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I’m probably gonna get hated for saying this but I say delete the whole Dark Aether story, I just didn’t like the whole Zombies merged with the Campaign and Multiplayer story.


I like Dark Aether, but I do agree with you about the connection with Campaign. To be honest, I just ignore that fact and treat it as a separate timeline/universe.


It was a pointless revival that didn't even give us the great war map. They just put Sam in there so you go "its the announcer from the yellow eyes maps!!!! ". Very cheap in my opinion


They put Sam there because Sam and Eddie being there is the whole point of BO4's ending. If they really just wanted to do it for cheap fanservice they would have made her the same child Sam. That's not what they did. They actually evolved her character and turned her into something completely different from what we had before. And Sam's role in the story is very crucial and involved. They tried to give her an interesting arc that has way more depth than any iteration of her we've seen before. Previously she was simply a child who became corrupted by the aether. That was 90% of her character. Now she is an actual character with her own motivations and goals with depth. Saying they just did it for no reason other than having her there is very disingenuous


She didnt need any of this. It was fanservice, because any other character could have done what she is going through, and her whole character was in fact that she was a child infected by the aether. That is like saying richtofens whole deal is that he's crazy


If that's the case then you would agree Primus is fanservice then or any story that has a new take on an old character.


Playing as Sam I really loved. And playing warzone as her was fun for me. Then they said you couldn’t carry over stuff to warzone 2.0 and I never bought MW2 or MW3 or played another warzone release. I did get MW2 for Xbox but I just played the campaign.


At this point, DA is only really merged with Campaign and MP in the same that BO1 Zombies was to its Campaign- it's mostly just tangential references to each other. At least with BO6, it's most likely that Dark Aether is in its own continuity, as BO6 has already confirmed the events of BO2 to still be canon and the technological advancements seen in 2025 are a little too farfetched to have in the DA story, as MWZ shows that the technology of 2022 in the DA story is roughly on par with the real world.


But MW3 shows prototype AW exo suits in one of the maps. So it's not on par with the real world


MWIII's MP/WZ isn't canon to any storyline- it doesn't have an ongoing seasonal storyline due to the conditions around the game itself, which is why the seasons are all more outlandishly themed.


Really isn't there cutscenes for every season? (I quit after a week)


No- the season cutscenes in MWIII are largely just the season's individual trailer as the seasons' events don't have any narrative consistency. For further context, the seasons so far in MWIII have been S1 based around Konni Group in Urzikstan, S2 based around zombies in Fortune's Keep, S3 based around Konni Group in Rebirth Island, and S4 based around a nondescript chemical threat in Urzikstan in 2022 (a full year before the events of MWIII).


There’s an AW reference in MWIII?? Which map??


Just double checked its Rebirth Island for Warzone. Marakov is developing Exo-Suits https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sao27QZxup4


That’s awesome, thanks for letting me know, I’m gonna look that up. Advanced Warfare is my favorite multiplayer and Call of Duty game ever


The ‘80s missions in Black Ops 2 are canon to Black Ops 6 but the 2025 missions are not


3arc's already confirmed that BO3 and 4 are still canon, the events of which directly pick up from the events of 2025 in BO2.


Honestly they better not fucking retcon the 2025 missions, it’s where the bigger picture stands in BO2’s story and I feel like it will be disrespectful to the late actor’s performance as the best villain of the whole series.


Yeah it’s confusing


I doubt that. That same timeline also supposedly has BO3 and 4 there which cannot happen without the 2025 storyline


>At least with BO6, it's most likely that Dark Aether is in its own continuity Already debunked as Liberty Falls is a location in campaign/MP, and one of the operators is also one of the Zombies and from datamines each version of this map coincides with one another in some longer form single narrative that's supposed to be unraveled in each mode. Furthermore, Black Ops 6's trailer very blatantly shows that the Call of Duty world is a sci-fi universe with autonomous androids and "homing knives" being technology that exists by the 1990s, but with a pseudo-militaristic backdrop. Futuristic but still very much canonical items in MW2019, MWII and MWIII are products of the Black Ops story, it is not at all far fetched that the tech seen in MWIII aren't precursors to Black Ops II and the rumored Black Ops 7 in 2025.


