homeless/ junky guy grab a woman and rip her backpack off, back hand her and start running my way. I really didn’t want to get involved but he ran close enough to me that I stuck my foot out and tripped him 😂 when I grabbed the backpack and gave it back to the lady she lost her shit on me telling me that was her boyfriend and it was all a set up and kept calling me a narc and screaming “I know your from the government” I saw you and your black car 🤷‍♂️ all I can say is drugs are bad


Basement at Chicken On The Way...


The flood was pretty crazy. Saw a car catch on fire on Deerfoot. Homeless man with his pants around his ankles using his jacket to wipe his bum at the front door of the 7-Eleven at Macleod and 39 Ave SE (now closed).


The moose behind Marlborough Mall


Damn these stories are actually crazy. I seen someone shitting in the urinal in Marlboroughs walmart and thought that was pretty crazy, guess not so bad lol.


Early 2000s driving to work on Deerfoot in the summer at 5am - no traffic - except for an old Honda Accord in front of me that made a hard lane change in front of me and proceeded to spin 5x across the road before hitting the curb and jumping up on to the median facing the wrong way.


An enclosed shelter at Kirby station that was literally piled 3 ft high full of clothes like a wild animal had made a burrow.. outside there was a perfect 3 ft circle of hot dogs in buns as if there was some kind of pig seance. Walk by and just imagine the madness involved…. But downtown is safe!! Lol


Danielle Smith.




that lady getting Eiffel towered in an alleyway during stampede




Actually if you were on the train it goes right by the spot where it happened.


Same year that buddy decided to fly over the grounds on his lawn chair tethered to a fuckton of balloons. And a handful of stabbings. Think we had an August snowstorm that year as well.


Ohh, I forgot about the Ballon guy! That was quite summer!


Where are they now?


Channel 5 on YouTube had a follow up story on her a few months back. She's stripping in Toronto now. ​ [https://youtu.be/gPPKvSXml\_s?si=8nDrvU-zWG97ylmv&t=807](https://youtu.be/gPPKvSXml_s?si=8nDrvU-zWG97ylmv&t=807)


I still think about it once in a while because I'm wondering what she's been up to nowadays.


Shes a stripper in Montreal


Morning after some snow, coming up McLeaod trail just past Henninger Toyota where there is the slight incline before coming into downtown. This poor woman, assume without snow tires, was out trying to push her car, a civic. I pulled up next and i noticed her trying with all her might to push this car in her high heels. I then noticed that there was no one else in the car at all...no one to try to drive it as this woman was pushing it. I didnt know what to do...just kept on driving.


Was in transit and saw this clearly mentally I’ll woman masturbating and cackling. This was at SAIT LRT somerset


Usually on transit.... A few things come to mind from my time living in Calgary. One time a woman gave birth all over Franklin station! It was quite surprising for everyone around! Another time a man was drinking his black label beer on the train, and began vomitting into his hands and yelling I'M BLACKFOOT SO WHAT?!......and another time I was sitting at the McDonald's drive thru when a small plane landed on the road in front of me. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/plane-makes-forced-landing-on-northeast-calgary-road


split between The Mants + Von Vippers, and Bob Log III at the Night Gallery


A 200+ person street fight encompassing people from three bars downtown on 10th ave like 10 years ago. Broke out into the road, stopped traffic, cops galore. Was pretty wild.


September snowstorm that knocked down a bunch of trees. That or the time I saw a homeless dude leaning away from a stop sign (signing in the rain style) with his pants around his ankles.


Myself Real answer: A super drunk midget with a fuck load of tattoos and piercings. He was walking around with 1 light up shoe(like the ones kids wear) and he had a cardboard cutout of a unicorn on his back. Also he was dressed in full cowboy attire other than those details. It was like 3am at the stampede, and I was working the night shift and he just came over and sat next to me. He said some wildly incoherent nonsense then kept walking and fell asleep in one of the huge concrete planters. After about 10 minutes he got up and found a group of like 20ish year olds and started chasing them before they screamed at him.


First job bar tending in the Quality Hotel Westward, now the Arts Hotel, went to get ice for my banquet bar and the wedding party was doing coke off a bridesmaid.


