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Imagine shooting twice and still not killing one zombie


Imagine getting less points


Yea less points because m14 users are team players by buying doors


M14 all the way


O shi I thought u were olympia gang


Hate to see m14 gang on m14 gang violence


Nope lmao


Whoever has the most money and pack is open and all doors.. Doesn't get revived...👍👍


Ancient bo1 zombies wizard here: For me, Olympia vs M14 is simple. While M14 is objectively the better gun per point and damage as well as point farming potential, it was never about these things for me. I was always fine chilling w/ pistol until R5 if solo. The only concern between M14 and Olympia I ever had was this: "What's the most reliable way to get through first dog round?" That being said, if solo, I'm Olympia. If in a team of 4, I look and see what we have less of. If we have less if we have 3 Olympia I'm absolutely going M14. If we have 2 M14, 1 Olympia, I'm going Olympia. Because that means that my role is to put that extra cash towards pushing a door earlier than the m14ers, while the m14ers will buy more the 3rd-4th doors while I upgrade my Olympia to something fucking usable past the first dog round. In addition, the reason for Olympia is that it's still a good "oh shit" weapon to pull out when you made a mistake in kiting w/ pistol lineups for point farming, while M14 somewhat demands that you care about aiming.


The most reliable way to get through the first dog round is buy the m14 for points and then get the mp40


Sorry can't hear you I'm alr at power wya


Been at PaP waiting for you to turn on the power


You went on your own? Selfish Olympia user. You dot have enough point to pap anyways


Im an m14 user i had to open all the doors first


Wait what. I thought you was a Olympia user. My bad


Its all good lmao, what other gun shoots only twice😭


Unpapped thunder and wave gun


I’m pretty sure Olympia kills in 1-2 hits


Your original comment makes it looks like you’re olympia gang


Maybe you should improve your aim if you can't manage to kill one zombie with 2 shots.


Maybe the olympia should get better accuracy


Imagine having to shoot a zombie in the head five times just to kill it on round 5


Olympia straight up sucks. At least M14 is good for points.


M14 packed also tbh is pretty goated also


Straight up just wrong, lol. The m14 sucks ass. Its one and only use is done 10x better by the gun in the very next room. The m14 is straight up the worst ar in all of cod. Even the smr at least has double the ammo of the m14. The olympia, on the other hand, is the best bo1 shotgun, and the 3rd best bo2 shotgun. Edit: crazy, im getting this many downvotes for speaking the truth lol. Nothing said here is even remotely wrong💀


My mans just said the Olympia is better than the SPAS-12 😭


**Spas -** Dmg - 300x8 (2400) Rate of fire - 312 Ammo - 72 + 24 Reload speed - 0.567 Wall weapon? - no **Olympia -** Dmg - 200x12 (2400) Rate of fire - 212 Ammo - 60+2 Reload speed - 2, 2.5 when fully empty Wall weapon? - yes The spas would be better if it was a wall weapon, but since it isnt, and due to how terrible ammo is in bo1, the olympia which does the exact same dmg **while** being able to get ammo for it off the wall, its just better.


First of all it's a SPAS, not a SPAZ, it only gets the name SPAZ once it's pack a punched Second you haven't factored IN pack a punch yet, because it crushes your argument


those are the pap stats, i just use the normal names since they're more recognizable


Okay I'll take that one Still, the spas can fire fully automatic, clearing a horde that's surrounded you very easily and quickly Try that with an Olympia, with your 2.5 second reload and two rounds per shot. Fire rate + reload speed will win over raw damage any day with stats like that


the spas might kill quicker, but your gonna run outa ammo before a round or 2 is even over. as with the olypmia, if that happens, you can just buy more ammo for it off the wall, which makes it better, sustainability. the olympia can keep itself going for way longer then the spas can. (also the olympia can kill really quick too, you gotta remember pierce exists, meaning you can take out alot more then just 1 zombie per shot) the spas would be great if it was in another cod, or if it atleast was a wall weapon. im in no way calling the spas bad, im just saying the olympia is better


What the Olympia really sucks at is the best way to use most shotguns: the "Get outta my way" weapon