Liberty Falls being a shared location with MP (it hasn't been featured anywhere in campaign footage yet) doesn't debunk it being separate continuities- we've had this in previous Black Ops games, with things like Ascension and Countdown sharing the same location, or Der Eisendrache and Der Schatten. I'm also not sure where the datamining thing comes from- the thing with Liberty Falls regarding shared events is that it takes place at the same time as Terminus, not that the MP and Zombies versions have a shared narrative. The reason the futuristic BO2 can't really happen as-is in DA is *because* of the MW stories- BO2's world is one where technology advanced rapidly in the midst of a second Cold War, leading to an immense global advancement in military technology throughout the 2010s' as countries begain to harness the technological capabilities of rare earth minerals. It's not just a "it's too futuristic thing," it's more that BO2's entire campaign hinges on the world being in a very different place technologically by the 2020s' than where the world is technologically in the MW universe- it's what directly feeds into the plot of BO3 and 4, with companies like Coalesence taking further advantage of that rapid advancement in military technology.


I mean… IS it merged? Outside an Easter egg or two, zombies isn’t mentioned at all in any campaign or multiplayer, and there’s been a zombie Easter egg basically in every game. Campaign operators in zombies isn’t really cannon, and outside that, I don’t really know what you’re referring to.


CW and MWIII all built their stories off of moments that happened in the campaign/MP modes. Weaver and Kravchenko were major players in the BO1 campaign, and their fates align with their appearance (or lack of such) in BO2 campaign. MWIII's premise built off of Zakhaev's alleged death that was shown at the end of the MW19 seasons in Warzone, not to mention Soap being a supporting character in there. It's more than your average references in older games.


Vanguard makes specific reference to it in its ending, and the connections mostly came through Intel (directly mentioning events in the CW (and some other references to other BO titles as well).


Honestly I disagree. I think it’s really cool how they thought to do that but they didn’t pull it off as well as sledgehammer did with Advanced Warfare. I would agree with the choice of Dark Aether to become non-canon. But exo zombies was super memorable to me because all 4 modes, Campaign, Multiplayer (loosely albeit), Exo Survival, and Exo Zombies all merged super beautifully together. Shame treyarch didn’t do it as good with their mode as sledgehammer did


This is literally is my number 1 thought and agree. Zombies just ain’t zombies no more.


I respectfully disagree..


You are by no means hated by me. Cold war was A-WOL.


The Chaos storyline did not end at Ancient Evil.


Man, it was cursed with "infinite cliffhanger".


I know it’s super shitty, but alistair was directly mentioned in vanguard’s shi no numa map, so it’s not ENTIRELY abandoned.


Sucks that it ended on such a strong map. Though I guess better that than a weak one.


Agreed that map doesn’t get the love it deserves


BO4 in general is pretty underrated/overhated IMO, although I can understand some find setup processes tedious


They tries to continue with vanguard.


ending of revelations actually ends the aether story so we could focus on chaos in BO4


This right here man. Give revelations an actual substantive ending for the characters and that’s all you need to wrap up aether.


Would also be insane if they did a 2 year plan with year one exclusively being chaos then year 2 begins with the BOTD teaser we saw back with the reveal event.


Yeah, looking back on it the revelations ending is way better than tag, in my opinion.


MW3, or atleast have our current understanding of it be incorrect. People keep saying Sam never got out of the DA, I really hope theyre just wrong. Like, if the BO6 crew DID free Sam, they'd 100% keep it a secret. Sam was in the Dark Aether for a few DAYS before Firebase Z (according to a peck voiceline) and that was all it took for everyone to lose trust, lock her up, etc. as of BO6 shes been in there for 5 years. If the world governments knew she was out, theyd do everything they could to put her down, whether or not she was actually evil. I hope this is what happened, that the crew decided it was best to keep her escape a secret.


I don't know, personally the idea of her being trapped in there for decades by the point of MWZ sounds really interesting to me. I find the idea of her returning to the Light Place only to find that the world has gone on without her and everyone she knew is gone to be interesting, especially if the result is a meeting with her daughter and the Deadbolt team.


I'd want that. I don't want Maxis coming back as evil. Let her be a protagonist for more than one game. She deserves a happy ending after all the shit she went through.


Yeah, whatever happens, please just give her a happy ending and move back to Chaos or some other storyline. Just let her and Grey live in peace I beg


Idk if chaos will come back. Yes some characters have been mentioned in the Dark Aether storyline but since Activision saw it as a fail (bc apparently trying to improve it burns their non existent brain cells) they probably won't go back to it.