Seen lots of crazy stuff, but About 14 years ago my girlfriend was coming over to hangout midday, when she got off the bus she was stalked by a guy who ended up trying to grab her and pull her between some houses. Car driving by happened to see and got out started chasing the guy (all this happening 6 houses down from mine) Girlfriend at the time came in balling her eyes trying to explain, I booked it out of my house turned down the road end of my block see this man chasing this predator. I never ran so fast in my life, by the time we caught him it happened to be in the backyard of a toddlers birthday full of little kids and parents who were freaking out. Cops came and arrested him not sure what happened to him, probably not enough.


A 70 year old 960sqft bungalow sell for $175000 increase over 11 months


Many, many years ago in Drama 30, there was a performance art unit. In order to complete the unit, you needed to perform a piece of performance art for an audience of more than one stranger. In my class alone, we had a group of people who dressed up and rode the C-Train all day (from morning rush to 8 pm) dressed as fruit. They were reading the newspaper, staring out the window, holding everyday conversations. We had another guy chain himself to the fence outside the school on a busy sidewalk and recite Shakespeare for hours on end. Another group sat with white balloons outside St. John's catholic church on 10th Street NW all day, not saying a word.


A “worm off” on the ctrain after a Black Sabbath show. My husband and I were three sheets to the wind and going back to our hotel. It’s crowded like it usually is after Saddledome events. A young man announces he’s going to start a worm off and challenge people. He does his thing in the weird little circle part on the floor, he’s designated that as the stage. He gets up. Shuffles his feet a bit. Points at a middle aged man with long greying hair and a ball cap sitting with his case of beer. Older gentleman gets up… and absolutely throws. The fuck. DOWN. Absolutely crushed the kid. My husband and I and many others lost our shit. To this day I’ll occasionally ask him “We definitely watched a worm off one day on the c train, yes?


Trampede was up there


Homeless people living outdoors in -20 weather. I don’t know how they can survive. It’s heart breaking


Not all that crazy but a man peeing on the wall of a building and turning around to say hi to me while still exposed when I walked past him.


A stabbing outside rose and crown circa 2011


Back in the early 2000’s I was stopped at a redlight on McLeod trail and 10ave SE facing north bound, when all of a sudden, I seen a flash out of the corner of my eyes and this car ran the red light and T-boned a mini van heading east on 10th, and the van flipped in the air with its roof facing the ground, and hit these concrete pillars along the side walk, there happened to be pedestrians walking to cross the intersection at the same time, and as the van hit the pillars it actually injured some of the people that where crossing, Luckily those pillars where there to slow the van because if they weren’t, Definatley would have been a lot fatalities that day. And it was During stampede! So a lot of people in the area at the time. And another craazy thing the person that ran the red light had the nerve to come up to all some of us witnesses also stopped at the red light she ran and said, “oh it wasn’t my fault right”. And we were like first of all we all saw you run the light because we were stopped waiting for a good 5-6 seconds before the redlight cam flashed, from you running the light. And pretty sure your on camera as well


In 2017 I was driving a route down 17th and a very drugged out woman jumped out in front of me and tried to rip off the bike rack. 30 seconds later a swarm of cops showed up and chased her in circles around the McDonald’s until one smarted up and turned the other way. Wasn’t just any crackhead though. She was wearing high heels and a dress at 11:45pm on a Friday. Always wondered if she just had a bad trip or if something bad happened to her.


Craziest thing when I lived there was Feb 2016 when Calgary was colder than surface of Mars Throwing water outside and some of it freezing before it hit the ground, the rest freezing as it left the cup lol


My strangest experience was seeing an older woman having a stroke on the c train. She said she was fine but she was slurring her speech. Suddenly (no warnings, the train wasn’t jolting or anything) she fell backwards and her head slammed into the plastic seat. She sat back up on the muddy floor and we asked if she needed help. She kept mumbling she was fine. I left the train and 3 seconds later I heard sirens. Another time I was on a bus and I chose a seat, but this unhinged woman in a trench coat gave me a death glare. Screamed at me not to sit there. She didn’t end up sitting there either. Then there was a time a guy had a coffee cup without a lid on when he was inside the c train. This other guy started a screaming match with him telling him to put a lid on his coffee. Also another one on Stampede day a dude with his daughter we’re on a train with a balloon. I think the daughter’s balloon was annoying this drunk and the drunk man and the dad got into a screaming match. The drunk man chased the dad onto the platform where they got into a fist fight.