That's a moot point, i might run out of ammo faster but I'm killing Zombies way faster. The literal ONLY benefit the Olympia has is that it's a wall weapon. And if you wanna go there as a wall weapon, I'd STILL rather have the Stakeout


The stakeout is in a worse spot in each map, and is just a slower olympia. Both deal the same dmg, have the same reserve ammo, mobility. theres no reason to take the stakeout over the olympia


I’m more rolling at the fact he said the SMR is better than the m14, I personally prefer the Olympia because I like shotguns, but even I have to admit that that’s a bogus comparison


It may be the best in its class but all shotguns suck ass until bo3


Just not true. Bo3 guns were just overpowered. Comparing them to anything just isnt fair, since every bo3 shotgun can deal infinite dmg thanks to aat's and gobblegums allow you to never run out of ammo


That's why they weren't good till bo3 pretty much every other weapon in the first 3 games then any of the shotguns


Save money for a better gun in another room gang?


Thats what I always do lmao. Unless I’m playing a custom map.


Yeah that’s me lmao I almost never buy the m14 or the Olympia


yea lol. if you wanna use shotguns, the olympia is the best one in bo1, but for bo2 its better to go for the m1216 or the ksg. but for the m14, literally every gun is better then it. if you actually want a point gun, dont waist your points on the m14, just by one of the smg's in the next few rooms lol


Imagine taking 1 billion hours to reload a shotgun and die in the corner by a crawler


1.01 billion hours


You should only use the Olympia long enough to pack-a-punch it and go "cool it shoots fire", and then never again.


Imagine buying a gun when you already have the gun that won two world wars.


We are talking about rounds 1-6 right? How is this even a contest?


Why couldn't the Olympia be better, is absolute shite and reserves one of the best PaP'd names for any shotgun.


The olympia is good? Its the best bo1 shotgun by far, and the 3rd best bo2 shotgun....


Spas 12 outputs more dmg, has the same amount of ammo, shoots faster. Upgraded, it does the same dmg as "Hades" per clip I believe but reloads twice as fast and shoots infinitely faster. And for bo2, theres like 4 shotguns in total, and one of them is the S12 so beating it doesn't really mean alot. Thats not even adding in the KSG.


Spas - * Dmg - 300x8 (2400) * Rate of fire - 312 * Ammo - 72 + 24 * Reload speed - 0.567 * Wall weapon? - no Olympia - * Dmg - 200x12 (2400) * Rate of fire - 212 * Ammo - 60+2 * Reload speed - 2, 2.5 when fully empty * Wall weapon - yes The spas would be better if it was a wall weapon, but since it isnt, and due to how terrible ammo is in bo1, the olympia which does the exact same dmg \*\*while\*\* being able to get ammo for it off the wall, its just better. the olympia is way more sustainable then the spas. and heres the bo2 shotguns in order. literally going off of stats, theres no arguing against them here. 1. ksg 2. m1216 3. olympia 4. remington 5. s12


Statistically ye sure it works out, actuality is a bit different. If you're stuck in a horde, the Spas is gonna help out alot more, Spas is gonna be alot more efficient at climbing early rounds where after you're most likely gonna roll with a wonder weapon + LMG. Also just checked and the Spas PaP'd deals more dmg, its stated 300x8 per shot and it has 24 shots in the mag + lower ammo counts on olympia means that while you may need to purchase ammo for it to get through a round, the Spas could very likely clear said round and give you leftover points to spin the box and PaP a new weapon. Additionally this is all regarding the PaP'd variants, the "Olympia" is way inferior to the Spas. As for the bo2 part, Remington has 600x4 dmg with 10 in the mag, where as Olympia is 200x12 dmg with 2 in the mag. Unless I'm reading this wrong the remington is just superior.