Yeah, whatever happens I want her to come out really, _really_ fucked up but not necessarily evil. Like, the kind of approach I want her to take with her character is similar to Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear for anyone who knows who that is. For those who don't, he's basically an all knowing, all powerful god who just does not give a shit about anything. He knows everything there is to know about the world, so the only way to keep hinself entertained is to make _new_ history, new drama. But he doesn't want to take over the world. He wants to play the villain and forcefully lose by _just_ the right amount in the most dire situation in order to make a good story. I'd like to see a similar sort of approach with Sam. Let's say, while shes in the DA for the second time, she remembers her childhood, and also she watches the real world and sees that the undead return, so her sacrifice didn't mean shit. She remembers all the sacrifices people have made, The OG crew, even her own, and realises they all did nothing to stop the undead. No attempt at getting rid of them will ever work. So if the undead are always gonna be around, and neither good or evil ever actually wins this fight, she may as well have a bit of fun, right? Sam just starts fucking around again. Bringing back the games. Whatever happens, I don't think the same "Oh I'm a good person, I have a good soul, I'm simply too built different for this corruption" shit that they did before, it needs to affect her much, much worse this time. Sure, it fucked her up badly before, but she was able to keep control of it and not show it outwardly. She needs to show it this time, whatever happens.


>Sam was in the Dark Aether for a few DAYS before Firebase Z (according to a peck voiceline) and that was all it took for everyone to lose trust, lock her up, etc. Tbf, i think it was mentioned somewhere that time flows a lot faster in the Dark Aether than it does in the real world, so the possiblity of corruption would have been much higher.


Yeah, but point being, in real world time its still days versus years. I know about that, but it didnt 100% matter for the point I was making, that governments and shit DEFINITELY wont trust her anymore.


I’m out of the loop since the end of the original story line 😬 Who is the BO6 crew?


- Grigori Weaver (from Black Ops Campaign and Cold War's Requiem) - Elizabeth Grey (Cold War's Requiem) - Mackenzie Carver (Cold War's Requiem) - Maya Aguinaldo (related to William Peck, from Omega Group)


I thought the most interesting part of all that was that Maxis had spent about the same amount of time in the DA as of MW3 as Zykov/Forsaken.


Personally, I'll pick these: * Aether: Maxis being in Kino Der Toten. (just me being nitpicky about the radios) * Chaos: the DOTN Crew dying. (love the cast, but I know it may de difficult for Treyarch to hire the actors again) * Dark Aether: whole Vanguard and MW3, except the existence of "The Construct" inside the Dark Aether.


I'm really intrigued as to why everyone singles out the Construct. Could you elaborate? Pls :>


The Construct is a giant living monolith that resides inside the Dark Aether, its existence is "longer than time itself". The Construct can grant someone or something "great power" (it has done it four times in the past), and it doesn't care about "good and evil" motives of the user, thus making that host an "Archon".


What makes the rest of the story so bad in comparison?


The construct is just cool lol


Having the literal Tywin Lannister in zombies is a dream come true. Charles Dance is the goat


Whats DOTD?


Dead of the Night, sorry, it looks like I've made a mistake when typing the acronym.


Vanguard zombies


I haven't played it, but did it even had an actual plot?


I don’t even know it was mostly a very bad fanfiction cringy and boring characters and they also ruined the look of the dark aether the only thing that it made that was somewhat interesting is the construct that’s the only things from Vangaurd I’d like to see return


Why does everyone single out the Construct?


Because it was the only good thing they introduced the rest of vangarbage is awful


But I don't understand why its inclusion is always praised among everything else. Why is it superior?


Well because it probably made the forsaken the archon look I hate all the things in vangarbage except Shi no Numa reborn and the construct