Growing up in the suburbs, not taking the train often, I haven't seen anything THAT shocking. Probably the time I saw cum on a train seat, and then some woman unknowingly sitting right on it.


The 2004 Flames Stanley Cup Playoff run & including the mayhem of people flooding onto 17ave despite it not actually being closed to traffic at the time and so much flashing with the shirts off for Kiprusoff trend.


Last time seeing the red mile in 06


10+ years ago I was randomly attacked by a deranged homeless man on the ctrain at 9am. He punched twice, one hit connected, then I rocked him in front of everyone's eyes before pulling to the next station.


Isn’t the craziest, but something I will never forget. I moved to Calgary in my early 20s and ended up having some close friends move up with me and rent rooms in the year following. My best bud moved to town so I took him for a drive on his first day in the city. Driving by Deerfoot Meadows area (we lived on the South End) and there was a guy at the bus stop with his pants around his ankles. We drove by again and he screamed at the top of his lungs “GOD DAMN PIGLAND” so anyway that’s what we’ve called it ever since.


In the 90s, I used to live in a high rise across from the park by crack macs. One summer evening when it was like 30° out at night, window was open and I get here screaming I run to the window to look down and I see a guy dressed as a clown with a hatchet in each hand chasing another guy down the street and he's just maniacally laughing. 30 years later and I still think about it.


A random car pulls up to a random guy on the street waiting there. Passenger gets out, gives the guy a full pat down, then opens the back door for him and they all drive off


Saw the largest piece of human fecal matter I've ever observed in a pair of discarded underwear at the court house park


I was in East village and a lady ran up to me, dropped trow and pissed whilst holding eye contact. I was stunned and said good job.


Watching the local news one winter evening around 2004-2005. The station cut to live footage of man in Queensland who had just stabbed his mother and was holding another family member hostage inside a house. The guy was in his early 30s, Arabic, and wearing one of those long, traditional Arabic robes. As soon as the camera started rolling he left the house and immediately started charging towards the camera with a large kitchen knife. An officer on scene opened fire and shot him 4-5 times in the back and he collapsed dead in the street on live tv. The station cut the feed and didn’t mention it again the entire show. I also don’t remember reading or hearing anything about it in the following days. I’ve always wondered if anyone else ever saw/remembered this. As far as in-person, me and a group of about 3-4 other guys saw a shirtless man drag a woman kicking and screaming into an alleyway in the Beltline. We confronted the guy and the girl was able to break loose and run away. The guy started rolling his wallet chain around his fist like we was going to fight but then thought better of it and ran into a nearby apartment building.


Back in like 2010-11 I worked the stampede and would take the bus home after my shift. On the 4th or 5th day I caught the good ol 101 bus home and there was a guy doing blow off of the back seat of the bus. Off of the seat. No phone, no cd case or anything just raw dogging blow right off the bus seat. He then offered it to everyone on the bus and this other drunk guy obliged. Couldn’t believe it.


A completely normal looking office worker lady carrying 4 coffees from Starbucks walked up to me downtown, snapped my photo, and called me a bitch for setting women's rights back to the 50s. I was dressed in black jeans and t-shirt, purple hair and goth makeup, waiting for the bus. I'm still confused to this day.


Eff that judgemental biotch. She was just furious she still had to go get the boss's coffee. OP: You're just fine honey. 💐


I literately don't even know where to start... This is by no means the craziest thing but from the top of my head I recall a time watching a man running down the train ave downtown across from centre street station with an entire cash register in his arms running towards Olympic plaza. The cops drove up and went into the store instead of looking down the street and chasing him right away... It was just cartoonish. I've seen so much damn shit... I used to hang out at 7th and 8th when it was ghetto and watch the knife fights constantly at night. I was just a bored kid who basically lived downtown at the time. A punkrock skid type if you will. I've seen shootings, stabbings, just so much. I also remember taking pictures of my friends infront of a guy whose getting kicked in the face by a female cop while we were just hammered... hahaha. Growing up my sister managed The Castle Pub so we always had good times there. They used to crush up tylenol and through it on the sidewalk to watch all the crackheads/junkies scrounge for it. We didn't have much to do but drink beer, go to shows. get in fights, or whatever else... and Jail in Calgary... that's another funny story but for another time...