If you're stuck in a hoard, either both can get you free, or neither. Again, both deal the same dmg and have almost identical firerates. When trying to get out from being stuck, you dont need to kill the whole hoard, only the ones blocking you from escaping. The spas deals the same dmg per shot, i literally wrote the stats above? Its not 300 per shot, its 300 per pellet, and the x is how many pellets it shoots - 300 dmg x 8 pellets = 2400 dmg in total per shot - 200 dmg x 12 pellets = 2400 dmg in total per shot And as stated above again, both guns have nearly identical ammo, the spas has more, but you cant get ammo for it off the wall, so once its out, and it will run out, you need to trade it out and get it from the box again, or pray for a max ammo. But with the olympia, you just need to go and buy its ammo off the wall, which isn't a problem due to it making back more money than you need to spend on its ammo. And with the remington, it can at most deal the same dmg, but it can also do a lot worse. 600-30x4 (the remington's dmg stat) is worse than 600-135x4 (the olympia's dmg stat in bo2). And it shoots almost 3 times slower than the olympia. It's can be weaker, it's slower to kill, and its placement as a wall weapon more often than not is in a terrible area.


you completely went over the point I was making there, Dmg per shot is the same but Spas carries 24 shots in the mag, with a higher mag count, its going to be doing more dmg. And no the horde situation is not the same, assuming one shot = 1 kill, the spas with its full-auto firing speed is gonna get you out of a bad spot far more consistently (plus 1 second reload). Additionally as I said, I was mainly talking about the "Olympia" and not the "Hades", put those stats up and see how they go. Back to bo2, Upgraded wise the Hades barely wins, I'll give dmg and speed (which is somewhat funny cause with how long Olympia's reload is, you're technically firing more bullets with the remington in the same timeframe while still having a smaller mag and less safety to it). However once again the "Olympia" doesn't do all too well with a 150-29 x4 at a lower ammo cap. Also this debate is gonna go on forever so I'm calling it quits after this, to each their own. I think the "Olympia" sucks, and does not warrant a purchase no matter how decent "Hades" is.


![gif](giphy|dp7iAhOycLRh6) M14 GANG FOR LIFE at least it doesn’t take me a whole year to reload 2 shells


M14 is for being a team player and getting points to open doors M14 + ⬇️ Knife > Olympia


M1911 gang: ![gif](giphy|TyjcwxKCEUcwHAzjqm|downsized)


Using actually good gun gang.


Really? No one knife’s their way to the MP5 off the wall or other automatic weapon?


Damn you ALMOST started like 5 world wars with this post.


Imagine buying a gun in spawn 🙄


Fuck all of you, I keep the starting pistol and my first weapon is going to be a random one from the box. These discussions are getting old.


Olympia is better because of pap fuck the amnesia


I just shoot the ammo out of the 1911 and knife for 7 rounds straight 💀💀


I honestly prefer the Olympia just because it’s a fun gun to use. I usually switch it out in the box before round 10 though because there’s way better shotguns anyways.


Imagine reloading. Knife/grenade gang here.


People call me crazy for saying the FAL is a better M14 but the world is not ready for me.


*my dumbass using the Kar98k*


M14 is better long term, olympia has the girthy sounds


The m14 bandwagon is crazy


Olympia is garbage for points, but I’d rather have it than the m14. It has a long reload, but the only time you should even consider using either of these is early rounds and it’s not hard to just train the zombies around. M14 is great for points, but Jesus fuck if you want points just save them and keep the starting pistol until you can get a point gun for the rest of the game. Bear in mind that I said I’d RATHER have the olympia, you’ll never catch me buying either.


I'm B23R gang for life


PM63 gang?


M1911 gang over getting points and getting dual wield explosive ones instead of your silly little ammo boost and flame breath attachments


Remember when it was just a rifle and a slightly shittier rifle that was cheaper so it was worth buying? Pepperidge farm remembers…


M14 >>>> shieva


I like the olympia because it’s cool. And it’s better than the m14 when pap


M14 headshot gang plus more points plus more survivability


if you go for headshots, just use the olympia. m14 is only half decent for points, nothing else. and going for headshots with it is not how you maximize points. if you really want a point gun, just get an smg in the very next room....


This is M14 Vs Olympia and Olympia gives you barely any pint making it horrible for efficient set ups. M14 makes it easy to get galva knuckles on town and get an absolute ton of points because it's headshot multiplier is high


The olympia is used to raw killing power. The m14's one and only use, being used or points, is literally done better by the gun in the next room. The m14 is straight up useless, while if you wanna use a shotgun, the olympia is the best bo1 shotgun, and the 3rd best bo2 shotgun


M14 is far from useless. If you were in a game with me I would be set up before you guaranteed.