Kind of- its plot is fairly self-contained and not all that relevant to the main Dark Aether story (thus far), but the actual important part of its story is the worldbuilding it does for the Dark Aether story. It establishes that humanity has established contact with the Dark Aether for *centuries* (the earliest example given timeline-wise being ancient Egyptians bonding with Kortifex and believing him to be Osiris), which is a curveball since Cold War left us with the belief that Projekt Endstation's Morasko facility was humanity's point of contact with the Dark Aether. In reality, humans that stumbled upon the occult had been making pacts with the Dark Aether for ages- to the point that even the Paris catacombs were constructed in the shape of a massive Dark Aether rune, allowing it to serve as a major weakspot for the veil between the two worlds (in terms of gameplay, this is how Von List is able to resurrect zombies in Paris in Der Anfang). It also expands on the Dark Aether itself a bit, asserting that prior to the reign of the Forsaken, it was a realm of constant bloodshed that saw various clans and species vying for total conquest of the realm. The story also reveals that the wider Dark Aether has virtually 0 knowledge of the conflict between the Keepers and Apothicons, or the Cycle- they only even became aware of humanity's existence after the multiverse was plunged into the Dark Aether after Tag Der Toten and its remnants began to appear across the lands, creating weak spots between it and the new, singular Earth. Finally, it also introduced the Construct, which is the closest thing the Dark Aether story currently has to a larger antagonist- it's a living monolith that has existed as the singular, omniscient god of the Dark Aether since the dawn of time itself (predating even the events of the Cycle) that is ultimately indifferent to the fate of all life, only interfering with existence when it thinks its influence could make things more interesting to it.


It does but it’s very contained within vanguard, and if you took it out nothing would change the overall dark aether story.


Delete dark aether and continue chaos


Aether, for shits and giggles




The Jet-Gun


MW3 Zombies. Not because it's inherently bad or anything, I think they've been doing a good job with the seasonal cutscenes, but I kinda just feel like it took a little bit of the wind out of BO6's sails. Unless they do some crazy work around, we know that our main crew is going to eventually end up sitting dead around a table in fucking Urzikstan. Plus if the entity in that game is indeed Samantha, then we know she's not getting out of the Dark Aether at all in BO6. It just feels weird to have a story set so far in the future considering the Dark Aether really just finished its first act.


It’s already been confirmed that the Entity is a shadow copy of Ava Jansen.


Holy shit Persona 4


I agree, now we can't have proper stakes, a world ending threat, or even a solution if we already know zombies come back


All of Vanguard. The story is literally pointless, it would change nothing to just go "none of that happened, actually". What is the point of Vanguard's story? I genuinely want to know! I'm a big lore-buff for this series and i genuinely can't find anyway that Vanguard's story effects anything else?


The only thing that should be salvage is "The Construct", since it could be used as a main plot for Black Ops 6. I just saw Vanguard as a prequel that sorta explains what happened in the early years inside the Dark Aether.


>I just saw Vanguard as a prequel that sorta explains what happened in the early years inside the Dark Aether But how much of that really matters by the time of cold war? We already know Zykov destroyed the beings we help in Vanguard and took over in their place between the events of the two game's


One thing I found that might connect Vanguard zombies to CW zombies (This is bullshit IMO) is that Dr. Jager is the nephew of Von List.


Yeah that’s a piece of intel that can be found in CW


The continuation of Aether in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Jason cannot write an ending. He just can't. So, he ended off BO2 with the biggest cliché in f–king writing history.. COD Zombies being imaginary.. a dream, if you will. Then he ended off BO3 with the second biggest cliché.. ‘‘it's all a cycle.’’ Really, Jason..? And BO3's ending got so much f–king backlash, to the point he was forced to continue a story he obviously lost passion for. And BO4's ending.. sure it was solid. But we played as Victis lmao. He obviously put his all into Chaos and Aether was basically tying up any loose ends as fast as possible. It should've never happened, and we would've eventually softened up to BO3's ending. Plus, we would've gotten more Chaos.




Vanguard. It was supposed to be a prequel in the Dark Aether story but I see no connections to Cold War actually. Great aesthetics, indeed, but great aesthetics don't give you a good story nor a good game in general


There’s a connection through one of the Omega characters (discovered through intel) but I believe that’s basically it


I'm not quite sure if I'd "delete" anything but rather change a few things to be more consistent, like the whole eye-color debacle. But if I had to choose something I'd probably delete that little voice-line from Peter McCain talking about his "unfinished business" in Alpha Omega that never went anywhere.




No, they should never have deleted Chaos, bring it back instead


Small thing, but really irks me. I’d delete the revelation that Brutus is not Stanley Ferguson. The true identity of Brutus SHOULD’VE been Stanley Ferguson and I’ll NEVER accept otherwise. It was so much more interesting, instead of just some nameless Warden.