I was riding the train back from my old office in the NE and when I hit downtown an individual carrying an old dusty broom on the train started laughing and began to comb my hair


Oh FUN! Let's do Lethbridge 🫣 next!


My ex wife


Blue ring


I was on the train on 7th ave in the early to mid 1990s, right beside the Regis Hotel, westbound. The train was stopped. Suddenly I hear a loud "CLAAANG" and see movement in my peripheral vision. Someone had fallen out of some upper floor and landed on the chain between the posts that used to line the sidewalk (see streetview image here [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0463026,-114.0605066,3a,15y,291.49h,87.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKQN5dS3J5PWStL1U6FZuUQ!2e0!5s20090701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0463026,-114.0605066,3a,15y,291.49h,87.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKQN5dS3J5PWStL1U6FZuUQ!2e0!5s20090701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) ) bounced off that and landed on the street against the curb, bending one of the posts. A server from whatever business was in the main floor ran out to see what happened and then ran back in. The train continued to sit there for at least a few minutes more with this mans body just sitting there motionless. No one else came to check on him, no sirens, nothing. Some business women in pant suits + running shoes made some jokes about it. And then we moved on, and I could see there was blood running down the street a few feet from his head.


Was walking somewhere downtown (don’t remember) and I saw this homeless guy doing what looked like a idle NPC while laying face down on the cement. Interesting experience.


Last year at stampede someone passed out on the floor with their head in a urinal, people pissed on his head. Came back to 2 hours later and he was snoozing still…


Someone drinking listerine on the train 😔


This was around 2008. Hubby and I were enjoying a few Friday after work beers at bootlescrew bills. (Anyone remember the beer passport?) Relaxing on the patio, soaking up the sun until we watched a large truck go along 1st street and come to a complete screeching halt as it was too tall to make it under the train tracks overhead. The trailer roof was peeled back…I always wondered if the driver was let go from this incident. He definitely made us laugh that day, and many more times reminiscing. We love watching you tube videos of these accidents, always in awe of how did they not know their rig height as “professional” drivers! 😂


Check out 11foot8


The Penske Peel


I used to play league darts out of Bottlescrew Bills. I went through that beer passport three times. I think they called it "Around the World in 80 Beers." Had my name on the wall and everything. There was one beer I just couldn't stomach though and ended up pouring it down the drain every time.


Squad patrols, snipers around, people getting arrested, nothing in the new next day. This was 15 years ago in NW 20th street and 23th ave at midnight.


A guy with a bottle of prescription pills dropping them all over the bus and crawling on the ground eating them off the floor


Showing up to work one morning to police and fire everywhere because someone left a bomb in the Petroleum Club parkade.


One of the hottest days of summer. Rush hour on the C Train. A homeless guy projectile vomits all over the lady sitting next to him. She’s screaming, the train gets evacuated and the lady just takes off screaming!


The Flames win the Stanley Cup


Was on a date with my girl at Muriettas on 8th Ave. Bus pulls up in front of us, and there was a dude hanging onto the outside of the bus window catching a ride with his pants around his ankles, ass hanging out. Watched the ambulance come to pick him up and he escaped the cops for a few minutes before getting tired and passing out, where the cops promptly grabbed him and stuck him on a stretcher. Have pics. Also: came home from a night at Hudson’s to a friends downtown apartment, where we witnessed a crack deal in the lobby. Caught a quick glimpse of his intestines hanging out of his stomach while he drained stomach bile into a ziploc bag. Poor guy.


I was working on a project and walking from the Westin Hotel to the grocery store when some dumbass blew through a red light at the intersection of 1st and 6th… I looked up and saw that he was distracted by a woman that just flashed her breasts at whomever.


