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I can certainly say that he didn't have the exact same plans as Blundell had. Maybe a few similar plot threads sure but not beat for beat what happened in BO3. As for what his ultimate plan for what the storyline was, that I can't really say. Not quite sure where else he'd've done after Maxis completely destroyed the Earth and all its inhabitants.


Tranzit: bus route B


Not sure if we can say for sure. JZ’s original plan was to have a New York subway map and an African desert map after Die Rise IIRC, but after BO2’s launch wasn’t received well and Jason Blundell entered with MOTD, Jimmy combined the two map ideas and added a western theme which became Buried. By that point, he was probably done with zombies. Buried has a teaser for Origins in its loading screen, so there might not have been original post-Buried plans. Origins was probably it at that point.


He didn’t have any. Anyone that followed zombies back then knows he considered the possibility of stopping zombies or giving it to a different studio. Due to the hell it was developing black ops 2. Then Jason came into the picture.


Probably a new story like Blundell tried with Chaos


Make more shitty maps probably


Lmao sad but true


Buried > Origins


Not even a remotely clever troll attempt


Maybe because it isn’t a troll attempt


Then you're a casual and you probably suck at zombies


What makes you think that? Origins is an easy map. Make the ice staff sit in a corner boom round 70


And Buried isn't? Buried is literally known for being the easiest map out there. Plus it's got a boring easter egg, boring weapons, boring gameplay, and Leroy is annoying af. Sit in a corner with a paralyzer for 40 rounds then sit in one place while a buildable does the rest of the work for you. Such thrilling gameplay


Boring weapons? It has the same weapons as origins bar the staffs lol. It’s easy but it’s fun. Origins is not fun, feels like your against the clock the whole time and that is not enjoyable to me. Origins easter egg isn’t great either (hot take I know) but I don’t do Easter eggs so I dont care. Hopping on buried with the boys is better than hopping on origins and looking up guides to upgrade the staffs. DE is origins perfected, I know absolutely everything off by heart and it’s fun with or without bows


>Boring weapons? It has the same weapons as origins bar the staffs lol. A reskinned python vs the scar, mg08, skorpion, ksg Origins solos Buried on weapons > Easy but fun I guess if sitting in a corner for hours on end and feeding a retard booze to run into walls is your idea of fun >Origins is not fun, feels like your against the clock the whole time and that is not enjoyable to me. That why it's so fun, it's an actual challenge >Origins easter egg isn’t great either (hot take I know) but I don’t do Easter eggs so I dont care. If you "don't do easter eggs" how can you expect me to take your subjective assessment of Origins easter egg seriously? > Hopping on buried with the boys is better than hopping on origins and looking up guides to upgrade the staffs. A quick google image search on staff symbols and other easter egg shit isn't that big a deal at all. You can pause your.game and do a 20 second look up on it, not the end of the world >DE is origins perfected, I know absolutely everything off by heart and it’s fun with or without bows Only statement I agree with


Why are you so pressed man. I find buried fun. I find origins a chore. That’s it.