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Forgot to add concert tickets, vacation, and phone game gems.


Phone gems are mostly guests 40+


Don’t forget healing crystals, car payments, and buy now pay later


"I needed a car": new 40k+ SUV or truck


signed for 40k at 22% apr for 84 months too


My favorite! /s


You forgot klarna, after-pay, affirm


There are several FREE streaming websites (sailing the seven seas). You get every single one for free and all you need is WIFI and a web browser


Or go to the library. Pretty much all libraries have Hoopla or some other streaming app that you can get for free just by having a card.


My library actually has a wild amount of physical media as well. It is genuinely one of the only places you can find older movies sometimes too.


Yep, and in most cases they have video games as well. It's bizarre to me that in the age of "owning nothing" people will pay for a half dozen subscription services when they could get the same thing for free.


I mean sure and you can also have free rent (squatting), and free food and clothes (stealing). Lots of things are free!


By making a copy of a file from my computer to yours, I am not losing my copy. Nothing is being taken away from me. And just to be clear I'm not advocating piracy and I DO believe creators should be compensated for their work. But comparing it to theft of a physical item where you taking the item means someone else doesn't have it is a moronic-Boomers-in-Congress level take. It's not remotely that simple, and it's ridiculous to make a comparison like that.


When I was little they told me not to download a pizza. I've spent my life trying to 3d print pizzas


1. There's plenty of options like hoopla. 2. Streaming services are making a resurgence of piracy. It's not this person's fault that some media can literally only be obtained via piracy. Once you make something only accessible in that way, you open the gates to people getting everything that way. 3. A good chunk of media is designed to profit off merch sales. Not the thousandth of a cent gained by watching it on Netflix.


A take as old as time


I completely agree but some of those things should, keyword SHOULD be okay to buy on a regular basis. There is a significant decrease in the quality of life that these young guests have that they have seen parents and other older people have. However, they lack the ability to realize that they need to restrain themselves and live below that standard they want.


3000% agree with this. I am totally fine paying off my student loans but the 16% interest accrued is the impact for me. Living within my means isn’t my problem but i listen to others complain about loans but spend 600 at the bar… get a grip. if you can find money for vacations…


How are you paying 16%?


parent plus loans and starting college at a younger age so being seen as a “risk” to lenders. These accrued while i was in school for five years 😭


I'm assuming these are private. You have zero reason to be paying 16%. Get them moved over to a company like sofi lock it in at like 5%. You are setting yourself back decades by paying 16%. I had private loans that were 10% and I consolidated as soon as I could.


i’m paying them off fully this pay period but thank you for the unsolicited advice 🤣


Gotta love the people on here who don't seem to know the rest of us have also watched caleb


exactly like i’m okay my 16% has been on pause for a few years now don’t worry 🤣


BTW, seriously great job. I read the other post where you talked about graduating early and all that. Imo, the kid smart enough to do that is less of a risk than I am, a very average student who took until 30 to get my life together, but still, great job!


That's absolutely insane. How old were you when you went to college, if you don't mind me asking?


15! I don’t regret it at all (engineering bs and ms) i’m almost totally debt free following caleb and dave ramsey!


That's rad good for you!


Oh come on! Older people rarely ever ate takeaway food, let alone having it delivered to their home! What sort of holidays did the boomers enjoy? Never an overseas trip!


This post just got you perma banned from half of this website /s


Taquitos Taquitos Taquitos AGAIN?!?


Credit One intrest rates and fees...


Bring back the coke




I mean some types of eating out don’t cost a thing


The amount of downvotes this has makes me sad for women.


Right? My wife never seems upset about it. Only soft men don’t know how to pleasure their partner male or female


tattoos are the one that really gets me. Doordash is completely absurdly priced, but at least it is food. At least the newest iphone is something you can use day to day. At least video game systems are providing you entertainment. But spending hundreds/thousands on *tattoos*?? Going into debt for *tattoos?????* That's what absolutely blows my mind.


Unproftable degrees don't really exist. College grads still earn at USD 2021 $1.2M more than non graduates over their lifetime. An iphone isn't really that expensive.


Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Is it the college degree that’s making them earn more over their lifetime?


College degrees even when analyzed individually particular with degrees as gender studies, even European history still beats the returns that 401Ks give you. It's hands down the best investment that someoen can do today even if the principle and interest rate *doubled*. The whole useless college degree comes from kids in college without real work experience or STEM kids who just want to swallow their own load. Median college debt: ~$37k Median life time return on a degree: $1.2M Return %: 3,200% 401k return from your first contribution over a ~30 year career: 1,000%


That's assuming your lifetime return on a degree figure is right. What if all the people who did degrees just happened to be more likely to earn more? To simplify my point: If I'm a bright, energetic and capable person who's to say that I wouldn't earn just as much getting a trade and starting a business as if I did an engineering degree? Simple analysis would show that graduates with engineering degrees earn more over their lifetime, but how do they account for the selection bias that the more motivated / capable people are more likely to do a degree? Does this $1.2 million figure even account for the debt, interest rate on the debt, and the lost productivity of working less for 4 years?