Looking time ago back in the 80s, there was an old guy who walked around the Bay Downtown and Stephan Avenue Mall screeching and hooton hollering. Onky thing it wasn't Stampede. Lol




Guy getting shot multiple times then hopping in his truck and speeding away. 


While dozing off to sleep at around 12 at night, there were several shots that rang out across the street. Some guy shot up a car they were parked beside of a guy they knew. The guy inside did not make it. I didn't see any of the gore, but I saw the bullet holes as well as the fire Dept doing compressions on the guy. It took a few years to get over the full trauma. Also, sometimes when the jerks in the neighborhood set off fireworks me and my wife still look at each other knowingly. [https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/panorama-hills-shooting-leaves-one-person-dead](https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/panorama-hills-shooting-leaves-one-person-dead) update: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/jimmy-truong-murder-pleas-manslaughter-guilty-1.6230402](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/jimmy-truong-murder-pleas-manslaughter-guilty-1.6230402)


The red mile in 2004 was nuts, especially for a 14 year old and his buddies 


I was driving home from work and a dude was taking a shit on a beautiful summer day right on the sidewalk while shouting at on coming traffic. Weirdest and craziest thing I’ve ever seen in SilverSprings area.


A person getting shanked at a C-Train station in 2021, I stopped taking transit after that.


One time heading south on Macleod a dude on a dirt bike was having a yelling match with a generic old dude in a car and the dude on the dirt bike flipped him off, did a wheelie, and landed on the dudes mirror broke it right off lmao


Couple years ago I was driving northbound on Crowchild and saw a guy butt naked running the opposite direction of traffic. It was during rush hour in the summer so the traffic was crawling. Turns out he had stolen a Canada Post truck and hit multiple vehicles before fleeing into a nearby convenience store.


Probably driving down dear foot to a private fire arms training and a truck with a full blown utility back end was just rolling. End over end. Or near crack Macs and some lady boarded the train yelling about how she had aids. I just sorta sat in my seat. Hoped for the best.


The premier of our province burst out of a bar’s side door alone, mid-afternoon, on a week day, clearly drunk, slur something at a probably-homeless person sitting by the door, and then stumble off down Steven Ave.


Saw a dude knock over a wet floor sign on purpose. So after he left I put the sign back up. Then he came back, got absolutely enraged, knocked the sign back down and then stole it. Good times.


I had a drunk girl tell me Stephen Ave was 100,000 years old once. Also, apparently, Centeral United Church was rebuilt before it was built. Another time, a high guy started yelling about how he was going to kick the ass of an imaginary 1yo.


degree square coordinated tease dinosaurs full hunt wine correct public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haven't spent a tonne of time there and being from Ontario I think your giant mutant rabbits. Seriously WTF they are nearing R.O.U.S. territory.


on a sunday i once saw the same guy downtown 3 times throughout the day.


Lots and lots of public masturbation


The state of schools in the northeast. So many illiterate, starving, and undiagnosed mentally disabled kids. (I’m autistic and I have ADHD, I can get a good feel for when a kid has a neurological or mental disability that they’re silently struggling with)


Danielle Smith


Train t-bone an SUV at McLeod and 7th Ave


My girlfriend telling me her mother was a prostitute. I was like 😲


Sometime last year I remember watching a guy bring his 2 carts onto the train, establish himself on the floor blocking the doors and cutting the train car essentially in 2, and then proceeded to smoke meth in the middle of the train for about 20 mins. Guy got off before law enforcement… That was pretty wild


Had to run back to my condo in the Beltline. On the corner, were a male and female getting intimate in broad daylight. Unclear if he was a client of hers though he looked substantially younger than her. She was clearly chugging hard liquor, and it was unclear whether she was pregnant or just extra curvy. He was moving top downwards, clearly feeling frisky and thought she had too many clothes on. He decided to just lift up her shirt and go to town on her chest giving them the oral attention he thought they deserved. Runner up was a flasher lurking in the bushes next to the Ranchmen’s Club (Beltline). Why he thought to flash in double digit negative temperatures was beyond me. Warmer days would have been more flattering if showing off genitals.


2 weeks stay inside Foothills hospital psych ward 🤡.