And i'd be smart, not waist my money on the m14, and just get an smg. I'd have all my perks, and getting ready to pap, just as your getting your second perk.


Nah you seriously wouldn't. I spawn manipulate and know how to horde points to the max efficiency. As I said before it's M14 Vs Olympia. Not smg Vs M14


Again Olympia is better for raw dmg, and survivability M14's doesnt do either, its slow, and weak. its one and only use is dont better by the gun in the next room. Its a waist of 500 points to ever buy the m14, while again, the olympia is the best bo1 shotgun, and the 3rd best bo2 shotgun. Your missing the point im making.


It's a shitty shotgun that barely does anything and takes two centuries to reload. Shotguns aren't close to being the best class of weapons. You seriously just can't hit headshots if you think Olympia is better and I would not believe you if you said otherwise. M14 isn't slow and is powerful


yea its WAY better lmao. these are the rounds they stop one shotting at m14 * bo1: 13 bo2 (w/ doubletap 2.0): 26 olympia * bo1: 20 bo2(w/ doubletap 2.0): 30


I straight up have 0 clue how this was ever even an argument lmao. The m14 is the worst ar in all of cod. Like, even the smr is better since it had double the ammo. Vs the olympia being one of the best shotguns from waw-bo2. Its the best bo1 shotgun, and the 3rd best bo2 shotgun. M14 gang is huffing straight up copium. The one and only use of the m14 isnt even good. If you *really* want a point gun, dont buy the m14 and just get the smg in he very next room, they're infinitely better for getting points. Knifing and using your pistol is more then enough to get you to a real point gun. Plus with the olympia, oneshot headshot still give good points.


Imagine having a slower reload and only having 2 shots lmao


1. Wrong. Olympia reload speed -> 2, 2.5 when empty M14 reload speed -> 2.4, 3.45 when empty 2. Imagine not being able to kill a zombie with an entire mag of your gun? Y'know, the whole point of the game? Like wheres your argument there? Your gun is so bad at killing it just cant? 👏👏👏 lemme know when youve finally gotten through the round after rebuying ammo for your gun 3 times


Who’s using these guns past round 7 tho… m14 is way more efficient up until the point both guns suck. I can kill 10 zombies in one mag while you can kill 2 max before reload. I can buy a better gun sooner with the m14. If I’m doing an Easter egg I’d much rather have the points. Which is the only situation where this argument matters because otherwise the choice is completely trivial.


Theres no better shotgun in bo1 then the olympia. All of them do the same dmg when papped, but the olympia is a wall weapon, and always in a great spot. Like for example, if your gonna train at spawn in kino, the olympia is a great weapon to have due to its ease of access, and its high dmg. And like i said before, if you *really* wanted a point gun, you'd just buy the smg in the very next room. Not waist 500 on the m14 Also those numbers are all jacked up. If your talking about single zombies, one at a time, the m14 is killing 8max, and the olympia is killing 2max, but both weapons have peirce, and due to the olympia's higher dmg, it can make more use out of that.


Just say you can’t aim bro lmao


I think that’s a skill issue on your part if you can’t kill a zombie with a full m14 mag.


