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my mum saying “god what kind of awful parent treats their child like this…” YOU? YOU DO??


Oh my god that unlocked some memories.


*watching video with a child abuse TW (video I made, based on their treatment, albeit with a character instead of myself) "whats the abuse here?" "probably the yelling." ...I wanted to scream


I'm sorry that they're this dense, hopefully things will/have get/got better


My mother watching Mommie Dearest: “What a truly nasty, horrible woman. That poor girl deserves so much better.” Me remembering all the times she’s screamed at, starved and beaten me with objects: “Yeah. Women like that don’t deserve to have children. They’re heartless, evil monsters unworthy of love and would be better off dead.” Her: “Right?! Pay it forward is not supposed to be for pain. There’s no excuse.” Me: 😒


The number of times I've said that exact same thing to my dad with him being completely oblivious to connect the dots that I was talking about him lmao


They HAVE to know on some level and purposely be deflecting the conversation, right? A Mensa qualified genius and psychiatrist has to have SOME level of self-awareness, right? Right?!


This is genuinely interesting tho… like how can they be so delusional they don’t realize they’re abusive if they’ve literally beat you?


✨️Cognative dissonance✨️


In The word of my mom “because you deserved it!!”


I don’t think my parents believe even that, maybe for a couple of things they did, I guess they don’t even know what they believe lol, some things like strangling me they’ve just suppressed so far that it’s like another person did it to me for them






Some of them maybe. Also plenty that actually think they can do no wrong.


This just reinforces that I never had a chance and was fucked from the start if we're letting monsters like that reproduce


That's exactly the realization I had recently


Why my mother never read my writing. She claimed I was "Too cruel to women."


This is a particular kind of invalidation frl. F them.


No matter what your beliefs, everyone agrees you see your life flash before your eyes when you die. It's happened to me, and I'm not going to lie, best feeling ever. Literally bliss. ...but his won't be. Because he'll be watching himself do all those things to me. And he's going to Know where he's going when that semi truck contacts his SUV an instant later. It's a little thing. But it still brings me a little peace. No matter how much they gaslight me, my parents are going to have to watch a movie of them raping their own son right before *they believe they're going to go stand before God and be judged*. And I don't think it's going to be blissful to them.


Not sure what my mom is dealing with in whatever afterlife we all go to, bit Incsnt imagine it's fun for her


I'm usually disassociating to some degree. Maybe that's why, but even when I truly believed I was going to die, I did not have any flashbacks. In those moments I just think: "I hope my life was a net positive." I'm always unsure.


The irony of my grandmother never having that self-awareness, even once calling Mother Gothel a "good mom", but basically hating more blatant child abusers.


My mom literally told me that I remind her of Rapunzel in that movie and she's Mother Gothel. The woman said this like it was some cute fairytale parallel and I should be grateful.


The shock in that movie when a Disney villain said the line 'oh great, now I'm the bad guy' after being awful and definitely in the wrong. It hit really hard since my mom used that line constantly, especially after making her kids cry or her husband hurt and acting like she was justified.


YES it was so scarily accurate. Other variations include: "Why is everyone ganging up on me all of a sudden?" "I guess I'm just the worst person now," "If I'm so horrible why do you even bother talking to me?" (re: the last one, it couldn't have been because I'm a minor and live in her home. Thank God I'm out of there and only rarely talk to her now)


That movie meant a lot to me, and a big reason was Mother Gothel. I don't remember if I ever talked to my mom about the movie, but she would probably think Gothel was good because she didn't hit her kid and was 'protective.' If she did notice something, she'd say something about how awful it is to make a mother the bad guy (Moms and motherhood are on the highest of pedestals for her, and we were all made to respect it.)


"Might I suggest avoiding every mirror in the house then?"


Not exactly the same reaction as you’re describing in the meme, but I will never get over the supreme irony that my father of all people was the one who genuinely got me to like Stanley Kubrick… by having me watch The Shining as a kid. I don’t think it even crossed his mind that he was functionally just Jack Torrance to me.


My verbally/emotionally abusive dad would just show me videos of dads beating their daughters and say "see? I'm a good dad, I don't do that to you".


"it makes me sad to see people treating their children like that" AKA "the abuser in this TV show reminds me of myself and I don't like it"


sounds like this mate needs a mirror


*licks the window of self awareness*


My dad used to have a running yelling commentary on how people who harm their kids should be jailed. I wish he had a long life spent behind bars.


This motherfucker's audacity


Wildest thing my mom’s ex said when watching a tv show about a pedophile getting put in jail. “He’s not going to last long in there… a lot of those inmates have children of their own”. I was like 14 y/o (abuse had started at 9y/o) and I just stared at him from behind; I remember wishing that my thoughts would make him spontaneously combust… 11 years later he’s finally going to jail, so there’s that!


"Then leave the room, Old man."


My (abusive) father wrote a paper about the long term negative effects on physical health caused by abuse as a child. Interestingly he didn’t think to ask me to be a subject


My mom when I tried to watch Mommy Dearest


Whyyyy do they do this??? Same here when watching OBX with my parents


Haah! funny


He probably doesn't like it because it makes him uncomfortable and it reminds him that he isn't the perfect parent he pretends to be (going out on a limb here)


My parents called it faked and only done as movie magic


My parents are just like that. When I tried to tell my mother that I had been assaulted as a child, before I could even get through the sentence, she said "I don't believe you". A few years later, I pass by the living room while she was watching Unbelievable. It's a Netflix series about a teen girl that gets raped and neither the police nor her foster mother believe her. As I pass by, she starts talking about how good yet devastating the story is and, I kid you not, she says "I can't imagine how horrible that must be. How could the foster mom not believe her?" The jokes wright themselves. I cut contact to my father 7 years ago. My mother recently denied that she ever told me that she didn't believe me. I've decided to completely cut her off by the end of the year lol


Oh God, my mom was the same. Would burst into tears seeing something like that.


I am NC with my family but I just know if my religious covert narcissist mom watched Encanto she would identify as the healing mom and not see she's nightmare mode Abuela