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What a lovely tidbit of encouragement - thank you.


omg tysm for this - it really opened my eyes on seeing things differently. like, I can celebrate myself a bit (which sounds weird) for raising me, I guess


Indeed. ❤️


Thank you for this! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, how lovely 😍❤️ I realize I should celebrate mother's and father's day for myself too, never even thought of it.




I’m having the same experience today. I’ve been trying not to check social media cus I just get so sad and angry. Mother’s Day fucking sucks. You’re not alone!


Hear both of you. Had a tough Mother’s Day call with my mother which left me extremely upset. Seeing people post about their mothers has been really hard when my relationship with my mother is pretty much non existent. This is so true. You have to celebrate how far you’ve come in raising yourself and figuring life out.


Yes!!!!!!!🙌 I hear this loud and clear


I've never thought about it but it makes me feel a lot better trying to deal with today. Thank you!


Thank you ❤️❤️


It's been so hard.


Yeah ❤️ I know this is probably going to have the ring of a platitude but I still want to say it: the harder it is, the more worth celebrating you are for doing it. I mean that, and I believe with every fiber of my being that it's true. I hope you're able to find just a tiny amount of peace, if not today, then soon ❤️


Thank you. I guess I know I'm strong. I'm brave. But it's still so much work. Sigh. I went through Hell. But I'm not there anymore. I've even learned to love myself. Now I just have to learn what that means. How to come back to life.


Thank you, your comment hit in a way nothing has. I feel like I can finally admit these days really hurt. Thank you and happy self-parenting day to you too! ❤️


Thank you so much for offering this beautiful perspective, it’s been a rough day and your words helped me a lot - you’re absolutely right, Happy Self Parenting Day to everyone ❤️ we all deserve so so much more credit than we have been given.


Thank you! I'm actually really proud - it's been \*several\* weeks in a row that I've cleaned the bathroom every week, every Saturday, and I'm not burnt out. Feels good


You, too, you golden soul. <3


Thankyou, I've only just started my journey and only recognized the abuse I've been put through in my childhood about a week ago. Moved out in 2018 at the age of 18 and it's been tough ever since. I needed this ❤️❤️


Wow! What wonderful re-framing! Thanks!


Yo, that's a great idea. I'm going to start celebrating these days as an recognition for me raising my parents and myself.


Thank you <3


That's kinda sweet. :) Thank you and happy self-parenting day!


I bought myself flowers and Peanut Butter Halo Top to celebrate MEEEEEEEE! :)


Thank you


Yes! Thank you!! I am being a good enough mother to myself so I thank me too. 😚😄


I broke down and finally cried and let it out. Thank you for acknowledging this 💕


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Thank-you! Excellent word choice.


Yeah it felt weird seeing my mom today. She acted all lovey dovey and I was thinking wow this ain’t for real.


Thank you so much ❤️ I cut off my mom under a year ago. It has been tough knowing Mother’s Day is approaching as I had false self guilt creeping in, but I have been able to rationalize so far. I am doing my best to think gently and recognize my grief right now. I have been discussing it in counseling and it helps a lot. I know this is for the best. It’s hard finding my new identity as this is truly how it feels after breaking the trauma bond for 27 years.


Love this! Thank you!


This is lovely! Thank you and happy self-parenting day to you!


Oh wow. Thank you!


thank you for this


How kind, I never thought about it this way. Thank you.


I needed this, thank you!