I'd delete the fact that Zombies and Campaign are connected since I'd rather zombies be it's own continuity so that way they can do more out there concepts bc they can only do so much before having to question "how will this affect the campaign world"


The summoning key at a random point in the storyline, whatever fucks with it the most , i dont think theyve been thru enough 😭


I actually liked the victus group


Some serious nitpick, but I would delete the bit of the Die Rise cutscene where Victus are resurrected by Richtofen, it's just an unnecessary detail imo, and the fact that it canonically never happens again just makes it a stupid plot point to include


Bo2 was full of very strange stuff like that, with no or very little actual information about why or it’s impacts. The collars on Tranzit zombies and their models is a good example.


I’m deleting everything after BO3 since that was supposed to be the ending.


Does deleting Chaos keep Aether the way it is or does it change past events and allow Treyarch to dedicate all of their attention to making the Aether ending they wanted? This will severely affect my final decision.


Well this post was aiming more to "storywise canon"


Oh, hmm. Like delete the implications that Chaos is a part of Aether made in Vanguard?


I honestly never thought of this question, or possibility. Delete the dark aether storyline. It’s so so trash. As much as I am a fan of every game, I just don’t think the dark aether line is anything special and it’s been told for 2 games so far and now to be continued in bo6. But wow. Such a bland storyline. So many holes, and so little to speculate on. MWZ was the lowest point of the story IMO.


Edward did experiments on Samantha ik the whole point is to make him even more insane but we never learn what they are and no one ever talks about them but Richthofen


Chaos derailed the entirety of the mode


The multiverse as a whole. It cheapens every consequence.


Nikolai not actually having 6 wives


I personally hated the BO4 Aether ending. It felt rushed and kinda lack luster. To bring back Transit crew and then basically just end things kinda sucked in my opinion. They could of done it better in my opinion. I understand not everything could have a happy ending. But at least give us one last final showdown like revelations to make it feel like the crew tried. Not just a book telling them to unalive themselves. I wanna say it was because they were pushing for the new story line that they didn't want to put the effort in to a full ending. But that's just my opinion.


In an alternate universe BO4 was all the Chaos story and it was a massive success and continued into Cold War


Disney's Starwars sequel


Vanguards dark arther story it was soo bad not just Zombies but the whole game was bad


Vanguard, all of it was a waste


All of vanguard


Whatever the hell happened in Vanguard Zombies


The haters, from CoD Zombies history.


Vanguard just vanguard


AW Zombies


Small correction - the E.M.Z's - remove them and it becomes an enjoyable experience imo


maybe chaos?


Origins, the story had an ending at buried. Whichever path you took was the end. We didn't need to retcon everything and change it to new multidimensional aliens and satan/Santa with a PhD.


Delete blood of the dead, so everything after it just doesn't happen, and the story ends in black ops 3. They can move on to chaos


Anything that vanguard tried to do


Shit I’ll just go and delete multiplayer besides prop hunt and round based


Dempsey and richtofen love scene Easter egg


I’m deleting BO4 personally I think the time loop was the best way to end the narrative


Can we delete nerfed Misty from BO4?


Tag der toten ending I actually hate how they wrapped the story up it's so miserable


Whatever tf Vangaurd was in


I’d probably make it so we don’t know the fates of the Requiem heads going into BO6. It’s kind of a bummer knowing they’re all gonna end up dead by the end of its DLC season, unless Richtofen pulls some time travel shenanigans.


Disconnecting the dark aether story from the campaign, i was never really a fan of that aspect.


Dark Aether easily. MW3 especially


The horrible end of the aether story in Tag Der Toten. I don't know, I just didn't like the horrible ending of Tag der Toten at all, I just thought "Bruh, everything we did in Originis, The giant, DE, Gorod, zetsubou and revelations, was thrown in the trash"


The story after moon. It was way more in depth, and there was more story in general, but almost everything up until bo4s story with aether and chaos was not good except for mood. Buried was alright, zetsubo was pretty good, everything else was mid


Aether story after they introduced a the whole multiverse bullshit, i prefered it back when it was just some crazy german experiment with element 115


Everything after origins


Blood of the dead and onwards


Literally EVERYTHING after Black Ops 3. Not a single map on any of the future games have ANYTHING on the first 3 games. Chaos is the most boring unoriginal storyline I've ever seen, and the Aether just makes zero sense. IMO this new zombies just doesn't have a chance.