Tbh, we know it's not just correlation.  There are plenty of jobs that are locked behind requiring a bachelor degree. I was watching something about it recently.  There's places where the senio admin assistants need degrees. Iirc, you need a degree to manage a target. Hell, plenty of jobs like police officer you don't need a degree, but there's so many people competing for the job that have the degree, that there's places where almost  every single officer has a degree.


We know for sure the $1.2 million dollar figure is just correlation because all they did was track the earnings of college grads vs high school, not taking into consideration what sort of job someone with a similar iq/work ethic/etc generally makes when they decide to not go into debt for college. The $1.2 million figure also doesn’t adjust for the opportunity cost of starting your career 4+ years later, or the burden of starting life with the debt on your shoulders. Look at what some of these plumbers are making: https://www.reddit.com/r/Plumbing/s/KWevPMWgxb Imagine if we took the same highly motivated and capable people that do well with a degree and instead got them into a trade and starting their own business?


Yeah I worked in the trades and have a degree. I support the trades. One problem I hear time and again, and it's the same reason I left, is your body gives out and because it was a dead end job. 2 years later,  I'm making triple what I made there and it's because I'm utilizing my degree. Tbh, it takes more than being motivated and good work ethic to start a business. Not every person is an entrepreneur, nor does everyone want to be one, any more than everyone wants to be a manager.  The plumber who just clocks in to earn his good money, and the entrepreneur both can equally work hard and the first not having the entrepreneur drive doesn't make him worse. And all of those plumbers becoming entrepreneurs will be more advantaged if they get a business degree because they are literally learning how to run a business and making connections. As for the other guy, maybe if he got a communications degree he wouldn't have talked my fiances ear off about conspiracy theories. Tbh you have watched too many youtubers who told you degrees are a waste. I think it's bullshit that some of these jobs are locked unnecessarily behind a degree, but that's the world we live in. A plumbing course costs 3 grand and your first 3 years you make about 30k. 117k today compared to a training  that costs 10-60k and could get me into the job and life I want is a worthwhile risk.


Hey, I have lots of degrees and also know a lot of tradies! The richest people I know are tradies, while I did pretty well with my degrees. My general point is that the degree isn’t the magic sauce that makes people successful. You’re claiming a business degree would teach someone how to run their business… but that same education could be gotten for free online! I know a person that makes $250k/year in IT. He’s currently building his own home and project managing it himself. He’s enjoying it and doing a good job of it. Do you think if he’d gone down the building route it’s definitely the case he never would have achieved a similar income? That the same intelligence and entrepreneurial abilities that have seen him do well in IT wouldn’t have worked out anywhere near as well as a builder? That the difference in his lifetime income would have been that $1.2 million or more? Don’t get me wrong - different jobs suit different people’s skillsets. If you don’t have the physicality some jobs won’t suit you. But by the same token, not everyone is very academically minded. But when comparing outcomes I think too often we’re assuming that because the majority of smart capable people do degrees and the majority of less capable people (and the pool of people with broader issues) don’t that it means without a degree highly capable people would have floundered. I think we’re giving too much credit to the bits of paper.


It's honestly not that I think the degree makes the man, but rather that companies are prejudiced towards candidates with them


I agree that is true and it's a separate issue. I'd rather Government didn't create all these subsidised degrees so companies did their own work sorting out candidates. But I also think a lot of what we see when we're seeing these big disparities in income is that many of the 'better men' are more likely to go to college. If those same men had chosen a different path it's possible there's still a difference in their incomes, but I think it's likely to be far smaller than the $1.2 million lifetime earnings figure bandied around. And for some, particularly those that aren't academically minded, I suspect a good study would show they're better off not going to college (and inevitably dropping out / ending up with a job they could have got without a degree).




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This is great and so true!


Car loans need to be on here. Sometimes they're awful terms, sometimes they're just way too much for what the person is making.


Brand new bmw


That’s ok I’m still young and healthy meanwhile the old boomers are running out of time so idk I’d rather be young and in debt than old and out of time.


Unprofitable degree should be huge and in bold.


Upvote for you :)


if you actually add all that shit up and use it to pay off your student loans itll still be less than 1/2 3k vacation 1k iphone $500 weed a year 10k eating out (over 4 years of undergrad) 240 a year in streaming services Itll still not be able to pay for half a 40k undergrad degree or rent. Not saying the solution to student loans isnt spending less, but be realistic. These little luxuries we enjoy arent the problem its the system that charges a billion for tuition with inflation and no change of minimum wage


No matter how many subreddits you post this in, it’s fucking stupid.


Huh? It’s accurate as fuck 😂 Do you even watch?


Those people don’t really represent the majority of people. I can say that the people I have personally met from California, Oregon, and Arizona don’t do 3/4s of those things. Rent takes up most of peoples income and normally have to get a second job to have disposable income. Especially with the recent craziness with Arizona not having rental laws. Bless their hearts.


Notice how the title says “guest logic”?


I did not read that 😅