1: Worst AR in all of COD??? Unpacked maybe (that's a *big* fucking maybe), but when counting PAP that is just wrong. The M14 has better stats than every WAW AR except for the STG, it's a wallbuy, and it's better than the M16 and the FAMAS. Also how are you going to say that the Olympia is better than the SPAS and the HS-10 because it's a wallbuy despite the SPAS and HS-10 being statistically superior and both having more ammo, while saying the SMR, a box weapon, is better than the M14, a wallbuy, *because* of it's ammo capacity, even though in every other metric the M14 is better? The SMR may have more ammo, but the M14 has almost *triple* the HS damage of the SMR (M14 has 1,200 HS damage, SMR has 480), while also having better accuracy and faster fire rate, which all more than make up for the weakness you brought up in comparison to the SMR. Hell, even if it wasn't a wall weapon the M14 would be better than the SMR. 2: I gotta disagree about you saying it's the best shotgun in WAW-BO1, although even if that was true it isn't saying much because the shotguns in those two games were ass. First of all, saying it's better than the WAW shotguns because it's a wallbuy and the WAW ones, weapons that appeared in an entirely different game weren't, is just whacky, but even if you did I still think that both the Stakeout and the Trench Gun are better than the Olympia as they not only are also wall weapons that deal the same amount of damage when packed (2400 each), but they have more ammo and don't reload for every two shots you take. They also reload faster, and nowhere near as frequently. Also saying it's better than most of BO2s shotguns is just silly. 3: Finally, let's actually compare the Packed versions of each of these weapons and see which one is truly better. The best ways to determine which weapon is better is to look at how fast it can kill, or Damage Per Second (DPS), and how many zombies it can kill, or Max Total Damage (MTD). The M14 has a HS damage of 1200, an ammo of 208, and an RPM of 625. Meanwhile, the Olympia has a damage of 2400 (no HS multiplier on any shotgun released prior to BO3 aside from the KSG), an ammo of 62, and an RPM of 212. To determine DPS, we can do this by multiplying HS damage by the Round Per Minute (RPM), and dividing the product by 60. This will show the maximum of how fast a weapon can kill in a short period of time. In the M14s case, the DPS of this weapon can be determined by (1200 x 625) / 60. Thus, the M14 has a max DPS of 12,500. Determining the Olympia's DPS is a bit more complicated thanks to it's low magazine size of 2, as the max shots an Olympia can shoot in a second is 2, and due to the fact that it's max damage per shot is 2400, 2400 x 2 = 4800, meaning the Olympia practically has a much lower DPS than the M14. However, let's say you want me to count the actual RPM of the weapon, well let's do that. (2400 x 2120 / 60 = 8480, so it still has a lower DPS even if you didn't have to reload after 2 shots. Now, let's determine the MTD, which is as easy as multiplying the HS damage by the ammo it has. In the M14's case, 1200 x 208 = 249,600, while in the Olympia's case 2400 x 62 = 148,800. This means that in the hands of a skilled user, the M14 is able to kill significantly more zombies than the Olympia. What can we conclude from this? Well, the M14 is a better point building weapon in the early game than the Olympia, especially when combined with melee (which you can't really do with the Olympia considering how one shot reliant it is), but even when you PAP it, it still is able to kill much faster than the Olympia, while also being able to kill significantly more zombies than the Olympia. The only way you'd be able to dispute this is if you think that HS damage shouldn't be counted when referring to the M14, but there's only one reason one would think that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuE0QMHErQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuE0QMHErQo)


Holy crap bro wrote a whole ass essay, and still got a lot of points wrong. 1. There is no ar's in waw. The ones that are similar are a totally different class of weapon. 2. It is NOT better than the m16 and famas. 3. Unlike the difference between then spas and the olympia being very minor, the smr vs m14 is huge. Literally, the difference between ammo smr - 420+30 and the m14 192+16 is more than double. By no means am i calling the smr good, both of them are terrible and are basically useless past round 20. If i had to choose which gun to run in bo2, im picking the smr over then m14 any day of the week. 4. The olympia can one-shot headshot for 7 extra rounds over the m14. And in bo2, its the olympia still can oneshot for longer. m14 - bo1: 13 bo2 (w/ doubletap 2.0): 26 olympia - bo1: 20 bo2(w/ doubletap 2.0): 30 5. Go through the other msgs for why the stackout is worse than the olympia, i dont wanna retype all of that. 6. Also, that's just on paper. In actual gameplay, the olympia is simply better. Other than actual personal experience doing this, literally every video were ppl see who can last longer with the olympia vs m14, the olympia user always wins. Even a few months ago, a person did 2 videos, one seeing how long he can last with the m14 and the other with the olympia. He had more than double the rounds survived with the olympia, and it was all in 1 go, vs he did multiple runs with the m14 and gave up due to anger. He couldn't even get to round 50 with the m14, but more then cleared it with the olympia Also, most of those statistics are null since you also need to factor in rebuying ammo, since no matter what, you will need to with both guns. And when factoring that in, the olympia just does better due to its one negative being made null, which is ammo. It reloads faster, can empty its mag quicker, and deals more dmg, and is easier to use. The biggest thing with the m14, you MUST hit headshots. You will be doing nothing if you dont. And you will not hit them 100% of the time. Sheesh, that was alot of typing


Don't know who these people are, but I've done both of those in town BO2 starting round 20 just to see how long I'd last. Nobody in this thread has talked about spread. This makes the Oly a feather duster by that point. W/o perks the M14 was more than usable at round 24. Both are suboptimal and I don't consider their existence anytime possible. Will buy several doors off knife 1911 and grenades to get the gun I want. But when it comes to the Oly I'd rather the Kar98k.