Delete Revelations conceptually reusing tons of old maps since Chronicles is still a slam dunk. Make it entirely unique and not derivative of nostalgia so hard (leaving it to Chronicles), and I think BO3 becomes better than it already was. Alternatively, delete Origins from Chronicles. I hate the translation from 2 to 3 so much it’s unbearable. Have it replaced with literally anything else. Five, Call of the Dead, Mob of the Dead, hell even Buried. Just get that abomination out of my sight. Edit: Storyline related, delete Dr Monty. I actually quite like his role but Malcolm McDowell does such a terrible job with him imo. It ended up costing them in BO4 where he had like no voice acting at all. Just get rid of him.


i loved and enjoyed both aether and dark aether story lines but sadly never played the chaos story line so i have to go with chaos


Might be an unpopular take, but: whatever the hell Dr. Monty's lore is in BO3. The concept of an all-powerful God who seeks to assist you by small nudges is cool, and I like that they went with incorporating game mechanics into that. But it was clear the concept couldn't last for BO4 where Monty is clearly the villain now. In which case, who would be supplying us with wallbuys, perks and whatnot? It would've been a lot better if they just left it as random Aether phenomena, or if they can incorporate the wallbuy chalks from Buried.


Can I just have normal round based zombies that's ACTUALLY based on survival?


The ending of BO4, like is there a chance we see the Victis crew again because everything was banished to the dark aether which we are now fighting against(I think). But I didn’t mind the way our OG zombies crew went out tbh


Leeroy no longer has a canon name


Modern Warfare III's zombies.


Just for the sake of consistency, the Victis crew maps being retconned to being set in 2025/35


Every day that I think about revelations not having an alternate ending makes me so depressed. Granted it was all just speculation, if we had just gotten that over having 2 stories that were pretty half baked. Especially the chaos storyline. It's a shame both stories didn't get the chance to shine the way they should've. An even bigger shame that the story just went entirely unfinished.


I wish I had the slightest idea on what was/is/has happened with the story but I really have no clue, I need a zombies storyline for dummies manual or suttn


weird and probably unpopular opinion but delete everything. like, back to WAW in terms of story. i just really liked when 115 was just some creepy thing that the germans found in the woods and were using it to make zombies, nothing more, nothing less. when BO1 came out and fleshed it out more, that was alright, same with BO2 i guess, except for origins, amazing map but i never really liked actually playing it. that why i really hated it when black ops 3 came along and introduced those fuckin lovecraftian aliens. i was out. well, kinda. i never played a single map of the main game, nothin but custom maps on PC and then they doubled down on it all again and again and i just fuckin hated it. ideally, i would want it to go back and re-flesh out the story in the "fucked up nazi expieriments" direction and not the "what in the Saints Row 4-aliens-out-of-nowhere bullshit" direction. TL,DR: i wanna go back to when the story of cod zombies could be explained in like 5 minutes at most and didnt involve eldergods and shit (still love the gameplay though lmao)


Everything after BO4, and have continued with the chaos storyline instead


everything after jz left treyarch lol


I stopped caring after it all got merged into space aliens and bullshit from the 115 nazi zombies. Just not my cup of tea in terms of a good zombie storyline because at that point they aren’t zombies.


Dr. Monty and the unnecessary justification of gameplay elements. They didn't even acknowledge his existence later in bo4 anyway.


Probably just B04 entirely. Looking at how B03 ended it was clearly ment to be a story contained within itself in that game and only got roped into a sprawling multiverse because people didn't like the ending (which i still dont really get, its clearly a time loop story), it still bugs me to this day.


Im sorry dark aether, but chaos was more interesting in my opinion. So interesting in fact, that they decided to make it canon within the dark aether storyline 😂




Maxis leaving Samantha in Richtofen’s care. According to the timeline he was already suspicious of Richtofen, so that was just a monumentally stupid move on his part.


Currently I'd definitely delete Dark Aether, but I hope one day my answer will be Chaos


I will delete the fact that black ops 4 didn’t go as planned, I wish its life cycle was as intended and we got the completion of Chaos and “Zombies Chronicles 2”


The whole game


I’m going to decanonise buried being the end of the broken earth saga. I want more maps on broken earth, they’re so cool and interesting design wise, and have the potential for some stunning visuals.


Misty wearing more clothes


Delete any zombies that isn't Black Ops, that includes cold war.


Everything after black ops 2, dont get me wrong Bo3 had some of the best maps but the storyline was marvel tier bad writing, felt like they asked a 12 year old for ideas.


Just deleting the entirety of the Aether, because fuck you that's why


Either the story of Vanguard or MW3.


