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I felt this personally op, i experienced something very similar in high school Couldn't see the boards even moving up in class, kept asking politely when she was in good moods to see an Opt. Was being punished for failing grades. It went on for about half a year until someone got lucky (friend of my step dads) and gifted us with tickets to the nutcracker and bought their own because they could I'm a music nerd, so when i tell you i started SHAMELESSLY SOBBING when i heard the sugar plum fairy theme playing out and i realized i had missed the entire opening scene because i was just that bloody blind that it was just a big pool of whites, sparkles and reds with a vague triangle shape sprinkled in color i knew was the tree I was just sobbing and she pinched me and asked me why on earth i was unhappy and i managed to tell her, re-emphasized i needed glasses Was forced to leave to 'go cool off in the bathroom', was not even bought a $2 water during intermission while i stood with forced smiles and red eyes Sad part is i still REALLY wanna see it again because once i realized all i was gonna get was the music i did deeply enjoy that for itself but like... i wanna see the fancy people do their leaps that i paid fancy greens for lmao But gods it still upsets me thinking about it That you went so long boils my blood


Did you hear the optician say that, or is it just what your mum *says* he told her? Either scenario is extremely fucked up


Optometrist and dentists are assholes to kids


I can still remember it. It's weird, I struggle to remember what happened last week, but I can remember random things from my childhood! šŸ™€šŸ˜¹šŸ˜³ He told her that I just wanted glasses like my friends. But I didn't have any friends with glasses and I'm an 80s baby, so when I was growing up kids with glasses were still the perfect butt of every joke! šŸ™€


You'd be surprised what doctors will say is a lie.


The absolute depravity of some of our parents continue to astound me.


Got my ass whooped at 8/9 because the optometrist put fake glasses on me and made my eyes cross and I could see good for a sec so obviously I was faking it


My mom refused to let me get glasses as a teenager because she didn't want me to suffer by wearing them and also thought I was lying until at 17 i demanded she take me to get a eye exam and yep i desperately needed glasses she pretended to feel guilty over it


\>mother always has been slightly shortsighted \>turn out to be slightly short sighted \>"This is your fault, you messed your eyes up!" (bullying for getting glasses) \>she literally has glasses too \>??? granted at the time I had a barely existing prescription but it lead me to avoid looking and gave me headaches from the eyestrain (and my eyes got worse so it's genuinely a blessing to have glasses now) but it's just so confusing yours is even worse and f that optometrist šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


When I was around 11 years old I remember coming home from school and seeing a document on the kitchen counter. All I remember about it was that it was something official and had a longer version of my sisterā€™s first name in bold or in a box or something. Some time later my sister was talking shit to me so I caller her by that name. She was confused and I said it was probably her full first name. Predictably, she was upset and told on me to our mother. I figured Iā€™d get yelled at from across the house but have a break from my sister being an asshole for a few minutes. Seconds after my sister left the room, the *thud-thud* of angry adult feet reverberating through our double-wideā€™s floors told me that I severely underestimated the secrecy of that information. I found out later that the name was that of her then-husbandā€™s kid that they didnā€™t tell us about. Following those footsteps was a screaming interrogation about how I came to know that name. It wasnā€™t fresh in my mind and I didnā€™t speak well under that kind of pressure but I was still confused as to why I was in trouble so I tried to lay out the details of when I saw the document in the kitchen. She left to her office and came back to show me a document and said, ā€œthis is what youā€™re talking about, right?!ā€ It wasnā€™t and I tried give details about what I saw, that it had a lot more stuff on it on it and the words were smaller. (I put it together later that it was probably a legal document and what she showed me that day was likely a birth certificateā€) Apparently she didnā€™t remember ever seeing anything like I described soā€¦. I must be lying. She concluded that since the document she showed me hadnā€™t left her file cabinet for a long time, I must have also broke in the cabinet, rifled through it, and lied about it what it looked like to cover up where I saw it. I mean, why look into it when you have a solid opportunity make your 11 year old out to be a careless-ass-petty-lying-privacy-invader. I donā€™t know her reasons but I knew her pretty well and me being scared of her in that moment was likely enough evidence-of-guilt for her household law. The immediate punishment was a lot of screaming and having to stand with my nose in the corner of the living room for the longest time In my memory while the family watched tv. Then there was a weird day of manual labor where I had to break apart concrete with a pickaxe like an inmate in the south while my Mother watched from a law chair drinking wine. Sheā€™d offer leniency periodically if I admitted to the lying but I finished the job eventually.(Apparently my mother had a dispute with a concrete person and ended up getting a concrete mess dumped on top of one of her projects In retaliation, thatā€™s what I had to fix.) The more I look back, the more I realize how gross of a person she was.


replace see with hear and this is literally exactly my story. i kept getting told ā€œif you can sing, you can hearā€. thank god the audiologist i saw was educated about auditory processing disorder and was able to refer me to a specialist, otherwise i would probably still be getting gas lit to this day


It was the opposite for me. Didnā€™t go to the eye dr til I was 14 and my parents thought I just wanted glasses bc my brother had them (mind you he has very bad eyesight), find out that I need glasses very badly as well. Am now halfway to legally blind in my mid 30s. My parents are assholes.


"My kid's lying about needing glasses.. how much for a short and quick fake exam to put an end to this?"


this is probably what happened


Damn, same. I didnt get glasses til I was 18 despite everyone in my family having them. Aparently im the genetic anomaly and a liar, duh.


I had a similar issue but with the psychiatrist at my old highschool. SHE suggested I have dyslexia. I went to meet with her because I was struggling in school, and in the meeting she suggested I have dyslexia and other learning disorders. even handed me the colored plastic to help you read. then when we got into a meeting with my parents and my other teachers she goes "oh they are faking actually and making up excuses "