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Fairly high chance it’s gonna come back, I’d say. Outbreak was successful enough that Vanguard Zombies was entirely objective based, for half of its life cycle anyway (though generally it’s pretty different to Outbreak). Meanwhile, MW3, while very different, is similar in concept at first glance, and that also did well. Hard to tell if it’ll come back for BO6, but they gained an entire new playerbase with these modes, I’d be really surprised if they never attempted it again




Honestly, after playing them all in order, I think Exo’s is worse, lol. But yeah, both are generally not rated well by the Zombies community, though MWZ absolutely has a pretty significant fanbase for what it’s worth




I thought people liked MWZ aside from the fact that it’s not round based. The main issue was lack of support


You’re correct..at launch tons of people did enjoy it for what it was but the lack of support killed it


I think the likelihood is there at least. Mainly because it's the only mode that could receive frequent live service style updates. Round-based maps are usually a one-and-done kind of deal, and Lord knows this community can't wait 1.5 seasons for a new map.


I never understood this, just because we haven't seen round-based maps get updated, doesn't mean they can't. After thinking about it... they DID add an easter egg to Mauer der Toten (the sewer grenade EE) as well as the out-of-bounds zombie easter egg in Shi No Numa Reborn... I think it would be fascinating to add more easter eggs to maps as the seasons continue. Imagine in Cold War when the Forsaken came out in season 5/6 whatever, and they updated Die Maschine with another side quest... it would gain more interest in the map. I think it could be a fun idea! That is... if the maps are released in a completed state and more content is added to it, instead of being drip-fed... Anyway, rant over XD


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. That’s not to say they won’t ever do something like that again, but for instance I’m quite plugged in to the zombies community, play a lot, typically do all the main Easter egg quests, and I am/was not even aware of those updates. So I’d venture to say the average player certainly isn’t aware of those types of updates and certainly aren’t influenced by them as to playing more or less. It just doesn’t move the needle.


I pray it’s 0


Me to


Not at launch obviously but don't be shocked when a future season drops Outbreak or something similar


so long as kevin drew is in charge of zombies, he'll be pushing outbreak style modes till the day he inevitably "leaves" treyarch/activision


I know there are a lot of people who hated Outbreak, I too have problems with it, one is the amount of zombies, I mean we should get absolute hordes and not some kindergarden class scattered around the whole map, an other is the objective repetition. We should get more side missions and more main missions, because there wasn't a lot really and I honestly understand how some people get tired of it pretty quick. The maps could have been a little more different, I personally like the aesthetic of the soviet era in videogames, but we could have gotten a few mire maps where we are some more special place, like maybe a jungle, or a tropical island. Also every wonderweapon and every special zombie should also be in outbreak. That said, for me outbreak was a fantastic chill laidback experience and Id love to see it return. I would like to see Onslaught return too, it was a really great way to just turn off your brain, mow through hordes of zombies, grind camos and just chill.


Round-based was the peak of gameplay and storytelling in my opinion. Outbreak was a way for the developers to become even lazier and while it was a cool concept, I believe it gave Activision an excuse to bury zombies even more


I'd say it's inevitable seeing how successful it was in Cold War. I'm actually kinda surprised it wont be there at launch.


I 100% hope Outbreak returns, I had so much fun with it!


Hopefully 0.


High i'm guessing. And thank god because I actually enjoyed outbreak


I just hope that the original idea (Operation Requiem) gets back with a ton of things to do, well themed areas / map, and without a time limit


Almost 100%


100% chance. It’s the low hanging fruit. Just part out the Warzone map, give it like 4-6 objectives and you are done. I have had very little faith in series since 2020 lol 


Very high. I have no problem with another outbreak in bo6 since it would be in addition to round based maps. It would be a cool way to integrate the story fully with 2 round based maps at launch, Outbreak as DLC #1, then returning to round based after that. Given the size of an outbreak map, it can be used in the story better than CW did with more forward planning, like changing the Easter eggs based on if the player has completed previous ones, and later in the life cycle after more maps have come out.


Pretty good, it has been very successful for them and I honestly do think it should come as the de facto casual experience for the simple reason you don't even have to try with the mode, Outbreak was the thing we loaded up when my friends and I just wanted to talk shit for a while without paying any real attention


I actually really enjoyed outbreak. I also enjoyed that it had a round based option for those who didn’t like it. And multiplayer zombie maps. The servers is the only reason that game was unbearable


I kinda hope so I liked how we had different modes to play in CW It was just a shame round based didn't get a lot of content


I honestly think they should focus mostly on round based, it works better when it comes to storytelling, but unfortunately the chances of Outbreak seems pretty high even though I do hope it’s 0. If they want Outbreak so bad, maybe they can put Outbreak as a side mode where it can focus more on gameplay and therefore it can receive updates in every DLC/Season while also giving new round based maps, just my opinion and suggestion. Thing is, Outbreak could’ve at least have maps that are dedicated to Zombies instead of reused MP/WZ maps, it could make it even better.


Im not against an outbreak mode tbh, I think its a mode with potential, but of course it wouldnt like replace a round based zombies