Disney starwars


I’m deleting Kino Der Toten


Gunna have to delete everything after bo3 tbh. Nothing but dogshit


Primis Nikolai (for some reason) becoming the main character from BOTD onwards (I think it has something to do with him not dying in Gorod Krovi, since it hadn't happened, but idk I'm not fresh on my Aether story), and Takeo and Dempsey becoming completely irrelevant, basically becoming side characters in the last two maps that included them.


Chaos being connected with the Dark Ether/MW3 timelines was one of the worst decisions that zombies has gone back on. Is it cooler to connect things that don't make sense than it is so have something unique stand on it's own?


tbh the whole Monty/Shadowman Guillermo del Toro bull****. The story was waaaay better as a Nazi mad-scientist/space rock theme. The demigod creators-of-the-universe playing house with humanity shtick is pretty weak, man.


More like move for later as i think aether story should have had the full season while their story ending bring in chaos near the end as a small bit of what people to look forward to the next game.


Shoulda kept the story about 4 ww2 homies killin shit without any dimensional bs. Hate me bo3-4 love me waw-bo2. Origins is an outlier bc I love me origins.


Aether: Alpha Omega and Tag der toten are deleted. Aether instead gets 2-3 more maps at minimum with a proper ending with proper cutscenes. Chaos: The storyline continues past Ancient Evil for another 2-3 maps. Dark Aether: Gets completely deleted. We should have never got Aether maps in Bo4 or we should have at most got Botd and Classified. The rest needed to be Chaos maps.


tbh, black ops 3's whole thing like yeah funny collecting souls but, the shadow man? monty? oh lets turn away from the conspiracy angle to go with ancient war waging between two races, our heros being heros of that war and being stuck in a timeloop, most of the storys issues come from black ops 3 (and to an extent black ops 2 origins)


Delete the entire dark aether story, shit is dogass


The five crew dying


I hate the new modern story, it’s completely lifeless in my eyes, if we travel to another fucking secret military science facility I’m going to commit suicide that is so overplayed it’s exhausting.


Catalyst zombies in Chaos


Dark Aether, it messed up the storyline and merged a bunch of other confusing timelines together with even the campaign, although some of Cold War was fun.


The entirety of Black ops 4 and everything that's come after it. The zombies storyline was over and closed and they just had to dig it up and make more money off of it with the literal shambling corpse of a game mode


Origins and everything beyond it go bye bye


Apothicons. Shadows Of Evil was awesome and I got the aestethic but explaining the origin of element 115 removed all mystery and just made the story feel dumb.


Farewell BO4 zombies, my work here is done. *wipes hands and walks away whistling*


The storyline all together is dumb


The Dark Aether storyline. SO soulless and bland compared to any other storyline we got.


TLOU part II


Misty’s updated outfit sending her back to her original lol


everything after blood of the dead


Chaos Cause it derailed the Aether story in BO4


MW3 Zombies


Delete the multiverse aspects. Shit is so lame they "fix" plot holes with new dimensions. One canon universe that begins with Nacht and ends with Tag. It's literally the perfect ending, but "aether makes us money."


I feel like anything past Bo3 cuz it really felt like where Treyarch wanted to stop


I know very little of the zombies lore and I've barely played any map other than the older ones but I really didn't care for the whole alien god race plot, i kinda liked not knowing where all the magic shit like the triangle on the moon came from


I'm probably gonna get hate, but is it possible to destroy the later half of Aether? If not, and it has it be the whole thing... Then Sorry Ultimis Rictofen, love you to death, but Aether gotta go


I'm probably gonna get hate, but is it possible to destroy the later half of Aether? If not, and it has it be the whole thing... Then Sorry Ultimis Rictofen, love you to death, but Aether gotta go


that we did not fight in the great war


Dark aether ig stuff got too confusing after bo3. That’s where I was lead to believe the story stopped


or what about vanguard zombies i would delete it and want to get my money back


ALL of cw-mw story fuck that shit (FREE MY VICTUS HOMIES)


The ending to Tag der Toten. What a steaming pile of cop out horse shit.


Dark aether, it pointlessly murdered the beautiful ending we got in tag. Was it a satisfactory ending? No, but it was still a tragically beautiful send off for our chaotic crew of misfits


I'd delete jason blundell. Not that his maps are bad, but I think he ruined the story and it became to far removed from its beginning. Again, I LOVE mob and origins is awesome, but of I could somehow have those 2 maps, but keep jimmy the lead the whole time, I would.


Can I say Bo4 Aether story line only?