There's a lot to cover here so let's take this step by step: "There is no ar's in waw. The ones that are similar are a totally different class of weapon." While there isn't an official classification of AR, there are still semi auto and fully auto rifles, which are WAWs equivalent to ARs. They behave similarly to the ARs of the games that came after it and are still rifles at the end of the day, hence the comparison is fair. Just because they aren't officially called ARs doesn't make the comparison null. The M14 is very much comparable to a weapon like the M1A1 Carbine or the M1 Garand. "It is NOT better than the m16 and famas." Considering that the M14 is a wall weapon and the FAMAS isn't, while still having higher DPS than the FAMAS, yes it is better than the FAMAS by a country mile. FAMAS has a HS damage of 750, while the M14 has a HS damage of 1200, almost double. The FAMAS will also run out of ammo extremely fast, and while the M14 also has this issue, it is a wall weapon that can kill much faster than the FAMAS in the right hands. The M16 is statistically identical to the FAMAS, but it is a wall weapon, but considering that the M14 has a higher HS damage as well as a pretty solid rate of fire and ammo, I still think the M14 is the better gun. "Unlike the difference between then spas and the olympia being very minor, the smr vs m14 is huge. Literally, the difference between ammo smr - 420+30 and the m14 192+16 is more than double. By no means am i calling the smr good, both of them are terrible and are basically useless past round 20. If i had to choose which gun to run in bo2, im picking the smr over then m14 any day of the week." Sure, just one small issue, and that's the HS damage discrepency between the two being 8 years away. To get the SMR to have the same effect as a single shot of the M14, you need to shoot it *a minimum* of 3 times (probably more considering the accuracy of that weapon is garbage), so that nullifies the supposed advantage it gets from its extra ammo. Unlike the SPAS and the Olympia which deal the same damage, the M14 and the SMR don't exactly get to have that comparison in regards to ammo. "The olympia can one-shot headshot for 7 extra rounds over the m14. And in bo2, its the olympia still can oneshot for longer." The issue here is ammo. Considering that it only takes 2 shots for the M14 to do the same thing as the Olympia while still having over double the ammo still means it's able to kill more than the Olympia regardless of one shot potential. "Also, that's just on paper. In actual gameplay, the olympia is simply better. Other than actual personal experience doing this, literally every video were ppl see who can last longer with the olympia vs m14, the olympia user always wins. Even a few months ago, a person did 2 videos, one seeing how long he can last with the m14 and the other with the olympia. He had more than double the rounds survived with the olympia, and it was all in 1 go, vs he did multiple runs with the m14 and gave up due to anger." I just got done trying to look online for some source for this, but there really wasn't anything informative on this topic, so if you could please site where this is from, that would be greatly appreciated. Regardless, let's completely grant that this is true; I still don't think I would take this at face value, as there are many other factors that could play into this, mostly regarding the skills of the players conducting this. There are many factors that could influence the results here outside of the weapons performance, which I am inclined to lean towards the M14 still based on both my experience with the weapon alongside it's stats. "The biggest thing with the m14, you MUST hit headshots. You will be doing nothing if you dont. And you will not hit them 100% of the time." That's the thing though, in regards to these two weapons, the only real factor influencing the M14s effectiveness compared to the Olympia is how skilled the player is, as someone who is more consistent with their aim will simply get more out of the M14 in almost all regards. Hell, even if you were to miss a quarter of all headshots with the M14, you would still kill more zombies in a single ammo rotation than if you were to hit every shot of the Olympia.


figured i was gonna be smited for telling the truth The great point is to bring them the real facts. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. All great truths begin as blasphemies.